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Iran backed Zainebiyoun brigade composed of Pakistani Shia guarding the Baghdad Damascus highway

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You used to be logical posters ....what's wrong all of sudden you endorse speculative theories ....

I guess with you guys 'logic' means to support Iranian agenda for ME region. Let me remind you again, whole region reject your Iranian agenda. You need to keep it to yourself, if you like it move to Iran and live there but no Arabs want it and they will all fight against it.
Syrians don't love Assad, you don't need to use whole military and invite Iran/Russia to kill Syrians if they support Assad as much as you say they do. That is a bizarre way to measure 'support'.
ok, Syrian don't like Asad ... happy !!!! .... well thats is your perception ...
Honestly I have never understood why Pakistanis get so angry about this.

If anything Pakistan and Iran can work together to correctly utilize these fighters. Instead of fighting against Iran, maybe Iran and Pakistan could make some kind of backroom deal where Iran could train them in its own conflict zones and then Pakistan can use these experienced fighters to do its own work in Kashmir or wherever. If you can't beat em, join em.

Fighters trained by Iran have real battle experience in actual wars using real military weapons. Iranian trained rebels like Houthis have successfully been able to overthrow governments like Saudi backed gov't in Yemen despite Saudis huge defence budget. Iran taught Houthis how to launch missiles at Saudis and use heavy military equipment. Iran is doing stuff right that Pakistan is not. Kashmir is barely a war, its more like an armed insurgency with some occasional stone pelters and in my opinion that's part of the problem. Iran doesn't get bogged down by regional differences as long as all of them have common enemy of Israel and Saudis. Pakistan is not being aggressive enough because it gets caught in petty disputes and can't see the big picture like Iran. India keeps putting more troops in Kashmir while Pakistan keeps taking its eye off the ball in these stupid Sunni Shia loyalty pissing matches. I swear Pakistanis get offended so easily its not even funny. Maybe if Pakistan decided to work with Iran to take advantage of these Shia fighters battle hardened experience in Middle East against Israel and Saudi to wipe the floor with Indian army in Kashmir, then Pakistan can actually have some real success in Kashmir rather than a prolonged and weak insurgency. Indian Muslims are too weak and timid to mount a successful insurgency, Shia fighters who have fought countries like Israel in Syria and overthrown governments in Iraq and Yemen would not be afraid of India, infiltrating Kashmir would be a piece of cake for them. Pakistan should've taken advantage of these Shia fighters a long time ago. Best of both worlds, they understand dynamics of Pakistan and have real battle experience with heavy weapons and they're already trained for free. Perfect for Kashmir. Only on PDF can people be so stupid to be offended by a free asset. Saudis and Americans paid millions to train Mujahideen in Afghanistan, Iran is doing the same for us for free and all we have to do is ask to return them after they get some battle experience. Pakistan has experience working with Taliban, how is working with Shia fighters any different? Win for both sides.

They are Iran's soldiers, they have no loyalty to us. In Pakistan also they would be carrying out Iran's orders, whose interests converge with Indians and its Afghan proxies against us.

How you think Iran would feel if we use Baloch from Sistan-Baluchistan in Kashmir against India or in Afghanistan against their proxies?

Furthermore, Liwa Zanabiyoun and Liwa Fatimayoun have committed warcrimes in Syria and are used as cannon fodder for Iranians. There is not much bravery in committing warcrimes under Russian cover.

If Turks are shredding them, I welcome it. Less problems for us to worry about.

As for learning military policies, sure, we can learn from even Israel. That does mean we import troops whose loyalty are to someone else, especially an enemy of Pakistan.

Ignoring the whole mercenary problem again; we should be resolving our disputes with Iran diplomatically. Nawaz Sharif dealt a huge blow to Foreign Affairs by not appointing anybody to the position which jeopardized relations with almost everybody. If PTI insists on keeping SMQ in the FM, add to his team so that he can work his way around issues. We should be solving issues with Iran so that we can focus on Afg/India and by large the Kashmir issue.

Pakistan's whole policy has been about securing peace with Iran. We bent over backwards to make it happen.

We were content to keep our rivalry only isolated to Afghanistan. Pukhtoons of Afghanistan are an extension of our own Pukhtoons, we won't let anyone harm them. We struggled hard to rid Afghanistan of Indians, Iranians, and NATO, all of whom did terrorism against us, joined together against us, and functioned to weaken Pakistan. For decades we were kept out of Afghanistan due to our own struggle against TTP, now we were victorious. It is time to put the last nail on the coffin of our enemies in Afghanistan to secure a peaceful and safe future for Pakistan.

This is all for Pakistan's own internal interests. The issue is not Sunni-Shia, it is between Iran and all its Muslim neighbors. Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, Gulf Arabs, civilians of Syria and Iraq, etc.

Realization is dawning on us now. We always knew that US and Iran were on the same page, but now we will see how far they have united together against us. Next few years will be very educational for Pakistanis and others.
They sound like cruise missiles, and they are the Iranian cruise missiles Iran used in attack.
but the satelite imagery showed they were not coming from Iran

as I said they sound like jet engine and you can here them for a very short of time. by the way my arabic is not too good it seems the video talk about airplanes when it talk about the sound (a question those these guys start video everyime an airplane fly over their head ?) and then when the video show inside KSA and burning refinary it talk about missiles .
Well, this thread surely went places.

If only the gulfies obsession and fear of Iran made them seek to be more independant, more hard working, less bedouin and more like the Arabs of old...

But no, instead of striving for sovereignity, they paid even more tribute to the west, hundreds of billions of dollars to the US for empty promises of protection that couldnt even stop the attack on abqaiq.

There was a time when Syria and Iraq could have become one, such a pitty how it all ended, to maintain Syrian land's integrety is the goal here, as I fear turkey will attempt to annex parts of the country. I hope Iran and russia are succesful in acheiving atleast that much.

Arab anger at Iran is totally justified. You have not left any stone unturned.
I guess with you guys 'logic' means to support Iranian agenda for ME region. Let me remind you again, whole region reject your Iranian agenda. You need to keep it to yourself, if you like it move to Iran and live there but no Arabs want it and they will all fight against it.
No, I think we already talk about peaceful Syria and Syria for Syrians ... did it many times. All forces should go back to there border... As far as AlAsad ...his govt is still recognized by UN and US. Let them decide what they want.. US will eventually find the solution.
Look at Iraq, again ISIS surge from nowhere...who is pouring money .... Middle East is.......... don't wanna say that .... but whoever spill the blood of innocent will pay the price .... it is law of nature ...
ok, Syrian don't like Asad ... happy !!!! ....

This is not about my personal joy, I am just telling you the truth and if certain people try saying otherwise I will refute them.

What Arabs need is to actively support each other.

A lot of people blame Iran and Turkey for interfering in Arab countries but the only reason they can do it is because there was an opportunity to do it. When Arabs gave Palestine the silent treatment, Iran and Turkey exploited it. If Arabs gave Palestine strong backing and solid support, its unlikely Iran or Turkey would have an opportunity to get involved. But that vacuum existed because Arabs decided to cozy with Israel and now it is being exploited. Iran and Turkey cannot be blamed for exploiting an opportunity because every country wants more power.

If Arab countries, especially Saudi and Egypt threw their full weight to drive Israel out of the region, they probably could've done it if they kept the war going long enough. They gave up after just six days, Israel wins the shorter a war is, Israel cannot win a war of attrition.

Iran-Iraq war lasted 8 brutal years, Egypt and Saudi could've launched an assault to wipe out Israel and gave strong, solid support to Palestine for at least 1-2 years. Israel would not have survived a real war of attrition against neighbors like Egypt and Saudi if they were really committed to it.

Arabs need to support each other and patch these holes so they cannot be exploited by others. Gulf Arabs should be willing to support Syrians, Iraqis, Yemenis, and Lebanese as Arabs with material military support, not treating them as some foreign enemy.

Iran and allies just killed dozens of Turkish troops in Syria, since when did you like them? You guys came up with nickname for Turkish leader 'ErDogan'.

Arabs had 4 wars with Israel, when did Iran have one war with Israel? What does Iran's activities in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, Kuwait, Nigeria have to do with Israel? If you want to go after Israel so badly give Palestinians weapons/funding you give to Hezbollah and Houthis. There is no reason why these weapons need to go to groups who attack and kill fellow Muslims.
but the satelite imagery showed they were not coming from Iran

as I said they sound like jet engine and you can here them for a very short of time. by the way my arabic is not too good it seems the video talk about airplanes when it talk about the sound (a question those these guys start video everyime an airplane fly over their head ?) and then when the video show inside KSA and burning refinary it talk about missiles .
Is it possible , all drones make U turn.. ???
Iran and allies just killed dozens of Turkish troops in Syria, since when did you like them? You guys came up with nickname for Turkish leader 'ErDogan'.
not Iran , maybe allies . go complaign to Russia and Syria not Iran
No, I think we already talk about peaceful Syria and Syria for Syrians ... did it many times. All forces should go back to there border... As far as AlAsad ...his govt is still recognized by UN and US. Let them decide what they want.. US will eventually find the solution.

Lol, how will Syrians decide what they want when he wins every election with 97-99% of vote every time? Can you guys have some for shame for once?
Is it possible , all drones make U turn.. ???
in fact from what direction the drones hit the target is irrelevant as you can program them to loitre over target for several hours . I put the images as answer to people who claimed the direction of attack was from Iran . it was not , it come from Jordan and Israel side.
not Iran , maybe allies . go complaign to Russia and Syria not Iran

Iran-Russia-Assad are all on same team in Syria and worked to push Turkey out of Idlib. You think Iran didn't know Turkish forces were based in Idlib based off Sochi agreement for two years? Iran knew well but nevertheless prepared the manpower(via its militias in Syria) and brought advisers to plan out ground offensive against Idlib. With full knowledge about Sochi agreement and Turkish outposts there. And full agreement/approval to strike Turkish outposts if they interfere with offensive.

So you keep playing dumb but we aren't stupid.
Here everyone is discussing there point of view. But in US Syrian Chrisitan love AlAsad ..and mostly Syrian muslims ... are totally socialist and communist idea, ... very few practicing muslims .. they are either religious or not religious....but when they start parting they finish barrels and pints ... Sometime , I really failed to understand why Syria need Arab Spring crap..they are very very moderate people ....

Syrians, 90%, are against Assad. I know very well the leaders of most Syrian organizations in the US. Yes, many are Muslim Brotherhood, but not all. I know many Kurds who are also against Assad.

The Syrian Christians socialist leaning you are referring to are SSNP, a fascist Nazi-esque group allied to Assad.
What Arabs need is to actively support each other.

A lot of people blame Iran and Turkey for interfering in Arab countries but the only reason they can do it is because there was an opportunity to do it. When Arabs gave Palestine the silent treatment, Iran and Turkey exploited it. If Arabs gave Palestine strong backing and solid support, its unlikely Iran or Turkey would have an opportunity to get involved. But that vacuum existed because Arabs decided to cozy with Israel and now it is being exploited. Iran and Turkey cannot be blamed for exploiting an opportunity because every country wants more power.

If Arab countries, especially Saudi and Egypt threw their full weight to drive Israel out of the region, they probably could've done it if they kept the war going long enough. They gave up after just six days, Israel wins the shorter a war is, Israel cannot win a war of attrition.

Iran-Iraq war lasted 8 brutal years, Egypt and Saudi could've launched an assault to wipe out Israel and gave strong, solid support to Palestine for at least 1-2 years. Israel would not have survived a real war of attrition against neighbors like Egypt and Saudi if they were really committed to it.

Arabs need to support each other and patch these holes so they cannot be exploited by others. Gulf Arabs should be willing to support Syrians, Iraqis, Yemenis, and Lebanese as Arabs with material military support, not treating them as some foreign enemy.

When Iraq took kuwait, the country got destroyed, an attack that succeeds in wiping israel would trigger a crusade against the actors, the zionist machine would broadcast it as a new holocast and the rest will be ugly.

Iran and turkey are able to interfere because Iraq was destroyed, which created a power vacuum that took out syria as well, fully opening the door for both.
Lol, how will Syrians decide what they want when he wins every election with 97-99% of vote every time? Can you guys have some for shame for once?
Shame !!!! might is right , I endorse US policy, if US is fine with present Syrian regime ...what else ... might is right ..isn't it rule of foreign policy ??
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