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Iran and the arabs since the begining of islam

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There are 10 million Christian Egyptians in Egypt, they do not necessarily have Muslim matters in their hearts as Muslims do, some are pro Israeli as the judeo christian brotherhood might suggest. So one has to be careful from to what he hears or reads about Egypt especially on the Internet.
Even Christian Egyptians are against Israel, most of them.... This past elections showed a lot about Egypt demographics. Out of 85 million Egyptians, 50 million were eligible to vote. About 30 milion actually participated in the elctions with almost 100% participant within the Islamists(Muslim Brotherhood & Salafis). I will break down the votes for you, not the number of seats
- Muslim Brotherhood(Very supportive of having very good relations with Iran, anti Israel) got about 10 million votes out of 30 million.
- Salafis(Some hate Iran, and some are for any Islamic Union. Some were actually, anti Israel) got about 7.5 million votes out of 30 million.
- Diff. Liberal and Social parties(Supportive of good realtions with Iran, and anti Israel and were most Christian votes went) Got 12.5 million votes out of 30 million. Those votes didn't turn to seats because they are not united, althu some have the same platform.
we have the worst situation.these......wahhabi guys even killed many Iranians in Hag(just a few metters distance with the kaaba)
imagine......in the city of mecca......their fault was to shout down with USA
they havnt any Competency to have this holy land

I do not want to defend or blame anyone in this case but the truth has to be said:
First of all, shouting and holding demonstrations in the Kaaba is forbidden, since it is the most sacred place in Islam, you can not even hold demonstrations in a mosque it has to be done outside of it.
On the other hand Saudis should have explained this to the Iranians without bloodshed.
Wait a second don't forget Iraq has one of the longest history and the most effective in the human history.
I agree, You guys have a great histroy, and great potential at the moment too. If it wasn't for Iraq-Iran war, and invading Kuwait, and all the mess after that, Iraq would have been a special country in the ME.
Wow, just look at this thread. Zionist lovers are isolated. Iran, Iraq, Egypt and Pakistan are coming closer and closer together. Is this not unity, then what is? Just 20 years ago, who would have thought Egyptians and Iraqi defending Iran? This is a miracle, guys.
I do not want to defend or blame anyone in this case but the truth has to be said:
First of all, shouting and holding demonstrations in the Kaaba is forbidden, since it is the most sacred place in Islam, you can not even hold demonstrations in a mosque it has to be done outside of it.
On the other hand Saudi should have explained this to the Iranians without bloodshed.
that was in mecca's street not near the kaabe.....they killed 72 Iranian people.......72.....72....
one day we will Revenge
No one would hate Iranian regime for no reason, but we fed up with the trouples its making to Arabs, here are some of what I can recall at at the moment:

1- Morocco cut all relations with Iran due to relentless attempts to spread shiism in the country.

2- Total support for Hezbollah in all fields, including military support, and this militia refused to hand over its weapons to the Lebanese army, and it must be noted that Lebanon is a multi-sect country and has witnessed many sectarian wars, making any weapon limited in the hands of certain sect a threat to the rest of the sects. This amply demonstrated when this militia broke into Beirut in 2007 and constant threat to use its weapons against other sects.

3- Sending troops and weapons to Syrian regime to kill its people.

4- several Iranian spy networks and agents were arrested in Bahrain, Qatar and Kuwait, these networks intended to destabilize those countries.

5- Attempt to assassinate the Saudi ambassador in Washington.

6- Jordan banned travel to and from Iran following espionage and sabotage attempts in the country.

7- Arming Houthis gang and urging them to attack Saudi Arabia and that what happened. The armament was going on during the the Saudi war on those rebels.

8- Senior Saudi officials accused Iran for attempting to destabilize Eastern Region.

10- Regarding Iraq, I need a new thread to show you how much Iraqis suffer from Iran.:sick:

Even Iranian regime's harm has reached West Africa:
Anyway check those out guys:

Nigeria reports seized Iranian arms shipment to UN
BBC News - Nigeria reports seized Iranian arms shipment to UN

Senegal Government Breaks Diplomatic Ties With Iran Over Weapons Shipments
Senegal Government Breaks Diplomatic Ties With Iran Over Weapons Shipments - Bloomberg

Gambia cuts ties with Iran and orders diplomats to go
BBC News - Gambia cuts ties with Iran and orders diplomats to go

After all of this, you still wondering why your regime gets so much hate!!!

علماء الشيعة يسبون مصر ويقولون انها ملعونة على لسان داوود (ع) بالفيديو ؟؟؟ - تمت الإجابة عنه - Google إجابات

Ýíáã ÅíÑÇäí Úä "ÇÛÊíÇá ÇáÓÇÏÇÊ" ãä ÇáãÊæÞÚ Ãä íËíÑ ÛÖÈ ÇáãÕÑííä - ÚÇáã ÇÈä ãÕÑ

لماذا الشيعـة يكرهون مصـر كره شديــــــد ؟ - تمت الإجابة عنه - Google إجابات


Most places and facts you have mentioned have Zionism related to them, so to answer you fully will take a new thread.
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No reason to insult others cultures or histroy. Lets try to build bridges between eachother on this forum, we might be future politicians in our countries and get our nations to work together :P...... Arab countries would never harm Egypt, and we would never harm them. We are very close to do such an idiotic thing. I am sure he didn't mean to say that Arab countries would kick the Egyptian workers out of Egypt or try to collapse Egypt's economy. We are stronger when they are stronger, and they are stronger when we are stronger. Same applies to Iran, Turkey, Pakistan. In future conflicts, all of us would support eachother.
Sorry are you sure they wont harm Egypt if you think so then there's something wrong, man go back and study the arab history it's all about harm to each other we're unfortunately all about disgrace, Mohammed PBUH came to save us of ignorance guess what we tried to kill him many times and when we failed then we killed his family with no mercy just for revenge, now you telling me they wont??????.
Wow, just look at this thread. Zionist lovers are isolated. Iran, Iraq, Egypt and Pakistan are coming closer and closer together. Is this not unity, then what is? Just 20 years ago, who would have thought Egyptians and Iraqi defending Iran? This is a miracle, guys.
yes its very Interesting that 25 years ago our father were fighting eachother and now we are close friends.as i said i forgot the war.and love to see that i have a good relation with an Iraqi and Egyptians.we must help eachother to rebuild our countries again.
Most places and facts you have mentioned have Zionism related to them, so to answer you fully will take a new thread.
Is this a zoinist?

I understand what you are trying to say but this will not work, because you are talking to the wrong side of the problem, since Arabs don't intervene in Iranian issues while Iranian regime is desperately trying to make troubles in ME. It began in 1979 when Khomeini tried to export "Siism Islamic revolution" to our countries. So the problem is with them not with us.
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Look.. I have nothing toward Iranian people at all. But if you keep posting such BS. Don't expect me to respond to you again ever.

Who said its not our enemy? any Arab says its anything other than that would be absolutely a traitor. But that doesn't mean that Iranian regime is not our enemy as well.

If Iran is to be considered as Jordan's enemy than you are a Muslim traitor as well, and from your sayings you are not a Muslim(Arab Christian!), you might be too much influenced by the British and American Zionist mentality and way out of your place in the Muslim world.
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