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Iran attempts to steal US Navy unmanned naval vessel, then departs after US response

Also even if they did mention homosexuality, what has that got to do with what Salar was saying and your intrigue in wanting us to know the difference between a preop and postop mental patient?

Indeed, the user's interjection was irrelevant to the point put forth in my post. I'd suggest not to feed the attempted hijacking.

We have shown clear cut evidence as to how the armed forces of the USA are a den for LGBT types. There's no equivalent to this in the Iranian military. That's all which matters here.

To further expose the contrast, I'd recommend posting more documents about effeminate USA military personnel, anything you come across will do (whether homosexuals, transvestites or transgenders, makes no difference).
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Indeed, the user's interjection was totally irrelevant to the point put forth in my post. I'd suggest not to feed the attempted hijacking.

We have shown clear cut evidence as to how the armed forces of the USA are a den for LGBT types. There's no equivalent to this in the Iranian military. And that's all which matters here.

To further expose the contrast, I'd recommend posting more documents about effeminate USA military personnel, anything you come across will do (whether homosexuals, transvestites or transgenders, makes no difference at all).
I interjected because your article clearly said Transgender not Gay not lesbian not Bisexual and from that you concluded about homosexuals and bisexuals , I pointed to you that transgender people are different from homosexual and bisexuals .its completely different they are not the same category , you can't put them beside those group. a transgender can be heterosexual , can be homosexual and can be bisexual .
Transgender is problem with sexual identification . homosexuality and heterosexuality and bisexuality are sexual preferences and has nothing to do with sexual identification.
so my interjection was totally valid and relevant . you wrongfully mistaken sexual preference by sexual identification .
I interjected because your article clearly said Transgender not Gay not lesbian not Bisexual and from that you concluded about homosexuals and bisexuals , I pointed to you that transgender people are different from homosexual and bisexuals .its completely different they are not the same category , you can't put them beside those group. a transgender can be heterosexual , can be homosexual and can be bisexual .
Transgender is problem with sexual identification . homosexuality and heterosexuality and bisexuality are sexual preferences and has nothing to do with sexual identification.
so my interjection was totally valid and relevant . you wrongfully mistaken sexual preference by sexual identification .

Then I'd suggest to look again. Because in addition to the article, I shared photographic evidence of LGBTism in the USA military. That too was part of my post which you quoted.

Secondly and as said before, you missed the point. I was addressing the cheap shot taken by a USA user, who was likening an animated sequence of a wimpy sort of fight between two females with the Iranian war effort against Iraq. Now, male transgenders who trade some of their male attributes for female ones, are effeminate by definition. So are male cross-dressers as well as a large portion of homosexuals. All of which are plentiful in the USA military. Therefore as far as my retort is concerned, the technical differences between transgenders, homosexuals and so on are totally beside the point.

And so was your interjection, therefore.
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Secondly and as said before, you missed the point. I was addressing the cheap shot taken by a USA user, who was likening an animated sequence of a wimpy sort of fight between two females with the Iranian war effort against Iraq.
Right...There are no cheap shots at US from the PDF Iranians at all...Never...Not a one...:rolleyes:
Our asking for the return of our property does not mean the thing was some kind of super-duper airplane. It is the principle of it. :rolleyes:

By the way, did any of our drones helped you with that 'stealth' thingy you guys were working on? :lol:
You didn't ask for the rest by POTUS.
And yes it worked against your dictatorial allies in Abqaiq:
Or CIA center in Iraq:
or your base in Syria:
what burden go do a google search, its hard go search wikipedia for Maryam-Khatoon Malek-Ara
its hard click on links below

Did I say gays dont exist in Iran? did I say there is no difference between a tranny and a kooni? Did I deny that Iran doesnt have trannies? Why are you obsessed? Why do you think we care? Shoghleto be hame nagoo.

Right...There are no cheap shots at US from the PDF Iranians at all...Never...Not a one...:rolleyes:

Nowhere near as cheap and salty as some non-binary pregnant fathers who come here, we just give you cold hard facts and a reality check. If anything we are guilty of immitating your own polemical style. Gotta fight fire with fire sometimes though.
Did I say gays dont exist in Iran? did I say there is no difference between a tranny and a kooni? Did I deny that Iran doesnt have trannies? Why are you obsessed? Why do you think we care? Shoghleto be hame nagoo.
you again mistake a transgender with homosexual, and the use of the derogatory word tranny show your mindset.
when you said the burden of proof is on me you said there is no Decree by mr. Khomeyni or Khamenei or other cleric on the matter and i proved to you there is . in fact only Mr. Behjat outright banned it the rest of cleric allowed it or said on the condition that it don't lead to haram is allowed (mr. Sistany)

God will judge them eventually, but it’s not your place to make halal (permitted) out of something God has forbidden
in Islamic Fiqh its phenotype that decide a person is male or Female not Genotype . you can't change Genotype but by the decree of majority of clerics (at least Shia Clerics) if you change the phenotype the gender also change .
by the way where it come its forbidden to change phenotype ? as far as im aware it only need one grandcleric permition to let it be Halal and in this case majority of Grand Clerics allowed it or said with some condition its allowed . and its not like somebody awaken and decide let change sex today . its a process that can take up to two or more years to be approved it need at leadt two psycghiatrist to say that the person have sexual identification disorder and benefit from sexual reassignment surgery . and they need at least live several month as opposit sex before the surgery get approved
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you again mistake a transgender with homosexual, and the use of the derogatory word tranny show your mindset.
when you said the burden of proof is on me you said there is no Decree by mr. Khomeyni or Khamenei or other cleric on the matter and i proved to you there is . in fact only Mr. Behjat outright banned it the rest of cleric allowed it or said on the condition that it don't lead to haram is allowed (mr. Sistany)

in Islamic Fiqh its phenotype that decide a person is male or Female not Genotype . you can't change Genotype but by the decree of majority of clerics (at least Shia Clerics) if you change the phenotype the gender also change .
by the way where it come its forbidden to change phenotype ? as far as im aware it only need one grandcleric permition to let it be Halal and in this case majority of Grand Clerics allowed it or said with some condition its allowed . and its not like somebody awaken and decide let change sex today . its a process that can take up to two or more years to be approved it need at leadt two psycghiatrist to say that the person have sexual identification disorder and benefit from sexual reassignment surgery . and they need at least live several month as opposit sex before the surgery get approved

Did I offend you and your drag queen cult? Yes I am close minded to it, its my religion and duty to my Creator to be close minded....i don't advocate animalistic behaviour in humans. However the gharbzade queens of qazvin love it. Yes you have to prove what you claim...but lets be honest nobody even questioned what Khomeini said or didnt say, you brought it up to Salar after he humiliated the US military. Ive never seen such passion in you when we stated that the US army is full of trannies, as I have when Iran produces something indegenously. Very hypocritical. Regardless of any nuances, all 3 are still a liberal agenda to effeminate men. Me and Salar are Muslims, we dont differentiate between Qawmi Lūt. Now you know.

You're taking about a hermaphrodite which is a condition youre born with, not a man who feels like woman a few years down the line who then decides to artificially change his genes, which is what most trans gender people do. Well it is incorrect if what you are saying is true, i disagree with the ijtihad 100%.

My version of Islam is that we have the Quran, and we have a beloved Prophet, and then we have Ahlul-bayt and the great Companions. They are who I take my religion from. Not the opinions of felan besan. Allah has perfected his religion, so there is little room to maneuver. Homosexuality is a major sin, which incurs the wrath of Allah, and the Prophet and Ahlul bayt hated effeminate charachteristics in men, and masculin characteristics in women. So there is no way it is permissible for a person to go beyond that and change their gender forcibly if they were born a particular gender, just so they can have sex with the opposite gender. You can't make what is haram, halal. The clerics have made a mistake here, although im 100% sure this is not a unanimous opinion amongst the shia ulema. The process itself doesnt negate what I just said.
Did I offend you and your drag queen cult? Yes I am close minded to it, its my religion and duty to my Creator to be close minded...
if you are a shia , its your duty to follow a grand Ayat-Allah and unless the Grand Ayat-Allah you follow is Grand Ayat-Allah Behjat its against your religion to use such term and words against transgenders and even grand Ayat-Allah behjat never allowed to use dragatory terms which is against ethic and Islamic teaching and ethics against anybody. as he can be considred an ethic teacher for anyone by the way if you were not his follower at the time of his life (2009) you can't follow him anymore
Yes you have to prove what you claim...but lets be honest nobody even questioned what Khomeini said or didnt say, you brought it up to Salar after he humiliated the US military.
after he mistaken transgender with Homosexuals as i explained they are completely different
You're taking about a hermaphrodite which is a condition youre born with, not a man who feels like woman a few years down the line who then decides to artificially change his genes, which is what most trans gender people do. Well it is incorrect if what you are saying is true, i disagree with the ijtihad 100%.
who talk about hermaphrodite we are talking about sexually identification disorder .
wonder how you made such long post without understanding what the discussion is about
My version of Islam is that we have the Quran, and we have a beloved Prophet, and then we have Ahlul-bayt and the great Companions.
you are walking a dangerous line there as khavarij and Isis also claimed to have such version of Islam . i seriously suggest look at the definition of religious harder . your word on denouncing mojtahids is like a person with cancer denounce specialists and say i treat cancer with sport and diet .
Allah has perfected his religion, so there is little room to maneuver. Homosexuality is a major sin, which incurs the wrath of Allah, and the Prophet and Ahlul bayt hated effeminate charachteristics in men, and masculin characteristics in women.
noone discuss homosexuality we discus Gender Identity disorder which is different . one is gender identity the other is sexual affinity . wonder how i must say it for you guys to understand it.
You can't make what is haram, halal.
i previously explained the definition of sex in fiqh which is based on phenotype not Genotype
if you are a shia , its your duty to follow a grand Ayat-Allah and unless the Grand Ayat-Allah you follow is Grand Ayat-Allah Behjat its against your religion to use such term and words against transgenders and even grand Ayat-Allah behjat never allowed to use dragatory terms which is against ethic and Islamic teaching and ethics against anybody. as he can be considred an ethic teacher for anyone by the way if you were not his follower at the time of his life (2009) you can't follow him anymore

after he mistaken transgender with Homosexuals as i explained they are completely different

who talk about hermaphrodite we are talking about sexually identification disorder .
wonder how you made such long post without understanding what the discussion is about

you are walking a dangerous line there as khavarij and Isis also claimed to have such version of Islam . i seriously suggest look at the definition of religious harder . your word on denouncing mojtahids is like a person with cancer denounce specialists and say i treat cancer with sport and diet .

noone discuss homosexuality we discus Gender Identity disorder which is different . one is gender identity the other is sexual affinity . wonder how i must say it for you guys to understand it.

i previously explained the definition of sex in fiqh which is based on phenotype not Genotype

I dont follow Shia Islam, I am a Iranian Sunni Muslim just like our dear head of Navy Shahram Irani. So maybe thats the issue...and there is nowhere in my religion where I cant abbreviate terms like tranny. Maybe if YOU were a tranny then I can understand why you would be offended, but I wont compromise my religion for anyone. Especially over an abbreviation. I am also allowed to disagree over matters of ijtihad, although I think this is more aqeeda related. But you dont know what Im talking about nor are you qualified.

Yes there are nuances but they fall into the same category of queer, even LGBTQ people use that term. I use the term Qawmi Lūt because that is exactly what it is.

Yes it is a mental health problem, that doesnt mean a) it is halal to change their gender b) their procedure has to be done in Iran. They can go somewhere else and do it if they so wish. Unless of course, youre trying to force your liberal agenda on the religion of Islam which will not be tolerate by me. Maybe you do know more about hamjenbazi, and im okay with that lol

Isis and khawarij are seperate to what Sunni islam is. Even hardcore Sunni Muslims in Saudi Arabia denounce Isis and Khawarij, because they are out of the fold of Islam entirely or deviant. The khawarij hated the ahlul bayt because they killed Ali and Sided with Yazeed to kill Hussein. So dont you dare call me ISIS, hamjensbaz! I guess all the great Sunni imams of Iran i.e. Imam Muslim, Termidi, Abu Haneefa, Al Tabari etc are all khawarij because they follow Sunni Islam. Get a grip! In matters of ijtihad it is permissible to not follow certain a ruling if you are unsure or have evidence that counters that from Quran and Sunnah, which I have. So I dont do blind following once I have aquired enough knowledge on the subject. A doctor, who's work is largely objective in nature, is not quite the same as a Mujtahid which has to deal with conflicting narrations and opinions to decipher how to deal with a new issue.

Youre the one who brought up homosexuals as a differentiating factor to trannies. You clearly seem to know more about qawmi lut!

You are not qualified to explain fiq in Shia Islam, let alone Islam in its entirety. Beshin sar e jat, jahel!
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