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IPL teams were united in move to shun Pak players

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Draw a line between govt, private events: SM Krishna

Rejecting Pakistan's charge that its players were snubbed during the IPL auctions at the behest of the Indian government, External Affairs Minister S M Krishna said Pakistan should draw a line between government programmes and private events.

"Government has nothing to do with IPL, on selection of players and various exercises that are connected with it."

"So, Pakistan will have to draw a line between where Government of India is connected and where Government of India is an actor," he said.

Krishna said this when reporters sought his comments on Pakistan Interior Minister Rehman Malik's remarks that the manner in which the players were "insulted" showed that India was not serious about the peace process.

The Minister's remarks also come in the wake of Pakistan's move against sending any parliamentary delegations to India to protest the 'treatment meted out' to the country's cricketers in the auction for the Indian Premier League tournament.

Twenty20 champions Pakistan was stunned after none of the country's 11 players, including current Twenty20 captain Shahid Afridi who had played for Deccan Chargers in the first season, were signed up during the IPL auction on Tuesday.

Pakistan National Assembly Speaker Fehmida Mirza had said that her country will not send parliamentary delegations to India after the main opposition PML-N said its members will boycott all official visits to India to protest the perceived snub of the Pakistani cricketers.

"India or any other country that does not give respect to Pakistan will be treated the same way by us. If there is a desire to improve Indo-Pak friendship, respect should be given to Pakistani sportspersons," Malik said.
Posted similar excerpts yesterday and here is one again:

The highlighted portion completely debunks the Indian excuses of 'availability'.

"Hence the IPL teams ignored the Pakistan players in auction as there was "no guarantee" from the government that these players would get visas and other clearances. "

It seems franchises where intrested, i think the indian government or the board couldn't give the franchises the assurance that they will be issued visas and they might have been adviced that it will be too risk to include pakistani players given the security situation.
AM, you ought to be kidding me to say this was discrimination of any type.

Why wasnt Pakistan players not available even after been picked up by IPL teams for the season-2? Who denied them the chance them? Why wasnt the same hue and cry seen then? We just paid them back the due.

We aren't giving Indian money to players which represent a country that has cused us much harm. I would even have them not participate in any IPL till Pakistan becomes responsible neighbour.

We have been benevolent to talents from Pakistan in the past, be it Altaf or IPL-1. But that goodwill didnt earn us anything.

How come you ignore our views and feelings?

How many Israeli players play in the national leagues in the middle east? Arent they kept out because of political sentiments ? So why the fuss?

Its our league, its our money, its our decision. As simple as that !!!


Bull...Back with a Bang...umm...Yorker actually :tup:

Mr Rehman also cancelled the Parliamentry team visit to India as protest...I am wondering if PHF is also going to cancel its trip to India for Hockey World Cup ..highly unlikely I think.
AM, you ought to be kidding me to say this was discrimination of any type.

Why wasnt Pakistan players not available even after been picked up by IPL teams for the season-2? Who denied them the chance them? Why wasnt the same hue and cry seen then? We just paid them back the due.

We aren't giving Indian money to players which represent a country that has cused us much harm. I would even have them not participate in any IPL till Pakistan becomes responsible neighbour.

We have been benevolent to talents from Pakistan in the past, be it Altaf or IPL-1. But that goodwill didnt earn us anything.

How come you ignore our views and feelings?

How many Israeli players play in the national leagues in the middle east? Arent they kept out because of political sentiments ? So why the fuss?

Its our league, its our money, its our decision. As simple as that !!!


well the players weren't availble in season 2 of IPL because firstly you accused our country of being a terrorist nation! secondly we saw what you did to pakistanis in india at the time SHAKEEL SIDDIQUIE a comdeian was beaten up by THACKREYs boys! our nationals weren't safe in india! & it was our way of objecting to indian governments allegations of us being a terrorist nation!

ok i want to get one thing straight you again accused us of being "IRRESPONSIBLE STATE" this is our problem! infact i am ashamed at this whole AMAAN KI ASHAA TALK! when clearly india doesn't want peace india wants to be a woman & keep taunting us & accusing us & blaming us for all problems in their country!

yes it is your league your franchise your players we should accept that & not call it an international league! its a national league with lots of money! so it shouldn't be recognized even as an international league by PCB!

we should just accept this fact & i hope my country finally sees that there is no point trying to be nice towards india its time to boycott india & indian criciket & everything indian...no more drama from india of amaan ki ashaa!

& please don't compare yourself to israel its problems are way different than your's! israel is not recognised as a nation by the arabs & has illegally made jewish settlements on arab lands! so you guys don't even come close in terms of your issues!
IPL is run by Indians, businessmen or an average Indian citizen, who hate Pakistan from their heart. It is good that IPL did not choose any Pakistani players, so no Pakistani player every goes to India again. The Pakistani parlimentarians cancelling the 2 trips to India is great. We do not need to have any culural, trade, or people to people ties with India.

sooner or later...these people to people relations would have to come into prominence if you happen to love your everyday life and are prepared to protect it.
cus the prospect of waking up one day and being killed by a nuke tipped missile scares the sh!t outta me...
don't join the hate brandwagon mate.
Indian exports to Pakistan exceed Indian imports from Pakistan by a substantial amount. Not trading with India is hardly going to bankrupt Pakistan.

The Pakistani economy needs the Indian imports...
if you close the economy for our imports...you'd lost the custom revenue as what happened in the years following the kargil war...as most auto parts going into Pakistan from india were still being smuggled.

New Delhi, Jan 21 (PTI) Rejecting Pakistan's allegations, India today said the government had nothing to do with non-selection of Pakistani players in the IPL as it was a "commercial" event but asked it to introspect on reasons for the strain in bilateral ties.

The External Affairs Ministry termed as "unfortunate" the blame put on the government by Pakistan for the absence of Pakistani players in the third edition of Indian Premier League cricket tournament.

It also rubbished reports that the Pakistani players were not opted for by the teams during the IPL auction because of apprehension that they will not get visas, saying "such apprehension is completely misplaced".

External Affairs Minister S M Krishna said, "Government has nothing to do with IPL, on selection of players and various exercises that are connected with it.

Source : fullstory
AM, you ought to be kidding me to say this was discrimination of any type.

Why wasnt Pakistan players not available even after been picked up by IPL teams for the season-2? Who denied them the chance them? Why wasnt the same hue and cry seen then? We just paid them back the due.

We aren't giving Indian money to players which represent a country that has cused us much harm. I would even have them not participate in any IPL till Pakistan becomes responsible neighbour.

We have been benevolent to talents from Pakistan in the past, be it Altaf or IPL-1. But that goodwill didnt earn us anything.

How come you ignore our views and feelings?

How many Israeli players play in the national leagues in the middle east? Arent they kept out because of political sentiments ? So why the fuss?

Its our league, its our money, its our decision. As simple as that !!!

You ought to be 'kidding me' that you do not understand the difference between say Black athletes boycotting an event and non-Black event organizers boycotting black athletes.

Secondly, had the Indian government and the IPL been clear from the get go that they did not want Pakistani players to participate because of political tensions, there would have been little criticism except from the peaceniks on both sides.

But what happened here was in very poor taste and a very poor reflection on Indian attitudes. The Pakistani players should never have been shortlisted, and the IPL should not have aggressively pursued the players and PCB to get them clearances to participate in the auction.

As I have pointed out repeatedly, India-Pak relations did not take a nose dive in a matter of weeks, and the international tours schedule is available from the ICC, so this poor excuse of 'availability' should have been known from the get go.

It is a private league, and it is the leagues decision on how to conduct matters, but in that case it should have made clear to the PCB and Pakistani players that they would not be considering them from the get go, instead of this tamasha of actively pursuing them to participate int he auction and then snubbing them for political reasons.
Pakistan will loss more than India, just like Pakistan channels lost a lot of money, when India refused to play in Pakistan recently.

If Pakistani channels lose money from the lack of an India-Pakistan series then so do Indian channels. Its not like an India-Pakistan series only results in revenue for Pakistani channels.

So no, Pakistan will not lose more than India, and the existing relationship with India is so limited that what we do lose is negligible.
The Pakistani economy needs the Indian imports...
if you close the economy for our imports...you'd lost the custom revenue as what happened in the years following the kargil war...as most auto parts going into Pakistan from india were still being smuggled.

The Pakistani economy does not need Indian imports. The Total volume of Indian imports into Pakistan last year was around $900 million. All of that is replaceable from other sources, including China with whom a FTA has been recently concluded.

Customs revenue on Indian imports will be replaced with revenue from the same imports from elsewhere. You have a rather bloated sense of the importance of Indian imports to the Pakistani economy, that is not borne out by the reality on the ground and the actual trade figures.
Why wasnt Pakistan players not available even after been picked up by IPL teams for the season-2? Who denied them the chance them? Why wasnt the same hue and cry seen then? We just paid them back the due.

I'm not sure we paid back in kind, though i can't deny that too as i don't have the data. However IPL 2 Pakistani players when selected did not participate due to politics by Pakistani govt even the matches were held in south africa. I hope all those complaining now of a snub keep this in mind and be consistent.
If Pakistani channels lose money from the lack of an India-Pakistan series then so do Indian channels. Its not like an India-Pakistan series only results in revenue for Pakistani channels.

So no, Pakistan will not lose more than India, and the existing relationship with India is so limited that what we do lose is negligible.

First it is cable operators who has decided not to broadcast. Not the channels.

So the people who has DTH will still be able to view the matches.

Geo Super is having the broadcast rights in Pakistan.

IPL has sold its right to Geo who will broadcast it. If the matches are not viewed by the Pakistani people since cable operators block the channel it is Geo who will be lossing the moeny.

The rights have been sold hence Indians have recieved the money for the same whether you broadcast it or not.


P.S: - Last time cable operators in Pakistan went on strike since GOP blocked Indian satelite channels. Only time will tell this time hence wait till IPL starts.
They (Pakistani member's) do understand IPL has nothing to with governemant ... but it's a opportunity to some (not all) of our pakistani's friend to start india bashing

You ought to be 'kidding me' that you do not understand the difference between say Black athletes boycotting an event and non-Black event organizers boycotting black athletes..

Readthat as Indians boycotting Pakistan(IPL-3) and Pakistanis boycotting Indians. (IPL-2)

Anyways you guys are fairer than we are, so leave out the colour equation. And also we got westindies and English in. So no racial discrimination there.

Secondly, had the Indian government and the IPL been clear from the get go that they did not want Pakistani players to participate because of political tensions, there would have been little criticism except from the peaceniks on both sides.

Its not the Indian government nor the IPL who decided the IPL team.

We selected you guys last time and clubs had alloted spots too to pakistani players for IPL-2, but how many turned up? Tanvir was the bowling spearhead for R Royals, but they were left to play without him.

But what happened here was in very poor taste and a very poor reflection on Indian attitudes. The Pakistani players should never have been shortlisted, and the IPL should not have aggressively pursued the players and PCB to get them clearances to participate in the auction.

Poor taste!!! 26/11 was in poorer taste than this. Parlimant attack when Vajpayee had visited lahore was in even bad taste.

There was only one slot available and having in mind the GOP's behavioral pattern the teams decided to take no chance and looked elsewhere.

As I have pointed out repeatedly, India-Pak relations did not take a nose dive in a matter of weeks, and the international tours schedule is available from the ICC, so this poor excuse of 'availability' should have been known from the get go.

Availability wasnt linked to FTP of ICC but the GOP's action, which as difficult to predict.

It is a private league, and it is the leagues decision on how to conduct matters, but in that case it should have made clear to the PCB and Pakistani players that they would not be considering them from the get go, instead of this tamasha of actively pursuing them to participate int he auction and then snubbing them for political reasons.

So learn from the mistake and dont participate in IPL-4.

Its a game were lot of money is involved, Indian money that is. The clubs had commited slots to Pakistani players, but they didnt turn up. What morale right does the Pakistani have to cry about not being picked up in a Indian league.
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