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Iran Air force and Su30 MK2 & J-10A

Russia isnt known for giving anything away, i do wonder if the 250 is a mistake in the origional article 25 seems a more reasonable number.

The Jerusalem Post reported that Iran has signed an arms deal with the Russian Rosoboronexport arms group to buy
Su-30 MKM warplanes and 20 Il-78 MKI aerial tankers
-source wikipedia
You should do a little more reading before coming to a conclusion like that. Iran which has the worlds 3rd largest proven Oil reserves has less cash than Algeria which does not figure even in the list of top 8 countries by proven oil reserves. Both Algeria and Iran are Oil driven economies. How do you explain that??

Iran has huge reserves but no refining capacity, while the price for exporting crude oil is good, but importing refined petroleum also costs a huge amount of money. So what ever reserves Iran has are mainly held for importing refined petroleum, Iran cant afford to diversify its limited resources for other purposes like defence. Therefore Iran is short of cash.

Western sanctions which prevent the sharing of refining technology and the huge amount of investment and experties that is required in building refineries is costing Iran dear.

Hahahah whos saying...
An indian, who belongs to one of the poor country of the world.

Look reality and look where Iran stands Above world Avg GDP and Look India


Now look this another


Its habbit of Indians :blah: :blah: :blah:

---------- Post added at 06:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:02 AM ----------

Top Gun!

No need to argue , its simple as 123...

If you have oil and do not have money and you want to buy weapons , what would you do?

Give oil for Su 30's:dance3: , end of the story BTW Iranians are rich for sure:P

Well said......and they can do.
Reports: Iran may buy 250 jets from Russia

Iran is in negotiations with Russia to buy 250 state-of-the-art fighter jets, an Israeli newspaper reported, in a pointed response to a new American bid to sell billions of dollars’ worth of weapons to potential Iranian adversaries in the Middle East.

The English-language Jerusalem Post of Israel reported Monday that top Israeli defense officials are investigating the potential Iran-Russia deal, in which Iran would pay $1 billion for about a dozen squadrons’ worth of Sukhoi Su-30 “Flanker” fighter-bombers. As a part of the deal, Iran would also buy aerial tanker planes that could extend the fighters’ range.

Russia has already supplied Iran with modern surface-to-air missile defense systems, intended to protect nuclear facilities from potential Israeli or American airstrikes. Russian officials have defended those sales, saying they are within their rights to sell any nation weapons for its self-defense.

The Jerusalem Post report appeared two days after the American press reported that President Bush wants to ramp up American arms sales to several Middle Eastern countries, including Saudi Arabia and Egypt, in a deal that could be worth as much as $20 billion, in the hopes of limiting the expansion of Iranian influence in the Middle East.

An Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman decried the Americans weapons deal Monday on a state-sponsored Web site.

“What the Persian Gulf region needs is stability and security,” said Mohammad-Ali Hosseini. “Americans have been trying to disturb it by selling weapons to the region.”

The two-seat Su-30 is a popular Russian export fighter. Models are already in service with the Chinese, Indian and other militaries, and there are variants deigned for naval aviation. The fighter can carry a maximum weapons payload of more than 17,000 pounds, according to Jane’s All the World’s Aircraft, and has a range, on internal fuel, of about 1,620 nautical miles, but that can be extended to 2,805 nautical miles with one midair refuel.

The Su-30’s listed performance capabilities are comparable to or better than the three primary American fighters deployed to Iraq: the Navy’s carrier-based F/A-18 Hornet and the Air Force’s F-15 Eagle and F-16 Fighting Falcon.

If it acquired the Flankers, Iran would enjoy a quantum leap forward in its air power capability. Iran has invested much of its resources in surface-to-air missile defenses, but its fighter fleet now consists of decades-old American exported F-14 Tomcats and F-4 Phantoms, and an unknown hodgepodge of 1970s-era Russian fighters, including Su-25 “Frogfoots,” and newer models, including the MiG-27 “Flogger.”
250 Su-30? That is a little too ambitious. BTW, delivered by 2012? that is fast!
250 Su-30? That is a little too ambitious. BTW, delivered by 2012? that is fast!

It could be, if u read following quote

The Jerusalem Post reported that Iran has signed an arms deal with the Russian Rosoboronexport arms group to buy 250 Su-30 MKM warplanes and 20 Il-78 MKI aerial tankers. It is reported that Israeli defense officials were investigating the potential Iran-Russia deal, in which Iran would pay $1 billion a dozen squadrons’ worth of the jets. It is rumored that the first aircraft would have been delivered before the end of 2007. Iran and Russia have both denied this and have rejected these claims as propaganda. In a recent broadcast the "Mehr News Agency" has reported that they (the reporters) have seen and counted a dozen Su 30s in a maneuver that has taken place on the 15th and 16th of September 2008 : "In this joint maneuver of the IRIAF and the AFAGIR which is called the 'Guardians of the Nations Skys' the Air Forces of Iran have tested domestically developed systems as well as newly purchased systems (from Russia and China)."
The harsh warnings of Israel that it could attack Iran at any time and the Russo-American conflict over Georgia have led to reported weapons sales to Iran by Russia, but so far there have no details been revealed by either side and all information is but guesses.
Please provide the source of this report.

If it's true, then it would be quite an achievement for Iran because their current Air force is rusting up with an aging fleet of obsolete air crafts.

Its still better than pakistans AF :devil:

Just kidding :P
But yeah those sales were debunked years ago such deals never occured even though they were considered
Not so lonk ago Iran tryied to buy 8 uprgaded to latest avionics Mig-31's through syria, but the deal got bottlenecked by Israel , so
i guess Iran will have to " Saegeh" fo a while :smokin:
western country 'll never allow iran to have even 4gen fighter leave alone a 4.5 gen su30.
even if iran have cash or not is not a matter but due to us,un imposed sanction it will have difficulty in doing so .
thats y iran giving importance to its home productions is much as possible.
it is the result of iran's efforts that it is still able to keep f14 etc us fighters in flying conditions even after denied any supply of spares around the world.
iran bost of having developed there own tanks ,fighters, missiles etc with out any outer country help,how many country have done that ,not india & pakistan as far as iam concerned .

Sorry, dude....If u r saying that Iran is doing without any international support then ur wrong. Iran manufactured tanks, missel , helicopters but ofcourse with some one help.

Click here and read this article, u will find, there were few countries supported Iran

Second Pak and India are way ahead in technology then Iran.
if countries like isreal can go for nuclear weapons why they are biased for iran's nuclear plan. why isreal not imposed sanctioned for their un decleared nuclear weapons?
Here is how sanctions work...

The US forbids trade, for example, by its citizens with Iran. But the US cannot forbid anyone else from doing business with Iran. What the US can do is tell foreign companies that if they do business with Iran, they cannot trade with US. So it is a matter of profit, the US is a larger market than Iran and the loss of profit from the US is greater than any profit gain from Iran. It is simplistic but it gets the point across -- That there is no way the US can militarily prevent anyone from selling to Iran anything, from kitchen appliances to uranium. So if you have issue with sanctions against Iran, you need to take it up with individual countries.
250 Su-30? That is a little too ambitious. BTW, delivered by 2012? that is fast!

that's also impossible you cant build 250 planes in 2 years.

Most likely its the date for deliver of the first batch of fighters. Possibly numbering 8-12.

It will take them to the end of the decade before all 250 can be inducted.
I dont need to do any reading i responded perhaps cuz i know wat iam talking about! they don't show there cash like tha crazy arabs ! IRAN is not short of cash at all perhaps you need to do some reasearch and then back to the topic iam sure you will find the correct answer to the so call conclusion thx :cheesy:

Not only are you ignorent of basic economics but your logical capabilitry also seems to be rather dim!!!

It will only be plain stupid for a country to hord cash and not show it. Forex reserves like other economic factors are taken as sign of a countries economic fundamentals, if a country is defeicient in this parameter it is sign of it show signs of a weak economy, which in turn drives away international investors and leads to weak trading capabilities. As people start wondering wether you have cash to finance your basic imports.

Look at Pakistan for example you guys have no worthwile forex reserves to speak of, your situation is so bad that you had to ask the IMF for and emergency loan and we all know the state of the Pakistan economy. Compare Pakistan with China which has huge forex reserves which speak volumes of strong economic fundamentals and is a prime investment destination, with all the golobal players wanting a piece of the action. India is another such example.

Now think about your earlier statement and realise how stupid it sounds.
Top Gun!

No need to argue , its simple as 123...

If you have oil and do not have money and you want to buy weapons , what would you do?

Give oil for Su 30's:dance3: , end of the story BTW Iranians are rich for sure:P

Great logic my friend. I am sure Russia will want oil instead of cash.. but wait a minute are we not forgetting something very basic here... that Russia itself is one of the worlds top exporters of crude oil!!

Your intelligent advice is akin to selling gold to a jeweller!!
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