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Iran Announces Ready to Withdraw from Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons


Nov 21, 2019
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Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif said that if the Iranian file is moved to the UNSC, it will exit the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.

Speaking to the Iranian Parliament News Agency (ICANA), Iranian Foreign Minister Muhammed Cevad Zarif said that Iran started this process in November 2018, reacting to Britain, France and Germany starting the Dispute Resolution Mechanism.

In the letter sent by the President Hasan Ruhani to the presidents of 5 countries (Russia, China, Britain, France, Germany), which were parties to the nuclear deal in May 2018, from the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (UNSC) (NPT) reminded that the separation and other programs will come to the agenda. He used the following expressions:

"The explanations made by the Europeans have no legal basis. We are also taking advantage of the Europeans' devoid of this legal basis. If the Europeans take another step, Iran's exit from the NPT will be on the agenda. The process of reducing the commitments in the nuclear deal is over. If the Europeans continue their actions without legal basis. and we will remove the NPT if it carries the Iranian file to UNSC. "

The Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty, aimed at the destruction of nuclear weapons worldwide and the banning of new ones, was adopted in July 2017 with the support of 122 countries.

UNGK permanent members of the nuclear weapon, the US, the UK, Russia, France and China, opposed the agreement and did not participate in the relevant negotiations and voting.

In the joint statement issued by the foreign ministers of Britain, Germany and France on 14 January, "To record our concerns that Iran is not fulfilling its commitments under the Comprehensive Joint Action Plan (KOEP) in view of its actions, and this issue is discussed in paragraph 36. We have no choice but to move to the Joint Commission under the Solution Mechanism. " assessment was made.
Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif said that if the Iranian file is moved to the UNSC, it will exit the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.

Speaking to the Iranian Parliament News Agency (ICANA), Iranian Foreign Minister Muhammed Cevad Zarif said that Iran started this process in November 2018, reacting to Britain, France and Germany starting the Dispute Resolution Mechanism.

In the letter sent by the President Hasan Ruhani to the presidents of 5 countries (Russia, China, Britain, France, Germany), which were parties to the nuclear deal in May 2018, from the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (UNSC) (NPT) reminded that the separation and other programs will come to the agenda. He used the following expressions:

"The explanations made by the Europeans have no legal basis. We are also taking advantage of the Europeans' devoid of this legal basis. If the Europeans take another step, Iran's exit from the NPT will be on the agenda. The process of reducing the commitments in the nuclear deal is over. If the Europeans continue their actions without legal basis. and we will remove the NPT if it carries the Iranian file to UNSC. "

The Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty, aimed at the destruction of nuclear weapons worldwide and the banning of new ones, was adopted in July 2017 with the support of 122 countries.

UNGK permanent members of the nuclear weapon, the US, the UK, Russia, France and China, opposed the agreement and did not participate in the relevant negotiations and voting.

In the joint statement issued by the foreign ministers of Britain, Germany and France on 14 January, "To record our concerns that Iran is not fulfilling its commitments under the Comprehensive Joint Action Plan (KOEP) in view of its actions, and this issue is discussed in paragraph 36. We have no choice but to move to the Joint Commission under the Solution Mechanism. " assessment was made.

sooner or later Iran has to do this if it wants to rule over middle east, Iran can live with nuclear Turkey and SA it's the west which cannot live with this scenario
There's a disease that rooms freely on holy middle east grounds, The disease has stationed it's troops around us, The disease looks us straight in the eye and tells us: "We will kill your officials, Your generals, Your soldiers, Your scientists, Your university professors, And your people to protect the troops that we stationed around you, From you!", The disease expect us to just sit and take this like good little ppl.
This kind of disease can only be treated by going beyond the conventional solutions.
Turkey and Saudi arabia would collapse within a few weeks if the west starts to sanction them like they did Iran.

In this global system, Sanctions are dangerous for any state including Iran, Europe. I have never wanted to be in same situation with Iran because It leads to drive any state into corner more in some way. No matter how you describe your situation. Victory or Collapse. The results will be more or less similar. Nothing to be proud of that difficult situation while oil rich Iranian financial figures can not go beyond than 400+ billion $ and streets are on a knife-edge for an unrest. A simple matter flame the streets and That is what US wants to do and It seems They are reaching what they aim. No matter How many missiles or weapons you can produce in that situation. At the end of the day, They can wait until the crisis will go deeper.
Sanctions are dangerous for any state including Iran. I have never wanted to be in same situation with Iran because It leads to drive any state into corner more in some way. No matter how you describe your situation. Victory or Collapse. The results will be more or less similar. Nothing to be proud of that difficult situation while oil rich Iranian financial figures can not go beyond than 400+ billion $ and streets are on a knife-edge for an unrest. A simple matter flame the streets and That is what US wants to do and It seems They are reaching what they aim. No matter How many missiles or weapons you can produce in that situation. At the end of the day, They can wait until the crisis will go deeper.

Iran is obviously not in a good situation right now. only reason Iran has not collapsed economically is mainly due to the fact is has a reserve called oil and many nations that are secretly buying it. That's it. Saudis despite their oil reserves are vastly more vulnerable and susceptible to sanctions, same with Turkey, just minus oil reserves. The issue with Iran goes beyond just nuclear, the west sanctioned Iran for it's ideological stance, not just the nuclear program.

Turkey is a smart nation. They know right now they have no real need for nukes, so why risk being in a situation like Iran for no reason?
Had Pakistan not gone for nukes we could have been attacked by the Saffron terrorists from the East and combine that with severe sanctions from the Fat Yankees would have meant the end of Pakistan. No matter what we may think about Iranian government, one thing is for sure, US involvement in Middle East does not bring any peace but more war, death and misery for the common people there. Countries should be wary of doing any deal with NATO/US they will make you give up your defence programs and then stab you in the back. What NATO did to Gaddafi was nothing short of war crimes.
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Good moves. In an emergency scenario Iran has to prepare to stand by itself in terms of deterrance. Irans traditional allies like Russia were silent last time so there will be no support from them later as well. There is nothing to accuse anyone by the way. Every country should stay strong without outside dependence that should be the aim.

If trump is impeached democrats can later come. But as we all know from obama era the rise of isis and similar groups, chemical false flags etc. They are not much different.They speak a different toned down language but still controlled by zionists putting another countrys interests above its own interests. Maybe jcpoa will be reestablished with democrats but they will possibly want more concessions from Iran.

Second strike capability of Iran against israel should be nonnegotiable like ballistic-cruise missiles. Also in my opinion Iran should have an arsenal of uranium-iridium(more easily found used in xrays as I know) equipped missiles to deter usa-israel first nuclear strike option against Iran making isr inhabitable for a very long time. I think it is more deterrant than targeting the attackers own country by nukes as they think this countrys interests above their own and can even sacrifice their own citizens for that.

Lets face it even if Iran is accepted to Sco and nuked by someone, putin will smoke with trump or new president. Many nukes are targeting Iran now and if those countries give up nukes then maybe. Which is impossible and cant be trusted or controlled effectively.
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Turkey and Saudi arabia would collapse within a few weeks if the west starts to sanction them like they did Iran.

The West use Iran to create chaos in sunni Muslim Countries in the Middle East

The West attack Turkiye since 1960 and Turkiye lost $1 trillion dollars and tens of thousands of citizens

-- to fight against the US and the EU backed PKK terrorism since 1985
-- The US backed military coups in Turkiye by 1960 , 1971 , 1980 , 1997 and last one by 2016 failed coup attempt
-- Traitor politicans paid another $ trillion dollars to international interest lobby since 1962
-- The US attacks Turkish Economy since 2013 and Turkish currency dropped by 320% between 2013 and 2019

Turkiye under attack by the West since 1960
Turkiye has no oil and gas reserves ... still Turkiye has bigger Economy than S.Arabia and Iran
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In this global system, Sanctions are dangerous for any state including Iran, Europe. I have never wanted to be in same situation with Iran because It leads to drive any state into corner more in some way. No matter how you describe your situation. Victory or Collapse. The results will be more or less similar. Nothing to be proud of that difficult situation while oil rich Iranian financial figures can not go beyond than 400+ billion $ and streets are on a knife-edge for an unrest. A simple matter flame the streets and That is what US wants to do and It seems They are reaching what they aim. No matter How many missiles or weapons you can produce in that situation.
Good points.
At the end of the day, They can wait until the crisis will go deeper.
WHile i understand what you mean here, it is possible we are in a NEW world order already- China can save any country from sanctions IF CHina is determined. Not saying that CHina will save Iran from US sanctions, but up until now, no sanctioned country has had a "savior" like CHina available to help and save sanctioned countries from collapse. What else is preventing North Korea from collapse already?? Must be China. I believe America will go back to military engagement after US finds out that sanctions cant knockout adversaries the way they used to...i dunno..lol

Turkey is a smart nation. They know right now they have no real need for nukes, so why risk being in a situation like Iran for no reason?
Why risk being in a situation like Iran? So Turkey can have freedom of actions in the world regarding its national ideology and interests? Problem with being in the west camp is that its like America and Freedom : You get freedom....within a designated area, so its like freedom within a limited space, so its not real or full freedom.

Unless TUrkey exits NATO, TUrkey cant "mavouvre" freely. You already see the leash NATO is using on Turkey with sanctions, F-35 ban, etc.
The West use Iran to create chaos in sunni Muslim Countries in the Middle East

The West attack Turkiye since 1960 and Turkiye lost $1 trillion dollars and tens of thousands of citizens

-- to fight against the US and the EU backed PKK terrorism since 1985
-- The US backed military coups in Turkiye by 1960 , 1971 , 1980 , 1997 and last one by 2016 failed coup attempt
-- Traitor politicans paid another $ trillion dollars to international interest lobby since 1962
-- The US attacks Turkish Economy since 2013 and Turkish currency dropped by 320% between 2013 and 2019

Turkiye under attack by the West since 1960
Turkiye has no oil and gas reserves ... still Turkiye has bigger Economy than S.Arabia and Iran

I get all of that, but this was not the point of my comment. The point was the susceptibility of your economy to severe western sanctions.

Why risk being in a situation like Iran? So Turkey can have freedom of actions in the world regarding its national ideology and interests? Problem with being in the west camp is that its like America and Freedom : You get freedom....within a designated area, so its like freedom within a limited space, so its not real or full freedom.

Unless TUrkey exits NATO, TUrkey cant "mavouvre" freely. You already see the leash NATO is using on Turkey with sanctions, F-35 ban, etc.

Agreed bro, but my comment is focusing on the costs they will face for making nuclear weapons. The costs of western sanctions on them will be devastating, will their people endure it?

I wish Turkey all the best, but I want them to make the wise decisions. Leave the nuke for the time they really feel like they need it.
Another option is I think emulating Chernobyl to create radioactive gas or liquid. Trap it inside missile warhead. Evaporate and disperse the gas above the target and radioactive material will stick to ground uncleanable for centuries. It was about 8 tons of radioactive material that initially caused mess in chernobyl.

Since it is a mutually assured destruction weapon only usage is the second strike option and less destruction than atom bombs.

Some resources about fukushima and chernobyl

radioactive materials like these can be trapped in water or any other chemical in a controlled environment that is the difficult part. Then this liquid can be pressurized and used inside cruise missiles or ballistic missiles. The radioactive clouds would do rest of the job contaminating soil and water in the target region.

This chernobyl bomb would be more effective against a city cized target.

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