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Iran appears to advance in construction of Arak nuclear plant


Sep 20, 2009
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Iran appears to advance in construction of Arak nuclear plant


Iran appears to be advancing in its construction of a research reactor Western experts say could offer the Islamic state a second way of producing material for a nuclear bomb, if it decided to embark on such a course, a U.N. report showed.

Iran has almost completed installation of cooling and moderator circuit piping in the heavy water plant near the town of Arak, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said in a confidential report issued to member states late on Thursday.

Nuclear analysts say this type of reactor could yield plutonium for nuclear arms if the spent fuel is reprocessed, something Iran has said it has no intention of doing. Iran has said it "does not have reprocessing activities", the IAEA said.

In its previous report on Iran, in November, the Vienna-based U.N. agency said installation work at Arak was continuing, without giving any indication of how far advanced it was.

Iran rejects Western allegations it seeks to develop a capability to assemble nuclear weapons, saying its atomic program is entirely peaceful and that the Arak reactor will produce isotopes for medical and agricultural use.

Iran says it plans to begin operating the facility in the first quarter of 2014, the IAEA said. Tehran last year postponed the planned start-up from the third quarter of 2013, a target that Western experts said always had seemed unrealistic.

The Arms Control Association, a Washington-based research and advocacy group, said late last year that it was questionable whether Iran would be able to meet the new target date as well, in view of "significant delays and impeded access to necessary materials" because of international sanctions imposed on Iran.

Western worries about Iran are focused largely on uranium enrichment plants at Natanz and Fordow, as such material refined to a high level can provide the fissile core of an atomic bomb. But experts say Arak may also be a proliferation issue.

The Arak facility is a "growing source of concern", said Mark Fitzpatrick, director of the non-proliferation and disarmament program of the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), a London-based think-tank.

Israel, believed to be the Middle East's only nuclear-armed state, sees Iran's nuclear program as a serious danger and has threatened to attack its atomic sites if diplomacy and sanctions fail to resolve the decade-old dispute.

If it does, the nuclear sites at Natanz, Fordow and Arak in central Iran are likely to be targets. Fitzpatrick said it could be Arak that triggers a conflict because attacking it after it is launched could cause an environmental disaster.


Thursday's quarterly IAEA report showed Iran expanding its uranium enrichment program in defiance of tightening Western sanctions, installing advanced centrifuge machines at its main enrichment plant near the town of Natanz.

The report, issued just a few days before six world powers and Iran are due to resume negotiations after an eight-month hiatus, underlined the tough task facing the West in seeking to pressure Tehran to curb its nuclear activities.

Cliff Kupchan, Middle East director at the Eurasia consultancy, said Iran had adopted a defiant policy of pressing ahead with its nuclear program, despite harsh sanctions.

"As a result, Israel and the U.S. Congress will press a receptive U.S. administration to move forward with new and even harsher sanctions," he said in a research note.

Enriched uranium can fuel nuclear power plants, Iran's stated aim, but also provide the explosive core of a nuclear weapon if refined much further. Making plutonium from spent fuel is a second way of obtaining potential bomb material.

The Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS), a U.S. think-tank, noted that Iran planned to use a medical research reactor in Tehran, known as TRR, to test fuel for Arak.

"The TRR is now more than a medical isotope production reactor, Iran's stated use for the reactor, and is necessary for the operation" of Arak, it said in a report.

If operated optimally, the heavy-water plant could produce about nine kilograms (20 pounds) of plutonium a year, or enough for about two nuclear bombs annually, ISIS has said previously.

"Before it could use any of the plutonium in a nuclear weapon, however, it would first have to separate the plutonium from the irradiated fuel," it added on its website.

Iran has repeatedly declared it has no plans to reprocess the spent fuel. But, "similarly sized reactors ostensibly built for research" have been used by India, Israel, North Korea and Pakistan to make plutonium for weapons, Fitzpatrick said.

(Editing by Mark Heinrich)

Iran appears to advance in construction of Arak nuclear plant | Reuters
I heard this baby can produce enough plutonium to make 10 (give or take one) nuclear bombs a year.
I heard this baby can produce enough plutonium to make 10 (give or take one) nuclear bombs a year.

These are just western bullcrap! Our nuclear program is limited to meet the rising domestic demand for energy and for us to be able to provide treatments for cancer patients, whom west has intention of killing!
My analysis is that Iran would never go for Nuclear Weapons as they are bad for humanity, earths atmosphere and pollution in general. The only reason they are developing nuclear technology is to meet energy requirements. But - if Iran would ever go for a nuclear weapon, it would be for medicinal purposes only. :smitten:
My analysis is that Iran would never go for Nuclear Weapons as they are bad for humanity, earths atmosphere and pollution in general. The only reason they are developing nuclear technology is to meet energy requirements. But - if Iran would ever go for a nuclear weapon, it would be for medicinal purposes only. :smitten:

If we really wanted to build a nuclear bomb, we could have bought Plutonium when it was still easy to get! We wouldn't spend billions of dollars just go get a bomb!

If we let them to dictate us every single thing later they expect us not to breath because the generated CO2 is a threat to them (and the global peace) !!!
I agree with you. Iranians are genuinely peace and stability loving. There is no doubt in that and even if Iran would get any weapons, those will only be meant to keep for defensive reasons and never for aggression. If Ahmadi Nijad gives some aggressive statements then those are not actions. Actions speak louder than words and actions have been speaking from the last 200 years that Iran is peaceful country and wants to live with peace.
Actually , they put sanction on selling medicine to Iran and now they want we withdraw our nuclear program !?

if we didn't enrich uranium up to 20% . then with these recent sanctions , we couldn't make medicine for more than 500000 Irani and it would turn to a disaster .....
My analysis is that Iran would never go for Nuclear Weapons as they are bad for humanity, earths atmosphere and pollution in general. The only reason they are developing nuclear technology is to meet energy requirements. But - if Iran would ever go for a nuclear weapon, it would be for medicinal purposes only. :smitten:



(Just kidding no offense to anyone here)
i believe in Ayatollah he said IRan will not make a nuclear bomb and i believe it

but for medical and other field which IRan will use they really need to do it

it may not look nice but IRan cannot depend on other country for anything sadly even from Islamic States

people are dieing in Iran without medicine ,

Iran with or without nuclear weapon i will still support Iran

but i think if Iran really wanted to make one by now they could have

if North Korea can which has more worse situation then why not Iran which is better
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