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‘Iran and Egypt going to offset Saudi and US in Mid-East’

you're saying Azerbaijan is not an ally of Israel and doesn't hosts Israeli bases? and the rest of stuff you said i couldn't understand, what do you mean?

no they dont , there was a fake news on this website and it was proven afterwards no base , Azerbaycan bought weapons from israel but in any case azerbaycan will never do anything that we dont want because we are like the same nation. We also sell them alot of guns , with their nearly $4 billion new defence budget , altay , t-129 , anka and many other projects together and export to them.
no they dont , there was a fake news on this website and it was proven afterwards no base , Azerbaycan bought weapons from israel but in any case azerbaycan will never do anything that we dont want because we are like the same nation. We also sell them alot of guns , with their nearly $4 billion new defence budget , altay , t-129 , anka and many other projects together and export to them.

Israeli-Azerbaijani ties have been expanding since the very early 1990s. The strategic relationship included cooperation in trade and security matters, cultural and educational exchanges, etc. Relations entered a new phase in August 1997 during the visit of then the Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Baku. Since then Israel has been developing closer ties with Azerbaijan and have helped modernize the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan. Israeli military is said to have been a major provider of battlefield aviation, artillery, antitank, and anti-infantry weaponry to Azerbaijan.[8][9]
In 2009, Israeli President Shimon Peres made a visit to Azerbaijan where military relations were expanded further, with the Israeli company Aeronautics Defense Systems Ltd announcing it was going to build a factory in Baku.[10]
In 2010, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev issued a decree banning the issue of visas in the country's international airports; foreigners henceforth had to apply for visas at the nearest Azerbaijani consulate. Israel and Turkey were the only two countries whose citizens were unaffected by the new law

But there are relation with Israel and Azerbaijan .

So Israel uses Azerbaijan, which is same as having a base
To all those who say that Egyptian economy will collapse without the American aid, I'd like to inform you that most of the American aid is given mostly in form of weaponry. I don't remember the exact amount of cash given in form of economic aid, but it didn't exceed 250 million dollars. So you're telling me Egypt will collapse without 250 million dollars of aid?
To all those who say that Egyptian economy will collapse without the American aid, I'd like to inform you that most of the American aid is given mostly in form of weaponry. I don't remember the exact amount of cash given in form of economic aid, but it didn't exceed 250 million dollars. So you're telling me Egypt will collapse without 250 million dollars of aid?

Bro this site is like a online mental asylum. I feel sorry for the retards here, I feel like I should help them, but there is a limit to how much we can cure their retardness.
Altough i hate close minded salafis and their islam, they are a major force in egypt and wont let the brotherhood have normal relations with the shia clergy in iran. I have seen some egyptian channel where they are lot of attacks against iran and their extremist shia religion, dont think all egypt is with you
Altough i hate close minded salafis and their islam, they are a major force in egypt and wont let the brotherhood have normal relations with the shia clergy in iran. I have seen some egyptian channel where they are lot of attacks against iran and their extremist shia religion, dont think all egypt is with you
No worries matey, in Iran we're well aware that there are millions of you wahabi terrorists in the world. Doesn't concern us one bit. If we can befriend the sane ones, that's all it matters. You guys can sort it all out amongst yourselves with bullets and suicide belt like you always do.
No worries matey, in Iran we're well aware that there are millions of you wahabi terrorists in the world. Doesn't concern us one bit. If we can befriend the sane ones, that's all it matters. You guys can sort it all out amongst yourselves with bullets and suicide belt like you always do.
we're well aware that there are millions of you shia terrorists in the world. Doesn't concern us one bit. If we can befriend the sane ones, that's all it matters. You guys can sort it all out amongst yourselves with bullets and suicide belt like you always do.
And this is the problem with the Muslim world, always fighting with each other. You extremist Shia...... NO you terrorist Wahabi. :frown: Shame on you all!
And this is the problem with the Muslim world, always fighting with each other. You extremist Shia...... NO you terrorist Wahabi. :frown: Shame on you all!
No, shame on you for not standing up to the wahabis. Don't take the easy way out of this. You're doing yourself no favours. Pakistan needs you more than ever before to be anti wahabi/salafi/extremism.

They think shias are all heretics and that's why they think we're extreme. We think they're extreme because of what we see in their countries, Iraqis blowing each other apart, the events in Pakistan, bin laden, al quida, libya...

Time for you to man up and say what's on your mind
And this is the problem with the Muslim world, always fighting with each other. You extremist Shia...... NO you terrorist Wahabi. :frown: Shame on you all!

Do you think its possible to live in peace with Wahhabis, when they're constantly plotting new and novel ways of creating trouble? Wahhabis have caused all the problems in the Muslim world, from WW1 to now. Its time we woke up, stopped believing in unity with Wahhabis and moved to destroy this damn British-created American-sponsored CULT.
And this is the problem with the Muslim world, always fighting with each other. You extremist Shia...... NO you terrorist Wahabi. :frown: Shame on you all!
i didnt talk or cared about 'wahabis' before they got Pakistan involved, now you see mass murders of shias in Pakistan, i can remember a few years back, this shia vs sunnis thing didnt even exist in our country but now they have dragged Pakistan in and they have to pay for what they have done. We keep getting dragged into other peoples war and pay heavy price, 1st it was war on terror and now this sunnis vs shia b.s which has to stop ASAP.
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