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Invitation to attend 'Support Musharraf day'

I will have to agree with SSGPA1 on this.

However, both IK and PM fans suffer the same delusions as far as I am concerned.
Is it a delusion to believe in institutions and stable governance based on the constitution? I would beg to differ. Despite the time, challenges and frustrations, Pakistan's long termstability and salvation will only come from a return to the vision of the Quaid: a modern progressive democratic state. There is no quick fix to this problem. You can wait for a hero or an individual but I would prefer to believe in a system. What I find ridiculuus is that you folks saw 9 years of Musharraf dictatorship lead to the worst problems Pakistan has ever faced. I don't think we would survive another 9 years of a Musharraf.

For those of you in the US, Canada or the UK, go and ask folks whether they want the army chief to take over and stage a coup. This is give you an idea of where your thinking lies. People wake up! It's 2010 and give Pakistan a chance to have real stability and the greatest possible internal security by allowing a democratic set up to evovle with stable institutions. If we can allow 2 or 3 cycles of less than perfect democracy to progress with less than perfect politicians, we will be on our way to a stable nation which no one can threaten. Instead the real delusion is believing a dictator who illegaly took over power should be rewarded with a chance to honourably contest elections. In most constitutions, a general who takes over illegaly commits treason. Let's move on and believe in Pakistan. Work to build it by believing in her- let's not bring back the very dictator who destablized Pakistan. 9 years of him was enough. Period.
Is it a delusion to believe in institutions and stable governance based on the constitution? I would beg to differ. Despite the time, challenges and frustrations, Pakistan's long termstability and salvation will only come from a return to the vision of the Quaid: a modern progressive democratic state. There is no quick fix to this problem. You can wait for a hero or an individual but I would prefer to believe in a system. What I find ridiculuus is that you folks saw 9 years of Musharraf dictatorship lead to the worst problems Pakistan has ever faced. I don't think we would survive another 9 years of a Musharraf.

For those of you in the US, Canada or the UK, go and ask folks whether they want the army chief to take over and stage a coup. This is give you an idea of where your thinking lies. People wake up! It's 2010 and give Pakistan a chance to have real stability and the greatest possible internal security by allowing a democratic set up to evovle with stable institutions. If we can allow 2 or 3 cycles of less than perfect democracy to progress with less than perfect politicians, we will be on our way to a stable nation which no one can threaten. Instead the real delusion is believing a dictator who illegaly took over power should be rewarded with a chance to honourably contest elections. In most constitutions, a general who takes over illegaly commits treason. Let's move on and believe in Pakistan. Work to build it by believing in her- let's not bring back the very dictator who destablized Pakistan. 9 years of him was enough. Period.

President Musharraf's 9 yrs were the golden era of modern history of Pakistan. You talk about democracy then you must admit that President Musharraf's entrance into politics will only bring strength to democracy in Pakistan.

People are sick and tired of hollow promises of 10% and the closet Taliban and it will be proven in the next elections.
President Musharraf's 9 yrs were the golden era of modern history of Pakistan. You talk about democracy then you must admit that President Musharraf's entrance into politics will only bring strength to democracy in Pakistan.

People are sick and tired of hollow promises of 10% and the closet Taliban and it will be proven in the next elections.

9 years of Musharraf dictatorship lead us to the problems we now face. Not just terrorism and instability but the greater failure of eroded institutions. Look at how the Pakistani military has regained its professionalism and prestige since Musharraf's departure. In our nation, everyone must do their job- we cannot progress if the miltiary wants to do every one else's job. Kayani has earned the respect of Pakistanis and the world by showing what can be accomplished by a dedicated soldier. There is no more talk of an existential threat to Pakistan as was the case under Musharraf.

Unfortunately, you and I differ fundamentally on one point. The same individual who illegaly took over power and disrespected his military oath to uphold the constitution has no business contesting elections in a democratic set up. In short, in any nation, a generaL who illegaly takes over power in a military coup commits treason. I do not believe it serves the nation any purpose to have Musharraf charged with treason since we cannot afford more tension/instability. When we condemn the Taleban for wanting to take over illegaly by force of the gun, why should we allow armed soldiers to take over illegaly by force of the gun? You must ask yourself where Pakistan's long term stability resides. Once we have stable institutions, respect for laws and the constitution, our internal security will be secured- Pakistan's security and long term betterment should be our collective goal. We can only reach this if we follow the Quaid's vision to build a modern democratic state based on laws and the constitution.:pakistan:
9 years of Musharraf dictatorship lead us to the problems we now face. Not just terrorism and instability but the greater failure of eroded institutions. ...

Once we have stable institutions, respect for laws and the constitution, our internal security will be secured- Pakistan's security and long term betterment should be our collective goal. We can only reach this if we follow the Quaid's vision to build a modern democratic state based on laws and the constitution.:pakistan:

9 years of Musharraf rule actually changed the course of this nation into the right direction and such hardships are part of nation building. No point in giving details of accomplishments over and over again.

Stable institutions and respect of law will come with a price tag which can only be paid by the tax payers of Pakistan and this is why I believe that only President Musharraf can increase the number of tax payers and support the institutions financially.
9 years of Musharraf rule actually changed the course of this nation into the right direction and such hardships are part of nation building. No point in giving details of accomplishments over and over again.

Stable institutions and respect of law will come with a price tag which can only be paid by the tax payers of Pakistan and this is why I believe that only President Musharraf can increase the number of tax payers and support the institutions financially.

So for you the right direction of the nation is to be destabilized with terrorism and bad international name as a dictatorship? This is what Musharraf did to Pakistan and the current problems we now have are due to his misguided rule. You cannot give accomplishments of this dictatorship because even the most simple of Pak citizens have realised that a dictator does more harm than good. Go and tell the army chief of US or Canada or UK to take over like Musharraf and see how people look at you. You want to reward a man who illegaly takes over power with the chance to take part in elections? Who are you kidding. Why not just get a few guns and take over illegaly since rules, laws and constitution don't matter to you. You must love the Taleban and extremist types who want to impose thier will by force too. Since you are so adamant that only generals should rule Pakistan, maybe you should write to Kayani to take over to create a new dictatorship. You can't see the obvious because you have not learned what constitutes a stable society. We need institutions, respect for laws and the constitution. After pursuing democratic elections 2 or 3 times, we will get stable governance with hopefully new leaders. This is no shortcut to creating demcoratic set up and stable Pakistan. Everyone must play their role and do their duty. Not support illegal actions looking for shortcut.
yeah just hope dat new leaders will come but who will b those new leaders ?

Zardari jaye ga tu nawaz sharif aye ga ...

nawaz sharif jaye ga tu wapis zardari comen yaar kam se kam in se woh

dectator he acha tha !!
yeah just hope dat new leaders will come but who will b those new leaders ?

Zardari jaye ga tu nawaz sharif aye ga ...

nawaz sharif jaye ga tu wapis zardari comen yaar kam se kam in se woh

dectator he acha tha !!
We have never allowed an elected government to complete its mandate so how can we ever allow democracy and stable governance to evolve? If themilitary keeps interfering in the domestic affairs ofthe state, a culture of voting and a system of governance can never evolve. Iam no fanof Zardari but I truly hope that PPP is allowed tocomplete its tenure of 5 years- I just want to see elections and the stable transition of power... just once!!!
After 2 or 3 cycles of doing this, Pakistan will evolve a culture of voting and government change. Tell me where politicians are not corrupt. From the US to Canada to Europe, there are constant storiesof influence peddling and corruption among politicians. The key is that to have a system - even an imperfect one- isbetter than to have dictatorship or no system. I am a simple Pakistani nationalist. Our military no matter how strong can nevergive us the type of stability and securitythat we will have fromstable governance. Once our own house is in order- Pakistan will be impregnable against any external threat. This is my dream. Give the system envisioned by our founder the Quaid a chance to succeed- it may well surprise all of us!
Musharraf raises Rs250m for flood-hit: news channel

KARACHI: In what may be described as a noteworthy turn of events, former president Gen (retd) Pervez Musharraf, who resigned just over two years ago after facing threat of impeachment, joined hands with a private television channel on Sunday night to seek and then garner pledges of hundreds of millions of rupees for the relief and rehabilitation of flood-affected people.

Taking part from London in a three-hour live “telethon” on Dunya TV, Gen (retd) Musharraf appealed for funds and people from all over the world responded generously, collectively pledging upwards of Rs250 million, the news channel claimed.

The people who phoned in to the television show to pledge donations for the Pervez Musharraf Foundation which, according to the former president has already been registered in the UK, also asked the retired general about his future plans. Gen (retd) Musharraf told them he planned to return to Pakistan to take part in the next general election.

Mr Musharraf said only 5 per cent of the money collected by his foundation for the flood-hit would be spent on overheads.

Notable among the people who called the former president to pledge sizable donations were former ministers Khurshid Mehmood Kasuri and Ameer Muqam.—Dawn Report

DAWN.COM | Front Page | Musharraf raises Rs250m for flood-hit: news channel
:help:Just see who is the chief guest Dr. Naseem ashraf :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

:feminist:say no to MUSHARAF:feminist:say no to MUSHARAF
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