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Iran believed developing S-300 variant aided by Russian contractors

man you talk a lot of bull crap
According to Americans themselves Iran is already enriching Uranium @ 20%
It will only take 6 months to take that 20 Percent enriched Uranium and take it to 90 Percent. If they wanted to attack they would have already attacked. Plus, your theory is against what has already happened in the past!
The syrians and Iraqis WERE NO WHERE CLOSE TO A NUKE and certainly far behind Iran's program but they were attacked. So much for your bs theory.
You're just saying all this to give Iran a certain image.

what do you mean misleading lol
You can see every single one of those sites on Google maps!!
Iran itself has declared those sites

YouTube - Video Tour of Iran's Nuclear Sites: Part 1

iran was supposed to have a "bomb" by the end of last year..anyways i have little to argue with someone who knows little about what they're talking about..For your people's sake though i hope it doesnt come down to a bloodshed
iran was supposed to have a "bomb" by the end of last year..anyways i have little to argue with someone who knows little about what they're talking about..For your people's sake though i hope it doesnt come down to a bloodshed

yes I know little and you know a lot
be careful, the govt might take you away for debriefing since you're such a highly knowledgeable fellow

and we don't need you to hope anything, Iran will never in a billion years get attacked. You might wanna focus on your own country.

btw Iran is officially saying that "we're not making a bomb"
The Israelis are the ones saying Iran will have a bomb by such and such date
iran was supposed to have a "bomb" by the end of last year..anyways i have little to argue with someone who knows little about what they're talking about..For your people's sake though i hope it doesnt come down to a bloodshed

Yeah from your posts it shows you dont hate iran we are all preety sure who you are and why you hate Iran at least have the guts to say it.

Iranians have never claimed to be making a Bomb
(anyways i have little to argue with someone who knows little about what they're talking about):rofl:

^ on the contrary they are waiting for iran to see if iran actually gets anywhere with this nuclear hoop-lah..as in the threat isn't serious enough yet, they're probably waiting for the iranian program to cross a certain threshhold to deem it strike worthy

When you talk to Benjamin Netanyahu next time tell him i want my 10bucks back he barrowed from me.:blah::blah:
Iran has the industrial ability to build something like the S-300 with Russian assistance, to say otherwise is just out of jealousy.
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