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Iran attempts to steal US Navy unmanned naval vessel, then departs after US response

Maybe they didnt want it after they saw it was not lethal or worth the technology. Maybe they were just moving it along to keep the seaway clear.
Doesn't explain why they wanted to take a pair of them in the Red Sea either. But it took the U.S. Navy involvement to change their mind.
Man get with the times, they "changed their minds" after they vandalised them, took the cameras and other goodies out. Iran doesnt get intimidated by the US.
Of course they would vandalize it if they can't take it. I mean its just cameras. If they weren't intimidated, fire some missiles and be on your way towing the auto sail then.
Of course they would vandalize it if they can't take it. I mean its just cameras. If they weren't intimidated, fire some missiles and be on your way towing the auto sail then.

Technologically wise it isnt something that Iran couldn't muster itself. Why destroy something before investigating why it's there and what sort of information it has thus far collected? It's also non lethal so why use lethal force? We reserve that shit for US drones and bases. Or IEDs...
Technologically wise it isnt something that Iran couldn't muster itself. Why destroy something before investigating why it's there and what sort of information it has thus far collected? It's also non lethal so why use lethal force? We reserve that shit for US drones and bases. Or IEDs...
LOL! Why not use lethal force if being forced to give up the drone? You have the missiles ready for the American ships.
LOL! Why not use lethal force if being forced to give up the drone? You have the missiles ready for the American ships.

So you expect us to blow your ships up over a pair of non-lethal drones which we vandalised, in the midst of negotiations as well?! Get a grip and go back to sleep, gramps. That "concussion" again, huh?
So you expect us to blow your ships up over a pair of non-lethal drones which we vandalised, in the midst of negotiations as well?! Get a grip and go back to sleep, gramps. That "concussion" again, huh?
It should be YOU who should get a grip. Realistically, the most the Iranian military could do to US would be the equivalence of vandalism. Annoying but ultimately meaningless.
Of course they would vandalize it if they can't take it. I mean its just cameras. If they weren't intimidated, fire some missiles and be on your way towing the auto sail then.
still remain the question that why in Persian gulf , they tugged the drone for some hours without taking it into Iranian water , it was like look i'm here if you can do anything .
then i don't think it would have taken 10 minutes to enter into Iranian water .

don't look like Iran actually wanted to take the drones then , so i conclude this time also they didn't want to take the drone either
It should be YOU who should get a grip. Realistically, the most the Iranian military could do to US would be the equivalence of vandalism. Annoying but ultimately meaningless.

Iran has fired directly at your assets before, seems the concussion has made you forget. Like I said, there was no need to endanger young American sailors over a non-leathal piece of junk. So why didnt US open fire while Iran was messing with your shit? There is no evidence that US Navy even got close enough to the Iranians.

Dont tell me, you and @Oldman1 are the same person. Lol
Iran has fired directly at your assets before, seems the concussion has made you forget. Like I said, there was no need to endanger young American sailors over a non-leathal piece of junk. So why didnt US open fire while Iran was messing with your shit? There is no evidence that US Navy even got close enough to the Iranians.

Dont tell me, you and @Oldman1 are the same person. Lol
Like I said -- vandalism. Not even qualified as potshots.
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