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IOK Civilians: Indian Army is Shelling IOK Civilians and Killing Them

@Behram Khilji YoungPakBrother mine,

Tell these pajeetz how OurPeople in Balochistan think about these creatures of Ganga!



We love Pakistan, not that anyone told us to love it, no one forced us, we love it because it's our home a unique part of our history, culture.
Actually we have badly failed to show this face of India to the world even with ample proof. However, at least now there seems to be some attempt being made. I am sad to say that our people are too much into Bollywood crap to see what Indians are upto. Anywhere Pakistan is mentioned in a positive light, Indians are there like flies to shit. I wish more Pakistanis were educated on 5th gen. war to counter Indian propaganda against our country and people.

It wasn't even Pakistanis who exposed this but Western Europeans:


And we shall defend it everywhere, always!

These Indians think that by paying some bazari Kabuli it can create a divide among OurPeople then there is some payback coming their way.

Once the bazari Kabuli Gov goes... OurTribes will reunite as always.... we need Afghania to emerge from the ashes of Kabulistan...and a direct road from Chaman to CaspianSea!


Well thank you sir, but people tend to credit this to pushtoons but other then one or 2 achievements other then that everything belongs to the khaljis and other tribes.

I would like to see the revival of khalji people and the throne of Kabul belonging to them.
Either ISPR retaliates, doesn't matter if civilians die on the other side as our prime duty to protect those living in our boundary or just shut the fukk up.

Don't hate me for saying this but Pak army didn't take a single inch of Azad Kashmir, they were too busy being submissive to the Brits.

It was liberated by civilians and if there is ever to be a liberation then it will be by the civilians.

Leave poor Pak mil to things it's good at, construction, fertilizer business, manipulating and taking over prime land, kick backs, corruption to the core.

Does any sane Pakistani relies on them then their own AK 47 is a fool.
You are not supporting sanity here but just emotions as always.

“Our side of Boundary”, Here is the 70 years of fight, “Kashmir Belongs to Pakistan”, so there is no “Other side” of LOC.

Take it like this, Kashmir IOK+AJK, Both are Pakistan, India is in Pakistan, You will retaliate by killing Pakistanis? Do exactly what India wants you to do by using civil lands as a bait ?

Throw in yourself in the trap ? That’s poor politics, leadership and thinking.

Agar aise hi karna hota to har koi gali mohallay se uthkar General ban jata...

Yeah, but they love Iran more.

Ever met a balochi ?
(Not talking about the ranting fake “Al-Balooshis” on twitter)

No ?
You are not supporting sanity here but just emotions as always.

“Our side of Boundary”, Here is the 70 years of fight, “Kashmir Belongs to Pakistan”, so there is no “Other side” of LOC.

Take it like this, Kashmir IOK+AJK, Both are Pakistan, India is in Pakistan, You will retaliate by killing Pakistanis? Do exactly what India wants you to do by using civil lands as a bait ?

Throw in yourself in the trap ? That’s poor politics, leadership and thinking.

Agar aise hi karna hota to har koi gali mohallay se uthkar General ban jata...

Ever meet a balochi ?
(Not talking about the ranting fake “Al-Balooshis” on twitter)

No ?

Well everything has a cost, look at talubs they didn't give a damn about the cost and here goes super power with legs between legs.

You can't just give excuses when you have no stomach to fight.
Well everything has a cost, look at talubs they didn't give a damn about the cost and here goes super power with legs between legs.

You can't just give excuses when you have no stomach to fight.
So much for the “Retaliate to satisfy ego, kill civilians along with IA personnels in Civil area but the sacrifice wouldn’t prove any fruitful just like the last 70 years”

Come on....

Game is different here...

Stomach is there, You fail to see because you are another believer of “Brave is to fight as think is to coward”
I do not understand why Pakistani state, its government, even its citizens, Pakistanis here on this forum, refer to Indian state and it's current regime, its sympathisers, as Hindu extremists??

NO, they are not extremist but HINDU TERRORISTS. refer to them with correct labelling from now on.
So much for the “Retaliate to satisfy ego, kill civilians along with IA personnels in Civil area but the sacrifice wouldn’t prove any fruitful just like the last 70 years”

Come on....

Game is different here...

Stomach is there, You fail to see because you are another believer of “Brave is to fight as think is to coward”
Sorry bro the stomach is not there it never was there, if the stomach was there then civilians wouldn't have to liberate Azad Kashmir.

Yes bravery is everything, it was bravery that made Turco Afghans knock on the doors of Delhi, you se nothing can achieved by not sacrificing.

Keep telling yourself otherwise but the facts are hard to swallow.

All Kashmiris are their decedents.

You mean pandits are descendant of Kashmiris
We should counter these rats by hitting them in Jammu, Kathua, Rajauri etc.

The IndianTerroristArmy is building a Narrative of PakArmy shelling the PakKashmiris.... so that this TerroristArmy force them to leave their land and become Internally Displaced Persons

Unless we reply to these gangoo scums in a language they understand, this will keep on happening. We should stop appeasing some imaginary POS International community and so called BS world media and do what we think is right. This world only works on might is right. World doesn't respect weak and cowards. Unfortunately our response after 5th August has been pathetic to say the least. Either we do something about it or Kashmir is gone for good. These people want to turn Kashmir into Gaza.

تقدیر کے قاضی کا فتوی ہے ازل سے
!ہے جرم ضعیفی کی سزا مرگِ مفاجات
We should counter these rats by hitting them in Jammu, Kathua, Rajauri etc.

Unless we reply to these gangoo scums in a language they understand, this will keep on happening. We should stop appeasing some imaginary POS International community and so called BS world media and do what we think is right. This world only works on might is right. World doesn't respect weak and cowards. Unfortunately our response after 5th August has been pathetic to say the least. Either we do something about it or Kashmir is gone for good. These people want to turn Kashmir into Gaza.

تقدیر کے قاضی کا فتوی ہے ازل سے
!ہے جرم ضعیفی کی سزا مرگِ مفاجات
We should heat up the situation ourselves and then see who in the world actually cares about peace, These so called delusional Peace organizations and UN is just an organization ran by these hypocrites to just give the mazloom an excuse to report to UN...

“Beat yourself and then Balm yourself”
Are you telling me, since hostilities began on 10th of this month, your Osamas have only manage to injure one Indian jawan.

I am telling you that other than hiding among civilians Indian military are not reporting casualties so that drone video and precision strike drama won't look a complete failure if it isn't already

Nopes I like Dr Shahid Masood. he makes more sense.

Shows your obsession with Pakistan

Nothing surprising. We all know all pajeets are obsessed with Pakistan
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I do not understand why Pakistani state, its government, even its citizens, Pakistanis here on this forum, refer to Indian state and it's current regime, its sympathisers, as Hindu extremists??

NO, they are not extremist but HINDU TERRORISTS. refer to them with correct labelling from now on.
They are Indian terrorists, not Hindu terrorists.

We have Pakistani Hindus, many of whom are loyal to Pakistan. Let’s not smear them all.

Any Indian that refuses to support a peaceful means of dispute resolution via a UN led plebiscite is a greedy, petty, depraved terrorist.
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