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Iran blames US, UK, Pakistan

If you check the specific words they use " Security Agents inside of Pakistan."

If they were talking about Pakistan or the ISI, they would've said "Pakistani Agents".

In this case it could be "other agents"
that are inside of Pakistan.

Think about it.
If you check the specific words they use " Security Agents inside of Pakistan."

If they were talking about Pakistan or the ISI, they would've said "Pakistani Agents".

In this case it could be "other agents"
that are inside of Pakistan.

Think about it.

What does Security Agents mean??? I Googled the term but was unable to find the definition.

Security Agents are who work for Security Agencies. So then what are the Security Agencies of Pakistan? Very unusual terms used by Iranian authorities.!!!:what:
Iran blames Pakistan because they see Pakistan as a US proxy.
Hillary Clinton put it rather well when she said 'Every nation has to either be with us, or against us'.

In other words attempting to polarise the world.
Many nations of course have chosen to 'sit out' this conflict because they have the luxury of being distant from the fight and have made only the most token of efforts to demonstrate being 'with' the US; many European nations spring to mind.

Pakistan however, being at the centre of the current conflict has no such luxury. Despite trying to add levels of nuance to the conflict and attempting to best manage it's own perceived interests by trying to comply with the Americans whilst also trying to maintain friendly ties with Iran and such like have instead simply alienated all sides.

It could be viewed as unfair, but life is seldom fair and international politics never is.
This is our image in the world:disagree:. Every time something happens we are the first ones to be blamed while our government is busy counting the cash while Pakistan's image gets tranished.

One has 2 pay for their own deeds!!

this is for all

This is not good on part of pakistan. God prevent the day when googled for Pakistan , the results are synonymous with terrorism and extremist harbouring nation.

God forbid that day.:usflag::usflag::usflag:

Its tooo early to say about Future Pak Iran relation.But One thing Pakistan must understand now that whole world is playing their game against Pakistan.. the timing of blast is very very very very important.......

man every one blames some sections of pakistani security forces take India.. then Afghanistan and now Iran...
even if u want to discount India.. ur 2 other muslim brothers too blame u... and still u claim moral authority that none of ur security networks is culprit... why wud the head of a nation say sth like that !!!
why don't u guys think abt it for a second before getting defensive :what::what:
Iran accuses Pakistan over attack

Iran's president has accused Pakistani agents of involvement in a suicide bombing in south-east Iran targeting a group of elite Revolutionary Guards.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called on Pakistan to apprehend the attackers, whom Iranian officials suggested had arrived from Pakistan.

At least 35 people died in the attack, in south-eastern Sistan-Baluchistan.

A Pakistani spokesman condemned the attack, which has been blamed on the Sunni resistance group, Jundullah.

The foreign office spokesman, Abdul Basit, also dismissed Iranian claims that Jundullah's leader was in Pakistan.

'Crushing' response

According to state media, one or more suicide bombers targeted the group of Revolutionary Guard leaders who had arranged to meet tribal leaders in the Pishin district close to the Pakistani border. Reports said a suicide bomber detonated a belt packed with explosives as the meeting was about to start.

The deputy commander of the Guards' ground force, General Noor Ali Shooshtari, and the Guards' chief provincial commander, Rajab Ali Mohammadzadeh, were among at least six officers reported to have been killed.

Dozens of people were injured.

A top Guards officer has also vowed to deliver a "crushing" response to those behind the attack, according to Agence-France Presse.

Mr Ahmadinejad pointed towards Pakistan.

"We were informed that some security agents in Pakistan are co-operating with the main elements of this terrorist incident," he was quoted as saying by the semi-official Fars news agency.

"We regard it as our right to demand these criminals from them," he said, without elaborating.

"We ask the Pakistani government not to delay any longer in the apprehension of the main elements in this terrorist attack." Iranian authorities summoned a senior Pakistani diplomat in Tehran, claiming that the assailants had arrived in Iran from Pakistan, Iranian state media reported.

The Iranian foreign ministry also "protested against the use of Pakistani territory by the terrorists and rebels against the Islamic Republic of Iran," the Isna news agency reported.

Earlier, Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani said "US action" contributed to the attack - an accusation dismissed by the US.

Banditry and kidnapping

Sistan-Baluchistan is mainly made up of the Baluchi ethnic group, who belong to the Sunni Muslim minority of Shia-ruled Iran. Jundallah has previously been accused by Iran of terrorist activities in the province.

The province borders both Pakistan and Afghanistan, and has long been affected by smuggling, drug trafficking, banditry and kidnapping.

Jundallah, also known as the Popular Resistance Movement of Iran, says it is fighting against the political and religious oppression of the country's Sunni minority.

Local media cited officials as saying Jundallah had accepted responsibility for Sunday's bombing, though there was no direct claim from the group.

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iran accuses Pakistan over attack
The only beneficiary of this attack is the CIA maybe through the ways and means of the Jundallah group whose objectives are in cohesion with the US.

It would be pretty stupid for the Iranians to assume that Pakistan had something to do with it.
The updated story is from Reuters India its OK if you do not believe Indian media.

UPDATE 1-Pakistan denies Iran bomb link - report

Mon Oct 19, 2009 11:23am IST

ISLAMABAD, Oct 19 (Reuters) - Pakistan has condemned a suicide bomb attack in Iran and denied suggestions from the Iranian president that "some security agents" in Pakistan were cooperating with the bombers.

Iranian state television said 42 people were killed in Sunday's attack on the elite Revolutionary Guards in the country's volatile southeast. [ID:nLJ679406]

"Pakistan is not involved in terrorist activities ... we are striving to eradicate this menace," Foreign Ministry spokesman Abdul Basit told the Daily Times newspaper on Sunday.

Basit was not available for comment on Monday.

Pakistan's Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani strongly condemned the "ghastly act of terrorism" in predominantly Shi'ite Iran, Gilani's office said.

Pakistan has in the past backed Sunni Muslim militant groups, particularly in Afghanistan in the 1980s, when it supported militants battling Soviet occupiers.

Pakistan also supported militants who have been battling Indian security forces in the disputed Kashmir region.

Both Afghanistan and India say Pakistan has maintained links to some militant groups.

Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was quoted as saying security agents in Pakistan were cooperating with the militants behind Sunday's bombing, the semi-official Fars News Agency reported.

"We were informed that some security agents in Pakistan are cooperating with the main elements of this terrorist incident ... We regard it as our right to demand these criminals from them," Ahmadinejad said, without giving details.


Ahmadinejad called on Pakistan not to waste time in cooperating with Iran in apprehending the perpetrators.

Relations between Iran and Pakistan have been generally good in recent years and the neighbours are cooperating on plans to build a natural gas pipeline link.

But Iran has in the past accused Pakistan of hosting members of the Sunni insurgent group Jundollah, or God's soldiers, Iranian state television said. Iranian media say Sunni insurgent group Jundollah claimed responsibility for the bombing.

Some analysts believe Jundollah has evolved through shifting alliances with various parties, including the Taliban and Pakistan's main ISI intelligence service, who saw the group as a tool against Iran.

State television said Iran's Foreign Ministry summoned a senior Pakistani diplomat in Tehran, saying there was evidence "the perpetrators of this attack came to Iran from Pakistan".

"The Pakistani official assured Tehran that his country would take all measures to secure its border with Iran," English-language Press TV added.

Pakistan's Interior Minister Rehman Malik spoke to his Iranian counterpart late on Sunday and told him that Jundollah chief, Abdolmalek Rigi, was not in Pakistan.

Malik also gave an assurance of cooperation in fighting terrorism.

"Pakistan will continue to cooperate with Iranian brothers," Malik's office quoting him as saying.

Rigi is linked by some analysts to the Taliban in Pakistan.
Well Rigi been known and father and brother been known by media long time.From thugs to warlord, who use to sell stolen oil barrels and now sell drugs. Father was british agent. Shah Iran did operation and smashed 10,000 Baluch, who raise the voice of freedom, then ran to Pakistan for refugee. And now some of them using Pak as launching pad. But India can't be ignore in this scenario, sabotaging Pak-Iran gas line. If the evidence found in Pak side of border then they can be active on Iran side too. Fanning the elements who wants to run separatist movement both side of Baluchistan.
Why would we support Jandullah when we already have problems in our Part of Balochistan...Anyway Iran can keep complaining..who gives a **** about Iran's claims.Having said this, we should definitely listen to Iran's and try to improve our relationship..There might some elements who are hiding in Balochistan.It's a huge province and i would not surprised if some elements infiltrated from Afghanistan and now hiding in Baluchistan to attack Iran's.
On my way to work BBC was airing an interview with one of the founding member of the revolutionary guards and he clearly painted out a scenario that it could have been a result of inner power struggle that is going on. He mentioned that many of the older generals are being kicked out and there are so many things going on with in the revolutionary guards hierarchy. Also the other thing that he mentioned was that the meeting in which these guys got killed was supposed to be confidential and not many people knew about that, so if that was the fact that means that some one on the inside gave them up. I am at work so wont be able to search for that clip at the moment but will try latter. And the gay who was being interview as I said is the X revol member on of the original ones who laid the foundation of the organization, and in now living in exile in Washington. Cant really say how true his statements are but that is what I heard him talking about, and during his interview he never mentioned Pakistan at all.
suicide bombing in IRAN has been done done by JANDULLAH terrorist group ,some remnants present in BALOCHISTAN , this group is supported by JOINT SPECIAL OPERATION COMMAND JSOC (AMERICAN secret army gets direct orders from PRESIDENT),this group is organized to spread anarchy in IRAN and in turn get blame on PAKISTAN AGENCIES and to spoil relations between IRAN and PAKISTAN.
Iran blames Pakistan because they see Pakistan as a US proxy.
Hillary Clinton put it rather well when she said 'Every nation has to either be with us, or against us'.

In other words attempting to polarise the world.
Many nations of course have chosen to 'sit out' this conflict because they have the luxury of being distant from the fight and have made only the most token of efforts to demonstrate being 'with' the US; many European nations spring to mind.

Pakistan however, being at the centre of the current conflict has no such luxury. Despite trying to add levels of nuance to the conflict and attempting to best manage it's own perceived interests by trying to comply with the Americans whilst also trying to maintain friendly ties with Iran and such like have instead simply alienated all sides.

It could be viewed as unfair, but life is seldom fair and international politics never is.
Agreed, I have been to many Iranian forums and they hate us because they think we are American Puppets and follow American policies.Besides they also hate Pakistani's Saudi Arabia Relationship.
One has 2 pay for their own deeds!!

this is for all

This is not good on part of pakistan. God prevent the day when googled for Pakistan , the results are synonymous with terrorism and extremist harbouring nation.

God forbid that day.:usflag::usflag::usflag:

What deeds? What the **** did we do? The only reason we hear this **** from every corner is because GOP is pathetic.
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