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IOK Civilians: Indian Army is Shelling IOK Civilians and Killing Them

Lol.. Nice try.
What a desperate kaum you are!!
Kashmir is gone my friend. Crying the whole day won't fetch you anything.
Learn from Imran khan, your PM. He stopped crying.

Only in your bollywood fantasy dreams........:lol:........as usual, like all other indians you have 0 evidence or proof of your claims.......:lol:
Because of persistent presence of Pajeets on this forum, we have to be careful, while discussing sensitive issues. Unfortunately, many of the Pakistani posters seem to ignore and not fully realize this aspect.

We have the same issues with overenthu guys from our side.

Some serving officers in the past as well.
So Osama, Indian army is shelling Indian Kashmiris and Indian army shelling Kashmiris on Pakistani side of LOC. WTF is Pakistan army been doing ?

What a bunch of idiots, you people have become to believe this.

Pakistan army is bombing your army which is resulting in injuries to your soldiers

Didn't read news for past few days pajeet?

And thanks for calling me usama. Beautiful nane. Funny you could come with a beautiful name for me after i calling you something derogatory as pajeet. Typical low IQ pajeet from India :lol:
At first, all I ever heard was how bad Pakistan was, but it is only after coming across this forum I realised the scope of Indian propaganda against Pakistan and how immoral these filthy rats are.

That was ONLY because of indian FAKE NEWS. The WHOLE world now realizes that india and indians are the BIGGEST LIARS and purveyors of FAKE NEWS on the planet:



The lies of the 1990s and 2000s can NEVER work again. They have FOREVER been exposed.
The IndianTerroristArmy is building a Narrative of PakArmy shelling the PakKashmiris.... so that this TerroristArmy force them to leave their land and become Internally Displaced Persons.... @BHarwana @Champion_Usmani @Areesh please, keep an on eye on it...

On cue the FacistIndiaMedia is going to run stories of attacks on the TerroristArmy and PakArmy bombing PakKashmiris in IoJK.

There seems to be a GamePlan behind all this
...then those newly constructed IndianConcentrationCamps become handy to lock up PakKashmiris...and blame it on Pakistan @Slav Defence

@StormBreaker @SIPRA @Blacklight @Ace of Spades @masterchief_mirza @DESERT FIGHTER @Reddington @Behram Khilji
The only way to destroy India's narrative is Indian soldiers in body bags, by the hands of local resistance and Pakistan military.
I am sure you are proud of your name Osama, and why wouldn't you be, after all anything that relates you to terrorists is a matter of extreme pride for you.

As far as news concerned, I have read about Pakistani army casualties in the recent firing.

Only a pajeet like you can think there is only one Osama in the whole wide world :lol:

Yeah i also read that news Balbir the banned pajeet posted about Pakistani casualties. We all Pakistanis had a good laugh on that thread yesterday :)
I am sure you are proud of your name, Osama, and why wouldn't you be, after all anything that relates you to terrorists is a matter of extreme pride for you.

As far as news concerned, I have read about Pakistani army casualties in the recent firing.
Seriously, you're resorting to this?

Take a break mate. Come back with something remotely damaging or useful to say.
That was ONLY because of indian FAKE NEWS. The WHOLE world now realizes that india and indians are the BIGGEST LIARS and purveyors of FAKE NEWS on the planet:



The lies of the 1990s and 2000s can NEVER work again. They have FOREVER been exposed.
Actually we have badly failed to show this face of India to the world even with ample proof. However, at least now there seems to be some attempt being made. I am sad to say that our people are too much into Bollywood crap to see what Indians are upto. Anywhere Pakistan is mentioned in a positive light, Indians are there like flies to shit. I wish more Pakistanis were educated on 5th gen. war to counter Indian propaganda against our country and people.
Unless we are willing to turn IoJK Slaughterhouse of Pigs for the 900k IndianTerroristOccupiers ...this slow murder will continue.

Either we fight for it through strength or just call it a day....

This SlowMurder and Rape as Weapon of War by the IndianTerroristArmy will only stop when they die in 1000s daily....

We need to start with Jummu ..it must burn to the ground @M. Sarmad
Calling it a day won’t stop it
I am sure there are plenty of Osamas but the most famous of them is the world's most renowned terrorist, and you taking extreme pride on being his name sake, is a telling sign of your mentality.


Typical pajeet mentality. Usama name is existing among Muslims since 1400 years

Anyways thanks. It is a beautiful name. Appreciated

So where is this news about injuries to Indian soldiers ?

Well Indian army has one pajeet named Rajesh Reddy who got splinters up his as$ just on the day when it claimed its "precision strike" drama


6 pajeets were said to be injured days before the drama too

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Either ISPR retaliates, doesn't matter if civilians die on the other side as our prime duty to protect those living in our boundary or just shut the fukk up.

Don't hate me for saying this but Pak army didn't take a single inch of Azad Kashmir, they were too busy being submissive to the Brits.

It was liberated by civilians and if there is ever to be a liberation then it will be by the civilians.

Leave poor Pak mil to things it's good at, construction, fertilizer business, manipulating and taking over prime land, kick backs, corruption to the core.

Does any sane Pakistani relies on them then their own AK 47 is a fool.
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