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Iran blames US, UK, Pakistan

Would this affect the Iran-Pakistan natural gas pipeline? Any news on that?

Not so fast.... keep dreaming for a while.
Just leave ur email and u will be informed, as soon news of fall out may emerge. happy.
Would this affect the Iran-Pakistan natural gas pipeline? Any news on that?

Its tooo early to say about Future Pak Iran relation.But One thing Pakistan must understand now that whole world is playing their game against Pakistan.. the timing of blast is very very very very important.......
Can someone backup this news with links!!....i am still not certain,if its true......edit-ok,its true!!...googled it out
They are blaming US & UK too!

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said those behind the attack would be "seriously dealt with" and called on Pakistan to help catch and hand them over. Iran has in the past said Jundollah members were operating from its neighbour.

"We were informed that some security agents in Pakistan are cooperating with the main elements of this terrorist incident," Fars News Agency quoted him as saying.

"We ask the Pakistani government not to delay any longer in the apprehension of the main elements in this terrorist attack."

The Foreign Ministry summoned a senior Pakistani diplomat in Tehran and said there was evidence the perpetrators came to Iran from Pakistan. "The Pakistani official assured Tehran his country would take all measures to secure its border with Iran," state television said.

Iran blames UK, US for attack on elite security force
Not so fast.... keep dreaming for a while.
Just leave ur email and u will be informed, as soon news of fall out may emerge. happy.

Why should I be happy about this? This was last time I heard some reasonable economic interest which will be beneficial to all the countries involved. Think about it - if this pipeline can be Iran-Pakistan-China-India pipeline - it would be cool, isnt it?

Yesterday when I read the news Iran was blaiming US and UK. I have no idea why this sudden change of heart.
I never thought I'd say this, but Iran, keep your petty accusations to yourself and worry about the real threat to your sovereignty! Everyone knows that they have a domestic terrorist outfit in their part of Baluchistan known as "Jandullah", fighting for the rights of Sunni Muslims in Iran.

It's like our Government has sunk to a new level where we are being "Summoned" for every little problem in the region, and we're being dictated by every other group of imbeciles around us. Besides, how does a blast in Iran benefit Pakistan? We've recently signed the gas pipe-line deal with the Iranians, and also started the cargo train service through Iran, reaching all the way to Turkey, for the sake of trade and good relations with Iran & Turkey.

It's moronic for anyone to believe that Pakistan would sponsor terrorism in Iran.
Well, would Pakistan now support an attack on Iran

what a pathetic idea .Iran is our brother country even in a family dispute arises between brother but it doesnt mean you kill your brother over some disputes.
Well, would Pakistan now support an attack on Iran

No sir never... iraninas are more than neighbors to us.
We wished stability for iran and are trying to build even better relations with iran.
We will always support iran morally but i see some shift on iranian part recently.
some thing is brewing in the echolons of iran.

for record....I have said in past in this forum that according to my analysis threat to Iran's security is from its borders with Afghanistan where US and indian armies are running overt and covert operations and Iran is not prepared to believe that northern alliance a shia govt. can conspire against Iran.
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No sir never... iraninas are more than neighbors to us.
We wished stability for iran and are trying to build even better relations with iran.
We will always support iran morally but i see some shift on iranian part recently.
some thing is brewing in the echolons of iran.

I don't get it.They are ***** extremists and have always been pro-India, where is the link to Pakistan? Pathetic:disagree:

EDIT: Shi.it is a censored word? I hope Sunni isn't :rolleyes:
This is indeed troubling news. I had a feeling something would be coming our way as soon as I read the news this morning.

What's funny is, in that famous (or infamous) interview with Express News, Gen. (R) Parvez Musharraf said these words: "we are well aware of what Indian consulates in Kandahar, Jalalabad and even Zahedan are up to". Going by that, I'm guessing this accusation will not surprise the ISI one bit. What coincidence that this accusation, along with the accusation of presence of anti-Iran militants in Balochistan, comes 1 day after Pakistan begins a large scale offensive inside its own borders.

Iran and Pakistan have a united cause right now, squashing the fabricated but growing separatist movement inside Balochistan and Sistan and Baluchestan. They will not be doing themselves much favor getting on the wrong side of Pakistan. This is one of the few countries in the world that is sympathetic towards their nuclear cause, they will jeopardize that if they blame their failures on us.
It's like our Government has sunk to a new level where we are being "Summoned" for every little problem in the region, and we're being dictated by every other group of imbeciles around us. Besides, how does a blast in Iran benefit Pakistan?
Well, it is the right of any country to summon the ambassador of another country. You can't blame our government for that, what was the going to do? ignore the summon? What's surprising here is that their President and Foreign Minister are both tying to pawn this off on us, which should, ideally, trigger a very strong response from our President and Foreign Minister. But I don't think our current Pres and FM have the spine, or even the will, to do any such thing. Unfortunate, really. Back in the day, nobody would have gotten away with such an unverifiable accusation against Pakistan (just ask the Indians).

It's moronic for anyone to believe that Pakistan would sponsor terrorism in Iran.
Precisely. But that isn't going to stop our neighbors to the East from milking this cow dry. I guarantee it.
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I cant find no report of iran blaming pakistan....all i see is reports of iran blaming the US-UK govts.


The only thing that has come up to with pakistan is that..... "Following the attack, Iran's foreign ministry summoned a senior Pakistani diplomat in Tehran, Iran's Press TV reported.

"The Pakistani official assured Tehran that his country would take all measures to secure its border with Iran," it said."

If they where blaming pakistan would they have not summoned the ambassador?
What if the meeting was about sharing intel on the baluchi terror outfits.
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Iran summoned Islamabad's envoy to Tehran

TEHRAN: Iran summoned Islamabad's envoy to Tehran over Sunday's deadly bombing against the nation's Revolutionary Guards, claiming those behind the attack had used Pakistani soil as a springboard, a local news agency said.

It said the foreign ministry had called Pakistan's charge d'affairs and "expressed Tehran's regret to Pakistan's envoy (that) members of the terrorist group involved in the incident entered Iran through Pakistan."

The ministry also "protested against the use of Pakistani territory by the terrorists and rebels against the Islamic Republic of Iran and urged Pakistani authorities to act firmly to prevent the movement of those terrorists and rebels in their country."
what if pakistan became a base for us subversive activities in iran, infact it already might be.
Sunni insurgent group Jundollah which is responsible for the attack on Republican Guards has links with Pakistani Taliban and ISI they also are supported by Saudi Arabia. The aim is to break up Shiaite Iran. Similar accusations were leveled earlier. Ofcourse Pakistan will deny just as they had initially denied that JEM was responsible in the attack on Indian parliament and that LET was responsible for 26/11. Subesquently they admitted to both allegations and now boast of these attacks with pride. Actually Pakistani govt is correct in denying as they dont know what on Earth the ISI/Army is doing. Even Nawaz Sharif initially denied Pakistani involvement in the Kargil war but later on blamed Musharraf for not keeping him informed. Really every one knows every thing, they just keep up this facade so that GOP can claim plausible deniability.

"Not so fast.... keep dreaming for a while"- As if India cares a damn whether the pipeline works out or not!! Why should India bother about a pipeline that has every likelyhood of getting blown up at ten different places every day by the 'strategic assets of Pakistan', the jihadis who have now turned upon their masters.
According to pakistani media Iranian President blames Pakistan Security guard(intelligence agency) behind sistan attacks on revolutionary guards officials.Now Iran is demanding of handover of culprits!!!! What th hell is this!!! .After india,afghansitan now Iran starts blame game without any concrete evidence.Thanks God there is Arabian sea in south of Pakistan....:rofl: :rofl:

PLZ POST A GOOD source here?:azn: NOW!
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