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Iran arming Hamas through Sudan

Reminds me of IDF.
Ḥashshāshīn;3536622 said:
Just like your army.

Israel yet again attacks a defenseless nation. Why don't you attack Iran head on and get your *** handed to you?
IDF defeated 3 Arab armies in 6 days.
Iranian armed forces could not defeat 1 Arab army in 8 years.

But Iran armed forces were very effective in killing, beating and raping student girls.
IDF defeated 3 Arab armies in 6 days.
Iranian armed forces could not defeat 1 Arab army in 8 years.

But Iran armed forces were very effective in killing, beating and raping student girls.
first defeat our students in lebanon then talk about facing with our army.
IDF defeated 3 Arab armies in 6 days.
Iranian armed forces could not defeat 1 Arab army in 8 years.

But Iran armed forces were very effective in killing, beating and raping student girls.
Don't reveal your embarrassment with more lies.Iran's armed forces are meant to defend the nation,unlike IDF which is meant to steal lands,kill children and rape women and lives on American charity money.
israel alwayys catches people on suprise and without warning or anything , they cant face the enemy properly
IDF defeated 3 Arab armies in 6 days.
Iranian armed forces could not defeat 1 Arab army in 8 years.

And Israel was unable to defeat a militant group...:lol:
You can only invade people who can't defend themselves. That's why your army can do nothing to Iran.

But Iran armed forces were very effective in killing, beating and raping student girls.

Actually what you said is deserving Israel,not Iran!! Every body knows that Israel does every thing to remain alive. Even they have opened fire to their own American brothers to drag in the war!! They killed an American girl because she had wanted to prevent Zionists of destroying Palestinian houses.They have killed many innocent children in bombardment of Gaze.They have assassinated our Nuclear scientists,..... The hole Israel's tiny history is full of war,blood,genocide... And now They are bombing poor Sudan to fight against Terrorism!!:lol: Who is the real Terrorist?????:disagree:
Sudan's army is trained to genocide, rape and pillage. Its not trained to fight against another army.

so they trained for genocide huh? i know some poeple that did it and doing it rightnow.we call'em palestine occupiers or cursed jews ,killers etc .ypu can call'em poor israelis
Qatar will go to sudan, sign a deal and all the dirty affairs of iran will be expelled from sudan. The problem is the sudan government have let the iranian come in, and they havve no control of all the affairs the iranians are doing on the ground in sudan
IDF defeated 3 Arab armies in 6 days.
Iranian armed forces could not defeat 1 Arab army in 8 years.

But Iran armed forces were very effective in killing, beating and raping student girls.
Yes IDF defeated 3 Arab armies in 6 days, I'm not denying it and I will be honest, that was a great victory and great planning by your leaders. Iraq was in a completely different league to the 3 countries you defeated, and Iran just had a revolution so was very weak. If you have the balls to attack Iran now, WITHOUT US support, then I will admit you are a superpower.
Don't reveal your embarrassment with more lies.Iran's armed forces are meant to defend the nation,unlike IDF which is meant to steal lands,kill children and rape women and lives on American charity money.
Only embarrassment is yours. You dont know basic facts from the history of your own country. Iraqi forces were driven out of Iran by 1982. But then mullahs refused to stop war and continued attacks on Iraq, trying to topple it, or at least capture Basra. For 6 long years mullahs sent human waves of schoolchildren and old men on Basra. But failed to take it.

However they were very successful in beating and raping student girls.
Ḥashshāshīn;3537265 said:
Yes IDF defeated 3 Arab armies in 6 days, I'm not denying it and I will be honest, that was a great victory and great planning by your leaders. Iraq was in a completely different league to the 3 countries you defeated, and Iran just had a revolution so was very weak. If you have the balls to attack Iran now, WITHOUT US support, then I will admit you are a superpower.
On 12th Oct 1973 IDF destroyed elite Iraqi 3rd armored division in half day with minimal loses.
israel alwayys catches people on suprise and without warning or anything , they cant face the enemy properly

Because it is very wise to inform your enemy of your action :lol: to give them all needed intelligence, where your forces are, what kind of forces, when will you attack, how you will attack, and the most important is to inform your enemy when you will surrender.
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