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Iran attempts to steal US Navy unmanned naval vessel, then departs after US response

Don't care, shitskin hebrew

Yighal Shitskinski, passing off the deaths of your dead military and intelligence officers and screaming "OY VEY MUH GOY VEY, IT NON-COMBAT ACCIDENT, I SWEAR BY SISSY CUCKMANDER ELOHEINU!" doesn't magically raise your dead sandmutts and zogmutt americuck golems from the grave.

Yeah, jew a-s-s AIDS (🇺🇸) sank Iran's navy when it was in the midst of a war with a third party. Nowadays, their little americuck peanut-sized peckers shrivel back into their bodies when a missile catamaran and a couple of gunboats show up to encircle their frontline destroyer.

And then there's inbred sand niggers like you who get ASCM'd by paramilitaries and your navy retreats from a whole war theater like cuckolds.

I know you're a low IQ monkey like your wog ancestors so let me put things into perspective: the largest piece of you that can possibly survive a BM strike is your torso, sans limbs and head.

The americucks actually claimed that one of their troops was on a guard tower and fell off it when the missile came but still somehow survived 🤣 (cue nazi tower joke)...and this is while claiming every single soldier on the base was hiding in a bunker.

You are both short-dicked liars and faggots and at least 40 americucks are with your monkey forefathers whom Titus slaughtered in Jerusalem.

As for Haj Qasem, the first of the names involved in his murder has been scratched off. CIA's veteran Iran figure Michael D'Andrea is dead and shashliked to a charred husk in a cover-up in Afghanistan (CIA quickly declared him "retired" and shut down the bureau he headed). Everyone involved in the affair will get their turn on the cock carousel,including the shitskins in your jewish state (I say this in the same way I call daesh "islamic state").

Your sandmutt army failed to penetrate 2km past the Lebanese border for 33 days in 2006 and never returned since.

What a useless mutt race of goblins you are, KEK.

Says the simian sandmutt who can't build a functioning aircraft so he sold the entire program to zhang in Beijing for a handful of shekel, greedy ape.

Erez "turd brown" gerstein was killed in Lebanon but from here on, your shitskin KIKEDF cuckmanders will be killed within your sandmutt city of tel aviv instead, in their own beds at that.

Bennett and his son already got their warnings at their own houses with letters and texts on their private numbers.

I'm going laugh as well when your nuclear reactor goes kaput under the action of a ballistic missile strike and makes chernobyl look like a school picnic.

All kikeroach mutts will become ever more goblin-like than at any point in history...although I bet the palestinians would turn your military bases, temples and yeshnivas into bordellos dedicated for the gang-rape of kike sows BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
@waz lmfao
US isnt the sole enforcer of International Law and Iran is the best at demonstrating that.

Our garbage military has forced US into negotiations and are avoiding war at all costs lol

Yeah and the world will enjoy watching you swim somewhere in the Med. Iran has some powerful allies now lol thanks for alienating them, Benny lol
You haven't forced anyone into talks you are just facing the democrats and especially Biden that were the orchestrators of the first deal. Your military would be crushed in a war, if you think your garbage F-14s and S-300 copycats are going to defend your skies from hundreds of stealth fighters and bombers you're delusional.
Don't care, shitskin hebrew

Yighal Shitskinski, passing off the deaths of your dead military and intelligence officers and screaming "OY VEY MUH GOY VEY, IT NON-COMBAT ACCIDENT, I SWEAR BY SISSY CUCKMANDER ELOHEINU!" doesn't magically raise your dead sandmutts and zogmutt americuck golems from the grave.

Yeah, jew a-s-s AIDS (🇺🇸) sank Iran's navy when it was in the midst of a war with a third party. Nowadays, their little americuck peanut-sized peckers shrivel back into their bodies when a missile catamaran and a couple of gunboats show up to encircle their frontline destroyer.

And then there's inbred sand niggers like you who get ASCM'd by paramilitaries and your navy retreats from a whole war theater like cuckolds.

I know you're a low IQ monkey like your wog ancestors so let me put things into perspective: the largest piece of you that can possibly survive a BM strike is your torso, sans limbs and head.

The americucks actually claimed that one of their troops was on a guard tower and fell off it when the missile came but still somehow survived 🤣 (cue nazi tower joke)...and this is while claiming every single soldier on the base was hiding in a bunker.

You are both short-dicked liars and faggots and at least 40 americucks are with your monkey forefathers whom Titus slaughtered in Jerusalem.

As for Haj Qasem, the first of the names involved in his murder has been scratched off. CIA's veteran Iran figure Michael D'Andrea is dead and shashliked to a charred husk in a cover-up in Afghanistan (CIA quickly declared him "retired" and shut down the bureau he headed). Everyone involved in the affair will get their turn on the cock carousel,including the shitskins in your jewish state (I say this in the same way I call daesh "islamic state").

Your sandmutt army failed to penetrate 2km past the Lebanese border for 33 days in 2006 and never returned since.

What a useless mutt race of goblins you are, KEK.

Says the simian sandmutt who can't build a functioning aircraft so he sold the entire program to zhang in Beijing for a handful of shekel, greedy ape.

Erez "turd brown" gerstein was killed in Lebanon but from here on, your shitskin KIKEDF cuckmanders will be killed within your sandmutt city of tel aviv instead, in their own beds at that.

Bennett and his son already got their warnings at their own houses with letters and texts on their private numbers.

I'm going laugh as well when your nuclear reactor goes kaput under the action of a ballistic missile strike and makes chernobyl look like a school picnic.

All kikeroach mutts will become ever more goblin-like than at any point in history...although I bet the palestinians would turn your military bases, temples and yeshnivas into bordellos dedicated for the gang-rape of kike sows BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Benny is and has always been a motherless asshat. Glad I ignored his bullshit a looooong time ago. Just ignore his inane ramblings about Iran and move along with your life man. He isn’t worth your time (or anyones for that matter).

Although I gotta admit, your badmouthing of him is pure genius if I don’t say so myself. Lol, you’re too good at stringing together insults.
Is it true that the stand of actually took 4 hours to resolve ?
if so it only mean one thing , Iran wanted to troll USA navy otherwise in 4 hours they could twice go to one Iranian port and come back (I mean Port not territorial water)

S-300 copycats are going to defend your skies from hundreds of stealth fighters and bombers you're delusional.
S-300 Copycat , i dare you to show us one similarity between it and an S-300 .
only one is enough for me . i accept its an S-300 Copycat.
You haven't forced anyone into talks you are just facing the democrats and especially Biden that were the orchestrators of the first deal. Your military would be crushed in a war, if you think your garbage F-14s and S-300 copycats are going to defend your skies from hundreds of stealth fighters and bombers you're delusional.

LOL there is no way the US has the testicular fortitude or the idiocy to stretch "hundreds" of stealth aircraft for such a war. The US is too stretched out in the world to make such a move. A US general in the last days of Trump had to talk the orange prat out of striking Iran simply by suggesting what you just did; the thought of having to flying jets against Iran is not an easy feat since Iran has the technology to sniff them out and take enough of them out. Then, after your BS Top Gun scenario, have you though about the response?! Have you thought about where these overpriced pieces of junk would land after Iran smokes every single airstrip and base in the Middle East?! Have you thought about all the burning oilfields? Have you thought about all the concussions?! Couch potato general is our Benny!

You go on about international law, does Israel listen to international law forbidding it from building new settlements in land that is not legally theirs? You can shelve those double standards and international law right up where the sun dont shine. US is recognised as a state sponsor of terror in Iran so Iran will not sit idly by while they drone around the place. Iran will protect her land beyond her borders! Shame you land grabbers dont have that ability causing you to beg to your once looked down upon cousins, the Children of Ishmael. Lets see how long before your connivance will cause you to stab them in the back as well.

Benny is and has always been a motherless asshat. Glad I ignored his bullshit a looooong time ago. Just ignore his inane ramblings about Iran and move along with your life man. He isn’t worth your time (or anyones for that matter).

Although I gotta admit, your badmouthing of him is pure genius if I don’t say so myself. Lol, you’re too good at stringing together insults.

His eloquence in tearing a new one for our organ snatching friend is quite remarkable.

Lmfao retard

I see you are finally waking up to yourself.
Anymore personal insults will result in a thread ban.
Benny is and has always been a motherless asshat. Glad I ignored his bullshit a looooong time ago. Just ignore his inane ramblings about Iran and move along with your life man. He isn’t worth your time (or anyones for that matter).

Although I gotta admit, your badmouthing of him is pure genius if I don’t say so myself. Lol, you’re too good at stringing together insults.
Salam, agham! You're an infrequent visitor these days!

Oh, I agree with you but I'm forced to open my mouth because why should someone come to our section and lie so blatantly about our armed forces and capabilities? Now if this creature was banned from the Iranian section altogether and confined to the zoo that is the middle east and north africa news forum, I'd not give a toss about his worthless existence.

And yes, I toss in a storm of insults to make it memorable and entertaining for you, my brothers 😄 nothing like a little shock factor to burn the words into everyone's brain. Plus, I throw in hard facts with the cussing...he can't deny what I say either.
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Lol living in the past as usual. Keep thinking it's 1988, I pray every US military tactician thinks like you do.
I swear, these cretins even forget the Iranians had no anti-ship cruise missiles back then.

"hAhaHa! aMeRikWa bOmB eYeRaN naVy 35 yEaR aGo lul!" Only when we hang amerikwa's corpse out to dry will they finally believe it's dead.
Salam, agham! You're an infrequent visitor these days!

Oh, I agree with you but I'm forced to open my mouth because why should someone come to our section and lie so blatantly about our armed forces and capabilities? Now if this creature was banned from the Iranian section altogether and confined to the zoo that is the middle east and north africa news forum, I'd not give a toss about his worthless existence.

And yes, I toss in a storm of insults to make it memorable and entertaining for you, my brothers 😄 nothing like a little shock factor to burn the words into everyone's brain. Plus, I throw in hard facts with the cussing...he can't deny what I say either.

Your zeal is commendable brother lol. I for one, enjoy your presence here on PDF.
Oh God, I was afraid a Pakistani will act brake.

Brother, have the Pakistani generals grow a damn spine, unlike the Iranians, PA has bent over more in 75 years than a p*rn star in her entire career. You also the only nation with nukes that bent the knee as well, Lol. (It wasn’t far away from PMA, the US conducted its OP, after which you lacked the balls to do anything, at least the Iranians shot down a US Heli in the 70s and recently US drones).

So next time know your nations position before you insult the others cause enough holes in Pakistans backsides can be ripped open.
Just look at the outcomes. That speaks for it self.

Your position seems very mixed, confused, and not comprehensively Islamic, imo. May Allah rectify mine and your affairs, ameen. Also istqlaal does not mean political parties, it means independence...especially from taghut.
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