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Iran and India united against Pakistan?

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We had jets then and we still have jets to this day. You are just too dumb to realize that they exist!

These retarded Pakistanis don't care that their Saudis have huge economic trade with their arch rivals in India and that they treat their Pakistani workers like slaves but god forbid for Iran to pursue economic relations with India, Then their little brains start weaving Conspiracies about Iran being an Indian Vassal state!

1. Insult Pakistanis.

2. Deflect Blame to Saudis

3. Justify Indian relations

I was very close to reporting your post.

And btw we ruled arabs for centuries lol before and after Islamic age. Persian empire ruled the entire middle east from present day Pakistan to Librya. Saffavids had Iraq ... But these Arabs do not show our genetic markers in them and we do not even show their genetic markers. We MENA people do no rape eachother. Iranians esp persians and Kurds are the most purest of the ethnicites in the region with no mixing by anyone at all (you say n and I will provide proof)

If one has an ounce of pride and arrogance, Paradise will be forbidden for him.

Nothing wrong with recognizing your history, but when it prevents you from seeing others as equals is when it blinds you.

This is why the Persian empire fell to begin with.

When some deluded sectarian Pakistanis are accusing Iran of seeking big trade relations with India whilst simultaneously propagating a pro-Saudi agenda, then yes, I must show the facts. :)

This is your fallback, and it is false. Pakistani Shias also vastly oppose Iranian actions in a Balochistan and its alliance with Indian military/intelligence against Pakistan.

Quit the Sunni and Arab hate.

The thing is, They all say we will destroy Iran, "inshallah". Inshallah means if "Allah (swt) wants", But they cant destroy Iran cause Allah (swt) dosen't want, You know why? Cause Allah (swt) is not on the side of degenerates.

You are over-inflating Pakistani anger at Iranian-Indian nexus against Pakistan.

Pakistan itself establishes ties with non-Muslim atheist (aka Kafir) enemy of Islam and occupier of Muslim land, China.

Drone footage of Chinese authorities transferring Uighur Muslim prisoners.

Pakistan should sever all ties the Kafir Chinese, Cancel CPEC, And wage a jihad against Kafir Chinese which are the occupiers of Muslim land. Be an example and lead the way brothers, rest o will follow.

China is protecting you at the UNSC, and this is the thanks you give them?

Feel free to invade China anytime to close down re-education camps for separatists.

Nothing I have seen makes me believe US propaganda about Xinjiang.

Do as i say, Not as i do seems to be the new cool kid in Pakistan.

Right on line with Indian propaganda. Seems they have taught you well.
You are over-inflating Pakistani anger at Iranian-Indian nexus against Pakistan.
Pakistanis are over-inflating Irani anger at The great Satan - pedophile degenerate Jundullah faggots' nexus against Iran. We reflect everyone's policies towards ourselves to them.
China is protecting you at the UNSC, and this is the thanks you give them?

Feel free to invade China anytime to close down re-education camps for separatists.

Nothing I have seen makes me believe US propaganda about Xinjiang.
Kafir Chinese stole and occupied the Muslim land and are wiping out every trace of Islam in there.

Muslims face the duress of Chinese crackdown in Ramadan

Allah (swt) is above all and knows the truth in everyone heart, And he will burn every single person who who spoke from both sides of his/her mouth on these issues for the eternity in hell.
Our Pakistani brothers are full of conspiracy theories about Iran , while India does not even imports oil from Iran and we have no military cooperation they think Iran became puppet of India against them . While Pakistan trains Saudi soldiers against Yemen they do nothing for Kashmiris and they think its duty of Iran to save them now (saying why Iran can help Palestinians but why they can't do anything for Kashmir !) ... am I right?

Lets leave the conspiracy theories aside brother and look at facts on the ground. Why are Indian spies using Iran as launch pad for activities along Pakistan's western borders and against Gwadar Port which happens to be a competitor port of Chabahar that is used by India? The answer differentiates those who "conspire" and those who deliberately ignore, lol.

Tue Sep 24, 2019

Pakistan tracks down two Indian spies in Mastung


ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Monday identified two more Indian spies actively involved in terrorist activities in Balochistan.

Both the spies — Swami Asemanand and Goband Part — sneaked into Pakistan from Iran. The two were involved in a criminal activity in the Mastung area of Balochistan before fleeing to Afghanistan, reports Geo News. Pakistan has shared details with Iran and Afghanistan regarding the Indian agents, and also penned a letter to the authorities in the two countries.

Indian involvement in sabotaging peace in Pakistan was confirmed when Naval Commander Kulbhushan Jadhav was arrested in the country back in 2016.

Jadhav admitted to his involvement in several terrorist activities in Balochistan and Karachi. He is currently in jail after a military court gave him the death penalty...
both Osama and his extended Family
Majority of AQ and Taliban core LIVE in Pakistan. Iran only hosted the fringe/ extra elements. I 'm ready to bet $ that Zahwahiri is currently in Pakistan. STop spinning things.
Majority of AQ and Taliban core LIVE in Pakistan. Iran only hosted the fringe/ extra elements. I 'm ready to bet $ that Zahwahiri is currently in Pakistan. STop spinning things.

Even ISIS travelled freely from Syria to Afghanistan via Iran.

PKK also thank Iran for continued support.
Even ISIS travelled freely from Syria to Afghanistan via Iran.

PKK also thank Iran for continued support.
These comments are distractions from our argument and my point.

Why not...because AQ are "Sunni" and Hezbollah are "Shia"?
No, its because AQ is extremist Sunni grp with no discipline while Hezbollah is extremist Shia grp with discipline and long term strategy and focus.
Educate yourself.

You are implying some motive for Pakistan which doesn’t exist.

Our allies were GCC, but we broke from them to support Iran during Iran-Iraq war.

We did so on the basis of humanitarian and against Saddam’s illegal US-backed invasion.

It is easy to invent conspiracy theories, but being on PDF, you have no excuse.
its one of hundreds support paks done for iran
In the year 2008, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein invaded Iran. Pakistan immediately deployed its troops to protect the Persian Gulf against the threat of Iran and too many of its military personnel in Saudi wahabi for security and training purposes.
now the saudi wahabi terrorist have base in paks soil and saudi wahbi pays to paks for sup to iran o_O .in your atomic science about helping us a.q khan sells only centrifuge tec and that tec are fake and tools they buy from their agents are suspicious you go and read some book other than wiki r your county information
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