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Invitation to attend 'Support Musharraf day'

wow...nice discussion, can u tell me who is the best choice for next Prime Minister/President?

Dont say Imran Khan/Mustafa Kamal, coz u know they cant get enough votes from all part of countries, plz can u answer me in only one line, who's the best option for us in current position?

*Hint*: If u dont have money to get meal from 7-star hotel, then u can eat from some cheap hotel, rather eating nothing.

I did not discuss what can be termed as alternatives. This "if not him then whom" debate is an essential flaw in public discourse that always leads to hairbrained discussion that is never effective.

My point was to identify that there is no reason to support somebody without any coherent ideology and focus on personalities ruins political discourse and by suggesting IK/MK as alternatives you strengthened my point that individuals are far bigger than discourse in the public view.

This has, and continues to inflict our political culture. I am not discussing alternatives here. Open a new thread for that.

Sparky - I can resonate with the direction you're headed for
but find the road you take to arrive rather foggy.

I think you should be addressing Governance and its modalities
that will lead you there.

On second thought you should have remained the Think Tank
you were, Mod is rather distracting for you.

Sprinkle a little sparkle.

I did not want to turn this thread into a statistical fist fight and wanted to show that "support X because he is awesome" is flawed and this cult of personality afflicts the self-righteous, pathetic and obnoxious "educated" elite equally, if not more, than the average populace. If these self styled moralists and elitist "educated" people cannot overcome the cult of personality and have no rational debate over political ideologies, socio-economic models, goals and practical paths to goals, then they have no moral and ethical justification to label themselves as the true saviours of this country.
Thanks to all of you for participating in this thread.

We are getting excellent response to our campaign in Toronto and I am sure that 'support Musharraf day' will be a successful event insha-Allah.

I can go on and on about how Musarraf era was better than other regimes but I will not do that as the purpose of this thread was to announce and invite people to the 'Support Mushharaf day' event.

I will take this opportunity and invite all of you to the event.

Support Musharraf Day
Chief Guest: Dr. Nasim Ashraf

When: Saturday, August 07, 2010

Place: Candles Banquet and Convention Centre
1224 Dundas street E Unit 18 & 19
Mississauga ON Canada L4Y 4A2
Tel 905-848-3388
Candles Banquet & Convention Centre - Mississauga,Toronto GTA, Ontario

Time: 3:30 pm till 5:30 pm
(Refreshments will be served)

Your presence at this event will be truly appreciated.

Please let us know the number of people accompanying you.

confirm at: pakistanfirst2010@hotmail.com or call 647-968-6741
I did not discuss what can be termed as alternatives. This "if not him then whom" debate is an essential flaw in public discourse that always leads to hairbrained discussion that is never effective.

My point was to identify that there is no reason to support somebody without any coherent ideology and focus on personalities ruins political discourse and by suggesting IK/MK as alternatives you strengthened my point that individuals are far bigger than discourse in the public view.

This has, and continues to inflict our political culture. I am not discussing alternatives here. Open a new thread for that.

I did not want to turn this thread into a statistical fist fight and wanted to show that "support X because he is awesome" is flawed and this cult of personality afflicts the self-righteous, pathetic and obnoxious "educated" elite equally, if not more, than the average populace. If these self styled moralists and elitist "educated" people cannot overcome the cult of personality and have no rational debate over political ideologies, socio-economic models, goals and practical paths to goals, then they have no moral and ethical justification to label themselves as the true saviours of this country.

Sir, sorry for going for off topic, but plz can u tell me who will get your powerful vote in next elections?
Dont say u will not vote :S
Sir, sorry for going for off topic, but plz can u tell me who will get your powerful vote in next elections?
Dont say u will not vote :S

Mods are supposed to be impartial ;)

Since the next election's candidate list isn't in front me, I cannot decide whom to vote for. I shall decide after seeing the candidates from my constituency. It'll be a leftist vote and the guy won't get elected practically speaking.

PS : Not voting should be a criminal offence

Chief Guest: Dr. Nasim Ashraf

It's good to see people participating in political discourse at whatever level. I cannot support your guy while being sane but I appreciate that you're not being apathetic like most people and seeking to construct a political discourse. It reaps social profits in the end.

However, the chief guest in this case is really making me laugh. No offence intended.
Mods are supposed to be impartial ;)

Since the next election's candidate list isn't in front me, I cannot decide whom to vote for. I shall decide after seeing the candidates from my constituency. It'll be a leftist vote and the guy won't get elected practically speaking.

PS : Not voting should be a criminal offence

Then i think u should not bash any political leader of Pakistan.
Then i think u should not bash any political leader of Pakistan.

I was not bashing anybody but why should that be prohibited? Public office means public scrutiny, albeit objectivity should be necessary.

I have my political views and express them on PDF with some restraint but that does not mean that somebody is above scrutiny.
I was not bashing anybody but why should that be prohibited? Public office means public scrutiny, albeit objectivity should be necessary.

I have my political views and express them on PDF with some restraint but that does not mean that somebody is above scrutiny.

If u have problems with someone then u should have some alternative, so who is your fvrt? Why this is so difficult for u to disclose, i know who is fvrt, it looks lyk u feel shy in disclosing ur fvrt leader :lol::lol:

If that is not the case then plz tell me who's ur choice, surely he will have good qualities, tell me plz, i will vote him :lol::lol:
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Musharraf cannot peacefully run a campaign in Pakistan because of dadagiri, corruption and jhalat.

Anyways, best of luck to you guys. Probably one of the best decent political party currently.

Some generous kisses to you boy!
I am an admirer of Musharraf because it was only during his time that Pakistan saw sustained progress, its my opinion that he should be our leader once more but through a voting process.

I am sure he will do well for our nation.
I personally voted for Musharraf in the referendum as compared to BB and NS he seemed like a straight shooter.

He has to address the failures of tenure before the public will be able to vote for him:

1. Kargil war. Good goal, bad/no plan (not his tenure but apparently all his plan).
2. Not dealing with the US in more equal terms. I have no issues with Pakistan joining the 'WoT' but he needed to be firmer with the US.
3. Going easy on the corrupt politicians as long as they were on his side. He tightened the noose around corruption quite well initially, then it turns out PML-Q and MQM officials with murky backgrounds were protected by him. Why?
4. He screwed up with NRO
5. He screwed up with CJ
6. He screwed up with the media gags
7. He had zero to no control on the wave of suicide bombings
8. He lost Swat and other territories to the Taliban

Positive things he did:

1. Joint Electorate System
2. Increasing mandatory positions for women in the parliament
3. Increasing mandatory positions for minorities in the parliament
4. Womens Protection Act
5. Four years bachelors degree program
6. Launch of the Virtual University of Pakistan
7. Completion of several mega projects all over the country.
8. Took economic Growth to 2nd highest after China
9. Went in Karzai's face over his remarks against Pakistan
10. Sent all the Indian journalists crying home at the Agra Summit

Things that were expected of him:

1. Complete freedom of speech. Put it in the constitution!
2. Complete subservience to the law
3. Abolish the hudood ordinance, blasphemy laws and everything else that mandates "Islamic law" on to Pakistanis. Make it optional, like the UK does when both parties agree to Islamic arbitration.
4. Revamp the high schooling system
5. Revamp the Pakistani Space program
I spoke to relatives in Toronto who told me Musharraf Day was a flop. Despite the large numbers of Pakistanis in Toronto, there was poor turn out. And for good reason. Pakistanis remember the problems caused by 9 years of his dictatorship . He has hardly any support and I doubt any educated overseas Pakistanis even support him. We all know why Western nations are developed: they follow laws, the constituion and institutions. Musharraf is the anathema of all these things which are seen in civilised society. He was a dictator who illegaly usurped power and plunged the nation into turmoil. Let's resepct the vision of Pakistan given to use by the constiutional lawyer the Quaid. We all want a modern democratic state based on his vision- not dictatorship. In 2010, it's so hard to stomach why anyone would want him back after all the damage he did to the state. Musharraf is a relic from the past. Let him stay in the UK and out of Pakistani governance. I don't think the nation can survive another 9 years of his type of governance.
Things that were expected of him:

1. Complete freedom of speech. Put it in the constitution!
2. Complete subservience to the law
3. Abolish the hudood ordinance, blasphemy laws and everything else that mandates "Islamic law" on to Pakistanis. Make it optional, like the UK does when both parties agree to Islamic arbitration.
4. Revamp the high schooling system
5. Revamp the Pakistani Space program


I agree on all the pros and cons. However this list above should be expected of all and not just him. I think, due to his wardi, the expectations were unrealistic. His school reforms were good in that at least more funding was made available, which as per the most recent update I have, has been drastically cut back. #3, its not something that he could have done alone. Even our democrats don't handle such hot button issues.
Moderator feel free to relocate it cause i don't have rights so far to create new thread.

Fuzzy/stochastic algo for flood FLOW and PREDICTION

Unfortunately we never had a concrete plan to predict flood
Whatever we had failed clearly.

Govt is too busy rescuing people.
I invite educated Pakistanis and helping hands to another important task.

Now the flood level is continually increasing all over lower Punjab and Sindh
More rains are expected which will be more devastating ... another flood?

It seems so far our strategy is to just to cope with situation "as and when it happens".

We need to design/make a mathematical model for flood using artificial intelligence algorithms like fuzzy logic or stochastic algorithm etc

Given any input condition of flood AND any value of future rain effect

This model should be able to :

Provide risk assessment for all remaining "Bairaj (don't know its English)" , Canals and Dams .

Evacuation for desired cities or regions could be done well before.
Not like how it happened today
i.e. 0.4 million people of Muzaffar Garh asked to evacuate at 4:00 AM!!!

"There were not enough vehicles for such a massive exodus. The MultanMuzaffargarh road soon JAMMED with all sorts of conveyances ranging from buses and trucks to horse- and donkeydriven contraptions.!!!!"

Or maybe instead of evacuation we can take precautionary measures in advance.

This Mathematical model should contain following inputs:

The current irrigation system line in flow

I being an electrical engineer have studied some algos but only theory.

How can i help:
These algos will require a lot of computational power.
Being an intelligent networks engineer
>> i will hopefully be able to arrange Huge SOLARIS SYSTEMS for computational work.

>>if required i may be able to help in coding in C++
Can you help in any way?
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