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Iran arrests Azeri nationals for spying

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Btw, the real Xerxes:


Much more elegant and powerful than any Turk ever is depicted.
*** kicked? Ottoman empire today is in every empire game , everything , they done 100x for muslims and people than you people , reaching the gates of vienna against a combined christian world.

They were much more civilized than those savage Ottomans who had their arses kicked by both east and west and went in to history's trash can.They were too aggressive and wild that both their eastern and western neighbors hated them.

Iranzamin: Don't answer this guy anymore.He doesn't have a life.He is popular even for other Turkish member for being an extremist,Pan Turk and a troll.

HAHAAH OMG hes showing me sculpture lool this guy showed me persian architecture and showed me software picss .

Btw, the real Xerxes:


Much more elegant and powerful than any Turk ever is depicted.
*** kicked? Ottoman empire today is in every empire game , everything , they done 100x for muslims and people than you people , reaching the gates of vienna against a combined christian world.

HAHAAH OMG hes showing me sculpture lool this guy showed me persian architecture and showed me software picss .

Their best honor was terrorizing and killing Europeans.How did that help Islam?Thank God our empires were not that savage.
its so sad that you cant even make food and then your people post iranian food when they are copying turkish food known everywhere , where is persian culture , food? isit copying food of turks and also copying weapons? is this how big your brains are?

You fool. You guys stole your so-called 'Turkish' cuisine from the Greeks, Persians and Arabs. Like your culture is entirely stolen. I remember an article where the journalist stated that Ataturk was so impressed by Iranian cooks that travelled with the Shah of Iran to Istanbul, that he later told his own cooks to make those dishes.

even if you played this game you would see how we are percepted , this is made by christian companies and known as west who was fighting against ottomans .

I dont need to prove our mighty race which ruled 16 empires.




and soon this

I have no problem with Persian influence, it was just an historical answer, but I have problems with the nationalist Persians trying to show themselves as superior.

Frankly, I've been spending alot of time on the forum lately and while I concur that there are Iranians (or people claiming to be Iranians) that are behaving with such manners, there is a much larger number of Turks (or people posing as Turks) that are making provocative threads/remarks.

In any case, let's keep it civil and clean and base it on history rather than some ethnic superiority ideology.
hahahah , your are so stupid , how can we steal greek food when we ruled them? persian dishes are not known to anyone and is a mockup of other countries foods.

You fool. You guys stole your so-called 'Turkish' cuisine from the Greeks, Persians and Arabs. Like your culture is entirely stolen. I remember an article where the journalist stated that Ataturk was so impressed by Iranian cooks that travelled with the Shah of Iran to Istanbul, that he later told his own cooks to make those dishes.

Their best honor was terrorizing and killing Europeans.How did that help Islam?Thank God our empires were not that savage.

today it was because of us albania , bosnia , balkans and many other became muslim.

because you are iranian , you even said it before , and you put these flags so you look like you are not and you are neutral , joker.

Frankly, I've been spending alot of time on the forum lately and while I concur that there are Iranians (or people claiming to be Iranians) that are behaving with such manners, there is a much larger number of Turks (or people posing as Turks) that are making provocative threads/remarks.

In any case, let's keep it civil and clean and base it on history rather than some ethnic superiority ideology.

many iranians are so embarrased they put other countries flags pretending to not be iranian and neutral , iranian or persian whatever BS
hahahah , your are so stupid , how can we steal greek food when we ruled them? persian dishes are not known to anyone and is a mockup of other countries foods.

Even kebab, which is always linked to Turks, is originally Persian:

''The origin of kebab may lie in the short supply of cooking fuel in the Near East, which made the cooking of large foods difficult while urban economies made it easy to obtain small cuts of meat at a butcher's shop. The phrase is essentially Persian in origin and Arabic tradition has it that the dish was invented by medieval Persian soldiers who used their swords to grill meat over open-field fires''

Kebab - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We thought you guys how to think and what to eat. A simple thank you would fit I think.
your super helicopter today , although you have one of the biggest oil you are still have 480 billion gdp and nothing productive and total mockups


Persian chauvinism at its best, it is leading them again to Shah’s time and if the fervor remains the same other ethnic group will come at odd with the Persian hegemony
first catch up to KSA then think about indonesia and turkey with your 480 billion GDP
Can both sides stop that nationalist bs ? yeah you're superior others are thieves are you satisfied now ? then gtfo.
The culture of the Ottoman Empire evolved over several centuries as the ruling administration of the Turks absorbed, adapted and modified the cultures of conquered lands and their peoples. There was a strong influence from the customs and languages of Islamic societies, notably Arabic, while Persian culture had a significant contribution through the heavily Persianized regime of the Seljuq Turks, the Ottomans' predecessors.

As with many Ottoman Turkish art forms, the poetry produced for the Ottoman court circle had a strong influence from classical Persian traditions;a large number of Persian loanwords entered the literary language, and Persian metres and forms (such as those of Ghazal) were used.

Ottoman architecture was a synthesis of Iranian-influenced Seljuk architectural traditions, as seen in the buildings of Konya, Mamluk architecture, and Byzantine architecture; it reached its greatest development in the large public buildings, such as mosques and caravanserais, of the 16th century.

The Ottoman tradition of painting miniatures, to illustrate manuscripts or used in dedicated albums, was heavily influenced by the Persian art form, though it also included elements of the Byzantine tradition of illumination and painting. A Greek academy of painters, the Nakkashane-i-Rum was established in the Topkapi Palace in the 15th century, while early in the following century a similar Persian academy, the Nakkashane-i-Irani, was added.

The Ottoman Empire was noted for the quality of its gold- and silversmiths, and particularly for the jewelry they produced. Jewelry had particular importance as it was commonly given at weddings, as a gift that could be used as a form of savings.[3] Silver was the most common material used, with gold reserved for more high-status pieces; designs often displayed complex filigree work and incorporated Persian and Byzantine motifs. Developments in design reflected the tastes of the Ottoman court, with Persian Safavid art, for example, becoming an influence after the Ottoman defeat of Ismail I after the Battle of Chaldiran in 1514. In the rural areas of the Empire, jewelry was simpler and often incorporated gold coins (the Ottoman altin), but the designs of Constantinople nevertheless spread throughout Ottoman territory and were reflected even in the metalwork of Egypt and North Africa.

It's so obvious who stole the other one's culture.:lol:

Can both sides stop that nationalist bs ? yeah you're superior others are thieves are you satisfied now ? then gtfo.

You know who should go F themselves?The ones who trolled and flamed this topic from the first page.If you can read,you may want to visit the first page adn look who turned this in to Irani-Turks war bs.
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