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Investment from US as US is sending 15 trade delegations to Pakistan next year: Wells

Would be great to see US companies setting up factories in Pakistan to export into China for bi-directional trade
This is good news for Pakistan. Let's have an open free and fair bidding for all infrastructure projects. Investment of US in oil exploration and energy is required. Let's not put all our eggs in Chinese basket
We need to take major advantage of this opportunity.

  • The US don't want us firmly in the Chinese camp, they know business to business relations are an important way of keeping that from happening.
  • Pakistan has turned a corner and is finally taking the steps it needs to launch itself as an economy.
  • The US government currently has a decent relationship with Pakistan based on mutual interests. This will probably remain the case even if Trump loses the next election, especially if Bernie wins.
  • US brands are massive in Pakistan and carry prestige. They'd make a lot of money if they setup. Imagine the success a Ford factory making affordable cars/vans could have.
I give props to Trump that he abolish all the AID, and now Pakistan and US are moving towards more trade, which will be equally beneficial for both , Despite all the anti America sentiments in Pakistan, there is still a reputation for American Products , if they introduce them in our markets with reasonable price, they can make Millions if not Billions , and Pakistani's will get jobs, new Industry and some benefits as well .
When we send trade delegations, our investing companies and efforts always come with the following:

1. We will be transparent. You will know the terms of the investment, loans, or aid.
2. We will happily submit our business, investment terms, and or loan terms to world bodies that are in place to ensure the loaner is not getting fleeced. Typically referred to as the Paris group. No hidden terms of high-interest deals from the citizens
3. We will not insist that workers, companies, and support shall be only American companies. OR demand as a part of the deal that American workers will be shifted into your country over hiring your workforce.
4. Our investing companies will provide skill-based training and an ecosystem that ensures the host country's workforce learn, get skilled, and can be a workforce that can run things on their own.

All US gotta do is build dam or two and show some tangible commitment via investment and engineering to counter the anti US and pro Chinese narrative.

This isn’t rock science, that state Dept cannot think off. Average Pakistani doesn’t gives a fly F about US giving aid to their favorite TV channel, NGO or some corrupt politician.
WASHINGTON: The United States plans to send 15 trade delegations to Pakistan next year to explore possibilities for expanding trade with the country, says Assistant Secretary of State Alice Wells.

The information is included in a paper Ms Wells read at a Washington think-tank, Wilson Centre, last week, which focused heavily on the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), but it also included various suggestions for expanding US-Pakistan trade ties.

The paper, now posted at the US State Department’s official site, says that the US Commerce Department has “already stepped up its activity in Pakistan with 15 trade delegations planned for the next year”.

And once the new expanded Development Finance Corporation (DFC) is up and running, “Pakistan is going to be a country of great interest”.

According to the paper, the DFC will have more than double the investment cap than the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), increasing from $29 billion to $60bn. OPIC is a US government agency which mobilises private capital for overseas investments.

Document suggests US-Pakistan ties are going to expand

The paper argues that doubling the cap would enable investment in projects that have high standards and are financially sustainable over the long haul.

While urging Pakistan to benefit from these additional US resources, Ms Wells reminded Islamabad last week that “true sustainable development is really a marathon and not a sprint. It requires the development of effective regulatory framework, strong rule of law, fiscal health, and an enabling business climate”.

She recalled that during Prime Minister Imran Khan’s visit to the United States in July, President Donald Trump was “extremely enthusiastic about the potential for increasing and expanding our US-Pakistan trade and investment relationship. And both our governments are working very hard to find practical ways to do that. We commend Pakistan for surging 28 slots on the World Bank’s 2020 Ease of Doing Business ranking and being highlighted as one of the top ten reformers globally,” she added.

The paper also highlights some commercial connections between the United States and Pakistan such as, the US firm Excelerate is prepared to potentially invest more than $300 million to upgrade a floating storage regasification unit in Pakistan’s first LNG terminal.

ExxonMobil has been working to support Pakistan’s ambitious effort to access new LNG supplies.

Over the last five years PepsiCo has invested $800m to expand its infrastructure and diversify products, and Coca-Cola has invested $500m in the last couple of years, providing thousands of jobs for Pakistanis.

Uber Technologies entered the Pakistani market in 2016 and currently operates across nine cities, providing employment opportunities for thousands of Pakistanis.

The paper argues that US corporate social models are outstanding vehicles that create jobs and opportunities for communities associated with these foreign investments.

So, the US-Pakistan Women’s Council, for instance, fosters cooperation between American and private sector, Pakistani private sector, to mentor women and girls. Another American brand, KFC, supports the education of children with hearing disabilities and other underprivileged young people, partnering with schools throughout Pakistan.

Proctor & Gamble’s Children’s Safe Drinking Water Programme has provided 875m litres of clean drinking water to Pakistani communities in need.

Noting that US companies bring superior quality and technology, the paper points out that Pakistani leaders often praise US companies like Cargill and Corteva, that are passing critical technology and driving “enormous productivity gains in Pakistan’s huge agricultural sector”.

The US has also helped establish some of Pakistan’s most prestigious educational institutions and centres including Lums, IBA, JPMC and the Centre for Advanced Studies in Energy at Nust.

“And just to be crystal clear, the US-Pakistan development partnership has primarily taken the form of grants — not loans,” said Ms Wells while adding that such links “offer a sense of the direction that we envision”.

Why don't USA do Zulfiqar Abad project? If China holds Gawader then USA can develop Zulfiqarabad port. That will be better connected to central Asia. And definitely a better choice for USA.
Trade delegation and its benefits would come slowly if at all. I would have preferred Donald Trump releasing the 12 Zulu Cobras & whatever is due to Pakistan from the Coalition Support Fund. right away.
:partay: :partay: :partay:

As they say in the US,

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The [grey list] designation at the time reportedly followed a motion introduced by the United States, along with France, Britain and Germany, alleging that Pakistan has failed to adhere to the FATF guidelines on terror financing and anti-money laundering regulations​

Source: Voice of America

The change comes days after reports that Pakistan had been given a three-month reprieve before being placed on the list, which analysts say could hamper banking and hurt foreign investment.

The United States spent the past week lobbying member countries of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) to place Pakistan on a so-called gray list of nations that are not doing enough to combat terrorism financing.​

Source: Reuters

In contrast, China plans to invest over $60 billion in Pakistan under CPEC after Pakistan lost $126 billion over the decade due to our participation in the War on Terror. Clearly, one partnership is more economically beneficial for Pakistan than the other.

I think it is fair to say we initiated it, and because of it, you are irked with us. The point I was making was it takes several members to vote to put you on the grey list, among them was China, who could have voted no but voted yes. Just looking at us specifically as putting Pakistan on the greylist makes little sense to me. Secondly, would you agree that Pakistan was insufficient in its efforts mandated by FATF for its member countries, and getting into the grey list is of its own making? Why blame the US only again in this matter. BTW we also ensured the IMF bailout package was offered since the US has tremendous influence over a country's application being accepted by the IMF.

The US promises to have grants, loans, and investments on fair and equitable terms with utmost transparency to citizens of the host country. Also, as Hillary had once famously stated, if you don't want our grants, loans, and investment, say no, you are not being forced to take it.
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All US gotta do is build dam or two and show some tangible commitment via investment and engineering to counter the anti US and pro Chinese narrative.

This isn’t rock science, that state Dept cannot think off. Average Pakistani doesn’t gives a fly F about US giving aid to their favorite TV channel, NGO or some corrupt politician.

TV channels and NGO must declare foreign funding to government agency. This whole process has to be transparent.
We need investment from both countries, Let USA and China compete to make Pakistan stronger.

Why don't USA do Zulfiqar Abad project? If China holds Gawader then USA can develop Zulfiqarabad port. That will be better connected to central Asia. And definitely a better choice for USA.

Even the Sindhi people are against it. PPP came up with this fake project to make money.
All US gotta do is build dam or two and show some tangible commitment via investment and engineering to counter the anti US and pro Chinese narrative.

This isn’t rock science, that state Dept cannot think off. Average Pakistani doesn’t gives a fly F about US giving aid to their favorite TV channel, NGO or some corrupt politician.

Dams are done through grants or loans and are a tremendous investment to ask for through just grants. A loan is a better route, and doing it through the IMF, World Bank or similar organizations is a better way to go about it. The US has tremendous influence over the IMF, World Bank in accepting such applications and could help. BUT frankly, right now is not the best of times for Pakistan to try it.
Well when IK visit usa and meeting with trump. Trump mentioned that we see double or even triple trade with Pakistan.
Dams are done through grants or loans and are a tremendous investment to ask for through just grants. A loan is a better route, and doing it through the IMF, World Bank or similar organizations is a better way to go about it. The US has tremendous influence over the IMF, World Bank in accepting such applications and could help. BUT frankly, right now is not the best of times for Pakistan to try it.
Imagine our condition in 2015. And at that time Chinese made their bet. They invested when we were completely fucked up. We are thankful to US for IMF Programme. But that's not how you earn a strategic partner and you know it. You earn by investing in them when they are fu** up. Thanks
Imagine our condition in 2015. And at that time Chinese made their bet. They invested when we were completely fucked up. We are thankful to US for IMF Programme. But that's not how you earn a strategic partner and you know it. You earn by investing in them when they are fu** up. Thanks

Potter, The US has no issue if you like China's loan structure. Its harsh secretive terms, its requirements to only bid out to Chinese companies not Pakistani, to use only Chinese workers, and a take over of sovereign land via 50 or 99-year leases. OR that they provide no real workforce employment - training, upskilling for the host country, leaving them none the better in employment or transfer of knowledge. All of this backed by a sovereign guarantee of the Pakistan state on repayment of loans. All of these assertions can be easily researched for its veracity. While the US deals in transparency and equitable terms and chooses grants over loans in most cases.
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