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Iran and India united against Pakistan?

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you still have no jets dear
We had jets then and we still have jets to this day. You are just too dumb to realize that they exist!

2018 Iran-India trade = $16.5 billion
2018 Saudi Arabia-India trade = $25 billion

These retarded Pakistanis don't care that their Saudis have huge economic trade with their arch rivals in India and that they treat their Pakistani workers like slaves but god forbid for Iran to pursue economic relations with India, Then their little brains start weaving Conspiracies about Iran being an Indian Vassal state!
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thats a tall claim


Its a fact among those who read about the subject. You probably come here for whatever reasons.
We both nations started our missile programs around same time but now Iran is ahead with MaRVs, longer range LACM, proven SLVs, longer range MRBM. Pakistani advantage is because of nuclear warheads but thats a political discussion, our delivery vehicle system is way better and improving.

We provided you with Sabre jets. Read about the subject.
We had jets then and we still have jets to this day. You are just too dumb to realize that they exist!

These retarded Pakistanis don't care that their Saudis have huge economic trade with their arch rivals in India and that they treat their Pakistani workers like slaves but god forbid for Iran to pursue economic relations with India, Then their little brains start weaving Conspiracies about Iran being an Indian Vassal state!
Bt let's see, once USA declares a war on. Iran thn we ill see which side India be taking Iran or USA +ISRAEL?
AND thn where ill be PAK be standing?
Yeah some are F-5s as well. So if you at least know about IRIAF's F-5s why would you claim that Iran has no jets?

If you read this forum most members here think that we middle easterners arabs, iranians, turks ride camels.
Yeah some are F-5s as well. So if you at least know about IRIAF's F-5s why would you claim that Iran has no jets?
Cause these F5s means no jets against, F16S, F15S, RAPPTORS, F35s which I'll be in thousands in numbers?
Bt let's see, once USA declares a war on. Iran thn we ill see which side India be taking Iran or USA +ISRAEL?
AND thn where ill be PAK be standing?

India and Pakistan both are irrelevant non stake holders in Iranian conflict with USA in the region. We have oil contracts with India and we share border with Pakistan thats it.
Cause these F5s means no jets against, F16S, F15S, RAPPTORS, F35s which I'll be in thousands in numbers?

Our missiles and Attack UCAVS can easily destroy the bases where these jets will fly out. Atleast regional foes AB's will be taken out easily along with their surface vehicles.

No a few rides donkeys too!

Think again who you are cursing here. Your kind was born out of migration from middle east.
India and Pakistan both are irrelevant non stake holders in Iranian conflict with USA in the region. We have oil contracts with India and we share border with Pakistan thats it.
Look at Iraq, thy were far ahead then Iran and now where thy stand? No where
If u think, Iran can fight a war without getting any dameges thn pls go ahead start that war?
I don't know india, but pakistan stands next to Iran & actully it's jst not Iran on target, its Pakistan too on the target, both pak and Iran mst develop some relationship and defence pacts in which under gross attacks they can help each other, only then thy both can survive by giving each other startigic debth

Our missiles and Attack UCAVS can easily destroy the bases where these jets will fly out. Atleast regional foes AB's will be taken out easily along with their surface vehicles.

Think again who you are cursing here. Your kind was born out of migration from middle east.
And you too born after got kicked by the arabs?
Cause these F5s means no jets against, F16S, F15S, RAPPTORS, F35s which I'll be in thousands in numbers?

That's because F-5s are close air support aircraft. They are not meant to be used as interceptors. We have dedicated Interseptors to deal with other aircraft
Our missiles and Attack UCAVS can easily destroy the bases where these jets will fly out. Atleast regional foes AB's will be taken out easily along with their surface vehicles.

Think again who you are cursing here. Your kind was born out of migration from middle east.
It's illogical tht u think, u can destroy, the bases from where these jets can target Iran, sorry to tell you thy hve far off bases from. Qatar to Australia thy can use any of them and ur drones and those decades old F5s ill be Jst duck shooting?
America doesn't want war for now, because thy use Iran as threat to let arabs be afraid and keep. Giving it all the dam money and it's best for them for now?
Bt whenever state of Israel decides Thts it, thn u ill be another story like Iraq and Thts it

That's because F-5s are close air support aircraft. They are not meant to be used as interceptors. We have dedicated Interseptors to deal with other aircraft
Name a few interceptors and thier numbers in ur service pls?
And think how many of modern jets thy ill be against?
Look at Iraq, thy were far ahead then Iran and now where thy stand? No where
If u think, Iran can fight a war without getting any dameges thn pls go ahead start that war?
I don't know india, but pakistan stands next to Iran & actully it's jst not Iran on target, its Pakistan too on the target, both pak and Iran mst develop some relationship and defence pacts in which under gross attacks they can help each other, only then thy both can survive by giving each other startigic debth

And you too born after got kicked by the arabs?

Please tell me how was Iraq ahead of Iran in military ? Our AD, UCAVs, BM, CM program is better than anyone in the whole region. We have MaRV, GRV vehicles on solid liquid MRBM, precision guided AShCM, AShBM. Our UCAV's penetrate enemies skies regularly. We have almost invincible battle hardened militias in name of Hezbollah, Houthis, Iraqi, Syrian Shia militias, Allied Kurdish groups. Saddam had none of this. Think before you speak friend.

And btw we ruled arabs for centuries lol before and after Islamic age. Persian empire ruled the entire middle east from present day Pakistan to Librya. Saffavids had Iraq ... But these Arabs do not show our genetic markers in them and we do not even show their genetic markers. We MENA people do no rape eachother. Iranians esp persians and Kurds are the most purest of the ethnicites in the region with no mixing by anyone at all (you say n and I will provide proof). I will disprove you through published literature. Not some stupid blog but real JCR registered research but will you admit that you were wrong after that ?
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