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Iran and the arabs since the begining of islam

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The Iranians did not pay attention to Persian with a view to opposing Islam or Arab influence, nor did they consider Arabic an alien language. They regarded Arabic as the language of Islam . As they accepted Islam as a universal faith, they accepted Arabic also as their own language as well as that of all Muslims. In reality, if each of the other languages of the world, such as Persian, Turkish, English, French or German, is the tongue of a nation and people, Arabic alone is the language of a scripture. For instance, Persian is the language of a nation and people and innumerable individuals have a share in its survival and continuity. Its existence does not depend on the existence of any of its individual speakers, for it is not specially related to any person or book. Neither it is the language of Firdawsi or Rudaki alone, nor it is the language of Nizami or Sa'di or Mawlawi or Hafiz, or any other particular individual. It is the language of all of them. But Arabic alone is the language of a scripture, the Qur'an. The Qur'an itself preserves and safeguards it, and has been the only factor responsible for its life and continuity. All the works written in this language reflect the impact of the Qur'an and were produced on account of the Qur'an. Even the grammar of this language came into existence on account of the Qur'an. All those persons who contributed to Arabic and wrote books in Arabic had been concerned with the Qur'an. It was for the sake of the Qur'an that books of philosophy, mysticism, history, medicine, mathematics and law had been written or translated into this language. As a matter of fact, the Arabic language is the language of a Book and not the language of a nation or a people. If outstanding personalities have paid greater respect to this language than their own mother tongue, they did so due to their belief that it was not confined to any particular nation but was as the language of their creed. For the same reason, they never considered such an attitude to be a sign of disregard for their own language. The people of non-Arab countries believe Arabic to be the language of their faith, while their own mother tongue was regarded as the language of their people. Mawlawi, following some of his famous Arabic verses in the Mathnawi, that is:

Speak Persian, though Arabic is sweeter;

Love itself speaks in a hundred other tongues.

In this couplet Mawlawi expresses his preference for Arabic in compari son to Persian, his own mother tongue, because of its being the language of his faith.

Sa'di, in the fifth chapter of the Gulistan, narrates the fable of a youth of Kashghar who was studying al-Zamakhshari's introduction to Arabic syntax. In this story, he describes Persian as the language of the common man and Arabic as the language of scholars and learned men.

Hafiz, in one of his popular ghazals, says:

Though boasting of one's culture in the presence of the beloved is disrespect,

My tongue is tied, yet my mind is full of Arabic expressions.

According to the late Qazwini in the Best maqaleh ("Twenty Essays"), one of the spiders caught in the web of its own folly - of whom there are not a few these days, with the blessings of the imperialists - always held a grudge against Hafiz for his speaking of Arabic in this couplet as a mark of culture!

Islam, as said above, does not address itself specially to any particular people or group, so that it should grant official status to their tongue and set aside other languages. Zayd ibn Thabit, according to al Mas'udi's report in al-Tanbih wa,al-'ishraf, had, at the Prophet's behest, learnt the Persian, Roman, Coptic and Ethiopian languages from such people in al-Madtnah as knew any one of them; he held the office of the interpreter to the Prophet (S). The books of history have recorded that Amir al-Mu'minin `Ali (A) occasionally spoke Persian.
As a matter of principle, not only plurality of languages is not an impediment in the way of accepting Islam, it is considered a means of the progress of the faith, because each of the various languages with its special beauty and niceties can render an additional service to Islam. One of the achievements of Islam has been that different nations with varied languages and cultures embraced it and each contributed to enrich it with its specific aesthetic taste, culture and language. Had Persian been eliminated, we would not have today been in possession of such valuable Islamic masterpieces as the Mathnawi of Mawlana, the Gulistan of Sa'di, the poetical works of Hafiz, Nizami and hundreds of other beautiful literary works which are filled to the brim with Islamic and Qur'anic ideas and have made Persian an immortal and inseparable part of the Islamic heritage. How good it would have been had there been other languages of Muslims which could also have served Islam with their specific genius and beauty! This was our first point.

As a matter of fact, the cause of Iranians' conversion to Islam and that of their embracing of Shi`ism is only one. The Iranian saw that Islam was in harmony with his spirit and he found what he loved and craved for in Islam. The people of Iran, who were an intelligent people by nature and had, moreover, a rich cultural tradition, were attracted to Islam more than any other nation and served it devotedly. They also understood better than others the spirit of Islam, and for the same reason they gravitated towards the Household of the Prophet (S) and tashayyu` came to be .deeply rooted among them. In other words, the Iranians discovered the true spirit and meaning of Islam in the Family of the Prophet (S). It was the Family which could alone answer and meet their spiritual and intellectual needs.

What attracted the Iranian's thirsting spirit to Islam more than any other thing was the Islamic message of justice and equality. He had been deprived of these for centuries, and awaited such a message. The Iranians observed that the only group of Muslims that was free of prejudice and very keen to establish justice and equality in society and showed an unlimited sensitivity in regard to these values was the Household of the Prophet (S). This honourable Family was seen as the sanctuary of Islamic justice, especially by non-Arab Muslims.

the famous utterance of the Prophet (S), who said:

All men are from Adam and Adam was from dust. The Arab has no merit over a non-Arab except on the basis of piety (taqwa).

That is, race, nationality and lineage are immaterial in Islam. All lineage goes back to Adam, who was made of dust. What ground can that be for any claim of racial superiority?

Islam and Iran: A Historical Study of Mutual Services - Mutahhari
Great work of art eather written by you or someone else many thanks to you.
You have raised a whole thread based on speculative accounts of history.

My suggestion is to quit this "Persia" / "Arab" based debate.
Contribute positively to a " United in the name of Allah " debate.

History is history, what is gone is gone, don't hug it too hard .. it will leave your arms too full to embrace the future.
history, is the biggest mine for those who's searching for truth, lessons to learn from them what's went wrong to avoid doing it again, only dull people who don't dig that free mine of lessons.
Fair enough. Please continue. The PDF of old had no place for religious discourse, but apparently things have changed.

What people of Persian stock feel towards the Christian and Jewish world is animosity.

What they feel towards the Arab world on the other hand is disdain.

And that goes much deeper than religion, and per the topic of this thread stretches a longer way back than just the relatively recent birth of Islam, which is where I feel you guys are scratching the surface here in the ongoing love fest.

For obvious reasons.

You speak of jahilya? I wonder if you know the special term Persians have that's reserved for much the same - from the other end of the spectrum.

If you pit blood against religion, religion will lose. Every time. Not just yours, but any religion.

Don't take my word as an Indian. Simply go on to any of the many vocal Iranian forums around the net and read for yourself.

That should put the politically correct views of the Iranians here into perspective on a forum where they are outnumbered by a Sunni and predominantly non-Persian Indic and Arab majority.

As I said, please continue. :)
Can you please kindly name some Iranian forum where I can see your view of point.
You are talking about Iran and the Arabs since the begining of Islam. That is like 650 AD.

1500 years I think not.

I am merely pointing out to you that a lot (oceans) of water passed below that particular bridge before that recent occurence, and THAT more than anything is the genesis of the impossibility of your Ummah.

Yes, Islam and its followers are beholden and exhorted to strive for the Ummah.

But which Islam? You guys need to settle that first.

Is it not ironical that the first victory of Islam also sowed the seeds of its split?

Islam is the youngest and the most recent of the major religions of the world.

There is a cycle that each religion goes through, a growth and evolutionary curve if you must.

Islam today is where the one in line before, Christianity, was during the medieval ages.

It is a period of strife and internal churn you must necessarily go through, before enlightenment and toning it down many notches.
You need to read and focus about what you read, it seems to me that you confused big time [ Is it not ironical that the first victory of Islam also sowed the seeds of its split?].
You have no solid argument at all, you are distorting the facts and reality to suit your distorted views of a Zionist.
The Muslim Ummah Exists and this fact alone hurts you very badly, let alone one Universal Islam.
I pity you, and wish you find yourself something else to think about. This is too real for you to accept.
So go play with your low life pairs, since your ignorance can only be beaten by your ignorance.
I am referring to your last comment, and it seems that you are very slow in understanding (maybe a brain condition), you can read and reread and than re-reread to sink it in your rock like brain, and than answer, but if it hurts you too much do not even bother to answer, ignore the thread and go on with your life or what seems to you as a life, it looks to me more of a lie than a life.
I tell you all this because of your arrogance of know it all, witch in psychology is called an inferiority complex projected as a superiority complex, so please go seek some help elsewhere.
No, brother no need for it, don't let him pull you down to his level, he needs to know the difference between the Islam and Muslims we don't say Muslims reveal Islam, that's where he needs to know the difference.
this govenment Has the most warm relation with arabs.do you like the Pahlavi period?

this is a false map.the true one is

Our ancestors kicked them back to Arabia. They brought only death and destruction. They take pride in what they did. So do I.
1. The Arabs of mainland Arabia truly got consolidated and organized as a free state under the Holy Prophet PBUH, for the first time in history, to achieve great things. Prior to Islam, the Arabs, living in tribal pockets, were under the control of the Byzentines, Persians, Egyptians or the Abyssinian in parts and from time to time. Islam united them for the first time in history, and energized them so that they could spring into Central Asia and Al Andalusia. Within no time the Maghreb became Arab, and so did Mesopotamia / Assyria. However, Central Asians, Hindustanis, Persians, Byzantine-Turks, Mid-Africans, Muslims of the East and others held on to their culture.

3. There is an undercurrent in the modern Arab world which is quite interesting. There is a feeling among some that the best of the Arabs, namely the Banu Umayya and the Banu Hashim had left Arabia carrying the flag of Islam to far corners of the globe. Those remaining behind are the weaklings. Therefore, these lot are ever on the lookout to locate seeds of these brave Arabs anywhere in the world. They want these back by arranging marriage of their women with these people. Few such incidents became known during the Afghan Jihad against the Soviets.

What spring? Arabs massacred locals in Central Asia. They did it for Arabism, not for Islam.

What culture? Islam is not culture, Arab is a culture.

Do you think Umayyads were Muslim? They took control over the Rashidun Caliphate by force. Made it Arab dynasty.

Brave Arabs?
Brave Arabs?[/QUOTE]Why not, I'm with you bout the corruption but even that corruption were not monopoly of them the Ottoman were corrupted too.
let us please stay away of wounding the feeling of each other by stating this brave this coward since we all the sons of one great man who's Adm PBUH.
Brave Arabs?why not, I'm with you bout the corruption but even that corruption were not monopoly of them the Ottoman were corrupted too.

Believe me, i dislike Ottomans.

It was Arab invasions that opened the way to Turks.

There was a stability.
-Rome in the west
-Arabs in the south
-Persians in the middle
-Turks in the east

Sassanids/Persians were fighting in two fronts against Rome and Turks, and was defeated.
Then Arabs ravaged Persia. Then came Turks. Then came Mongols. Sassanids were balancing those powers. Arabs opened the box of Pandora.
Believe me, i dislike Ottomans.

It was Arab invasions that opened the way to Turks.

There was a stability.
-Rome in the west
-Arabs in the south
-Persians in the middle
-Turks in the east

Sassanids/Persians were fighting in two fronts against Rome and Turks, and was defeated.
Then Arabs ravaged Persia. Then came Turks. Then came Mongols. Sassanids were balancing those powers. Arabs opened the box of Pandora.
Bro I'm with you Umayyad the one who ravaged every thing even our religion I'm totaly supporting you about that just let us believe that we're Muslim brothers no feeling hurt to each other if we Muslims free our hearts of the side effects of the past if we respect our choices in believe like I accept you as Suni you accept me Shi'ite imagine what can we do if we gathered may Allah make dreams come true, just dreaming of peaceful world.
If we are still talking about Arab and Ajam then we have learnt nothing from History.... or from Islam.

It seems like we will senselessly repeat the mistakes that brought us into the present quagmire.
Believe me, i dislike Ottomans.

It was Arab invasions that opened the way to Turks.

There was a stability.
-Rome in the west
-Arabs in the south
-Persians in the middle
-Turks in the east

Sassanids/Persians were fighting in two fronts against Rome and Turks, and was defeated.
Then Arabs ravaged Persia. Then came Turks. Then came Mongols. Sassanids were balancing those powers. Arabs opened the box of Pandora.

You dislike Ottomans? why?
Actually, their rule era was one of the best times in our history, it's a fact, of course except the last 20 years of their rule. We consider Mohammed Alfateh along with other Ottoman leaders as our own leaders not only yours. God bless them...
Reality points to the fact that everytime a Muslim dynasty started to sank low in corruption and "Fasad" in general, another one was readily available to challenge it and to take its place, this shows the strength of faith preserved within the people of the Islamic Ummah, it worked for 1400 years because all dynasties or modern days governments are kept under the watchful eye of the just and faithful.
Muslims should stick together. The enemies of Muslims (zionists, crusaders, and hindu extremists) are benefiting from these silly divisions between Muslims.

Iran and Saudi Arabia should be grateful for what Allah has blessed them with, so much wealth oil and gas and huge countries for small population. Look at Europe and North America they don't have the oil and gas that most Muslim countries have, but they are so united and strong.
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