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Invitation to attend 'Support Musharraf day'

Voting is a numbers game. Compared to what is needed to contest and win elections in Pakistan, he will never get those numbers from Dubai, UK, US and all over the overseas Pakistanis combined and if they all voted for him only, which is hardly the case by a long shot.

There is also a school of thought, that Musharraf is afraid to go back home - mostly its sensible since as webby mentioned it won't be simple and fair, but still his persona is that he faces challenges head on - so him staying out of Pakistan further worsens his case for re-election.

To regain his popularity he has to work in Pakistan. Nowhere else.

Pakistani electorate goes with the wind. This is the essence of our politics. I myself am not too sure whether Musharraf has a chance, but things can and do change in Pakistan very quickly.

The reason there is so much anti-Musharraf propaganda is because he himself needs to take on his detractors and put his side of the story out. Right now, its simply "Uss nay ghutnay take diya amreeka kay saamnay" and no response from the Musharraf camp.

I think one thing that was admirable about Musharraf, and also recognized by his opponents, was that he tended to accept responsibility for his errors, which is something that rarely ever happens in Pakistan. Up until 2007, he had solid Pakistani backing despite the fact that it had been 7 years since Pakistan had joined the GWOT. So the issue is one of getting press time, being in the headlines and negating the views being aired by his detractors.

Its doable, but entails a lot of risk and skill. I think he has both, however age and physical threat are a couple of roadblocks.

People are fully entitled to take their shoes with them and come back barefoot as these feelings do come up and do so for most politician in Pakistan (I am sure there are always people in the crowd who'd like nothing better than a well aimed "Bata boot" in the face of any of the other politicians either. ;)
Sorry .. I don't support Dictators

My friend, from the people of pakistan to the CJP to the National assembly to global leaders, all accepted him as a legitimate ruler and now he is planning to contest elections as a civilian. He is the best option for Pakistan.
The reason there is so much anti-Musharraf propaganda is because he himself needs to take on his detractors and put his side of the story out. Right now, its simply "Uss nay ghutnay take diya amreeka kay saamnay" and no response from the Musharraf camp.

Timing is everything and this will happen in due time as well insha-Allah.
The problems we are facing now are directly linked with the decisions taken by Musharraf ... He could have turned the fortune of Pakistan , He was not answerable to anyone but he didn't . The present NRO product is also attributed to Musharraf ... When a leader makes so many and so disasterous mistakes he should be confined to the DUSTBIN of history ....


Yours is a very easy answer to a very complicated issue. In the overall scheme of things, Pakistani politicians have made very many bad choices, but as in those cases, the country will limp across these current obstacles as well.

You toe the popular rhetoric of "he should not have gone along with the Americans", or "he should have taken the public and politicians into confidence", or that "he squandered the chances of turning the fortunes of Pakistan around."

My point is a simple one and I have asked this many times over, how so? Please explain to me what he did that was wrong and how that move made it so disastrous that it is beyond repair?

I will put down some factual issues. Lets take the principles out of this discussion because in Pakistan, no politicians is principled...they are all opportunists.

NRO is not really all that bad if we are to take a close look at it. Yes Zardari is villified as a chorr but so what? Which of the other leaders of the recent past have been above graft, theft and furthering their own interests? Even if Zardari is the President of Pakistan, so what? Let him serve his 5 years and life will go on. As it is, he is very marginalized and a figure head. He has done nothing that harms the interests of Pakistan because he has had checks and balances in place from the security establishment side (for all the good and bad reasons)

Buckled under US pressure? What choice did Pakistan have at that time? Take out all the pride and think logically. If you did not go with the US, our interests would have been hurt very seriously.

What other issues are there? I guess I should add that I look forward to better options, but as Cowasji has very wisely stated, of all the bad choices, the general was the best.

If you want to bring idealism into this debate then please do so knowing that it really does not suit Pakistan too well since we are as far away from our ideals as possible.
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Zardari stinks. He has no diplomatic manuvering. Musharraf is a good speaker and he would have intelligently retaliated against British PM rant in India.
Musharraf's return will benefit PPP and Zardari as the attention will be diverted from his government failures. PML-N and Nawaz may get a boost as they will target Musharraf with renewed vigor. Zardari and PPP may return the favor of lax security for Benazir by providing little or no security for Musharraf. He may became target as assassination by his enemies.
Musharraf's return will benefit PPP and Zardari as the attention will be diverted from his government failures. PML-N and Nawaz may get a boost as they will target Musharraf with renewed vigor. Zardari and PPP may return the favor of lax security for Benazir by providing little or no security for Musharraf. He may became target as assassination by his enemies.

He may very well be assassinated and that is why the Army has to be okay with his return. If they feel he can bring stability and continuity of policies, improvement in economy etc., then they may end up giving him some sort of protection.
People are fully entitled to take their shoes with them and come back barefoot as these feelings do come up and do so for most politician in Pakistan (I am sure there are always people in the crowd who'd like nothing better than a well aimed "Bata boot" in the face of any of the other politicians either. ;)

Appreciate your comments.

Are you sure you wish to take up this Musharraf issue with me?
I though am not so sure if I really wish to discuss Musharraf for
what he was and what he did for any length of time.

What appears clear that at the time he took that momentous decision
he took it all by himself - even so, there were dissenting voices at
that time also, because he had invited the intelligentsia to inform of the said decision and wanted their support. I remember Gen Aslam Beg's reminiscences when asked by Musharraf to comment. I suppose you know it too - if not, I shall reproduce it for you.

He squandered the chance of a lifetime to achieve greatness and with that of his nation too - that comes at the price you pay for your values and principles.
Something you people are used to doing when you take on India.

Incidentally I was reading his book "In the Line of Fire" - regret to say
I could not finish reading it. Can't force myself to read anymore of his macho talks and self aggrandizements.
Musharraf was a good commander, possibly the very best - But not a good Commander in Chief - not of the Army and certainly not for the nation.

Maybe some day i will write a critique of his work, maybe not - depends.

Appreciate your comments.

Are you sure you wish to take up this Musharraf issue with me?
I though am not so sure if I really wish to discuss Musharraf for
what he was and what he did for any length of time.

What appears clear that at the time he took that momentous decision
he took it all by himself - even so, there were dissenting voices at
that time also, because he had invited the intelligentsia to inform of the said decision and wanted their support. I remember Gen Aslam Beg's reminiscences when asked by Musharraf to comment. I suppose you know it too - if not, I shall reproduce it for you.

He squandered the chance of a lifetime to achieve greatness and with that of his nation too - that comes at the price you pay for your values and principles.
Something you people are used to doing when you take on India.

Incidentally I was reading his book "In the Line of Fire" - regret to say
I could not finish reading it. Can't force myself to read anymore of his macho talks and self aggrandizements.
Musharraf was a good commander, possibly the very best - But not a good Commander in Chief - not of the Army and certainly not for the nation.

Maybe some day i will write a critique of his work, maybe not - depends.


I think I will pass for now as we have had very contentious and long discussions over this.

Lets see what develops with regards to his return. If he does not return then whatever I am arguing for is a moot point.

On the topic of the book, I agree it is not well written nor is it a humble narrative, but then I have heard somethings along the lines of it being written with a certain audience in mind.
REMOVE STICKY from this thread please.

This is not "Support Musharaf Forum" or "Make Perveiz Musharaf President" forum but Defense.pk and defense doesn't have anything to do with a political opinion of a group even if they are MODs. I know there are Musharaf Fans in PDF but there are people who equally hate him. Please don't ruin credibility of this place that it has earned over the years. If you are supporting Perveiz Musharaf, there are members who support PPP, or MQM or MQM Haqeeqi. How is opinion of some member more important than the opinion of anybody else?

I had requested MODs before and I am requesting them again that please refrain from giving this place a political touch. You don't know there are Jialas who might want to stat 200 threads a day by the name "Jeya Bhutto" or MQM activities who would want to chant slogans of "Jeya Altaaf". Let PAKISTAN be reflected here, without any political biasness, without any cultural or ethnic color.

If you want to keep this thread as sticky, then to be fair, unbiased and to provide level playing file for all, you would need to start 20s of thread each a Sticky and each naming

"Support MMA"
"Support PPP"
"Support Moulana Fazal-ul-Rehman"
"Support PML(N)"
"Support MQM"
"Support MQM Haqeeqi"

Imagine what will this place become if this done? Lets be fair and do not impose our personal "likeness and dis-likeness" upon other and do not misuse our powers as "MODS". Mods were made MODS because they were found suitable enough to make this place better, not worse.

Please consider getting out of your personal choice. This place is a community and it demands every MOD to be fair. Lets be fair and try to be un-biased to the level we can. Let People decide which forum should stay in the "picture" and refrain from imposing our opinion upon other.

Pakistan Zindabad.
He may very well be assassinated and that is why the Army has to be okay with his return. If they feel he can bring stability and continuity of policies, improvement in economy etc., then they may end up giving him some sort of protection.

I'm against his return, specially at this point of time.
Last time Zia ul Haq and all the generals who were privy to the Russian war were assasinated conviniently.
Now he is privy to WOT, risk is hi hi.

TTP started his activities with various assasination attempts on Musharraf.
Now since it is clear what TTP is! it is very dangerous for him to be in Pakistan. Specially, as long Rehman Malik is interior minister.
More important is the information which he holds in his heart and this is what is dangerous for him and it will help if he record all what he knows at some place.
Not everyone like my self can make it to the event ... but if you can make online voting list for his support you can count me in it i think it would be a good idea to show for let me know. As i always said he is was the best leader we ever had and i hope he comes back ASAP inshallah.
REMOVE STICKY from this thread please.

This is not "Support Musharaf Forum" or "Make Perveiz Musharaf President" forum but Defense.pk and defense doesn't have anything to do with a political opinion of a group even if they are MODs. I know there are Musharaf Fans in PDF but there are people who equally hate him. Please don't ruin credibility of this place that it has earned over the years. If you are supporting Perveiz Musharaf, there are members who support PPP, or MQM or MQM Haqeeqi. How is opinion of some member more important than the opinion of anybody else?

I had requested MODs before and I am requesting them again that please refrain from giving this place a political touch. You don't know there are Jialas who might want to stat 200 threads a day by the name "Jeya Bhutto" or MQM activities who would want to chant slogans of "Jeya Altaaf". Let PAKISTAN be reflected here, without any political biasness, without any cultural or ethnic color.

If you want to keep this thread as sticky, then to be fair, unbiased and to provide level playing file for all, you would need to start 20s of thread each a Sticky and each naming

"Support MMA"
"Support PPP"
"Support Moulana Fazal-ul-Rehman"
"Support PML(N)"
"Support MQM"
"Support MQM Haqeeqi"

Imagine what will this place become if this done? Lets be fair and do not impose our personal "likeness and dis-likeness" upon other and do not misuse our powers as "MODS". Mods were made MODS because they were found suitable enough to make this place better, not worse.

Please consider getting out of your personal choice. This place is a community and it demands every MOD to be fair. Lets be fair and try to be un-biased to the level we can. Let People decide which forum should stay in the "picture" and refrain from imposing our opinion upon other.

Pakistan Zindabad.

Webmaster is ok with it. :)
My friend, from the people of pakistan to the CJP to the National assembly to global leaders, all accepted him as a legitimate ruler and now he is planning to contest elections as a civilian. He is the best option for Pakistan.

People of Pakistan didn't elected him . He came to Power by Force which is Illegal .

CJP & other Judges of that time were Puppets .. We as a nation don't care about our constitution..

Global Leaders accepted him only due to WOT ..

Let him come to Pakistan & we'll see ..
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