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Iran Army gains capability to intercept, redirect enemy missiles

Just because it is on a truck, that does not mean it is mobile. Look carefully at the antenna assembly and see how many lines required to secure it to the ground. How long do you think it would take to disassemble such an array compare to its companion, which is the tracking radar.

As for that single F-117 loss, it is still amazing to us who have relevant experience that despite the publicly available amount of information, people like you are still that gullible. The F-117 flew 850 sorties over Yugoslavia. That does not mean there were 850 F-117s but the same aircrafts flew over and over. Does one loss out of 850 sounds like a good air defense combat record to you? NATO flew about 38 THOUSANDS sorties. Subtract the F-117 sorties and we have about 37 THOUSANDS 'non-stealth' sorties. We lost one F-16. Does one loss out of 37 THOUSANDS sounds like a good air defense combat record to you?

well in Serbia , How many plane you lost 1,2 or 3 . the fact that one of them was F-117 shows that there is potential on detection front now its irrelevant that Serbian had only SA-3 to target those planes looking at the casualties of that war shows that the problem were somewhere else not on detection front
47 UAVs lost
2 AH-64 Apaches
1 F-117A Nighthawk shot down
1 F-117A Nighthawk damaged
2 A-10 Thunderbolt IIs damaged
1 F-16C shot down
On March 27, 1999, the 3rd Battalion of the 250th Missile Brigade, under the command of Colonel Zoltán Dani, equipped with the Isayev S-125 'Neva-M' (NATO designation SA-3 Goa), downed an American F-117 Nighthawk.[79] According to Wesley Clark and other NATO generals, Yugoslav air defenses found they could detect F-117s with "obsolete" Soviet radars operating on long wavelengths. The pilot ejected and was rescued by search and rescue forces near Belgrade. This was the first and so far only time a stealth aircraft was shot down.

On April 30, some American sources confirm that a second F-117A was damaged.[20] Although the aircraft returned to base, it supposedly never flew again.[21][81]

On May 2, an American F-16 was shot down near Šabac, by a SA-3 again fired by the 3rd Battalion of the 250th Missile Brigade. The pilot was rescued. On the same day an A-10 Thunderbolt II was heavily damaged by Strela 2 shoulder-mounted SAM over Kosovo and had to make an emergency landing in Skopje

On May 11 an A-10 was lightly damaged over Kosovo.
1999 NATO bombing of Yugoslavia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

about the mobility that was a PA-18 from 1965 ,I guess its logical to think modern ones are a little more mobile I think some where I see a Video that showed a how fast a new system can retract it's Antenna all the process take less than 2-3 minute
Time to clear up some misconceptions about autonomy, especially related to UAVs.

What is autonomy?

Autonomy is commonly defined as the ability to make decisions without human intervention. To that end, the goal of autonomy is to teach machines to be "smart" and act more like humans.

X47-B raises the bar in this regard in comparison to other drones such as RQ-170 and RQ-4.

I have already provided you reasonable hint which you FAILED to grasp:

According to Kellenberger, "the capacity to discriminate" in warfare is a requirement of international humanitarian law. In the case of advanced drones, that capacity will "depend entirely on the quality and variety of sensors and programming" employed as opposed to individuals, Kellenberger says. The ICRC is addressing the issue as it relates to the Geneva Conventions. Drones now account for 7,500 aircraft in the military and one-third of all military aircraft today, the L.A. Times reported Thursday. Drone platforms represent potential cost and combat benefits. There is currently no plan to allow the X-47B to autonomously make decisions about killing enemy combatants. But that may change. In the Air Force's report (PDF), the Air Force states that "authorizing a machine to make lethal combat decisions is contingent upon political and military leaders resolving legal and ethical questions."

X47-B have greater variety of onboard sensors in comparison to RQ-170 and RQ-4 drones, as pointed out by me earlier:

Your silly argument is that these sensors have nothing to do with autonomous capabilities. Do you work in Northman? Do you know that how these technologies are being put to use?

Now what is a Robot?

Robots are physical agents that perform tasks by manipulating the physical world. They are equipped with sensors to perceive their environment and effectors to assert physical forces on it.
There are many differences between 'autonomous flight management'...

ScienceDirect.com - Acta Astronautica - The concept of autonomous flight management system for future spacecraft
The concept of autonomy is regarded as an important issue for the future spacecraft management system. For a possible one approach to design an “autonomous” system, ideas from artificial intelligence (AI) are applied in a sense that the parametric relationship among relevant system parameters can be learned during the operation or the intended learning process. The results are stored successively in the knowledge data base, sets of information of which again are used during the operation in the learning process. A scope of the autonomous flight management system based on the proposed learning system as well as simulated results are discussed.
...Versus 'autonomous mission management'...

Autonomous mission management for unmanned aerial vehicles | Mendeley
The management performed by the architecture relates to the objectives of the mission. The response time to an external event does not need to be strictly defined; the architecture behaves like a soft real-time system. The mission of the vehicle is to observe several local areas in dynamic, partially known and unsafe environments. The vehicle must carry out an operation on each area while satisfying constraints related on the vehicle, the environment and the mission. The architecture contains a planning component, which computes the optimal sequence for the observation of the mission areas. The situation becomes degraded when the execution of the initial plan is no longer possible. The architecture makes it possible to react to these degraded situations; the calculation of a new plan takes into account the new constraints.
Flight management is about the nitty-gritty details of flying, such as fuel, trim, airspeed, altitude, communication, and so on all things that are DIRECTLY related on how to keep an aircraft flying.

Mission management is about going from A to Z via B and E but not M through T because of storm, air defense radar, local air traffic, and so on. All things that are EXTERNAL to the aircraft that cannot be accurately predicted to within a certain percentage.

There are overlaps between the two and that overlap is based upon sensory sophistication. If a UAV lost communication with its handlers and if it is programmed to be able to land by itself, that capability is an overlap between flight and mission management enabled by sensory sophistication inevitably followed by software sophistication to exploit the former. Return to base (RTB) and land is an inherent part of any flight mission, unless we are talking about expendable UAVs, aka cruise missiles, so RTB is part of mission management. How to navigate out of the current location and how to land once the UAV reached home base is technical flight management.

If a UAV is programmed to indiscriminately land at the nearest base, friend or foe is unknown, then that is also part of mission management, as in what to do in the event of A, B, and C. It is a much less sophisticate mission management software but mission management nonetheless. However, the autonomous flight management sophistication is still the same in that once the FLCS received instructions from guidance to land, it would be no difference between on how to land at a 'friendly' runway or a 'hostile' runway. Autonomous flight management does not care. It should not have to care.

In flight refueling is mission management in that the UAV is instructed, either beforehand to go to point A to refuel, or during flight to divert to point A to refuel. How to maintain stable flight, open the refuel system, and take on fuel, falls under autonomous flight management. If the UAV is instructed during flight to divert to an unexpected mission change, and if it alert the handlers that it does not have sufficient fuel, the ability to alert its handlers to a potential hazard falls under autonomous mission management. If it does not alert and simply obey the diversion command, fly until it run out of fuel and crash, it is still autonomous mission management, albeit not very sophisticated one.

To drop a bomb is autonomous flight management. To discriminate whether a structure is a hospital or a weapons depot is mission management, autonomous or not. How to discriminate? What if a weapons depot give of some kind of non-visible spectral signature that a hospital, a school, or a house of religion does not? Then if a sensor is available to pick up that signature, we can turn that discrimination over to autonomous flight management instead of having the human operators spending time scrutinizing videos to see if the structure is A or B or C before making a decision. In this case, sensory sophistication enabled greater autonomy in both flight and mission planning with little or no human interventions.

Clear as mud?
@ gambit

Thanks for the information.

In this case, sensory sophistication enabled greater autonomy in both flight and mission planning with little or no human interventions.
This is the key point.

It is important to understand the role of hardware in the field of robotics and autonomy. Programming is just one aspect of the matter.
So, what about all this collateral damage if there is such a thing as the "sensory sophistication"?
Do you rember that scene in X-Men when magneto sends all the missles and shells back at the fleet? Based on current Iranian capabilities!
I am not a science fiction fan, so I won't know about it, but I know that Iran is dangerous to any wannabe attacker's health.
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