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Iran backed Zainebiyoun brigade composed of Pakistani Shia guarding the Baghdad Damascus highway

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Honestly I have never understood why Pakistanis get so angry about this.

If anything Pakistan and Iran can work together to correctly utilize these fighters. Instead of fighting against Iran, maybe Iran and Pakistan could make some kind of backroom deal where Iran could train them in its own conflict zones and then Pakistan can use these experienced fighters to do its own work in Kashmir or wherever. If you can't beat em, join em.

Fighters trained by Iran have real battle experience in actual wars using real military weapons. Iranian trained rebels like Houthis have successfully been able to overthrow governments like Saudi backed gov't in Yemen despite Saudis huge defence budget. Iran taught Houthis how to launch missiles at Saudis and use heavy military equipment. Iran is doing stuff right that Pakistan is not. Kashmir is barely a war, its more like an armed insurgency with some occasional stone pelters and in my opinion that's part of the problem. Iran doesn't get bogged down by regional differences as long as all of them have common enemy of Israel and Saudis. Pakistan is not being aggressive enough because it gets caught in petty disputes and can't see the big picture like Iran. India keeps putting more troops in Kashmir while Pakistan keeps taking its eye off the ball in these stupid Sunni Shia loyalty pissing matches. I swear Pakistanis get offended so easily its not even funny. Maybe if Pakistan decided to work with Iran to take advantage of these Shia fighters battle hardened experience in Middle East against Israel and Saudi to wipe the floor with Indian army in Kashmir, then Pakistan can actually have some real success in Kashmir rather than a prolonged and weak insurgency. Indian Muslims are too weak and timid to mount a successful insurgency, Shia fighters who have fought countries like Israel in Syria and overthrown governments in Iraq and Yemen would not be afraid of India, infiltrating Kashmir would be a piece of cake for them. Pakistan should've taken advantage of these Shia fighters a long time ago. Best of both worlds, they understand dynamics of Pakistan and have real battle experience with heavy weapons and they're already trained for free. Perfect for Kashmir. Only on PDF can people be so stupid to be offended by a free asset. Saudis and Americans paid millions to train Mujahideen in Afghanistan, Iran is doing the same for us for free and all we have to do is ask to return them after they get some battle experience. Pakistan has experience working with Taliban, how is working with Shia fighters any different? Win for both sides.


Look who thanked this post. :rofl::rofl:

Ignoring the whole mercenary problem again; we should be resolving our disputes with Iran diplomatically. Nawaz Sharif dealt a huge blow to Foreign Affairs by not appointing anybody to the position which jeopardized relations with almost everybody. If PTI insists on keeping SMQ in the FM, add to his team so that he can work his way around issues. We should be solving issues with Iran so that we can focus on Afg/India and by large the Kashmir issue.

You and Iranian lover Aspen do not represent majority of people in Pakistan and it is not up to you. Pakistani's are aware of Iran's sectarian and expansionist nature and are aware of Iranian arrogance towards its neighbors. They are certainly not going to look it up to it as you and Iran firsters wish to see happen.
See we aren't uncle Sam. We know terrain. We are trained to fight in Afghanistan like condition.now it's up to you to decide which way you want. Pakistan have seen enough.
then why not come here

You and Iranian lover Aspen do not represent majority of people in Pakistan and it is not up to you. Pakistani's are aware of Iran's sectarian and expansionist nature and are aware of Iranian arrogance towards its neighbors. They are certainly not going to look it up to it as you and Iran firsters wish to see happen.
and look who knew Pakistanis and try to become their spoke person
the norm is Pakistanis . I knew that concept is foreign to you, but try to understand it.

yeah they are sectarian , but slavemasters and head choppers and cannibals are not.

Every Sunni nation outlaw ISIS and consider them sectarian and extreme. They are not slavemaster, however, they volunteer to fight, slavemaster is more befitting for militias that fight for you in Syria.
You and Iranian lover Aspen do not represent majority of people in Pakistan and it is not up to you. Pakistani's are aware of Iran's sectarian and expansionist nature and are aware of Iranian arrogance towards its neighbors. They are certainly not going to look it up to it as you and Iran firsters wish to see happen.
Reported your post for personal attack.
I certainly don't need to be schooled by a Palestinian living in the US rooting for the KSA to tell me about what I represent and do not represent. Stick to the topic. If you do not have anything to add you can go back to sucking goat tits or whatever you do in your past time.
They are not slavemaster, however, they volunteer to fight, slavemaster is more befitting for militias that fight for you in Syria.
say that to Yazidi women , or they are not considered human ?
by the way show us a slave market ran by militia we support.
say that to Yazidi women , or they are not considered human ?
by the way show us a slave market ran by militia we support.

We don't need to say nothing, Sunni nations ban ISIS and Sunni extremists and it's time for Iran to stop sponsoring, funding and forming new Shia extremist groups. I have videos of these pro-Iran militias beheading, stabbing, burning and beating people. It's too graphic to post on forum and is against forum rules, but anyone can find them on internet. As I said you like to play dumb.

Reported your post for personal attack.
I certainly don't need to be schooled by a Palestinian living in the US rooting for the KSA to tell me about what I represent and do not represent. Stick to the topic. If you do not have anything to add you can go back to sucking goat tits or whatever you do in your past time.

There was no personal attack, you are an Iran lover and trying to convince Pakistani people like that other Iran lover that Pakistanis are second class citizens beneath Iran and that Iran is superior to them in every respect and that they should learn from Iran and cooperate with Iran. If you two love Iran so much go move to Iran, since this Iranian gov't supposedly love you so much they willing to give you citizenship.

There is nothing wrong with KSA, btw, but nice try, I do not 'root' for them. You just have extreme hatred for Saudi's and I will not tolerate it. Go hit your head into wall we will protect them and support from Irani terrorists and their supporters.

Look who thanked this post. :rofl::rofl:

You and Iranian lover Aspen do not represent majority of people in Pakistan and it is not up to you. Pakistani's are aware of Iran's sectarian and expansionist nature and are aware of Iranian arrogance towards its neighbors. They are certainly not going to look it up to it as you and Iran firsters wish to see happen.
My dear friend how is that a Pakistani don't represents Pakistan & someone from Palestine living in USA represents Pakistan care to elaborate?
My dear friend how is that a Pakistani don't represents Pakistan & someone from Palestine living in USA represents Pakistan care to elaborate?

You think majority of Pakistani's feel Pakistani military, gov't , society, economy, foreign policy is all inferior to Iran and that they need to look up to Iran and learn from them? Or that majority of Pakistani's hate KSA like these two guys do? I doubt anyone believes so. Replies to this thread by Pakistani's is evidence of that.
You think majority of Pakistani's feel Pakistani military, gov't , society, economy, foreign policy is all inferior to Iran and that they need to look up to Iran and learn from them? Or that majority of Pakistani's hate KSA like these two guys do? I doubt anyone believes so. Replies to this thread by Pakistani's is evidence of that.
Okay here is the issue.
The topic is.
Iran backed Zainebiyoun brigade composed of Pakistani Shia guarding the Baghdad Damascus highway

Now Zainebiyoun brigade is backed by the official govt of Syria which is a UN recognized Govt and backed by UAE Russia Iran and many GCC countries so what is wrong with that please explain to me?
Okay here is the issue.
The topic is.
Iran backed Zainebiyoun brigade composed of Pakistani Shia guarding the Baghdad Damascus highway

Now Zainebiyoun brigade is backed by the official govt of Syria which is a UN recognized Govt and backed by UAE Russia Iran and many GCC countries so what is wrong with that please explain to me?

Is it backed by Pakistan?
Okay here is the issue.
The topic is.
Iran backed Zainebiyoun brigade composed of Pakistani Shia guarding the Baghdad Damascus highway

Now Zainebiyoun brigade is backed by the official govt of Syria which is a UN recognized Govt and backed by UAE Russia Iran and many GCC countries so what is wrong with that please explain to me?

UAE supports this group? Show me a source, or even better your claim about GCC supporting them. Iran support founded them and support them, we know that, you think Iran is some respected nation in the region? Nobody like them and they are most hated nation in region along with Israel. If Iran creates militias to attack Syrian people and attack other neighboring Muslim nations like Saudi Arabia than we are gonna have a big problem with it and do everything to punish these terrorist fitnah groups.
UAE supports this group? Show me a source, or even better your claim about GCC supporting them. Iran support founded them and support them, we know that, you think Iran is some respected nation in the region? Nobody like them and they are most hated nation in region along with Israel. If Iran creates militias to attack Syrian people and attack other neighboring Muslim nations like Saudi Arabia than we are gonna have a big problem with it and do everything to punish these terrorist fitnah groups.
First tell me UAE supports Assad or not?
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