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IOK Civilians: Indian Army is Shelling IOK Civilians and Killing Them

The IndianTerroristArmy is building a Narrative of PakArmy shelling the PakKashmiris.... so that this TerroristArmy force them to leave their land and become Internally Displaced Persons.... @BHarwana @Champion_Usmani @Areesh please, keep an on eye on it...

On cue the FacistIndiaMedia is going to run stories of attacks on the TerroristArmy and PakArmy bombing PakKashmiris in IoJK.

There seems to be a GamePlan behind all this
...then those newly constructed IndianConcentrationCamps become handy to lock up PakKashmiris...and blame it on Pakistan @Slav Defence

@StormBreaker @SIPRA @Blacklight @Ace of Spades @masterchief_mirza @DESERT FIGHTER @Reddington @Behram Khilji

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How does she know it was not fired by pakistan?she doesnt even know how far the LOC is ...that journalist fellow told her to say on the camera that it was fired by Indian army...that journalist will be caught and would be given proper treatment for his treacherous and anti national acts(spreading lies against the country)
Look the video again she is clearly pointing out from where the fire is coming. The forest behind their village which is in IOK not Pakistan. Chowkibal is 20 km from keran and village is a valley shielded by a high mountain.
I tell you this Appeasement of GanguFacists is NEVER going to work... it has failed in the past 73 years and it shall fail now...even with new WoodstockSufism now pervailant in OurLand....

The CriminalSilence of GoP is unforgivable here!!!

The new GanguTerrorist strategy is to terrorise and kill the PakKashmiris in these areas to make the IDPs and then ship them out of IoJK to the GanguConcentrationCamps.... even a blind can see these steps....

All the time blaming PA with no UN observer to validate their claims...

Unless we are prepared to take it to the edge ... our 'restrained' 'tit for tat' or 'proportional response' will be seen as appeasement and cowardice.

Either we take it to the next level or accept defeat and ask forgiveness from PakKashmiris ...

This cann't go on for long now.... this jamood needs to be broken... either by fist or by pen!

There is a lot that can be discussed on said topic, unfortunately being an open forum puts an end to that.
There is a lot that can be discussed on said topic, unfortunately being an open forum puts an end to that.

Because of persistent presence of Pajeets on this forum, we have to be careful, while discussing sensitive issues. Unfortunately, many of the Pakistani posters seem to ignore and not fully realize this aspect.
She doesnt even know where the LOC is...how can she be so sure...in her hate against India she is not even willing to verify her doubts....this is the reason indians in general have no sympathy for kashmiris....if indian can fire pakistan from kupwara and destroy their army ammunition on the other side ,why can't pakistan do it...I have no mercy for such people who blame army who are fighting there risking their lives..
And you know better than her where is LOC
How does she know it was not fired by pakistan?she doesnt even know how far the LOC is ...that journalist fellow told her to say on the camera that it was fired by Indian army...
And you know better than her where and how far LOC from her village???
I already saw a clip she said far away from her village
no..initially she put a blank face ..only when the journo prompted she said it was far..i think even her allegation against india was prompted by that journo..that is the reason he deleted that video later.
Lol.. Nice try.
What a desperate kaum you are!!
Kashmir is gone my friend. Crying the whole day won't fetch you anything.
Learn from Imran khan, your PM. He stopped crying.

Stop shelling IOK people pajeet. You can't hide behind these theatrics in today's age of cell phones and technology
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