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Iran attacked again and FC reply with same tune

Sorry.. I didn't get you. are you suggesting that India provided Nuke Know-how to Iran?

Yes, it has been said that both India and Pakistan have supported Iranian nuclear program (not necessarily weapons program) on different occasions.

During Shah's era Iran was one of most brotherly countries of Pakistan but after Khumani things changed specially after Afghan war.
I have told you that KSA & Iran are also fighting their war in Pakistan and only Pakistanis are paying the price, NS is said to be KSA's man so he may not do anything which is KSA does not like.

Iran must work with Pakistan to secure border or else others will take advantage of it.

That is not our problem .Your nation should give more importance to Iran since they are your immediate neighbour not KSA.
An outsider cant believe that Iran dont ask your help even after they lost their 3000 soldiers.They would have been request your help and perhaps might not get necessary help .
That is why they resorted this hard way.
You cant blame our nation for that .
Those irani are getting retardeder every day.. Pakistan should wave with their nuke capability to silence them compleatly..

Definitly a Persien shia vs sunni trip for them there is no difference between you and Taliban..

Since Is they are acting wired...
An outsider cant believe that Iran dont ask your help even after they lost their 3000 soldiers.They would have been request your help and perhaps might not get necessary help .
That is why they resorted this hard way.
You cant blame our nation for that .

Do you even know that Pakistan has not deployed required number of troops on Iranian border since independence and only para military look after major parts of border and even they are not properly equipped because both side have tribes who have roots and relations on both sides and they have done good job in restoring order till last Afghan war, now things have changed as US is sending its proxies in Iran too.
Apparently all of them have received a good beating. Afghanistan and Iran will be dealt with JDAMs.

Those irani are getting retardeder every day.. Pakistan should wave with their nuke capability to silence them compleatly..
Definitly a Persien shia vs sunni trip for them there is no difference between you and Taliban..
Since Is they are acting wired...

There is no huge issue of Shia Vs Sunni in Pakistan, we live peacefully and happily together its the foreign elements who try to make division for their own good.

Pakistan & Iran must avoid hostilities with each other as both are on list of world powers which are redrawing map of ME though their proxies.
If they did not wanted that then why their MP openly asked for surgical strikes in Pakistan? who is behind them as world knows Iran don't have military capability to do that and they even can't stand the retaliation from PAF only.

That is where problem lies.
If they meant for a surgical strike they can do it .Iranian Quod forces are best for their covert ops. .In addition they have a vast network in entire ME and Of course in Pakistan and Afghanistan.They dont need an airstrike.
They dont even care whether the third nation is a friend or not(attacking Israeli embassy official in India).
This thing is easily solvable if both nation use their diplomacy.
Dont drag India in to this.That is not a solution.
Iran and Pakistan should sit together and solve the current issue of smuggling and terrorist networks present on the border. Jundullah is basically another CIA project like Al Qaida.
That is where problem lies.
If they meant for a surgical strike they can do it .Iranian Quod forces are best for their covert ops. .In addition they have a vast network in entire ME and Of course in Pakistan and Afghanistan.They dont need an airstrike.
They dont even care whether the third nation is a friend or not(attacking Israeli embassy official in India).
This thing is easily solvable if both nation use their diplomacy.
Dont drag India in to this.That is not a solution.

You just don't know what we can do in Iran if we wanted, we wanted brotherly relations with Iran and they are playing in our enemies hands, if they have issues with us they should bring it to Pakistani public if our govt is not responding to them.
Noone try to destabilize you.That is just an illusion .

There are things which we can not discuss publicly but they are open secret of our society and you just don't know those.
You just don't know what we can to in Iran if we wanted, we wanted brotherly relations with Iran and they are playing in our enemies hands, if they have issues with us they should bring it to Pakistani public if our govt is not responding to them.

Pakistan is an Ideological threat as well as a competitor/threat for Iran's influence in the Islamic world.
Pakistan is an Ideological threat as well as a competitor/threat for Iran's influence in the Islamic world.

Pakistan is not a threat to Iran, Iran was the first country to recognize Pakistan and they have supported us in our bad times, but since Afghan war things have changed.
Do you even know that Pakistan has not deployed required number of troops on Iranian border since independence and only para military look after major parts of border and even they are not properly equipped because both side have tribes who have roots and relations on both sides and they have done good job in restoring order till last Afghan war, now things have changed as US is sending its proxies in Iran too.

So you mean that their claim about the lost of 3000 lives are just a fake? .Well I dont think so.
US might use their proxies in Balochistan area .But inside the Iran and running such a high campaign is not possible.
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