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Iran and India united against Pakistan?

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most of the mossad spies we detained entered Iran with UAE or Turkish ID, Iran never blamed that on neither of them.
Do they use UAE and Turkey for their base of operations against Iran,crossing into Iran when desired and going back into UAE and Turkey when things turn hot?if not than it's like simply comparing apples with oranges.
Do they use UAE and Turkey for their base of operations against Iran,crossing into Iran when desired and going back into UAE and Turkey when things turn hot?if not than it's like simply comparing apples with oranges.
yes in some cases they used smugglers to flee iran.
basically they are united! Thank you for admitting something @Serpentine can't
No they are not. Not until they conspire to hurt Pakistan, so far they haven't and are unlikely to do so.

Wrt Iranian-Pakistan relations, there is the obvious sectarian divide, Pakistan's close relations with the Sauds, Pak based anti Iran Jaish al-adl etc.. Iran's luring of Shiites from Pakistan for the zainabiyoun brigade. Also economic factors like stopping pipelines from Iran under pressure from US and Saudis.

Pakistan's problems with Iran have nothing to do with India.
Our Pakistani brothers are full of conspiracy theories about Iran , while India does not even imports oil from Iran and we have no military cooperation they think Iran became puppet of India against them . While Pakistan trains Saudi soldiers against Yemen they do nothing for Kashmiris and they think its duty of Iran to save them now (saying why Iran can help Palestinians but why they can't do anything for Kashmir !) ... am I right?

Ignore them. This is a huge forum and you will find plenty of different thoughts from Pakistan. What matters is what govt of Pakistan says, not the Internet warriors.

If you ask me both the Gulf and Iran had pathetic response on recent ongoing Kashmir crises. This was the chance for both to destroy mistrusts, but nobody came forward.
they need, they recruited foreigners as well as Iranians or iranian expats in eu and us.

they need, they recruited foreigners as well as Iranians or iranian expats in eu and us.

you need those expats to continue your Soft Power charade while petro dollar militias are your hard power
topic is useless.

Kulbhashan Yadev network operates and operated from Iran yet GoP did not counter it.

The recent Gwadar PC hotel attack was an assault from the Sea and had direct Iranian hand.

Most Target Killers are trained in Iran under guise of religious tourism.

The Illusion of strategic depth in Iran is a futile dream of disillusioned intellectuals
People are asking proves about "SUN and Is it their" while looking at it ……….. iran and friend of Pakistan .. lmao joke of the week...…………………………………………..
Pakistan face 2.5 front war …….. 1 front is india , 2nd front is iran and 3rd 0.5 front is afghnistan ……
I am glad to see Pakistanis realising this fact...…………
Against yemen? No but against houthis jusy like ur shiite militia massacre free Syrian army Sunnis in Syria

Obama gave Iraq removing Saddam hussain sunni rule to Iran on plate

Iran kicked out Sunnis from Syria and made it shiite heaven

In Lebanon Iran backed shiite hizbullah is stronger than army and control the army

Now in yemen Iran backed houthis overthrow the government and started a rebellion

And all the blame is on so called wahabi saudia
you are like wahabi speaking are you wahabi saudi lover the majority in these country are shiite and shiite better than thosewahabi terrorist and savage dogs did you some shiite cut the head of 10 years old boy in car .when you like them you look alike them know in syria 75% under control of government what happen in your beloved free syria army or jibhat al nosra yesterday friends now enemy its sonni wahabi saudi logic

There are bases for mistrust. Our Iranian brothers have history with India after revolution, when Pakistan helped Iran against Iraq and provided Nuclear and Ballistic tech to Iran, Iran sided with India in 90s on Afghan civil war by supporting Northern alliance terrorists, They allowed India to use their port for dealing with current hostile Afghan regime, we capture their operatives who confessed to operate from Chabahar, Iranian interference in Pakistan is not hidden from anyone either, they recruited thousands of Pakistanis for terrorism in Iraq, Syria and Bahrain. Foreign Ministry of Pakistan recently claimed there are training camps of Baluch zionists on Iranian soil who are targeting Pakistan.
when pak help iran in iraq war or are you believe pak help iran in nuclear or missile teclol dont see wikki so much its all junks your leader always give money from arabs in PERSIAN GULF and let terrorists have base in your soil and dont forget in ran iraq war we kill and arrested soldiers from many country
when pak help iran in iraq war

27th February it was planned for Iran to annex Balochistan but Modi chickened out.

Pakiatan helped Iran because of Saddams anti Pak Rhetorik. Pakistan remained silent due to dictatorship otherwise Pakistan should have annexed Irani Balochistan
Our Pakistani brothers are full of conspiracy theories about Iran , while India does not even imports oil from Iran and we have no military cooperation they think Iran became puppet of India against them . While Pakistan trains Saudi soldiers against Yemen they do nothing for Kashmiris and they think its duty of Iran to save them now (saying why Iran can help Palestinians but why they can't do anything for Kashmir !) ... am I right?
Ok fine. Return the nuclear Tech that your ungrateful nation gained from our scientists and wallow in your own miserable theocracy until Israel does what it needs to do. You should be volunteering in hordes to protect the brotherly nation that gave you what little strength you have today. Yet here you are in full Bollywood mode. Quite pathetic really.

I suspect many Iranians are more sensible than you thought. You have been listening to too much irgc propaganda.

Seriously, some Iranians are beginning to sound like afghans. Be careful. Don't test Pakistani patience.
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There are bases for mistrust. Our Iranian brothers have history with India after revolution, when Pakistan helped Iran against Iraq and provided Nuclear and Ballistic tech to Iran, Iran sided with India in 90s on Afghan civil war by supporting Northern alliance terrorists, They allowed India to use their port for dealing with current hostile Afghan regime, we capture their operatives who confessed to operate from Chabahar, Iranian interference in Pakistan is not hidden from anyone either, they recruited thousands of Pakistanis for terrorism in Iraq, Syria and Bahrain. Foreign Ministry of Pakistan recently claimed there are training camps of Baluch zionists on Iranian soil who are targeting Pakistan.
Supporting northern Alliance or Taliban terrorists . in fighting USSR occupation, the path was clear.
Supporting northern Alliance or Taliban terrorists . in fighting USSR occupation, the path was clear.
Northern alliance were real terrorists who were fighting and killing among each other on ethnic basis after USSR withdraw, it was Taliban backed by Pakistan who gave some kind of sense of unity back in 90s. Despite Iranian and India tried their *** off, Taliban go onto unite whole Afghanistan under one banner.
Explain Kulbushan Yadav
Explain abdalmalic riggi
helping RAW spies enter Pakistan,
Prove they said they are raw spies when they entered iran as merchant.
support for BLA
Are you kidding me.
Older project than gwadar and instead you explain gwadar we must explain Chabahar ? Strange world indeed.
and anti-Pakistan/anti-Pukhtoon policy in Afghanistan.
Explain anti tajic and anti hazarah policy in Afghanistan.
attempted murder of Mufti Taqi Usmani,
Care to explain what it has to do with us ?
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