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Iran blames US, UK, Pakistan

Let us try to look at this shameful incident logically.

Jundallah, similar to the Baluch Liberation Army in Pakistan, is a terrorist Baluch Separatist group with clear cut aim to liberate Sunni Baluchistn from Iran. Understand this group was initially created thru funds from Saddaam Hussein during Iran /Iraq war. Original parent organization; Baluchi Autonomist Movement was based in Iraq, after US invasion these people moved to Pakistani Baluchistan where they found many sympathetic Baluch Sardars who aspire an independent Baluchistan. The blast took place near the Pak-Iran border and the 50 or so victims included two were very prominent military officers.

It therefore stands to reason that the finger would point towards Pakistan. Pray tell me if DIG Baluchistan and Quetta Corps Commander are killed in Chaman, wont’ you conclude that Afghanistan is behind it?

IMO, all sectarian organizations have links with each other depending which sect these represent. Pakistan is fighting TTP, which consists mostly of Sunni sectarian bigots; it is therefore more than likely that Jundallah acted in support to create problems for PA on the Western front as well.

Iran openly blaming Pakistan is a knee jerk reaction and to declare that it was aided by Gov’t agencies is most unfair. It only shows that bigotry is not limited to Pakistan. Iran has as many Shia bigots as Pakistan has Sunni bigots. Thus the rhetoric.
Iran steps up pressure on Pak on suicide attack

Dubai: Iran today stepped up pressure on Islamabad, accusing that the group which launched a deadly suicide attack on its territory killing a number of Revolutionary Guards and others, was based in Pakistan and demanded that its chief Abdolmalek Rigi be extradited.

The Foreign Minister Manochehr Mottaki said, members of the group regularly violated Iran-Pakistan border and launched attack inside the Islamic Republic. His strong comments came as Tehran said that in Sunday's suicide attack 15 Revolutionary Guards were killed.

"They cross into Iran illegally. They are based in Pakistan," Mottaki was quoted by IRNA news agency.

The Iranian Information minister said a high level group of officials would travel to Pakistan to demand extradition of Rigi after presenting the involvement of the group Jundallah in attacks on the Iranian soil.

The war of words between the two neighbours intensified after Iran state television's website reported that fifteen members of the elite Revolutionary Guards were killed in a weekend suicide bomb attack in southeast Iran.

Earlier reports from Tehran had said only seven Revolutionary Guards commanders, including its deputy chief had been killed when a suicide bomber blew himself up at a meeting they were holding with the local tribesmen in Sistan on the Pakistan border.

IRNA, the official news agency called on Iranian security forces "to seriously deal with Pakistan once and for all."

Bureau Report
Hello guys, Finally i have returned. Most of you probably don't remember me tho! Im the Iranian guy who was absent for almsot 7 months!

OK i reviewed this topic and it would seem SOME people specially from Arab countries dont like us to continue our brotherhood and they have shown it to us with their false news from their own sources like: Aljezeera or AL-Arabia or whatever they are!

First of all no one said anything about an invasion for god sake! Why you guys change your view rapidly?! Read this again!


General Pakpour​

General Pakpour Commander of IRGC ground forces: We are waiting for permission from the Pakistan to eliminate the targets in Waziristan... This is not acceptable for us that the terrorists use our neighbours terriroty to attack our country and... blah blah blah!!

Sources: IRNA, Fars News, ISNA and Military.ir

But if you want to hear the true story from an Iranian then hear this, i dont believe if that Rigi guy or whatever is his name is able to do such thing at this scale! You dont know how things work in Iran guys and i hope you understand what im saying! Every four or five years they put some IRGC commanders in a plane or something and suddenly what?! They get killed! Power struggle?! Im not sure!

If the Rigi has the power and ability to do such thing at this scale he would do so at the election time when all of the Iran security forces was devided to 70.000 election spot!

You know what? Some days ago there were a match in Iran Azadi stadium, the capacity of the stadium is 100.000, Iran intelligence agency searched everyone at least three times at the gate!! How is that possible now that some IRGC leaders are gonna do some unity thingy between the tribal leaders something comes up?!

Of course, if i were Rigi i also wouldnt hesitate to take the responsibility of such a great victory for myself!
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If I were Pak, I would probably keep detonating my nukes(test detonation) until anyone shows up at my door would have a flower in his hand and sincerely smile at me.

Nuclear bombs are not cheap! why detonating them? While can use them somewhere ...suitable?

Anyway if it was Iran it would detonate them every five or four days! ROFL!

FOOLS... they can use the money they spend for military prades to make the bulletproof vest standard issue! Sometimes i think if i were the Iran president i would do better! -.-!
Iran steps up pressure on Pak on suicide attack

Dubai: Iran today stepped up pressure on Islamabad, accusing that the group which launched a deadly suicide attack on its territory killing a number of Revolutionary Guards and others, was based in Pakistan and demanded that its chief Abdolmalek Rigi be extradited.

The Foreign Minister Manochehr Mottaki said, members of the group regularly violated Iran-Pakistan border and launched attack inside the Islamic Republic. His strong comments came as Tehran said that in Sunday's suicide attack 15 Revolutionary Guards were killed.

"They cross into Iran illegally. They are based in Pakistan," Mottaki was quoted by IRNA news agency.

The Iranian Information minister said a high level group of officials would travel to Pakistan to demand extradition of Rigi after presenting the involvement of the group Jundallah in attacks on the Iranian soil.

The war of words between the two neighbours intensified after Iran state television's website reported that fifteen members of the elite Revolutionary Guards were killed in a weekend suicide bomb attack in southeast Iran.

Earlier reports from Tehran had said only seven Revolutionary Guards commanders, including its deputy chief had been killed when a suicide bomber blew himself up at a meeting they were holding with the local tribesmen in Sistan on the Pakistan border.

IRNA, the official news agency called on Iranian security forces "to seriously deal with Pakistan once and for all."

Bureau Report

that what india had been doing since 9\11.trying to create pressure on Pakistan by taking out Pakistani friendly countries.
Iran is make mistake in alligading Pakistan

Please don't misunderstand friend,

Iran has only correctly pointed out that this is the covert operation of Israelis/Jews, British, and Americans -- with some "elements" (traitors) in Pakistan. These "elements" are most likely the same group that did the Islamabad University bombing and the Pakistan Army post attack.

Don't be fooled into getting angry at Iran. WE MUST STAY UNITED!!! :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
Nuclear bombs are not cheap! why detonating them? While can use them somewhere ...suitable?

Anyway if it was Iran it would detonate them every five or four days! ROFL!

FOOLS... they can use the money they spend for military prades to make the bulletproof vest standard issue! Sometimes i think if i were the Iran president i would do better! -.-!

Why not? :lol:
Just kidding. One detonation is enough. :agree:

When one becomes really a big prick, all bandits, crooks, goons, thugs, muggers or whatever will certainly mysteriously develop more respect for you. :lol:

Now US is willing to engage in bi-lateral talks with NK. (I am not suggesting NK is a big prick though).

We also crashed open the door to the security council when we took on an allied army of United Nations. :lol::lol:

But on a serious note, a lot of third world countries then supported China's bid to the UN. I guess Pak helped to start the process.
Why not? :lol:
Just kidding. One detonation is enough. :agree:

When one becomes really a big prick, all bandits, crooks, goons, thugs, muggers or whatever will certainly mysteriously develop more respect for you. :lol:

Now US is willing to engage in bi-lateral talks with NK. (I am not suggesting NK is a big prick though).

We also crashed open the door to the security council when we took on an allied army of United Nations. :lol::lol:

But on a serious note, a lot of third world countries then supported China's bid to the UN. I guess Pak helped to start the process.

It's not the right time ("if" Iran has capability). Sometimes the 'uncertainty' is more than sufficient defence. :)
You dont know how things work in Iran guys and i hope you understand what im saying! Every four or five years they put some IRGC commanders in a plane or something and suddenly what?! They get killed! Power struggle?! Im not sure!

You know what? Some days ago there were a match in Iran Azadi stadium, the capacity of the stadium is 100.000, Iran intelligence agency searched everyone at least three times at the gate!! How is that possible now that some IRGC leaders are gonna do some unity thingy between the tribal leaders something comes up?!


I keep reading about this attack/attacks and wondering why it just doesnt feel right, Dest hit a few things that are strange, 20 top IRGC comanders in one room and someone gets a suicide vest with enough explosives to kill 30 people into the building.

A tops secret meeting yet the local ragtag rebels who manage only a few attacks a year manages to get an op together to take advantege of a once in a life time target?

Two explosions or one, some reports are saying the initial attack was on the convoy which took out the 5 top commanders followed by a second attack which caused a furter 30 casualties. If the first story released was correct how does a suicide bomber jog alongside a military convoy and why the confusion over the truth?

Lastly why no photos of the bomb site maybe i just missed it but usually the first thing you see is headline and banner photo showing a smoking hole in the ground.

Makes me wonder if the suicide bomber in this case was a few of the "suicide UAV's Iran" is working on, nice way to clear out a few disloyal or unwanted officers call a meeting get them all in the one building derop a missile on them and then blame UK US and Pakistan

A few weeks in an Iranian jail and the suspects they have already arrested will be willing to admit to any thing, perhaps ive been reading too many conspiracy theories ;)
Appalling your knowledge of the history of Islam. :rofl:

The shia-sunni divide came into being at the death of the Prophet SAW. The sunnis went with the 3 khalifas arguing that the Prophet SAW did not mention anyone for khilafat; while the shias went with Ali AS arguing that he was made Khalifa by the Prophet SAW in Ghadeer. We shias mark Eid-e-Ghadeer for that reason if you didn't know...

If by your own admission sunnism is defined by obeying the rule of the first 3 Khalifas (ra), then Syeddina Ali (ra) was a sunni as well because he not only obeyed but also pledged allegiance to the first three Khalifas. And this is both acnknolwedge by Shia and all historians as well as mentioned in Shia texts such as Al-Kafi. It really tarnishes away all the conspiracy theories later day savafid regime developed and used to justify their rule against sunnism.

So, there goes your whole argument. Since this isn't exactly a forum to discuss these issues, im gonna end it here. if you want to continue, send me a pm..

If Zia had the right to protect the sunni populace; Iran took a stand to protect the shia populace in Pakistan which it saw as being oppressed by Zia's regime.
Shias in Pakistan are Pakistanis not Iranians. They are to be protected just as other muslim groups and non-muslims by the Government of Pakistan because they fall under the jurisdiction of the Pakistani territory. Now that Pakistani Shias were being indoctrinated by the Iranians to instigate a political uprising to destablize Pakistani Government, do you suggest Pakistan Govn't regardless of religious affiliation to sit back and watch themselves being overthrown?

Now that if your hatred of Zia or Sunni Islam blinds your intellect and leads you to such erroneous conclusions as to justifying Iranian intermingling in Pakistani affairs then all I have to say is that you have no love for Pakistan.

Iran had no right to interfere in Pakistani affairs. Pakistan has never interfered in Iranian internal affairs. Period.
You guys did not have any problem with the Shah's rule which overthrew the democratically elected govt of Mossadegh; because the Shah was simply anti-shia.
It's clear that you're reading too much into events with a sectarian bias.

Coerce the naive folks into shiism? LOL. By that logic whole of Iran must be shia no? Rather they have a jew population as well :angel:
And we already know how many jews and sunni muslims are represented in the Iranian govn't.

Two estimates of the Muslim proportions of the population of Iraq are:
Shi'a up to 60%, Sunni about 40% (source: Encyclopedia Britannica).
Shi'a 60%–65%, Sunni 32%–37% (source: CIA World Fact Book).
Do those include Kurd populations or not?

Saddams regime was the most brutal anti-shia regime; he killed and maimed thousands of Iraqi shias and prominent scholars including Shaheed Baqir Al Sadr.
Saddam was hardly a sunni either. he was a staunch secularist bathist ruthless dictator. He did not only specifically killed shias, if that were the case there wouldn't be any shia left in Iraq, he killed anyone regardless of religious association that challenged him or posed a threat to his government.
It's all a power play and struggle that you're viewing with a religious fervor.

Shias have been on the receiving end since the death of the Prophet SAW and the event of Karbala.
and thats *EXACTLY* the sort of religious indoctrination that the Safavid's of Iran incorporated into the ithna-ashariya belief system, making shia 'historical victims' of sunni oppression, creating institutional grieviences in their minds against the "oppressive sunnis" through irrational rituals and processions such as matams, specifically instituted by the Safavid Dynasty of Iran to justify their rule and power over the masses

another divide and rule strategy by the enemies of Islam

The Umawi caliphates killed thousands of shias just because they were shias.

Maybe those shia's or whoever they were, were complicit in challenging or attempting to overthrow the Umawi caliphates?

It's all power struggle and power plays, my friend

It is unfortunate that zardari is a shia; doesn't purge him of his crimes. Iran's revolution had a whole history behind it; it did not happen all of a sudden.

Zardari is hated not because he is a shia but because of his corruption and crimes against the Pakistani people..

Pakistani sunnis are the most tolerant and peaceful you'd ever find in most of the muslim world my friend. you need to objectively look around the arab muslim world particularly to see differences.
i would not take too seriously these iranian claims of blaming pakistan directly.

when iran mentions pakistan they are actually talking to the us/gb, not the pakistani's.
Iranian strike inside Pakistan a distant option: analysts

* Tehran will pressurise Islamabad for quick results
* Analyst predicts swift action by Pakistan against terrorists

TEHRAN: Iran will step up diplomatic pressure on Islamabad to rein in anti-Iran militants allegedly operating from Pakistan, but a cross-border strike remains a possibility, Iranian analysts said on Wednesday.

However, the friendly ties that exist between the neighbours are unlikely to be affected in the long term by Sunday’s suicide attack against Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards in south-eastern Iran.

Tehran claims those who carried out the attack, which killed 42 people including 15 guards, snuck across the border from Pakistan with the support of the intelligence services of Pakistan, Britain and the US. The suicide bomber blew himself up at a meeting of the Revolutionary Guards and local tribesmen on Sunday in Sistan-Baluchestan province where Sunni rebel group Jundullah has being involved in an insurgency against Tehran’s Shia rule for nearly a decade. Jundullah, in an Internet statement, claimed the attack, which it said was to avenge “the wounds of the Baloch people who have been bleeding for years without end”.

Iranian officials have said Jundullah leader Abdolmalek Reigi is in Pakistan and have demanded he be handed over. Pakistani officials say he is in Afghanistan.

More pressure: “In the coming days, Iran will put more pressure on Pakistan for quick results since it has to answer to its own people at home,” said Akbar Montajabi, a reformist political analyst. A day after the attack, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told President Asif Ali Zardari the presence of anti-Iranian militants in his country was not “justifiable” and they needed to be “quickly confronted”. Iran’s foreign and intelligence ministers on Tuesday further ramped up pressure on Islamabad, urging it to take swift action against the rebels. Pakistan has said the attack was carried out by forces out to “spoil ties” between the two neighbours, but dismissed Tehran’s claim its territory was being used as a springboard for attacks.

Early action: Independent analyst Mohammad Saleh Sedghian predicted an early response from Islamabad against the rebels. “Pakistan will not delay a response towards the militants, but we have to understand that it is experiencing a complicated situation,” he said, referring to Islamabad’s own battle against the Taliban. “Not all strings in that country are held by its president and the Iranians know it,” he said. A senior Iranian general, Mohammad Pakpour has not ruled out a cross-border Iranian military strike to flush out the militants if diplomatic initiatives from Tehran fail to convince Islamabad.

Analysts said such cross-border military strikes, though possible, remain a distant possibility given the political situation in the region.

“A strike such as those which Turkey carries out inside northern Iraq against the PKK (Kurdish rebels) is always possible, but for Iranians to enter Pakistan has to get some kind of green light from multinational forces in the region,” said Sedghian.

But Gholam Reza Ghalandarian, conservative analyst and managing director of Quds newspaper, said Iran would not allow Pakistan to sit on the issue for long. afp

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