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Iran and India united against Pakistan?

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I failed to see where the ministry accused Iran of being a perpetrator. I don't worship any country unlike you so spare me from your BUsh.
You're being overly dismissive of the facts and the context. Pakistan reengaged with Iranian leadership last year and both nations have brushed certain unsavoury incidents under the carpet in light of recent attempts at rapprochement. They know full well that there are anti-Pak assets harboured in SB province, as well as chabahar and its Indian contingent, used by Iran to pressure pk as and when they see fit. Iran plays this game and to suggest otherwise is being naive or in denial.

The reason iran's transgressions are overlooked by the establishment are not reasons of sectarianist blowback as much as a simple quantitative calculation that Pakistan cannot engage an aggressive stance against India, and Afghanistan and Iran. Pakistan has chosen to fight India in full public view and so will also discretely oppose Iran and afg on directly connected issues (eg espionage, RAW infiltration) but not otherwise. It is further true that apart from their support for Hindustan, Pakistan probably has no major unresolvable issues with either Iran or afg.

Sometimes Pakistan "parks" its arguments with Iran and afg while it focuses on India. That doesn't absolve either of our western neighbours of guilt in terms of meddling within our borders.

"Now we are not so naive that we will let India hijack the case by dragging Iran into it which would make the case longer and negative effect on Pak Iran relationship. "

Yes this is exactly right. Pakistan wishes to focus the scope of its efforts against jadhav as it may compromise its efforts against India by dragging Iran's state apparatus into the dock.
Well the question I asked is simple Did Iran grant him Visa or no? His passports says Iran did. Now we are not so naive that we will let India hijack the case by dragging Iran into it which would make the case longer and negative effect on Pak Iran relationship. So yes we showed big heart and let it be.

Would they ever disclose who gave them info? Libya was easy target and getaway card. We also have eyes and ears around the world so it's your word vs mine. And you are giving me a reference of same source that calls you axis of evil. Now would that be true?

So what? ....... So are you saying that it would be totally ok with Iran if Pakistan through out went under Saudi or Israeli influence and Iran would be totally unmoved and uneffected?

Your first step against Pakistan was the day you lobbied on behalf of India to be allowed as an observer in OIC in 1990s. It was the time Kashmir struggle was at full swing India was facing pressure globally and Iran let India in and that was the day OIC became meaningless. I dont speak with out proof. I will attach two interviews here ome of Kulbushan Yadav and one and Indian well known journalist who is actually thanking Iran for letting India break that pressure.
Watch from 1.29 onwards to save yourself time.

Watch from 8.01 onwards about role of Iran. Was it beneficial for Pakistan. On one hand you expected us to help you with nuclear and at the same time undermining our efforts against our enemy. Both of these guys are Indian.

I don't have time to waste here ...
Your representative in ICJ rolled out Iran involvement and I explained over here for your countrymen whom even don't bother themselves to read their own official statements in such an important organization ,,, so I don't care as far as you don't care about your officials' official statements ...
On Khan .. it is out on the net google it ... there are plenty of documents esp IAEA reports..
On Rigi .. your country your choices .. you could do whatever you want in your soil if Saudi presence is for promoting peace no problem but Rigi was outcome of this presence .. as AQ and Taliban.
On nuclear help ... Khan network provide several countries with this tech , a tech that was stolen by him in the first place .. and we paid for that ... and as I said those centrifuges were polluted and caused Iran many problems ..
Our Pakistani brothers are full of conspiracy theories about Iran , while India does not even imports oil from Iran and we have no military cooperation they think Iran became puppet of India against them . While Pakistan trains Saudi soldiers against Yemen they do nothing for Kashmiris and they think its duty of Iran to save them now (saying why Iran can help Palestinians but why they can't do anything for Kashmir !) ... am I right?
Lol..this is nt hidden
since iran shia revolution..iran has done everything it can to hurt pakistan

previous i couldnt blame them( in 1980s) with zia in power and his anti shia policies
now i cant blame them because iran is simply a puppet of india ..
it has no choice..
they are going to die of hunger if india stops buying their oil....
Iran is the cancer of Islamic world and a bogey created by US to keep selling arms to the Arabs. That is why it has never been attacked despite so much war rhetoric against it since last many decades.

Our Pakistani brothers are full of conspiracy theories about Iran , while India does not even imports oil from Iran and we have no military cooperation they think Iran became puppet of India against them . While Pakistan trains Saudi soldiers against Yemen they do nothing for Kashmiris and they think its duty of Iran to save them now (saying why Iran can help Palestinians but why they can't do anything for Kashmir !) ... am I right?
Pakistan never helped Iran against Saddam

Ungrateful qawm.

Pakistan sold some technologies for peaceful nuclear activities that we could buy from North Korea ( and we never produced nukes)

Ungrateful qawm.

Iran didn't creat AlQaeda Taliban or even Afghanistan pro America government (or whatever you call northern terroristic alliance)

You fully cooperated and provided logistics for the US’ invasion.

We did also, but we regret it and don’t lie about it.

Pakistanis who fought for Iran in Iraq and Syria are the ones who fought against ISIS headchoppers and most of them don't return to Pakistan because Pakistani intelligence is just good to arrest these ppl not real terrorists .

Use your own Iranian citizens and don’t use Pakistanis in your proxy wars and sectarian squabbles.

They should be arrested, and their families should be investigated also.

International courts should be brought against them for betraying their country and joining sectarian militias.

My dear Pakistan was scared of US warning and stopped construction of Gas pipeline for development of its industries and you are talking about importing oil from Iran ?

PPP had pro-Iranian tilt, and had no problem signing a damaging treaty with Iran for higher priced oil. (Why??)

We rightfully stopped that bogus deal. Pipeline and trade should benefit both, not one to the exclusion of the other.

Still Qatar and KSA gave us good rates for quality fuel compared to Iranian low quality oil, which also was overpriced.
You're being overly dismissive of the facts and the context. Pakistan reengaged with Iranian leadership last year and both nations have brushed certain unsavoury incidents under the carpet in light of recent attempts at rapprochement. They know full well that there are anti-Pak assets harboured in SB province, as well as chabahar and its Indian contingent, used by Iran to pressure pk as and when they see fit. Iran plays this game and to suggest otherwise is being naive or in denial.

The reason iran's transgressions are overlooked by the establishment are not reasons of sectarianist blowback as much as a simple quantitative calculation that Pakistan cannot engage an aggressive stance against India, and Afghanistan and Iran. Pakistan has chosen to fight India in full public view and so will also discretely oppose Iran and afg on directly connected issues (eg espionage, RAW infiltration) but not otherwise. It is further true that apart from their support for Hindustan, Pakistan probably has no major unresolvable issues with either Iran or afg.

Sometimes Pakistan "parks" its arguments with Iran and afg while it focuses on India. That doesn't absolve either of our western neighbours of guilt in terms of meddling within our borders.

"Now we are not so naive that we will let India hijack the case by dragging Iran into it which would make the case longer and negative effect on Pak Iran relationship. "

Yes this is exactly right. Pakistan wishes to focus the scope of its efforts against jadhav as it may compromise its efforts against India by dragging Iran's state apparatus into the dock.

There is no denying that many anti Pakistani elements operate from Oman and Chahbahar, but creating conspiracy theories that Iran is supporting terrorism in Pakistan is just retarded. Neither Pakistan is supporting any terrorists in Iran nor the vice versa. I have hear this claim from keyboard warriors from both side of IRAPAK border.

I have seen the base of such conspiracy theories about id cards of baba ladla etc or by Irani conspiracy theorists about jundulla. But never a solid proof.
Seriously, some Iranians are beginning to sound like afghans. Be careful. Don't test Pakistani patience.

Where do you think Northeastern Afghans and Kabulites get their moral, logistic, military support from?

You are not too far off. Pseudo-Islamic Persian Nationalists of the present Iranian regime and the outwardly materialistic, slave of NATO/US Tajik, Parsiwan, Hazara warlords are two sides of the same coin.

Explain abdalmalic riggi

NATO agent, also got support from your own former allies in NDS.

Just because he is sunni Baloch doesn’t mean Pakistan is our involved.

Prove they said they are raw spies when they entered iran as merchant.

Already proven by ISPR, but we gave Iran a free pass.

We should not do that. Pakistanis deserve to know the truth.

Older project than gwadar and instead you explain gwadar we must explain Chabahar ? Strange world indeed.

It is only Indian involvement and it’s obvious terrorist, spy network pushing operatives, trainers, supplies into Pakistanis balochistan which is the issue here.

Explain anti tajic and anti hazarah policy in Afghanistan.

We don’t have any such policy. We are neutral toward them, but it is obvious your pawns in Afghanistan have intense hate for Pukhtoon majority and Pakistan.

Also you are the ones who gave sanctuary to Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, who is reviled by your own allies in Afghanistan.

Care to explain what it has to do with us ?

After his meeting with Taliban, Shia extremists supported by Iran tried to assassinate our Mufti Taqi Usmani.

Pakistani government again chose not to put pressure on your government, but the people are fed up.

Not only Sunni Pakistanis, but many Shia Pakistanis also, resent negative Iranian policies against our country.
Besides majority of sanctions against Iran was due to polluted centrifuges already used by Pakistan that made all this trouble for Iran ...

So now you blame us for your sanctions. Laughable.

Your first step against Pakistan was the day you lobbied on behalf of India to be allowed as an observer in OIC in 1990s. It was the time Kashmir struggle was at full swing India was facing pressure globally and Iran let India in and that was the day OIC became meaningless.

So basically Iran was the Sheikh Zayed (UAE emir) of that era.

Yet they have the gall to mock Arabs for doing the same thing.

On Rigi .. your country your choices .. you could do whatever you want in your soil if Saudi presence is for promoting peace no problem but Rigi was outcome of this presence .. as AQ and Taliban.

KSA cannot operate freely from our soul, we don’t have that relationship with them, regardless of Iranian propaganda.

As stated previously, NATO is sitting next door to you (partially as a result of your logistics help against Taliban.)

Don’t be like Afghans who blame all NATO and US attacks on Pakistan.

On nuclear help ... Khan network provide several countries with this tech , a tech that was stolen by him in the first place .. and we paid for that ... and as I said those centrifuges were polluted and caused Iran many problems ..

Gaining help from Pakistan, belittling our nuclear scientist, and selling him out the world community for helping you.

Ungrateful qawm you are.
Pakistanis who fought for Iran in Iraq and Syria are the ones who fought against ISIS headchoppers and most of them don't return to Pakistan because Pakistani intelligence is just good to arrest these ppl not real terrorists . Iran can assure it's interests with any country like how you deal with Saudis (the ones who support India on Kashmir issue ) or USA

Against those moderate revolutionaries in Syria which Iran and it's proxies fought were religiously and ideologically pumped up hordes of Shiites. Much of those factions that are fighting with Iran currently are pumped up with (unfortunately) Pakistani soldiers. Even if they are very stupid, downtrodden, ignorant, they are many and they are easy to convert to the Khomeinist ideology. Despite the primitiveness and nonsensity of Shii'tism-Khomeinism, twenty-percent of Pakistan's population follows Shia Islam, and are attached to the central figure of the sect, Ali Khamenei. An example of a faction currently in Syria would be Liwa Zainebiyoun. That aside, Amnesty International gathered numerous testimonies of torture and rape carried out by the Shia militias against the Sunni populations of both Tikrit (previously), and Syria on the northern front by Hezbollah.

Iranians always say that they seek better relations with Sunni majority nations, yet they keep ignoring their own crimes. I've spoken to plenty of Iranians, from the laymen all the way up to their leadership. None of them have any interest in stopping the crimes that Assad, Iran, Hezbollah, etc who commit horrific atrocities against Sunnis. But at the same time they have no problem pointing fingers at the crimes of US, Saudi, Israel etc. I disagree with how Saudi Arabia has handled the current situation in Yemen, but we can't have double standards here when you completely ignore the plight of the Syrians.
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