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Iran arming Hamas through Sudan

After the US president election Romney , Netanyahu and the Zionist answers your questions with their Weapons..so keep posting your Dreams Iran...
After the US president election Romney , Netanyahu and the Zionist answers your questions with their Weapons..so keep posting your Dreams Iran...

First,Romney will not be president,Americans are not that stupid to elect another Bush,this time,with lower IQ.An idiot who thinks Iran has no access to seas,also has borders with Syria and also thinks that the world spins around Jews and Israel.He is just receiving money from AIPAC to warm up the election process.
Second,Nutjobyahu can not do crap without American support,He can get the 'Zionist answer' and shove it up his arse.
Third,this whole story,has nothing to with an Indian who is also an Israel licker.think of something about your own country,you have too much problem in there to worry about Iran or Israel.
Sudan's army is trained to genocide, rape and pillage. Its not trained to fight against another army.

WELL it seems that south sudan army also have such capabilities , by the way in attacking civillian another country in north of sina desert have excelled in such capabilities
And the US and USSR could not either...

But at least the Russian and Israeli's caused a lot of infastructural damage that will take a long time to rebuild in both nations.

Wrong , usa and ussr faced a pzrtisan group who hit and esaped and never stood the grojd to fight face to face with them , but what isarael faced in lebanon was a millitant group who stood and fought them , and never gave the ground to the enemy so after 30 day israel could not even advance 20km inside lebanon .while they faced only a 1000-2000 strong force agsinst their 30000 ground force and hundreds of their afmored force and all their airforce and navies. They even bombed lebanon to the extent that they ran out of ammunition so usa had to ship nato supplies in italy znd germany for them .

By the way the list of casualties were intresting 60 israeli civilian died and 120 of their militaries on lebanese side 200-400 militant against 2000 civillian .and it was while hezboallah only had unguided rockets while israel had the latest of guided missiles and smart ammunitions.
it's funny to say iran recieved spares parts from israel, we are talking about f-14 an airplane that need around 24 hours of maintenance after each 8 hours of flight
Time to get schooled.

After the Islamic Revolution, but President Bani Sadr and SL Khomenei assailed on the conventional armed forces. They were seen as puppets of the old regime. One of the ayatollahs even said that "The blood of the Shah runs in the veins of the army." No, Iran repelled the Iraqi attack through the use of nonconventional forces such as the Pasdar (I believe now called IRGC). So if anything, Iran CUT DOWN on military spending, as it was seen as a lower priority to the internal revolution. And there was even an effort made to return the American planes.

At the time, it was unconcievable to the Iranians that a foreign army could submit their will upon them. Turns out they were right.

(Cool side note: Armenian fedayi that liberated NK from Azerbaijan drew inspiration from Iran's revolutionaries.)

There was such an intention, but it never happened.

I dnt speak to Armenians sorry, even your user name is annoying.
First,Romney will not be president,Americans are not that stupid to elect another Bush,this time,with lower IQ.An idiot who thinks Iran has no access to seas,also has borders with Syria and also thinks that the world spins around Jews and Israel.He is just receiving money from AIPAC to warm up the election process.
Second,Nutjobyahu can not do crap without American support,He can get the 'Zionist answer' and shove it up his arse.
Third,this whole story,has nothing to with an Indian who is also an Israel licker.think of something about your own country,you have too much problem in there to worry about Iran or Israel.

First for a small Answer for you....You tell me licking Isreal...Yes If I got a chance to Visit the Holy Land Israel Yes I will kiss The Holy Land first before walking in the ground. ..

Then we have a deal. Ok I will support you Persians with a small condition ..Every one of you Iranians lick my ***..I know this not a tough one right ....yeah
First for a small Answer for you....You tell me licking Isreal...Yes If I got a chance to Visit the Holy Land Israel Yes I will kiss The Holy Land first before walking in the ground. ..

Then we have a deal. Ok I will support you Persians with a small condition ..Every one of you Iranians lick my ***..I know this not a tough one right ....yeah
sorry indian slave but your holly israhell is going to be destroyed by us .then you should find someone else for worshiping.coming to holly Qom!.
sorry indian slave but your holly israhell is going to be destroyed by us .then you should find someone else for worshiping.coming to holly Qom!.

Thanks for your Respect over me..!!!!

No options are there to destroy Israel ..You know this also ...then why you always post your Dreams instead of your Reality ......If all the Arabs are coming with their arms against Israel ..they will destroy in a day with their One hand of Power...!!!you better to move your place to Africa..Just a friendly advice

Love My Israel Love my Jews Friends
Thanks for your Respect over me..!!!!

No options are there to destroy Israel ..You know this also ...then why you always post your Dreams instead of your Reality ......If all the Arabs are coming with their arms against Israel ..they will destroy in a day with their One hand of Power...!!!you better to move your place to Africa..Just a friendly advice

Love My Israel Love my Jews Friends

Your in a dream land, even though I dnt love Persians or anything iran will destroy Israel badly without US, the only way this also applies to egpyt or other countries, in an offensive war Israel will get mashed like potato, they can only survive in a defensive war where there whole population and resources get involved and help of America, lets just turn history a second and think if Israel attacked Egypt and Syria and not otherwimay round Israel would end up much worse or even destroyed.

When I mean destroy iran I don't mean no damage to Iran, Israel will hold air superiority, but in a full blown war is really can't survive any day with a bigger power that's why they try to finish it quickly and do surprise attacks.
Ḥashshāshīn;3540144 said:
Why not? you know now Turks are a mix of Turkic and Aryan (Persians). Should be united. :)

Is that supposed to be funny?
Your in a dream land, even though I dnt love Persians or anything iran will destroy Israel badly without US, the only way this also applies to egpyt or other countries, in an offensive war Israel will get mashed like potato, they can only survive in a defensive war where there whole population and resources get involved and help of America, lets just turn history a second and think if Israel attacked Egypt and Syria and not otherwimay round Israel would end up much worse or even destroyed.

When I mean destroy iran I don't mean no damage to Iran, Israel will hold air superiority, but in a full blown war is really can't survive any day with a bigger power that's why they try to finish it quickly and do surprise attacks.

Yes ...One point ..In war times Who is control the air with their Jets and who is best in Missile tech as well as Air defense..He will wins the battle ...

you know and the world knows who is best....
Ḥashshāshīn;3540144 said:
Why not? you know now Turks are a mix of Turkic and Aryan (Persians). Should be united. :)

correct point...we will see their words over Israel and Iran in the upcoming days
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