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Iran blames US, UK, Pakistan

Oh now Iran blames Pakistan.. ! Pakistan has become that naughty boy in the class..who gets scolded for any mischief that happens in entire school, Teacher assumes he has to be involved.
Attack plotted in Pakistan: Ahmadinejad
Published: October 19, 2009

TEHRAN (AFP/Reuters) - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad hit out at neighbouring Pakistan over a deadly bombing against Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, accusing it of sheltering Jundallah militants.

He charged that the attack had been plotted from Pakistan, calling on it not to waste time in cooperating with Iran in apprehending the perpetrators, the semi-official Fars News Agency reported.

“We were informed that some security agents in Pakistan are cooperating with the main elements of this terrorist incident . We regard it as our right to demand these criminals from them,” Ahmadinejad said, without giving details.

“We ask the Pakistani government not to delay any longer in the apprehension of the main elements in this terrorist attack,” he said.

Iran summoned Pakistan’s envoy to Tehran over the attack, claiming those behind the attack had used Pakistani soil as a springboard, the ISNA news agency said.

It said the Foreign Ministry had called Pakistan’s charge d’affaires and “expressed Tehran’s regret to Pakistan’s envoy (that) members of the terrorist group involved in the incident entered Iran through Pakistan.”

The Ministry also “protested against the use of Pakistani territory by the terrorists and rebels against the Islamic Republic of Iran and urged Pakistani authorities to act firmly to prevent the movement of those terrorists and rebels in their country.”

“Iran’s Foreign Ministry says there is evidence the perpetrators of this attack came to Iran from Pakistan,” Press TV reported.

“The Pakistani official assured Tehran that his country would take all measures to secure its border with Iran.”
I never thought I'd say this, but Iran, keep your petty accusations to yourself and worry about the real threat to your sovereignty! Everyone knows that they have a domestic terrorist outfit in their part of Baluchistan known as "Jandullah", fighting for the rights of Sunni Muslims in Iran.

It's like our Government has sunk to a new level where we are being "Summoned" for every little problem in the region, and we're being dictated by every other group of imbeciles around us. Besides, how does a blast in Iran benefit Pakistan? We've recently signed the gas pipe-line deal with the Iranians, and also started the cargo train service through Iran, reaching all the way to Turkey, for the sake of trade and good relations with Iran & Turkey.

It's moronic for anyone to believe that Pakistan would sponsor terrorism in Iran.

Well.. I understand your outburst on this issue.

But... one must also realize that almost all of Pakistan's neighbors - India, Afghanistan and Iran - have accused some state elements in Pakistan of being involved in terrorist activities.

I am not doubting the intentions of the Pakistani government, but maybe they should keep a check on the activities of their own agencies before it is too late. All these allegations severely malign Pakistan's international image.
That's another lie. there was no such thing as "shia'' during the times of the khulafa rashideen. This Athna-Ashari shia idiology developed 7-8 hundred years ago and is a by product of the ruthlessly barbaric Safavid dynasty that forced the majority of sunni muslims of Persia to ithna Ashari version of Shiaism.

Appalling your knowledge of the history of Islam. :rofl:

The shia-sunni divide came into being at the death of the Prophet SAW. The sunnis went with the 3 khalifas arguing that the Prophet SAW did not mention anyone for khilafat; while the shias went with Ali AS arguing that he was made Khalifa by the Prophet SAW in Ghadeer. We shias mark Eid-e-Ghadeer for that reason if you didn't know...

It's rather appalling that you're so openly justifying the actions of the Iranian regime that interfered and conspired against her neighboring countries, created upheval by supporting political militancies to coerce the naive folks into shiasm, and launched propaganda warfare to derail govn'ts. Is that how Islam is supposed to be spread?

If Zia had the right to protect the sunni populace; Iran took a stand to protect the shia populace in Pakistan which it saw as being oppressed by Zia's regime.

You guys did not have any problem with the Shah's rule which overthrew the democratically elected govt of Mossadegh; because the Shah was simply anti-shia.

Coerce the naive folks into shiism? LOL. By that logic whole of Iran must be shia no? Rather they have a jew population as well :angel:

Iraq doesn't have majority Shia, but Bahrain does. Those countries are not democracies, never been such for hundreds of years, and the people dont aspire to follow the western democracy either.


Two estimates of the Muslim proportions of the population of Iraq are:
Shi'a up to 60%, Sunni about 40% (source: Encyclopedia Britannica).
Shi'a 60%–65%, Sunni 32%–37% (source: CIA World Fact Book).

Shia and Sunni communities lived there peacefully for centuries before the rise of violent shia revolution creating tensions and sectarianism.

Saddams regime was the most brutal anti-shia regime; he killed and maimed thousands of Iraqi shias and prominent scholars including Shaheed Baqir Al Sadr.

Shias have been on the receiving end since the death of the Prophet SAW and the event of Karbala. The Umawi caliphates killed thousands of shias just because they were shias.

Dont act ignorant; just because shias were getting killed you thought there was peace all around...

Islam says that you don't go around creating revolutions in other countries whether they're governed by shia or sunni leadership so long as they're just and peaceful. Pakistan had many times appointed Shia leadership, in fact our current president is a shia (albeit with the lowest rating).

It is unfortunate that zardari is a shia; doesn't purge him of his crimes. Iran's revolution had a whole history behind it; it did not happen all of a sudden.
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Oh now Iran blames Pakistan.. ! Pakistan has become that naughty boy in the class..who gets scolded for any mischief that happens in entire school, Teacher assumes he has to be involved.

Well.. I understand your outburst on this issue.

But... one must also realize that almost all of Pakistan's neighbors - India, Afghanistan and Iran - have accused some state elements in Pakistan of being involved in terrorist activities.

I am not doubting the intentions of the Pakistani government, but maybe they should keep a check on the activities of their own agencies before it is too late. All these allegations severely malign Pakistan's international image.

Iran has also blamed the US and UK - just because someone makes allegations does not automatically make them true, especially when they are made hours after an incident when it is clear that there is no possible way to have obtained proper information about the incident that quickly.

Where is Iran's investigation? Forensics? Interviews with suspects? Intelligence?

Or did the Mahdi come down and inform A'Jad?

In any case, the accusation from A'Jad for now remains a vague 'security agents' which could refer to border guards or customs officials. Further details and comments and especially evidence should clarify the Iranian Government's position.
For the same reason that Indian RAW is setting up blasts in Pakistan.

RAW would do so due to Indian hostility with Pakistan over long festering territorial disputes, especially Kashmir, and in a background of having supported such terrorism in Pakistan in the past, primarily in East Pakistan.

So what exactly is Pakistan's motive here that in any way compares to RAW's motive?
Iran Warns U.S., U.K. of Retaliation After Attack
Monday, October 19, 2009

The chief of Iran's elite Revolutionary Guard said Monday that a Sunni rebel group blamed for a deadly attack on the force was linked to U.S., British and Pakistani intelligence, an Iranian news agency reported.

"Behind this scene are the American and British intelligence apparatus and there will have to be retaliatory measures to punish them,"
Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari said.

The reaction comes after a homicide bomber killed five senior commanders in the Guard and at least 37 others in an area of southeastern Iran that has been the focus of a growing Sunni insurgency.

Earlier Monday, an Iranian MP raised the prospect of a possible military operation into Pakistan against the group blamed for the attack on the Guard.

"There is even unanimity that these operations (could) take place in Pakistan territory," the ISNA news agency quoted MP Payman Forouzesh as saying.

The official IRNA news agency said the dead included the deputy commander of the Guard's ground force, Gen. Noor Ali Shooshtari, as well as a chief provincial Guard commander for the area, Rajab Ali Mohammadzadeh. The other dead were Guard members or local tribal leaders. More than two dozen others were wounded, state radio reported.

The headquarters of Iran's armed forces blamed the bombing on "terrorists" backed by "the Great Satan America and its ally Britain," Fars News Agency said Sunday.

"Not in the distant future we will take revenge," Iran's statement read, according to Reuters. Iran's forces claim the country "will clear this region from terrorists and criminals."

"The global arrogance, with the provocation of its local mercenaries, targeted the meeting of the Guard with local tribal leaders,"
said the Guard statement read out on state TV.

The United States, however, condemned the attacks on Sunday and denied any involvement.

"We condemn this act of terrorism and mourn the loss of innocent lives. Reports of alleged U.S. involvement are completely false," U.S. State Department spokesman Ian Kelly said in a brief statement.

The Revoutionary Guard commanders were inside a car on their way to a meeting with local tribal leaders in the Pishin district near Iran's border with Pakistan when an attacker with explosives blew himself up, IRNA said.

Iran's state-owned English language TV channel, Press TV, said there were two simultaneous explosions: one at the meeting and another targeting an additional convoy of Guards on their way to the gathering.

The region's top prosecutor was quoted by the semi-official ISNA news agency as saying the Sunni rebel group Jundallah claimed responsibility for the blast.

There was no immediate statement directly from the group.

The group accuses Iran's Shiite-dominated government of persecution and has carried out attacks against the Revolutionary Guard and Shiite targets in the southeast.

That campaign is one of several ethnic and religious small-scale insurgencies in Iran that have fueled sporadic and sometimes deadly attacks in recent years — though none have amounted to a serious threat to the government.

The Guard commanders targeted Sunday were heading to a meeting with local tribal leaders to promote unity between the Shiite and Sunni Muslim communities.

In April, Iran increased security in Sistan-Baluchistan Province, at the center of the tension, by placing it under the command of the Guard, which took over from local police forces.

The 120,000-strong Revolutionary Guard controls Iran's missile program and has its own ground, naval and air units.

Iran's parliamentary speaker, Ali Larijani, condemned the assassination of the Guard commanders, saying the bombing was aimed at disrupting security in southeastern Iran.

"We express our condolences for their martyrdom. ... The intention of the terrorists was definitely to disrupt security in Sistan-Baluchistan

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Iran Warns U.S., U.K. of Retaliation After Attack - Iran | Map | News - FOXNews.com


Again, the focus appears to be on the US and UK, though Pakistan is being accused of allowing its territory to be used by them.
on another note .. Pakistan (Majority being Indian migrants and Punjabi's) has been trying to find their identity in the middle east and the Muslim world , always poked nose in Middle east, supported Iraq, Iran Saudi's and all other Muslim countries... they have not helped pakistan ever, except Saudi shah donating one mosque in Islamabad. ... i guess similar favours they may have done to Indian Muslims also.from their charity funds..
My opinion is - Pakistan's roots and identity is "DESI" identity .. Pakistani is happy with its Desi identity in the west...not sure why they feel ashamed about it. andtry to think they are one of the Arab's ...Arabs and Iranian's will not give free oil to pakistan will they..Have they given even one $ in aid to Pakistan...

$1.5 Billion is nothing, Saudi arabia and UAE alone can donate that much..cannt they??
RAW would do so due to Indian hostility with Pakistan over long festering territorial disputes, especially Kashmir, and in a background of having supported such terrorism in Pakistan in the past, primarily in East Pakistan.

So what exactly is Pakistan's motive here that in any way compares to RAW's motive?

Still it is only a speculation created by Pakistani leadership they cannot accept that these terrorists were groomed by them.
Many of our Indian friends who here are wetting them selves with happiness over the new development don't understand the simple fact that JundAllah and BLA are the same. And just in case if Iran loses out on Sistan Baluchistan or Pakistan loses in Baluchistan the end result for the other country will be the same the loss of their territory. So Why should Pakistan be supporting Jund guys when if in case of their success we stand to lose big time on Baluchistan. And Dr. A'jad should realize that, and work with the Pakistanis rather then running his mouth like a mohalay ki aunty who will blame every one with out looking at the facts and with out researching them. The reason Syrians, Turks, and the Iranians are against more power to the Kurds in Iraq is the same for Pakistan and Iran when it comes to Baluchistan and SB.
Blaming on someone else without a proof is quick fix for own failure . But the Question is what do we gain by attacking Iran. We are not at war with Iran. We never said anything against Iran nuclear program. Which Iranian official said this idiotic thing.
I guess India would be interested to see if Abdolmalek Rigi is in Pakistan then what kind of Evidence will convince Pakistan Govt to handover Rigi? Most of the Indians like me did not know what is "JundAllah" till this news.

Iran to demand Pakistan hand over Rigi: Guards chief

TEHRAN: The head of Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards said on Monday that Tehran will demand that Pakistan hand over militant leader Abdolmalek Rigi, accused of being the mastermind of a deadly bombing.

General Mohammad Ali Jafari said a Tehran delegation will head to Pakistan and deliver ‘proof to them so they know that the Islamic Republic is aware of its (Pakistan) support’ to the group led by Rigi.

‘The delegation will ask for him (Rigi) to be handed over,’ Jafari was quoted as saying by ISNA news agency.

Jafari also charged that Rigi was taking orders from the intelligence services of Britain, Pakistan and the United States.

‘The group of Rigi has direct contact with the American and British intelligence services and unfortunately the Pakistani intelligence service,’ Jafari said.

‘He is supported by them and without doubt he is acting under their orders and plans.’

On Sunday, a suicide bomber blew himself up at a meeting of Guards and tribal leaders in the town of Pisheen in Iran's southeastern Sistan-Balochistan province bordering Pakistan, killing 42 people including seven military commanders.

A local prosecutor in the province said Rigi had ‘accepted’ the responsibility of carrying out the attack.

Rigi heads a shadowy Sunni militant group called Jundallah (Soldiers of God) which has been accused by Iranian officials of carrying out several attacks in Sistan-Balochistan.

The province, which houses a significant population of Sunni Baloch, is a hotbed of Sunni insurgency against Shia rule in Iran.
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Still it is only a speculation created by Pakistani leadership they cannot accept that these terrorists were groomed by them.

East Pakistan, kashmir, Siachen is speculation?

Don't make inane comments - there is no comparison between India's motive, and past history, for supporting terrorism in Pakistan, and the allegation that Pakistan would do so deliberately in Iran.

So what exactly is Pakistan's motive here that in any way compares to RAW's motive?
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I guess India would be interested to see if Abdolmalek Rigi is in Pakistan then what kind of Evidence will convince Pakistan Govt to handover Rigi? Most of the Indians like me did not know what is "JundAllah" till this news.

"Jafari also charged that Rigi was taking orders from the intelligence services of Britain, Pakistan and the United States.

‘The group of Rigi has direct contact with the American and British intelligence services and unfortunately the Pakistani intelligence service,’ Jafari said.

‘He is supported by them and without doubt he is acting under their orders and plans.’

Yes indeed, and as the above quotes how, I imagine he is going to bring evidence indicating US and UK intelligence involvement as well.

Don't forget them - what kind of evidence will the US and UK consider 'acceptable' as showing their complicity?
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