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Iran arming Hamas through Sudan

Only embarrassment is yours. You dont know basic facts from the history of your own country. Iraqi forces were driven out of Iran by 1982. But then mullahs refused to stop war and continued attacks on Iraq, trying to topple it, or at least capture Basra. For 6 long years mullahs sent human waves of schoolchildren and old men on Basra. But failed to take it.

However they were very successful in beating and raping student girls.
It's really ridiculous that you are comparing Israel,which received billions of dollars charity money,weapons,logistical support from western countries,with Iran who was under an embargo,its army was almost non existent after revolution,under sanctions and fighting with Iraq who was receiving money and weapons from both superpowers of the time,EU countries and billions of dollars Arab oil money.Iran was completely on its own.
Besides,The Iraq that Iran was fighting was much more powerful than Egypt and Syria that Israel fought in 67 and 73.
Iran did not receive spare parts for its jets for most of the war.Still,in 1973,if it wasn't for Israeli risky decision to send forces behind Egyptian army lines and Egyptian soil,they would have captured Tel Aviv and Jerusalem few days later.No doubt Israel was very good at the war,because sole reason that keeps Israel alive is war.That's why such a tiny country has the fifth most powerful army in the world. Because your country was born in 48 to fight and kill.

On 12th Oct 1973 IDF destroyed elite Iraqi 3rd armored division in half day with minimal loses.
So what?Iran destroyed almost all Iraqi facilities,military bases near the border with Iraq in the largest aerial operation after world war II with 146 jets,only in the second day of war.The problem was that,the whole world were united against Iran and gave it much more and sophisticated weapons after they were destroyed.
Iran also destroyed whole Iraqi navy in just one day,three months in to the war.

Saddam Hussein and the Iraqi military were dealt a heavy blow when Iranian Air Force vulnerabilities failed to materialize. All Iraqi airbases near Iran were out of order for months and, according to Iran, Iraq's aerial efficacy was reduced by 55%. This allowed Iranians to regroup and prepare for the upcoming Iraqi invasion. However, Iraqis would advance deep into Khuzestan and it would take the Iranians another 2 years before they would finally expel the Iraqis from their territory and eventually enter Iraq.

Ḥashshāshīn;3537265 said:
Yes IDF defeated 3 Arab armies in 6 days, I'm not denying it and I will be honest, that was a great victory and great planning by your leaders. Iraq was in a completely different league to the 3 countries you defeated, and Iran just had a revolution so was very weak. If you have the balls to attack Iran now, WITHOUT US support, then I will admit you are a superpower.

Why would they? Even the US doesn't attack Iran. There simply is not need, unless Iran attacks the US or Israel directly, which wont happen.
And Israel was unable to defeat a militant group...:lol:
You can only invade people who can't defend themselves. :

And the US and USSR could not either...

But at least the Russian and Israeli's caused a lot of infastructural damage that will take a long time to rebuild in both nations.
It's really ridiculous that you are comparing Israel,which received billions of dollars charity money,weapons,logistical support from western countries,with Iran who was under an embargo,its army was almost non existent after revolution,under sanctions and fighting with Iraq who was receiving money and weapons from both superpowers of the time,EU countries and billions of dollars Arab oil money.Iran was completely on its own.
Besides,The Iraq that Iran was fighting was much more powerful than Egypt and Syria that Israel fought in 67 and 73.
Iran did not receive spare parts for its jets for most of the war.Still,in 1973,if it wasn't for Israeli risky decision to send forces behind Egyptian army lines and Egyptian soil,they would have captured Tel Aviv and Jerusalem few days later.No doubt Israel was very good at the war,because sole reason that keeps Israel alive is war.That's why such a tiny country has the fifth most powerful army in the world. Because your country was born in 48 to fight and kill.

So what?Iran destroyed almost all Iraqi facilities,military bases near the border with Iraq in the largest aerial operation after world war II with 146 jets,only in the second day of war.The problem was that,the whole world were united against Iran and gave it much more and sophisticated weapons after they were destroyed.
Iran also destroyed whole Iraqi navy in just one day,three months in to the war.


Your chatting BS, iran had one of most advanced airforces, before revolution you was ordering equipment from America like mad, your airforce was way way more advanced than Iraq. You was spending like madman.

You had so much casualties against just a normal power much smaller in land size, population than you and you got support secretly from USA, Israel and many other countries.
It's really ridiculous that you are comparing Israel,which received billions of dollars charity money,weapons,logistical support from western countries,with Iran who was under an embargo,its army was almost non existent after revolution,under sanctions and fighting with Iraq who was receiving money and weapons from both superpowers of the time,EU countries and billions of dollars Arab oil money.Iran was completely on its own.
Besides,The Iraq that Iran was fighting was much more powerful than Egypt and Syria that Israel fought in 67 and 73.
Iran did not receive spare parts for its jets for most of the war.Still,in 1973,if it wasn't for Israeli risky decision to send forces behind Egyptian army lines and Egyptian soil,they would have captured Tel Aviv and Jerusalem few days later.No doubt Israel was very good at the war,because sole reason that keeps Israel alive is war.That's why such a tiny country has the fifth most powerful army in the world. Because your country was born in 48 to fight and kill.

Please add military cue , separatists , terrorists and so on to your list , we even didn't know location of some of our ammunition bunkers it was a miracle that we triumphed over our enemies.
It's really ridiculous that you are comparing Israel,which received billions of dollars charity money,weapons,logistical support from western countries,with Iran who was under an embargo,its army was almost non existent after revolution,under sanctions and fighting with Iraq who was receiving money and weapons from both superpowers of the time,EU countries and billions of dollars Arab oil money.Iran was completely on its own.
So I just showed ur complete ignorance in history of your own country. And what u do? - Switch topic.

1) Israel did not receive aid before Six Day war. And money that Iran receives from oil is dozens time more than all aid Israel received ever.
2) Enemies of Israel were armed to teeth by USSR. They got massive USSR aid since 1955. Israel received US aid only after 1967.

Besides,The Iraq that Iran was fighting was much more powerful than Egypt and Syria that Israel fought in 67 and 73.
Thats silly statement. Both sides constantly grow. If Israel had Iranian F-14's, Chieftain tanks, TOW missiles in 1973, we would win that war in 3 days instead of 26 days.

Iran did not receive spare parts for its jets for most of the war.
Iran received spare parts from Israel.

Still,in 1973,if it wasn't for Israeli risky decision to send forces behind Egyptian army lines and Egyptian soil,they would have captured Tel Aviv and Jerusalem few days later.
LOL, they would not.
Your chatting BS, iran had one of most advanced airforces, before revolution you was ordering equipment from America like mad, your airforce was way way more advanced than Iraq. You was spending like madman.

You had so much casualties against just a normal power much smaller in land size, population than you and you got support secretly from USA, Israel and many other countries.
Mr.stupid,land size is least important matter in such wars.the best example is Israel.
Iran did have good air force,but you can't win a war only with air force,while you are not receiving any spare parts.For every jet Iran shot down,Iraq received five more.for every tank Iran destroyed,Iraq received more with billions of dollars.Iraq was the most powerful country in ME after Israel and Iran after revolution,had no real army,it took us 1 year to gather and organize some soldiers and during all this time,air force took the burden.
Mr.stupid,land size is least important matter in such wars.the best example is Israel.
Iran did have good air force,but you can't win a war only with air force,while you are not receiving any spare parts.For every jet Iran shot down,Iraq received five more.for every tank Iran destroyed,Iraq received more with billions of dollars.Iraq was the most powerful country in ME after Israel and Iran after revolution,had no real army,it took us 1 year to gather and organize some soldiers and during all this time,air force took the burden.

Mr retard land size is very important shows your the biggest dumbass, how do you think Russia won wars, they could retreat or go back and reorganise, that's why Israel is begging countries to train in others countries because theirs is so small, if Israel never had a much much stronger airforce than the countries they thought they would be quashed and destroyed like a mice, airforce is the most most important thing by far today and Iran had a much stronger air force and got smashed by Iraq
Your chatting BS, iran had one of most advanced airforces, before revolution you was ordering equipment from America like mad, your airforce was way way more advanced than Iraq. You was spending like madman.

You had so much casualties against just a normal power much smaller in land size, population than you and you got support secretly from USA, Israel and many other countries.

Before the Iran-Iraq war, Iran's military institutions experienced purges and executions of pro-Western officers and generals thus losing a lot of intelligent and experienced men, add to this the arms embargoes imposed on Iran by the Western powers due to which Iranian Armed Forces faced a shortage of spare parts for their equipment, which were mostly of Western origin.
2) Enemies of Israel were armed to teeth by USSR. They got massive USSR aid since 1955. Israel received US aid only after 1967.

Yeah, armed to the teeth with outdated WW2 surplus weapons and knockoff monkey models.
Mr retard land size is very important shows your the biggest dumbass,
Dude, refrain from the personal attacks.

how do you think Russia won wars, they could retreat or go back and reorganise, that's why Israel is begging countries to train in others countries because theirs is so small, if Israel never had a much much stronger airforce than the countries they thought they would be quashed and destroyed like a mice,
Yes, land size is also a important factor since it contributes to Strategic Depth, the Soviets used this to their advantage from 1941-42-43 during the German offensives Operation Barbarossa and later on Operation Citadel , the Red army would fall back, destroying everything through applying the Scorched Earth tactic. As the Germans advanced the Reds retreated, thus stretching out the German armies and burdening their limited resources and finally the Reds launched their own offensives against the stretched out Germans.

airforce is the most most important thing by far today and Iran had a much stronger air force and got smashed by Iraq
Indeed it is, but it can't guarantee a quick victory as it did in the past due to a number of counter tactics and strategies as well as cheaper to produce and acquire SAM's.

A country launching a aerial offensive would have to spend a lot per aircraft (munitions, GBU's, PGM's, fuel, etc) while a country in the defensive can easily and cheaply disperse its highly important installations in scattered and hidden bunkers, tunnels, and natural barriers as well as setting up decoy targets, add to that SAM's which are cheaper to produce and acquire.

Unless the attacker has the element of surprise, which isn't the case in israel-Iran hostility, only then does the attacker have a greater chance of striking a quick blow to its enemy that can cause any serious damage to its opponent.
Folks its the opposite...

Occupy Sudan in making; Sudan is rich in Oil. Consider it another weapons of mass destruction hoax.
Your chatting BS, iran had one of most advanced airforces, before revolution you was ordering equipment from America like mad, your airforce was way way more advanced than Iraq. You was spending like madman.

You had so much casualties against just a normal power much smaller in land size, population than you and you got support secretly from USA, Israel and many other countries.

Time to get schooled.

After the Islamic Revolution, but President Bani Sadr and SL Khomenei assailed on the conventional armed forces. They were seen as puppets of the old regime. One of the ayatollahs even said that "The blood of the Shah runs in the veins of the army." No, Iran repelled the Iraqi attack through the use of nonconventional forces such as the Pasdar (I believe now called IRGC). So if anything, Iran CUT DOWN on military spending, as it was seen as a lower priority to the internal revolution. And there was even an effort made to return the American planes.

At the time, it was unconcievable to the Iranians that a foreign army could submit their will upon them. Turns out they were right.

(Cool side note: Armenian fedayi that liberated NK from Azerbaijan drew inspiration from Iran's revolutionaries.)

Iran received spare parts from Israel.

There was such an intention, but it never happened.
(Cool side note: Armenian fedayi that liberated NK from Azerbaijan drew inspiration from Iran's revolutionaries.)

Monte traveled to Tehran during the revolution as a young ARF recruit.

Iran's Airforce was a mess and almost dysfunctional when Iraq attacked.....even at its peak Airforce never got the funding it really needed but they managed to turn the war around with what would seem like an impossible daring calculated missions outsmarting a more equipped and funded enemy.
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