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Iran and the arabs since the begining of islam

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No reason to insult others cultures or histroy. Lets try to build bridges between eachother on this forum, we might be future politicians in our countries and get our nations to work together :P...... Arab countries would never harm Egypt, and we would never harm them. We are very close to do such an idiotic thing. I am sure he didn't mean to say that Arab countries would kick the Egyptian workers out of Egypt or try to collapse Egypt's economy. We are stronger when they are stronger, and they are stronger when we are stronger. Same applies to Iran, Turkey, Pakistan. In future conflicts, all of us would support eachother.

Yeah, I know. But I wanted to show the guy his place after he threatened Egypt. These guys instead of threatening Israel, always are threatening their fellow Muslims. That is shameful.
Yeah, I know. But I wanted to show the guy his place after he threatened Egypt. These guys instead of threatening Israel, always are threatening their fellow Muslims. That is shameful.
Lool, don't get your hopes up too much, I really didn't mean that, but I was hurt by a very dear brother who stand with the supporters of Syrian killers in front of others. But I would never get hurt by you coz I don't care about u at all. Waw, I thought your Iranian!
Anyway, There is nothing historically called Syria, Lebanon, Palistine or Jordan. Its part of Bilad Alsham which has 11 years of history. Nevertheless Jordanians are descendants of Nabateaens who built one the seven wonders which is Petra. Read some history you ignorant.
We are ready to Unite but can the shia ayatollah give up with slogans of hate and incitement. We dont teach ritual hatred towards any Shia figures good or bad, not even against Khomeni so the ball is in the Shia court..the day they can stop doing fasad and hatred will be the day Muslim ummah will unite but they cannot stop doing fasad because all forms of treachery and social ills live in their blood.

Iran is shia because the Azeri poet dynasty of Safvid enforced it on the tip of sword. They had vengeance against Islam for demolishing their empire a few hundred years ago (Shah Dynasty was Azeri) and viewed Shism as a rival movement to Islam. Using their legitimacy of a connection with Ahle Bayt via Hussien's wife Sherbano (Daughter of Yazgerd) they actively invaded Islamic lands and enforced Shiaism.

Also most the the so called Iranian tracing their roots to Ahlebayt or "Sayyids" is another big lie and there are multiple reason for it.

1. The Safvid awarded the title of Sayydi's to many illegitimate children born out wedlock in the royal hareem.

2. Many crooks and criminals would tour Indian subcontinents for using religion to gain riches and taking up the title of Sayyid's helped them in every way. Hence this is why the Syed of UP and Hyderabad are considered bogus.

3. The title of Sayyid was also awarded to select few Safvid puppets through fraudulent genealogy trees.

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I never understood Shia Sunni conflict!! It was for nothing............... meaningless.

i don't use the tag SUNNI anymore......

Abu Bakr (r) Umar (r) Uthman (R) Ali (R) And Ummul Mu'minin everyone should be respected by Muslims as they were all loved by our Prophet Muhammad(sm).
Are there Sunni mosques in Tahran? If yes plz post their pic with sources. Because there are many claims saying that Iran doesn't allow building Sunni mosques in Tahran. Your friendly manner proves that Arabs problem is merely with the regime not people. I hope you don't get me wrong because nothing personal at all, we could have different views but we could be also friends.

But there are thousands of Egyptians in Facebook and Arab forums have the same thoughts as I am. I know few have different views but this is normal.

There are 10 million Christian Egyptians in Egypt, they do not necessarily have Muslim matters in their hearts as Muslims do, some are pro Israeli as the judeo christian brotherhood might suggest. So one has to be careful from to what he hears or reads about Egypt especially on the Internet.
Lool, don't get your hopes up too much, I really didn't mean that, but I was hurt by a very dear brother who stand with the supporters of Syrian killers in front of others. But I would never get hurt by you coz I don't care about u at all. Waw, I thought your Iranian!
Anyway, There is nothing historically called Syria, Lebanon, Palistine or Jordan. Its part of Bilad Alsham which has 11 years of history. Nevertheless Jordanians are descendants of Nabateaens who built one the seven wonders which is Petra. Read some history you ignorant.

You are just another hate mongering supermacist Arab who can not handle himself. First you threatened Egypt now you are disrespecting Pakistan on a Pakistani forum. Syria has a history. It is called Sham and you better read about it you ignorant. But there is no such thing as Jordan in Islamic history.
It is good to see things are warming up between Egyptian and Iranian people, both of them having a very rich history and relations with each other. There was even a time when Egyptian and Iranian kings would marry their sons and daughters to each others children. I guess, now that kings are gone, people are taking up the relations once again. It goes to show that Islam can be united. Egypt having the largest Arab population with strongest army and industry among Arabs is becoming closer to Iran. Both will benefit from this as their industries will start trade with each other. As a plus point, Iranians can go and see pyramids and Egyptians can go to see Persepolis.

Lol. The Persian Gulf Arab states treat everyone like that not only Iranians. They have a superiority complex with regard to other people even other Arab countries that are not rich. Anyways, there is nothing in Dubai. It is just a large shopping mall. It is better to go to Oman. That place atleast has a history and some original sites to go to.

Is Dubai a country! it is a free economic zone for the world to play the game "monopoly".
The rich complex is not an Arab one, since the Arabs are usually very modest and hospitable people, this complex and values stem from some western corporations and their mercenaries and instilled in some Arabs too close to them.
You are just another hate mongering supermacist Arab who can not handle himself. First you threatened Egypt now you are disrespecting Pakistan on a Pakistani forum. Syria has a history. It is called Sham and you better read about it you ignorant. But there is no such thing as Jordan in Islamic history.
I don't consider you a true Pakistani at all. Pakistanis would never hate their brothers. I have dear Pakistani brothers here and they know me. Don't try to drag Pakistan into this issue, you are just lying to get Pakistani against me. Plz leave you ignorance aside, Jordan doesn't care about you funny opinion about its history. Bye Bye :wave:
They are just puppet regimes. Nothing more. They are consumed by their hatred and fascist ideas. Egypt has a very long history rivaling that of China, Iran and subcontinent. Jordan did not even exist couple of decades ago. It is really pathetic to see these guys trying to position themselves as gods. Egypt is the strongest country among Arabs. They have their own industry and a disciplined army.
Wait a second don't forget Iraq has one of the longest history and the most effective in the human history.
we cant choose it is like a package
isreal and usa and gcc
you cant be friendly with one and enemy of other i hope i am wrong but i am not it is unfortunte but it is the truth

Yes we can, by being closer to the GCC and taking some distance from the US and not acknowledging Israel at all.
I don't consider you a true Pakistani at all. Pakistanis would never hate their brothers. Don't try to drag Pakistan into this issue, you are just lying to get Pakistani against me. Bye Bye :wave:

You pathetic Zionist lover. Pakistan is free to do whatever it wants. We are not under any obligation to you or any one else. You think we do not know what game you are playing. Pakistan is a nuclear armed state and do not need you Zionist lovers as brothers. You are just angry because because you have lost our support. Now go and bow down to your masters in Telaviv:

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