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Iran blames US, UK, Pakistan

Don't be inane - there is a reason a delegation from Iran is traveling to Pakistan with 'evidence'.

When you guys can find enough on Saeed let us know, and then we will arrest him a well, as we did with the Mumbai masterminds, Shah and lakhvi.

Am I so?

The suicide bombers come and blow themselves up and what evidence can some one find in there. And if some one is caught like in India, that evidence cannot be used as it is tainted according to Pakistani justice system. Money laundering and money financing for the project in itself does not constitute criminal against that event either. Phone calls of people close to the individual and suspicious involvement in previous many of suicide bombs cannot be used as circumstantial evidence in Pakistani court of law. So, how do you think any proof that Iran will supply to Pakistan will be enough to prosecute any one?

Watch the drama and see what will happen! The guy will be arrested and probably either handed over to Iran or will be prosecuted in Pakistan.

Luckily, Iran does not belong to a country of Kafirs.
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Am I so?

The suicide bombers come and blow themselves up and what evidence can some one find in there.
Well that was point regarding the accusations by Iran - how on earth can they claim so quickly, when they have had no time for a proper investigation, that US, UK and Pakistan are involved?

I suspect the evidence they will provide will be related to past attacks and his connections to the Iranian Baluch insurgency, and not this attack in particular.
And if some one is caught like in India, that evidence cannot be used as it is tainted according to Pakistani justice system.
There is no evidence from India - only the alleged statements of kasab, and in that case its Kasab's word against Saeed in a court of law. It is by no means conclusive evidence.
Money laundering and money financing for the project in itself does not constitute criminal against that event either. Phone calls of people close to the individual and suspicious involvement in previous many of suicide bombs cannot be used as circumstantial evidence in Pakistani court of law. So, how do you think any proof that Iran will supply to Pakistan will be enough to prosecute any one?
Phone calls and intercepts have, as I already pointed pointed out, been used to arrest Shah, Lakhvi and some others. But just because Saeed used to head LeT does not implicate him in the Mumbai attacks.

We'll have to see what evidence Iran provides, will it be enough for the US and UK to accept their guilt as well?

Watch the drama and see what will happen! The guy will be arrested and probably either handed over to Iran or will be prosecuted in Pakistan.

If there is good intel on his location and evidence implicating him, then hopefully he will be arrested and handed over.

Luckily, that Iran does not belong to a country of Kafirs.

Don't troll.
Am I so?

The suicide bombers come and blow themselves up and what evidence can some one find in there. And if some one is caught like in India, that evidence cannot be used as it is tainted according to Pakistani justice system. Money laundering and money financing for the project in itself does not constitute criminal against that event either. Phone calls of people close to the individual and suspicious involvement in previous many of suicide bombs cannot be used as circumstantial evidence in Pakistani court of law. So, how do you think any proof that Iran will supply to Pakistan will be enough to prosecute any one?

Watch the drama and see what will happen! The guy will be arrested and probably either handed over to Iran or will be prosecuted in Pakistan.

Luckily, Iran does not belong to a country of Kafirs.
then who was caught when indian embassy was boomed in Afghanistan?
why indian point finger toward Pakistan.
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originally posted by adeos amigoes
you may be right, but in your case its extreem, you faught wars with your neighbours and still in the same mindset, while we arent going to fight wars with them, our situation is not as sever as yours.

now u made me really laugh.u made my day
We'll have to see what evidence Iran provides, will it be enough for the US and UK to accept their guilt as well?
Pakistan is an independent country. Why does it need any kind of assurance from US or UK?

If there is good intel on his location and evidence implicating him, then hopefully he will be arrested and handed over.
What would be good intel for you? The suicide bomber is not going to make a video in which he implicates he told him to carry out the operation, or the mastermind himself publishes or claims so.

What proof can Iran hand over that could implicate anyone?
Pakistan is an independent country. Why does it need any kind of assurance from US or UK?

What would be good intel for you? The suicide bomber is not going to make a video in which he implicates he told him to carry out the operation, or the mastermind himself publishes or claims so.

What proof can Iran hand over that could implicate anyone?

Nice try but your answer lies in your own post.:azn:
Nice try but your answer lies in your own post.:azn:

I am sorry my friend. But in this way, nothing can be ever proven.

These suicide bombers are blasting themselves up for no reason. Their masters have political objectives. Sometimes, there is a need to be visible and at other time to be invisible.

So, if we assume the worst case - like the mastermind in Pakistan was involved - do you think he would crucify himself ? for what reason? Why would he want to show his true colors when his real objective might be getting served ie. enemity between Iran and Pakistan (?)

It is also quite possible that objective is best served for US because US might want to isolate Iran.
I am sorry my friend. But in this way, nothing can be ever proven.

These suicide bombers are blasting themselves up for no reason. Their masters have political objectives. Sometimes, there is a need to be visible and at other time to be invisible.

So, if we assume the worst case - like the mastermind in Pakistan was involved - do you think he would crucify himself ? for what reason? Why would he want to show his true colors when his real objective might be getting served ie. enemity between Iran and Pakistan (?)

It is also quite possible that objective is best served for US because US might want to isolate Iran.

Sir WHY there are suicide bombers...... there are indefinite reasons your no reason makes no sense.
Their masters have political objectives what are they....Insurgency has been used and will be used to weaken an opponent therefore you are right in that way and I agree with that.

A criminal will not hand himself over or give away himself you are right but the substance of an accusation lies in the intelligence gathered which in this case are immaterial as they are not proved and not sufficient.

Today a terrorist has won again you and me can just think what will happen next but the reality is that their thinking is insane.You me or anyone in this forum cannot ( I BELIVE) even imagine that.
Each of its neighbours has accused Pakistan of using terrorism as a state policy. And still Pakistani's say only India is involved in denigrating its character. Remains to be seen what will Pakistan do when their "all whether friend" China blames them for their territory being used by those promoting terrorism in Xinxiang province. Will they still ask for evidence or go for making someone big scapegoat. Meanwhile condolences to the family of martyrs and may they R.I.P.
Each of its neighbours has accused Pakistan of using terrorism as a state policy. And still Pakistani's say only India is involved in denigrating its character. Remains to be seen what will Pakistan do when their "all whether friend" China blames them for their territory being used by those promoting terrorism in Xinxiang province. Will they still ask for evidence or go for making someone big scapegoat. Meanwhile condolences to the family of martyrs and may they R.I.P.

Correct yourself mate it is not terrorism Uighurs Vs Hans is an internal matter so stop trolling.
And scapegoat we don't have to make someone a scapegoat because this whole world has made us a scapegoate...
IT HURTS ME.....But if you keep looking at it in this way sooner or later it would hurt you ....
Each of its neighbours has accused Pakistan of using terrorism as a state policy. And still Pakistani's say only India is involved in denigrating its character. Remains to be seen what will Pakistan do when their "all whether friend" China blames them for their territory being used by those promoting terrorism in Xinxiang province. Will they still ask for evidence or go for making someone big scapegoat. Meanwhile condolences to the family of martyrs and may they R.I.P.

And it's Xinjiang if you are going to show off your awareness of events in proper colour.

As a human being, I harbour a fair degree of sympathy for the Uyghurs as a community and support enhanced redress of their concerns.

But externally, PRC knows exactly who support the ETIMers who, granted, are a small minority among a minority community.

Do you know who support them?
Sir WHY there are suicide bombers...... there are indefinite reasons your no reason makes no sense.
What other than ideology can tell a suicide bomber to commit murder? If any sane person, even with half-dead brain is given an option to commit suicide to hopefully create a world that he cannot even enjoy, then I suppose most will decline. Nothing other than a religious doctrination by Mullah can make it rational. No one else would prize their own life so low.

Their masters have political objectives what are they....Insurgency has been used and will be used to weaken an opponent therefore you are right in that way and I agree with that.

A criminal will not hand himself over or give away himself you are right but the substance of an accusation lies in the intelligence gathered which in this case are immaterial as they are not proved and not sufficient.

Today a terrorist has won again you and me can just think what will happen next but the reality is that their thinking is insane.You me or anyone in this forum cannot ( I BELIVE) even imagine that.

A scape-goat as you say that Pakistan has become, does not become a scape-goat if there is not a confluence of countries that believe the same thing. If Pakistan atleast works on monitoring the teachings of certain Mullah and works towards fixing the issue, that would go a long way in fixing the problem.

Even now, you see in this forum, other threads like Taliban vs India - which is greater threat? Some in there are still debating whether Taliban is destroying their country. This is infact after a series of attacks, invasions and bomb blasts by the former. I hope rationality prevails rather than long list of conspiracy theories.
What other than ideology can tell a suicide bomber to commit murder? If any sane person, even with half-dead brain is given an option to commit suicide to hopefully create a world that he cannot even enjoy, then I suppose most will decline. Nothing other than a religious doctrination by Mullah can make it rational. No one else would prize their own life so low.

A scape-goat as you say that Pakistan has become, does not become a scape-goat if there is not a confluence of countries that believe the same thing. If Pakistan atleast works on monitoring the teachings of certain Mullah and works towards fixing the issue, that would go a long way in fixing the problem.

Even now, you see in this forum, other threads like Taliban vs India - which is greater threat? Some in there are still debating whether Taliban is destroying their country. This is infact after a series of attacks, invasions and bomb blasts by the former. I hope rationality prevails rather than long list of conspiracy theories.

Ideaology....My only point was to tell you that religious ideology has been changed as per needed my some.There are efforts underway but as a fact there is a need for everyone of us to realise that the shortcomings in education other social sectors have been exploited.

As far as that scapegoat thingy is concerned......you your self pointed out about the confluence of some countries.....AND WHY is it that those some countries belive it....IT IS THIER POLITICAL INTEREST....
Only time will tell what it holds for us you and everyone else.......AND those some might be debating but many of us PAKISTANIS know that they have already destroyed us....The solution is bieng carried out....in the form of an army operation.....

I would love to carry on but time doesn't permit me at all....TA
Each of its neighbours has accused Pakistan of using terrorism as a state policy. And still Pakistani's say only India is involved in denigrating its character. Remains to be seen what will Pakistan do when their "all whether friend" China blames them for their territory being used by those promoting terrorism in Xinxiang province. Will they still ask for evidence or go for making someone big scapegoat. Meanwhile condolences to the family of martyrs and may they R.I.P.

That has nothing to do with the issue, how many neighbouring nations are on that list of yours? Care to share?

Correction, China has not once linked TTP with Ethnic Muslims of Xinxiang. In fact your post highlights how much you know about the issue.

In Pakistan there are an estimated 5,000 Uyghur living in Pakistan (Registered), most living in China Market (Rawalpindi), Islamabad, Quetta and Karachi. A few smaller pockets live and trade along the Beesham route towards soust in Gilgit/Chitral and have very good relations with Ismali and Blatistani Community.

Now if you know regional history you will know that Balti people are Nepalse in heritage (not Hun or Hui), Ismali are secular and generally very peaceful (mostly traders and farmers).

In Pakistan there is a representative for the World Uyghur Congress which oversees the welfare and concern of Uyghur in Pakistan. Unlike the Chinese that reside in Pakistan Uyghur are mostly in Pakistan for trade activities or awaiting their Hajj Permit as China does not allow Hajj permit.

The threat to China lies in the TIM and ETIM (East Turkistan Islamic Movement) which are aligned with Al Qaeda. ETIM members have been in Pakistan and have been promptly arrested and sent back to China : UIGHUR, UYGUR, UIGUR, UIGHUIR, UIGUIR, WEIWUER <EAST TURKISTAN INFORMATION CENTER> <The World Uyghur Network News> < &#19996;&#22303;&#32819;&#20854;&#26031;&#22374;&#20449;&#24687;&#20013;&#24515; > < &#1588;&#1576;&#1603;&#1577; &#1575;&#1604;&#157

Let me make this very clear, the majority of Uyghur people are good honest people, they just want to make a living and prosper. Any decent Pakistani will never let anything hurt the security and sovereignty of our great ally and brother nation of China.

Just so you know, that when the riots in Xinjiang happened the entire world cried foul, Pakistan stood shoulder-to-shoulder with its time tested ally.

Quoting China's Ambassador to Pakistan: Luo Zhaohui -
“The all-weather friendship between China and Pakistan has withstood the test of time and has prospered notwithstanding changes in the international, regional and domestic environment,” -http://blog.taragana.com/n/pakistan-issues-stamp-to-honour-china-183954/

Beijing says Pakistan saved it from embarrassment on Xinjiang violence

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