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Iran attacked again and FC reply with same tune

That is hilarious.You cant influence a nations foreign policies because of their students studying in your nation.
It is right a lot of Persians studying in India.
But then again a lot of Chinese and Indian students studying in US so Can we or China able to influence their policies? Cant even think about it.
Your second point is also wrong.They cant afford another enemy nation in the name of that port.That is just a part of healthy competition.

Right now you are just negating the view of many Indian who here on PDF proudly said that Iran will be on their side and they will even deploy troops on that side of border to teach Pakistan a lesson in war.
Right now you are just negating the view of many Indian who here on PDF proudly said that Iran will be on their side and they will even deploy troops on that side of border to teach Pakistan a lesson in war.

Who said that ? You are too serious about trolls .:D
Fact is our diplomacy is just defensive not offensive.
And there would be no permanent friends only permanent interests .
Except in trade including oil you cant see such a movements from our side.If Persians attack your FC then their might be some reason.
Who said that ? You are too serious about trolls .
Fact is our diplomacy is just defensive not offensive.
And there would be no permanent friends only permanent interests .
Except in trade including oil you cant see such a movements from our side.If Persians attack your FC then their might be some reason.

That is not true that your diplomacy is not offensive, actually it is extremely offensive and to be honest quite effective too. That is also a big reality that Iran has tilted towards India since 90s specially since Taliban sega started and here India & Iran came closer.
That is not true that your diplomacy is not offensive, actually it is extremely offensive and to be honest quite effective too. That is also a big reality that Iran has tilted towards India since 90s specially since Taliban sega started and here India & Iran came closer.

Bro dont blame others for your diplomatic failure.
Iran is your neighbouring fellow Muslim nation.
We cant influence Iran for thing like this.Our one and only advantage is our independent foreign policy.That is why we
could continued trade with Iran even after the sanctions.
But you failed your Persian friend when you backed off from IP pipeline and influenced by US West and KSA.
And your nation didnt do anything to reduce violence in your border that already claimed 3000 Iranian lives.So it is your failure and they pissed off.
2 mortar shells??? :woot::omghaha: The FC should have fired at least 200! What a joke this is! Is this how violations are responded to from the Pakistani side? Jeeez! :lol: They should learn from the Indians!!

That's all it took and fire from Iranian side halted. FC also replied with "heavy gun" fire.
Bro dont blame others for your diplomatic failure.
Iran is your neighbouring fellow Muslim nation.
We cant influence Iran for thing like this.Our one and only advantage is our independent foreign policy.That is why we
could continued trade with Iran even after the sanctions.
But you failed your Persian friend when you backed off from IP pipeline and influenced by US West and KSA.
And your nation didnt do anything to reduce violence in your border that already claimed 3000 Iranian lives.So it is your failure and they pissed off.

I have told you that KSA & Iran are also fighting their war in Pakistan and only Pakistanis are paying the price, NS is said to be KSA's man so he may not do anything which is KSA does not like.

Iran must work with Pakistan to secure border or else others will take advantage of it.
There is no need to antagonize our all weather friend S.Arabia for the sake of Back-stabber country like Iran...And no it's not the failure of Pakistan's foreign policy,it's hidden hatred in Iran for Pakistan that's leading to these violations..

Yes, I too believe you deserve Saudi Arabia, suicide bombers in Pakistan and Taliban will also agree with you, we still remember who was behind Taliban back in 90s. We come out as the back stabber? No, you are stabbing yourselves.
holy lord our politicians are so dumb
we need to kiss iranian *** cause they are a bigger threat than india
Sorry folks, I have always strongly believed that Iran was never a friend for PAKISTAN, not since that Khomey crap started in Iran. Do not talk a soft approach to them be very firm with them. They are very arrogant bunch of lot.
Yes, I too believe you deserve Saudi Arabia, suicide bombers in Pakistan and Taliban will also agree with you, we still remember who was behind Taliban back in 90s. We come out as the back stabber? No, you are stabbing yourselves.

No offence but after Iranian revolution you have been more close to our enemy India than us...If S.Arabia was behind Taliban in 90's than Iran,India were supporting the Northern Alliance who are well known for their animosity with Pakistan...TTP is being funded by anti-Pakistan states like India and Afghanistan and if some Arabs are funding them individually than how can you blame the whole Govt...on the other hand Iran always allied with India against us on Kashmir issue so how can we trust you if you befriend our enemy...This recent fiasco is no ordinary firing as well but tightening the noose around Pakistan with India and Afghanistan to pressurize us for the coming post-2014 Afghanistan situation...
Yes, I too believe you deserve Saudi Arabia, suicide bombers in Pakistan and Taliban will also agree with you, we still remember who was behind Taliban back in 90s. We come out as the back stabber? No, you are stabbing yourselves.

Iran and Pakistan are brotherly countries but It is not good for both to make and use proxies, Iran have done it to fight KSA in Pakistan and we Pakistanis are victims of boths interests. Iran on Nuclear issue did back stab Pakistan as they save India when they have to provide details who provide them nuclear program related material that is an open secret.

No offence but after Iranian revolution you have been more close to our enemy India than us...If S.Arabia was behind Taliban in 90's than Iran,India were supporting the Northern Alliance who are well known for their animosity with Pakistan...TTP is being funded by anti-Pakistan states like India and Afghanistan and if some Arabs are funding them individually than how can you blame the whole Govt...on the other hand Iran always allied with India against us on Kashmir issue so how can we trust you if you befriend our enemy...This recent fiasco is no ordinary firing as well but tightening the noose around Pakistan with India and Afghanistan to pressurize us for the coming post-2014 Afghanistan situation...

well said bro.:tup:
Iran on Nuclear issue did back stab Pakistan as they save India when they have to provide details who provide them nuclear program related material that is an open secret.

Sorry.. I didn't get you. are you suggesting that India provided Nuke Know-how to Iran?
Perhaps Iranian govt dont want a possible animosity among Iranians against Pakistan because of this issue.

If they did not wanted that then why their MP openly asked for surgical strikes in Pakistan? who is behind them as world knows Iran don't have military capability to do that and they even can't stand the retaliation from PAF only.
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