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Iran backed Zainebiyoun brigade composed of Pakistani Shia guarding the Baghdad Damascus highway

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Where is the evidence to this claim please provide that.
What evidence do you have they didnt Turks claim they only attacked forces that Crossed the agreed upon lines by Sochi agreement and threatened them. Its not like they went out of their way to find Pakistanis in Syria and Kill them. Pakistan did not show any concern on their death had it did i will toe my countries line. I believe What Turks say and you can believe whatever you want.
So what international constitutions is Turkey exercising with it's presence in Syria. So you don't know the reason for Turkey to be in Syria then how can you speak on behalf of Turkey my friend.
Turkey is the largest hosts of over 3.6 million Syrian refugees they have Legitimate Security Concerns what happens to Free Syrian Territory as More Refugees will Flood their Gates. This is the Position of Turkish state in regard to Syrian Territories. As far as Turkish Goals are concerned they could be anything from installing a new Government In Syria to Annexation of Territories but that is not our concern its Between them and Syrians our concern are our Citizens Fighting other nations under the influence of another power. I have Similar position for every Pakistani be they fight for ISIS or FSA or anywhere else.

You have your Opinion and I have mine we can Agree to disagree.
You don't need Egypt or Saudi or Turkey, you control two borders with Israel(Lebanese and Syrian). You are more than welcome to attack them, Muslim world has been hearing your rhetoric for 40 years, you didn't attack than then and you won't attack them now. But you will attack neighboring Muslim nations.
Are you by any chance dragging Pakistan ?
Nope, it flew through Iraq and passed along Iraqi-Kuwaiti border into Saudi Arabia. One of them crashed in Saudi desertland and Saudi's showed the missile:

These are Iranian weapons:


You will not find many buyers of this evidence on pdf.

This kind of mentality the Iranian regime has taught them. They will attack and destabilize Muslim nations and pretend they had nothing to do with it. And they request Arabs/Turks to have dialogue with them. They don't understand dialogue and only force. Turkish drones stopped them committing a massacre in Idlib and continuing to abide by Sochi agreement until Syria goes into political transformation process and refugees can return to their lands.
KSA attacked yemen . we gave yemeni people weapon to defend themselves . they used that weapon to fight KSA .
whats the problem with that? can you enlighten me .
in Idlib well look at the map and as I said we refrained engaging turkey there not to escalte the situation . you just can go read (if i recall correctly) Fatemioun open lettter to turkey during the conflict.
and again you talk about suchi . go and read Suchi, Astana and Turkish-Russian agreement . those are 3 different thing why you mixing them with each other?

Not sure what you are trying to convince us of but we have seen enough from Iran and had enough of its grudge against us. We don't want anything to do with them, forever, and we will topple their terrorist and sectarian regime. After that Iranians can do as they wish in their own country but they won't be allowed to do anything in Arab world. If you like them so much you can continue liking them but we will not accept terrorist, Persian aggression against Islam or our people.
My friend Iran defended Syria from ISIS which was Iran's right. Turkey protected Turkmen in Syria which was Turkey's right. Arabs are trying to protect Arab population. So what is the solution to Syria. Iran was called in Syria by Syrian Govt. There are more bombs dropped in Syria by Russia but some how you have more issues with Iran Why? Being bias will never get you to a point of solution for Syria. I cam literally white wash Iran here but that would not be a reality rather my skill & that wouldn't help Syria cause one has to realize a problem to solve it.
The damage is done, I would still put most of the blame on Sadam, he had a strategicaly positioned country, a wealth of resources, a rich history to unite the country around and he wasted it all.

Pan-Arabism is a joke, the 2 baath party regimes couldnt bring Syria and Iraq together, consider the possibilities if that was to happen, now look at we have in reality.

The PMU is not going, but do you really want it to go at this stage ? Who is going to counter balance the besh-merka, the US presence and Isis ?

We have no intrinsic power, we can only depend on regional actors, it is the sad truth.

The best case scenario is disbanding the decentralized PMU and having a strong centralized military force with a centralized state.

However, that is on paper. In reality disbanding the PMU comes with a huge set of risks, the army is under tight control by our government which gets established by a constitution that favors those whom work on Iraq's failure. PMU removal is favored by the Kurds as it enables them to sabotage the army and execute their plans in the so-called 'disputed territories'. We cannot afford that risk, all we can do is mitigate risks and keep a power balance by keeping the army/ISOF stronger than the PMU in terms of manpower and firepower. Currently that is the case, and it's going to remain that way for many years to come from what it looks like.
My friend Iran defended Syria from ISIS which was Iran's right. Turkey protected Turkmen in Syria which was Turkey's right. Arabs are trying to protect Arab population. So what is the solution to Syria. Iran was called in Syria by Syrian Govt. There are more bombs dropped in Syria by Russia but some how you have more issues with Iran Why? Being bias will never get you to a point of solution for Syria. I cam literally white wash Iran here but that would not be a reality rather my skill & that wouldn't help Syria cause one has to realize a problem to solve it.

There was no ISIS in beginning of conflict, but I know you will push your narrative regardless. I have problem with Russia's role in Syria just as much as Iran's role in Syria or US role in Syria. And my opinion on Iran is permanent, I've seen what they are about and what their intentions towards ME are. And we want nothing to do with them, they need to mind their own business in their country or look eastward for influence.
F-16 hit during afghan Russian war was a friendly hit by mistake. 71 war was a disaster but at least we are fighting against India. Look at you! You raise slogans against america.fire ballistic missiles on american bases and what have you got in return?
More deterrence in the region. ever Since US hit SOleimani, US has not killed Iran-linked militia men or IRGC officers again in the region.
- US received orders to exit Iraq, US agreed to complete it in 2 years
-US withdrawal from the Middle East- Trump is "disentangling"US militarily, thats why US emptied the Ul-Udeid base in Qatar that was supposed to hunt 10,000 soldiers.
Pieces of Suleymani and Israeli precision strikes.
THose Israeli strikes havent changed the relative balance of power in SYria or the region, just slowed or halted rapid changes in ways that disadvantage Israel. Iran is in Damascus, directly and indirectly, other than being another Arab capital, its close to Lebanon and Israel- 2 countries of importance to Iran. Let me go ahead and say this- i didnt say all this to be an Iran fanboy, i said all this to be an Iran fact boy. You are nice with your words, but sometimes you might slip and make wrong generalizations so i just wanted to help clarify. Iran doesnt want war with the US, and US wants to focus on China, but both countries will take damage in any direct conflict neither wants. if u dunno that, ur still learning.
Is this your army? This is like a joke.
if its a joke then why hasnt US attacked it in 40+ years? i mean, you're just talking bs cuz u cant back it up with any facts.
Stop recruiting our men.
Did you tell TUrkey your friend to also stop recruiting Syrians to fight in Libya? @cabatli_53 y'all need to do a lil better.
We can come inside Iran as well.
LMAO. You barely enter Afghanistan, so you already know your "arm" will get sharia'd off once it violates Iran and starts doing what it shouldnt.
We aren't like Americans who use drones Everytime.
You're neither like Indians...do you guys define yourself more by who you are Not vs you who are?
If you continue to meddle in our internal affairs,we will make your life hell.
You need to do this asap...Iran is probably itching for alesson. you and some others have talked tough..if only GHQ headquarters in Rawalpindi can just hear you and follow your orders...enough is really enough. no?[/QUOTE]
hat evidence do you have they didnt Turks claim they only attacked forces that Crossed the agreed upon lines by Sochi agreement and threatened them.
honnestly you guys most go and read those 3 agreement so you don't mix them together in later debates
As far as Turkish Goals are concerned they could be anything from installing a new Government In Syria to Annexation of Territories
that's against UN charter and as you are part of UN . that must be your concern. if you support that then you don't have any legitimate stand in your conflict with India
More deterrence in the region. ever Since US hit SOleimani, US has not killed Iran-linked militia men or IRGC officers again in the region.
- US received orders to exit Iraq, US agreed to complete it in 2 years
-US withdrawal from the Middle East- Trump is "disentangling"US militarily, thats why US emptied the Ul-Udeid base in Qatar that was supposed to hunt 10,000 soldiers.

THose Israeli strikes havent changed the relative balance of power in SYria or the region, just slowed or halted rapid changes in ways that disadvantage Israel. Iran is in Damascus, directly and indirectly, other than being another Arab capital, its close to Lebanon and Israel- 2 countries of importance to Iran. Let me go ahead and say this- i didnt say all this to be an Iran fanboy, i said all this to be an Iran fact boy. You are nice with your words, but sometimes you might slip and make wrong generalizations so i just wanted to help clarify. Iran doesnt want war with the US, and US wants to focus on China, but both countries will take damage in any direct conflict neither wants. if u dunno that, ur still learning.

if its a joke then why hasnt US attacked it in 40+ years? i mean, you're just talking bs cuz u cant back it up with any facts.

Did you tell TUrkey your friend to also stop recruiting Syrians to fight in Libya? @cabatli_53 y'all need to do a lil better.

LMAO. You barely enter Afghanistan, so you already know your "arm" will get sharia'd off once it violates Iran and starts doing what it shouldnt.

You're neither like Indians...do you guys define yourself more by who you are Not vs you who are?

You need to do this asap...Iran is probably itching for alesson. you and some others have talked tough..if only GHQ headquarters in Rawalpindi can just hear you and follow your orders...enough is really enough. no?

you will get all your answers soon. i don't care about turkey hiring syrians. none of our business but hiring our citizens is our business. they killed your top general and now you are giving lame excuses. he was your top general. now you are satisfied that they aren't killing more of your men. are you serious? do you forget suleymani death? where is practical implementation of all this revenge drama? not even a single US soldier died after soleimani death. who are we? ask irgc to remain alert near border. we are cleaning our house close to your border. we can cross at anytime as well.
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