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Interview: Bangladesh PM says Chinese president's visit to usher in new era in bilateral cooperation

Yawn...and that sounds like something someone with a bias towards Pakistan would say.

Whether you like India or not, only an idiot would deny the facts. That India is a big player in this region is a fact and not up for dispute. How people look at that role (positive/negative) depends on which side of the argument you sit on...but, India is not to be ignored. China and India are potential rivals...India wants to be what China already is...so your disdain is predictable as is your Pro Pakistan stance.

FYI, while you might not like Hasina, I bet you like Begum Zia - but, you'll be happy to know, she went to India a few years back to kiss modi's brown *** and to tell the BJP...'hey, guys we love you too'

You are certainly beating about the bushes. Why you talk about China-Pak relationship? When you do not find points to put your argument in rational manner you are trying to focus on Pakistan, which is not at par with the rule of a debate.
Yes this will all have to be vetted by India. China proposed this and got the ok stamp from India for 24 billion dollar loans to SHW BD.

Its just like say Chinese investment into India, it has to be approved by Delhi. BD is effectively another country run by Delhi, much like Nepal and Bhutan. Our largest one effectively. SHW is just the local chief minister who has her own local grasp on the situation, but ultimately is "steered" and "directed" by Delhi.

If that was the main gist of your argument, that is fine, we are in complete agreement.

But that is not an "impediment" by any stretch of the definition. It is a pragmatic reality for BD and they are doing quite well under this system....given they are getting this large amount of loans from China even being an Indian pawn. Like I said before, the India-China dynamic politically has not stopped them from engaging each other in a big increasing way economically. BD can certainly feed of this quite well and come out ahead for itself.

That's because China is not war monger driven by hatred mindset. I trust China enough to be sane to put nasty business behind for the sake of future fostering economically relationship.

Whereas for India, they have got nut. All out for instigating communal war boosting minority intolerance and crossing the limits with IOK and war monger mode activated to further its anti-Pakistani propaganda fully. In short, India has gone nut.

India needs stable friendly Pakistan, not angry Pakistan. Otherwise, repercussion of Nuclear war is not very kind to both Pakistan and India. Unfortunately, Modi mindset still refuses to rise above his dhoti and selfie. :D
That's because China is not war monger driven by hatred mindset. I trust China enough to be sane to put nasty business behind for the sake of future fostering economically relationship.

Whereas for India, they have got nut. All out for instigating communal war boosting minority intolerance and crossing the limits with IOK and war monger mode activated to further its anti-Pakistani propaganda fully. In short, India has gone nut.

India needs stable friendly Pakistan, not angry Pakistan. Otherwise, repercussion of Nuclear war is not very kind to both Pakistan and India. Unfortunately, Modi mindset still refuses to rise above his dhoti and selfie. :D

Yup we have gone "nut" says some random guy on the internet. We care more about people that actually matter in the world which you can listen to when you have some time:

Its good that we offend people like you. Power to Modi. Lets see what Pakistan can do against the S-400 that will be coming into large numbers over the coming years along with the BMD network.

Once we neuter the blackmail and have grown to 20 times your size by economy and wealth, we will see how "nut" you are and we are :P

Oh and you can ask Vietnam, PH, Japan, US and others what they think of China being a peaceful non-war mongering country :D. Or their opinions do not count?

I guess the whole entire world is "nut" except for Pakistan, China and North Korea....the great trinity alliance! :D
Yup we have gone "nut" says some random guy on the internet.

Power to Modi. Lets see what Pakistan can do against the S-400 that will be coming into large numbers over the coming years along with the BMD network.

sure 400 million hungry indians will make curry out of S-400 and eat it.
Yup we have gone "nut" says some random guy on the internet. We care more about people that actually matter in the world which you can listen to when you have some time:

Its good that we offend people like you. Power to Modi. Lets see what Pakistan can do against the S-400 that will be coming into large numbers over the coming years along with the BMD network.

Once we neuter the blackmail and have grown to 20 times your size by economy and wealth, we will see how "nut" you are and we are :P

Oh and you can ask Vietnam, PH, Japan, US and others what they think of China being a peaceful non-war mongering country :D. Or their opinions do not count?

I guess the whole entire world is "nut" except for Pakistan, China and North Korea....the great trinity alliance! :D

You have Genocidal leader elected[due to Gujarat] with his communal party raising all-scale war boosting minority intolerance under the name of beef laws while sounding like war mongers all the times. That is not India i knew in the past. The India i know was friendly and willing to look put the nasty business aside for the sake of greater goods.

This India due to Modi has been rejected from all over the world; rejected by Turkey for the sake of Pakistan, rejected by USA on Modi's narrative of Balochistan, rejected by Arab nations for Pakistan, rejected by China officially as well for Pakistan and finally, partly rejected by Russia regarding military joint drill with Pakistan.

On the top of it, India accused Pakistan in collaboration with North Korea while investigation revealed that it was India that collaborated with North Korea all along. Not only that , it shared some parts to ISIS as well. Even from the horse's mouth confessed sponsoring terrorism from Afghanistan through terrorist outfit aka TTP that claimed the lives of more than 50,000 innocent people lives including attack on children in school recently.

India has been total joke lately. Not to mention, Modi becomes laughing stock due to rejection pattern all over the world. Nobody like war monger genocidal leader with delusional mindset.

So called 'isolation Pakistan' has been nothing short of entertaining so far. #What A Dhoti Joker :D
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while investigation revealed that it was India that collaborated with North Korea all along.

Both debunked extensively. But hey it seems you are a typical moron who relies on clickbait at face value, so its a waste of time discussing anything with you.

Enjoy the memories each time you see the word Bangladesh. Ciao.
Just because this Pakistani forum attracts more of Jamati and pro-Pakistani variants doesn't mean that all Bangladeshis are like that.

You are so right lol. Many of my pro BNP and Jaamati friends now respect Hasina because of the economic growth of the country.
Both debunked extensively. But hey it seems you are a typical moron who relies on clickbait at face value, so its a waste of time discussing anything with you.

Enjoy the memories each time you see the word Bangladesh. Ciao.

Why? The shoes is on the other foot hence desperate attempt? Only the allegation of Pakistan has been debunked. As for India in collaboration with North Korea, it is still in air.

I am very happy for Bangladesh, but i am worried about Bangladesh as i am for Afghanistan. Unstable Afghanistan is exactly what India needs to keep burdening the neck of Pakistan and unstable Bangladesh might do great wonder by them under the subservient of India after taking the largest investment from China into account recently.

The problem has always been India all along. Indian involvement in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, IOK, Sri Lanka, Nepal aren't exactly very pretty. Not exactly very friendly neighbor given China is not fond of India either.

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