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Iran and India united against Pakistan?

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Please tell me how was Iraq ahead of Iran in military ? Our AD, UCAVs, BM, CM program is better than anyone in the whole region. We have MaRV, GRV vehicles on solid liquid MRBM, precision guided AShCM, AShBM. Our UCAV's penetrate enemies skies regularly. We have almost invincible battle hardened militias in name of Hezbollah, Houthis, Iraqi, Syrian Shia militias, Allied Kurdish groups. Saddam had none of this. Think before you speak friend.

And btw we ruled arabs for centuries lol before and after Islamic age. Persian empire ruled the entire middle east from present day Pakistan to Librya. Saffavids had Iraq ... But these Arabs do not show our genetic markers in them and we do not even show their genetic markers. We MENA people do no rape eachother. Iranians esp persians and Kurds are the most purest of the ethnicites in the region with no mixing by anyone at all (you say n and I will provide proof). I will disprove you through published literature. Not some stupid blog but real JCR registered research but will you admit that you were wrong after that ?
All of ur so called military capabilities ill Jst take a week of unstop bombing rains from some B2s Stealth long range bombors, thy ill flatten all wht u think u got, at the same time all of the F15S, F16S, RAPPTORS, F18S AND F20S , F117s cleaning ur whole airforce and army posts destroying all of the bridges and in the end u ill Jst hve some weak militias fighting a gorlia war with no effects or decision making acts in ur hands?
It's illogical tht u think, u can destroy, the bases from where these jets can target Iran, sorry to tell you thy hve far off bases from. Qatar to Australia thy can use any of them and ur drones and those decades old F5s ill be Jst duck shooting?
America doesn't want war for now, because thy use Iran as threat to let arabs be afraid and keep. Giving it all the dam money and it's best for them for now?
Bt whenever state of Israel decides Thts it, thn u ill be another story like Iraq and Thts it

Name a few interceptors and thier numbers in ur service pls?
And think how many of modern jets thy ill be against?

We can take out Persian Gulf Arabs bases very easily and we just demonstrated that in KSA strikes. Around 2500 km from Iranian borders, no base can attack us. Our CM, BM can reach that distance with MaRV fitted on them. MALE UCAV's can penetrate enemy airspace as well.

I will say if KSA airforce comes beyond 200 KM away from our airspace they will face barrages of Bavar, khordad (which brought down global hawk) and S-300. How many do you think can dodge these ? I am assuming some how their two forward bases will survive our BM CM salvos (they wont)

rest of your post is conjecture and trash talk. Indian members here do same against you. I do not take part in crap talk on internet. Prove me wrong with facts.

All of ur so called military capabilities ill Jst take a week of unstop bombing rains from some B2s Stealth long range bombors, thy ill flatten all wht u think u got, at the same time all of the F15S, F16S, RAPPTORS, F18S AND F20S , F117s cleaning ur whole airforce and army posts destroying all of the bridges and in the end u ill Jst hve some weak militias fighting a gorlia war with no effects or decision making acts in ur hands?

will shall would could.

Provide facts not trash talk Azizam
Our Pakistani brothers are full of conspiracy theories about Iran , while India does not even imports oil from Iran and we have no military cooperation they think Iran became puppet of India against them . While Pakistan trains Saudi soldiers against Yemen they do nothing for Kashmiris and they think its duty of Iran to save them now (saying why Iran can help Palestinians but why they can't do anything for Kashmir !) ... am I right?
Sending spies, terrorists and drones over the border. Cross firing and supporting separatists... the list goes on. Iran isnt a friendly state.
Sending spies, terrorists and drones over the border. Cross firing and supporting separatists... the list goes on. Iran isnt a friendly state.

What spy and terrorist ?

Drones I cant deny. Border petrols are common.
Its a fact among those who read about the subject. You probably come here for whatever reasons.
We both nations started our missile programs around same time but now Iran is ahead with MaRVs, longer range LACM, proven SLVs, longer range MRBM. Pakistani advantage is because of nuclear warheads but thats a political discussion, our delivery vehicle system is way better and improving.

We provided you with Sabre jets. Read about the subject.

well we returned the favor as well with interest as always the case that is with Iran

Yeah some are F-5s as well. So if you at least know about IRIAF's F-5s why would you claim that Iran has no jets?

because its not 1960s anymore
Nadir shah aspires to reach Delhi but not willing to pay the toll tax hence the frustration. And countries are not biological entities you dumb paakis

brother this brother that

Iranians have ego issues. They will never admit that someone helped them during their time of distress. Pakistan used to send trains load of ammos and volunteers during zias regime and its the very same Pakistan which is still holding back some alliances to go complete Rambo on Iran
Thank you! Finally someone understands their inflated ego problem. The over inflation hurts their stomach so they walk around wanting to throw up on anyone they see. Pardon the graphic detail.

Iran will never be a friend let alone a "brother".
What spy and terrorist ?

Drones I cant deny. Border petrols are common.
I'm not spoon feeding you but the illegitimate Persians had with endians are all in Pakistani custody now and those actions changed alot of views and policies on Iran. Iran went from being neutral to becoming a hostile nation for Pakistan. Your country has a big red circle around it and all those that you lot did will be paid back with great compensation, inshallah.
I'm not spoon feeding you but the illegitimate Persians had with endians are all in Pakistani custody now and those actions changed alot of views and policies on Iran. Iran went from being neutral to becoming a hostile nation for Pakistan. Your country has a big red circle around it and all those that you lot did will be paid back with great compensation, inshallah.

Oh Trash talk. Yo mama is so fat ...
The Indians are taking care of their problem by themselves.

How do we fit in their efforts?!

Blaming Pakistan seems to be a new Iranian obsession since they became buddies with India and Modi.

And we gave you fighter jets in your wars My dear Iranian farmer+South indian mixture.

You racial supremacists get it wrong once again.

Iranic (nomads) nomads/ IVC admixture is more correct.

2018 Iran-India trade = $16.5 billion
2018 Saudi Arabia-India trade = $25 billion


You don’t have to compare yourself to KSA every time.
You racial supremacists get it wrong once again.
Iranic (nomads) nomads/ IVC admixture is more correct.

I am not a supremacist. I am not even an ethnic Iranian. I am a Turk. My kind got created and migrated into Iranic lands far later.

Iranian neolithic farmers created Indus valley. Later Aryans entered South Asia from BMAC in Iranic Plataea. So did Iranic Sychtians. List goes on.

I see no racial supremacy in repeating history. I will like to see someone deny that.

Have you ever seen "meet the spartan"?!:cheesy:
It's their dialogue...........

Decades of brainwashing but then again its a free world.
Oh Trash talk. Yo mama is so fat ...
The thing is, They all say we will destroy Iran, "inshallah". Inshallah means if "Allah (swt) wants", But they cant destroy Iran cause Allah (swt) dosen't want, You know why? Cause Allah (swt) is not on the side of degenerates.
Yet Iran wants to establish ties with all Non-Muslim enemies of its Muslim neighbors and occupiers of Muslim land such as India, Greece, Armenia, Serbia.
Pakistan itself establishes ties with non-Muslim atheist (aka Kafir) enemy of Islam and occupier of Muslim land, China.

Drone footage of Chinese authorities transferring Uighur Muslim prisoners.

Pakistan should sever all ties the Kafir Chinese, Cancel CPEC, And wage a jihad against Kafir Chinese whom are the occupiers of Muslim land. Be an example and lead the way brothers, rest o will follow.
Blaming Pakistan seems to be a new Iranian obsession since they became buddies with India and Modi.
Do as i say, Not as i do seems to be the new cool kid in Pakistan.
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