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Investment from US as US is sending 15 trade delegations to Pakistan next year: Wells

I'll give you an honest answer if you could consume with eyes wide open :). It's not a secret, and your establishment knows it but won't openly say it. The following is real knowledge the US has on the deal, on Gawdar in this case.

1. Gwadar has zero to do with Chinese energy independence. Quite frankly, if that were the goal of the Chinese or the result of having Gwadar was some miraculous energy independence, the US would be pleased (believe it or not). That would make it a pure economic outcome

2. The ultimate Chinese goal for Gwadar is to prime it up as a military/ naval base for the Chinese. They have already got a 45-year full control lease on it, currently? That is going to turn into 99 eventually because they are doing what they did to Sri Lanka to Pakistan through the loan terms on CPEC. You will default on specific aspects of the loan and will be forced to give them full autonomous access to that port for far longer than 45 years

If we can come and help Pakistan grow on its own with fair, equitable loans and grants, maybe we have a chance at salvaging the situation for both Pakistan and ourselves. Unless, of course, if you want to be under bone-crushing debt under Chinese loan terms and rather give them your sovereign lands.

Was that honest enough and candid enough?

You are past tense in Pakistan. I am happy the Americans displayed their treachery at the right time. I should thank the Yanks for breaking up this treachery. That has shut the door permanently for any meaningful cooperation. Afghanistan is another front where we can hot up things if need be.

Cry rivers about CPEC. No one hears your concerns. Your treacherous American concerns are just that.

Pakistan China relations are here to stay and solidify. America is an enemy of Pakistan and we would like to keep it that way.
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At what cost to Pakistan and Pakistan-China relations are these 15 delegations being sent to Pakiatan?

This is a lollipop, but Americans are known for backtracking and announcing changes at the last minute. The Taliban deal is one such example.

I wouldn't take American promise of sending a business delegation very seriously at this point.
When we send trade delegations, our investing companies and efforts always come with the following:

1. We will be transparent. You will know the terms of the investment, loans, or aid.
2. We will happily submit our business, investment terms, and or loan terms to world bodies that are in place to ensure the loanee is not getting fleeced. Typically referred to as the Paris group. No hidden terms of high-interest deals from the citizens
3. We will not insist that workers, companies, and support shall be only American companies. OR demand as a part of the deal that American workers will be shifted into your country over hiring your workforce.
4. Our investing companies will provide skill-based training and an ecosystem that ensures the host country's workforce learn, get skilled, and can be a workforce that can run things on their own.
That's all right.
Nobody has stopped you from investing in infrastructure hungry and industrials base hungry Pakistan .
Practical you are offering words nothing in ground .
US is realizing two things....India doesn’t have the ability or courage to counter China for them and they are losing influence as well as money by ceding Pakistan and it’s sphere to China.

They now r trying to rekindle some friendship with Pakistan through criticizing CPEC and offering the same crap grants and handouts they always have.

Meanwhile trump went on stage with that Gujarati bandar and mallus are popping up all over the federal US govt. bottom line Pakistan has finally tired of America’s fair weather friendship.

If they want to invest and make some money. Sure. But there’ll be no strategic partnership and certainly no delay with cpec. The us could have played nice with Pakistan and gained a stalwart ally in the region. Instead it chose to ally with a nation of fascists who look like syphillitic langoors. They did this to themselves.
Marasi media, Khooni liberals, PTM, Student march and many more menaces will come with this US INVESTMENT. Pakistan should have said NO.
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US is realizing two things....India doesn’t have the ability or courage to counter China for them and they are losing influence as well as money by ceding Pakistan and it’s sphere to China.

They now r trying to rekindle some friendship with Pakistan through criticizing CPEC and offering the same crap grants and handouts they always have.

Meanwhile trump went on stage with that Gujarati bandar and mallus are popping up all over the federal US govt. bottom line Pakistan has finally tired of America’s fair weather friendship.

If they want to invest and make some money. Sure. But there’ll be no strategic partnership and certainly no delay with cpec. The us could have played nice with Pakistan and gained a stalwart ally in the region. Instead it chose to ally with a nation of fascists who look like syphillitic langoors. They did this to themselves.

Trump won't be around for much longer. Besides, he doesn't have a very coherent policy. His policy is like his predecessors. When the American think tanks and media pundits say that they don't know how to deal with Pakistan they really mean it. The truth is that the Americans don't have a clue how to deal with Pakistan. Americans are always half hearted in every approach.

Pakistan made the perfect decision by going ahead with CPEC. China is a true ally of Pakistan unlike backstabber US. Put US rants out of one ear and just keep nodding like you agree. The real work happens with the Chinese. Fully focus on increasing trade, CPEC, education, cultural exchanges etc. China is the future. The Americans are just hot air.

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