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Investment from US as US is sending 15 trade delegations to Pakistan next year: Wells

Pakistan is on the grey list courtesy US who lobbied to place Pakistan on the grey list. If it wasn't for Turkey, Malaysia and China, we would be on the black list by now.

None of this is a secret.

There are a lot of contraditions and inconsistencies.

The Americans are here because they feel that they are completely losing Pakistan. That is the bitter truth.

Pakistan China relations are sincere and really meant as a win win for both nations.

Investment may be well between $30B to $60B, so we must not straight forwardly deny it, rather negotiate it in favor of Pakistan.

Agreed. Pakistan should definitely allow American companies to invest. We need all the investment in the world.

If possible Pakistan should also act as intermediary between China and the US. India should not benefit from China US spat which they have been for a long while.
When we send trade delegations, our investing companies and efforts always come with the following:

1. We will be transparent. You will know the terms of the investment, loans, or aid.
2. We will happily submit our business, investment terms, and or loan terms to world bodies that are in place to ensure the loaner is not getting fleeced. Typically referred to as the Paris group. No hidden terms of high-interest deals from the citizens
3. We will not insist that workers, companies, and support shall be only American companies. OR demand as a part of the deal that American workers will be shifted into your country over hiring your workforce.
4. Our investing companies will provide skill-based training and an ecosystem that ensures the host country's workforce learn, get skilled, and can be a workforce that can run things on their own.
too late.
There is no "transparency from US". They always want something much bigger that then they offer. Milking and harming others countries at the end much more than they give. Our country was destroyed due to their so called war on terror. US facilitated dozens of Indian consulates in Afghanistan running largest terror campaign against Pakistan in its entire history. CIA and MI6 facilitated Bramdagh and other terrorists along NDC to run bloody campaign against Pakistani people and its military. A lot of their so called aid went to US companies doing their projects or on buying their overpriced weapons. We did not have much choice. We do now. Time to move on. The rest of US aid went on fighting their war which led to Pakistan's economic collapse. There won't be much investment from US anyway. Its says in the original article, everything is subject to law, business opportunities, ease of business etc. etc. Meaning just a hype like previous years when such delegations or speeches to US business were facilitated but nothing remotely compared to CPEC came out of it. This is just to soften the backlash against Well's speech.

We are better off creating a robust ease of business environment and facilitate middle east, korea, japan and Europe to invest in Pakistan along with other countries. Dependence of countries that black mail us, force us (e.g. with us or against us sayers etc.) and secretly harm us by working with our worst enemies is NEVER wise. WE have seen the results of it. US is determined to equip india against us. actively so, even in nuclear technology which can cause grave harm to Pakistan in the event of war. Sooner or later these so called civilian expertise are bound to find their way in military domain. Such reckless supporters of india, cooperating and working with them in every international forum should never be trusted.

US aim here is to end future relocation of Chinese industry to Pakistan so that Pakistan remains underdeveloped. This way they can always control us. But that's not going to happen. Times have changed. We have grown wiser. They are still live in la la land where one speech by some wicket lady or some CIA man writing on PDF forum will change our foreign policies or public opinions. There is part of us that knows the truth. We can see through US propaganda and manipulated focused cherry picked information. Those times have gone. Pakistan will do what is best for Pakistan.

Most or Chinese loan is operate and get paid basis with insurance given by Chinese government itself. Chinese industry will come to Pakistan on equal basis and Pakistan will rise capitalizing on it. That's the reality from 2021 onward. What has started cannot be stopped or even slowed down.

Increasingly an assertive Pakistan does not care what US or other manipulators think. Pakistan does what serves Pakistan. We don't need wise guys from Washington to tell us otherwise. We are changing and finally have learned difference between what is true investment and what is "a grant to manipulate and self distruct" in one way or others. Some grants and aid is given to deceptively lead a country on a path where it remains poor and dependent. We can see through that now. US should realize that its not 80's anymore. Times have changed.

Unconditional investment from US private companies is fine. Anything else is NOT.

This new learning means CPEC will go on no matter what anyone says or does. China cannot force us to do anything. We are NOT a little country that can be made to do anything anymore. This war or terror as changed Pakistan, our military, our agencies in irreversible way. No one will ever tell us to fight for them or be manipulated by them.
China knows how to offer win in the long term. US does not. We have seen it.
And once the new expanded Development Finance Corporation (DFC) is up and running, “Pakistan is going to be a country of great interest”.

According to the paper, the DFC will have more than double the investment cap than the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), increasing from $29 billion to $60bn. OPIC is a US government agency which mobilises private capital for overseas investments.

The United States International Development Finance Corporation (USIDFC or DFC) will be an executive agency of the United States federal government responsible for providing foreign aid through the financing of private development projects. Its creation was mandated by the Better Utilization of Investments Leading to Development (BUILD) Act of 2018, which was signed into law by President Donald Trump on October 5, 2018.[1] The DFC consolidates the Development Credit Authority (DCA) of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) with the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), providing $60 billion in loans, loan guarantees, and insurance to U.S. companies that invest or operate in developing nations.[2] The DFC is slated to be operational by the end of 2019, pending the submission of a transition plan to Congress by the Trump Administration.

The official objective of the DFC is to stimulate economic growth in less developed countries by promoting market-based, private-sector development, namely by providing capital to private investors to support commercial projects. The BUILD Act directs the agency to focus its efforts particularly on lower-income and lower middle income countries. The DFC will more than double the lending capacity of the preceding OPIC and is granted more expansive powers, including the ability to:

  • Make equity investments
  • Provide technical assistance
  • Use local currency loans, first loss guarantees, and small grants to reduce risk
  • Raise the spending cap of investments to $60 billion
  • Provide a seven-year authorization
  • Create a "preference" for U.S. investors, rather than a requirement, thereby expanding partnership opportunities with foreign investors
  • Initiate and support feasibility studies on proposed projects
These expanded measures and parameters will allow the DFC to target countries that have traditionally had low investment activity due to instability and security concerns.[3] By consolidating and replacing existing development aid programs, the agency is also intended to increase efficiency and cost-effectiveness.[4] The Act also stipulates that the DFC's goal is to provide an alternative to "state-directed investments by authoritarian governments", which some analysts have identified as a reference to China's growing overseas aid.[5]

As with existing federal aid agencies, the DFC will fall under the purview of the executive branch and is officially aligned with the U.S. government's foreign policy and development goals. The BUILD Act gives the President and Congress wide latitude over the agency's organization, staffing, activities, and development priorities. The Trump Administration must submit a transition plan to Congress by February 1, 2019, that will detail the functions, assets, personnel, and initiatives of the DFC.
There is no "transparency from US". They always want something much bigger that then they offer. Milking and harming others countries at the end much more than they give. Our country was destroyed due to their so called war on terror. US facilitated dozens of Indian consulates in Afghanistan running largest terror campaign against Pakistan in its entire history. CIA and MI6 facilitated Bramdagh and other terrorists along NDC to run bloody campaign against Pakistani people and its military. A lot of their so called aid went to US companies doing their projects or on buying their overpriced weapons. We did not have much choice. We do now. Time to move on. The rest of US aid went on fighting their war which led to Pakistan's economic collapse. There won't be much investment from US anyway. Its says in the original article, everything is subject to law, business opportunities, ease of business etc. etc. Meaning just a hype like previous years when such delegations or speeches to US business were facilitated but nothing remotely compared to CPEC came out of it. This is just to soften the backlash against Well's speech.

We are better off creating a robust ease of business environment and facilitate middle east, korea, japan and Europe to invest in Pakistan along with other countries. Dependence of countries that black mail us, force us (e.g. with us or against us sayers etc.) and secretly harm us by working with our worst enemies is NEVER wise. WE have seen the results of it. US is determined to equip india against us. actively so, even in nuclear technology which can cause grave harm to Pakistan in the event of war. Sooner or later these so called civilian experiences are bound to find their way in military domain. Such reckless supporters of india, cooperating and working with them in every international forum should never be trusted.

US aim here is to end future relocation of Chinese industry to Pakistan so that Pakistan remains underdeveloped. This way they can always control us. But that's not going to happen. Times have changed. We have grown wiser. They are still live in la la land where one speech by some wicket lady or some CIA man writing on PDF forum will change our foreign policies or public opinions. There is part of us that knows the truth. We can see through US propaganda and manipulated focused cherry picked information. Those times have gone. Pakistan will do what is best for Pakistan.

Most or Chinese loan is operate and get paid basis with insurance given by Chinese government itself. Chinese industry will come to Pakistan on equal basis and Pakistan will rise capitalizing on it. That's the reality from 2021 onward. What has started cannot be stopped or even slowed down.

Increasingly an assertive Pakistan does not care what US or other manipulators think. Pakistan does what serves Pakistan. We don't need wise guys from Washington to tell us otherwise. We are changing and finally have learned difference between what is true investment and what is "a grant to manipulate and self distruct" in one way or others. Some grants and aid is given to deceptively lead a country on a path where it remains poor and dependent. We can see through that now. US should realize that its not 80's anymore. Times have changed.

Unconditional investment from US private companies is fine. Anything else is NOT.

This new learning means CPEC will go on no matter what anyone says or does. China cannot force us to do anything. We are NOT a little country that can be made to do anything anymore. This war or terror as changed Pakistan, our military, our agencies in irreversible way. No one will ever tell us to fight for them or be manipulated by them.
China knows how to offer win in the long term. US does not. We have seen it.

The Americans cannot play these games anymore. The people and leaders are smart. Fake lollipops won't work.

We will see how much truth there is to these words once the delegation visits.

CPEC is not only a reality, but this project will continue to expand.
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Good for Pakistan but we should maintain strategic balance and relation with China.:pakistan::china:

Pakistan has a huge trade deficit with China whereas with America it has a trade surplus.
By all means, but CPEC will keep on rolling. Are there any dates announced for these 15 visits? Mind you, phase 2 of CPEC has now started and by the time those American delegations will arrive, CPEC will be well into the phase 2. Chinese are known to work like robots and very regimental in completing their projects. Cant say the same about Americans, not aware of any major American project in Pakistan in my life time. The last one was perhaps Terbella Dam, before I was born and I am in my late 40s. Also, these will be just mere visits , discussions, a long process with no guarantee of "mutually beneficial" trade ties between Pakistan and America. Even if we assume that initial intentions are good, there are too many vested interested in America who will eventually put spanner in the works, for instance India, which has been given unprecedented ingress into the power corridors of United states.

As I said, by all means entertain the Americans, but do not lose focus on the bigger picture and ground realities. It is for America to step up its games and access the market of 220 million people, one of the biggest Muslim country, OR remain prisoner of it own narrative that it has tried to spun around Pakistan along with its allies like India. That is why Pakistan is telling the American administration to engage with Pakistan one on one , state to state without lumping Pakistan with other nations like India and Afghanistan, as it will not take anybody anywhere. China has taken full advantage of this and righty so , and now CPEC is causing pain to American establishment. Though interestingly, some of CPEC project, like recently signed-off Dasu dam will be using General electric products, an American company.
WASHINGTON: The United States plans to send 15 trade delegations to Pakistan next year to explore possibilities for expanding trade with the country, says Assistant Secretary of State Alice Wells.

The information is included in a paper Ms Wells read at a Washington think-tank, Wilson Centre, last week, which focused heavily on the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), but it also included various suggestions for expanding US-Pakistan trade ties.

The paper, now posted at the US State Department’s official site, says that the US Commerce Department has “already stepped up its activity in Pakistan with 15 trade delegations planned for the next year”.

And once the new expanded Development Finance Corporation (DFC) is up and running, “Pakistan is going to be a country of great interest”.

According to the paper, the DFC will have more than double the investment cap than the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), increasing from $29 billion to $60bn. OPIC is a US government agency which mobilises private capital for overseas investments.

Document suggests US-Pakistan ties are going to expand

The paper argues that doubling the cap would enable investment in projects that have high standards and are financially sustainable over the long haul.

While urging Pakistan to benefit from these additional US resources, Ms Wells reminded Islamabad last week that “true sustainable development is really a marathon and not a sprint. It requires the development of effective regulatory framework, strong rule of law, fiscal health, and an enabling business climate”.

She recalled that during Prime Minister Imran Khan’s visit to the United States in July, President Donald Trump was “extremely enthusiastic about the potential for increasing and expanding our US-Pakistan trade and investment relationship. And both our governments are working very hard to find practical ways to do that. We commend Pakistan for surging 28 slots on the World Bank’s 2020 Ease of Doing Business ranking and being highlighted as one of the top ten reformers globally,” she added.

The paper also highlights some commercial connections between the United States and Pakistan such as, the US firm Excelerate is prepared to potentially invest more than $300 million to upgrade a floating storage regasification unit in Pakistan’s first LNG terminal.

ExxonMobil has been working to support Pakistan’s ambitious effort to access new LNG supplies.

Over the last five years PepsiCo has invested $800m to expand its infrastructure and diversify products, and Coca-Cola has invested $500m in the last couple of years, providing thousands of jobs for Pakistanis.

Uber Technologies entered the Pakistani market in 2016 and currently operates across nine cities, providing employment opportunities for thousands of Pakistanis.

The paper argues that US corporate social models are outstanding vehicles that create jobs and opportunities for communities associated with these foreign investments.

So, the US-Pakistan Women’s Council, for instance, fosters cooperation between American and private sector, Pakistani private sector, to mentor women and girls. Another American brand, KFC, supports the education of children with hearing disabilities and other underprivileged young people, partnering with schools throughout Pakistan.

Proctor & Gamble’s Children’s Safe Drinking Water Programme has provided 875m litres of clean drinking water to Pakistani communities in need.

Noting that US companies bring superior quality and technology, the paper points out that Pakistani leaders often praise US companies like Cargill and Corteva, that are passing critical technology and driving “enormous productivity gains in Pakistan’s huge agricultural sector”.

The US has also helped establish some of Pakistan’s most prestigious educational institutions and centres including Lums, IBA, JPMC and the Centre for Advanced Studies in Energy at Nust.

“And just to be crystal clear, the US-Pakistan development partnership has primarily taken the form of grants — not loans,” said Ms Wells while adding that such links “offer a sense of the direction that we envision”.


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