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Interpol notice against 2 Pak Army majors in 26/11 case

That way there is a pending Red Corner notice on Hafiz Saeed too. And he is just roaming free and chilling in Pakistan.. :)

he is free because the LHC threw out the case.....why did they do that? Because like in most countries:

No evidence?


many threads on this matter; you may use the search function

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And how is that relevant to what we are discussing? Did you read the post by Hawkish to which I was replying? How is it relevant to that and my post?
That is very relevant owing to the cause and effect of the IA training civilians and later on officers of the East Bengal regiment. Pakistanis always harp on the fact that IA trained these Freedom Fighters ; But why were they trained ? The principle reasons :

1. A Massive Refugee Influx from East Pakistan to WB when the PA merrily went about their Genocide duty in East Pakistan.

2. The oppression and rage rising in the amongst the officers of the Regime about the barbaric nature of the killings and the utter helplessness with which the PA also suppressed the Bengal Regiment, due to which they had to resort to guerilla warfare and for this they required weaponry from India, which India gladly gave. Why did India do this ? One factual assessment was the oppression seen of their fellow Bengalis not by the Razakars and the Jamaat-e-Islamis, but by the Pakistani state itself.

So, what IA did do is provide a covert but unequal support in response to the state-sponsored Genocide of the PA. And hence, the Newtonian doctrine of covert physics.
We need to issue Interpol warrants for the Indian Army Colonel Prohit who was involved in the Samjotha Express bombing that killed 93 Pakistanis and injured 150+. Enough of this Indian propoganda.

Also Advani is wanted in a murder case against Quiad-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah and has a pending FIR against him, next flight he goes out of India, we intercept his plane and bring him to a Pakistani prison. Advani is a thug and criminal living freely.

India does not have the guts to even get a Pakistani Army soldier, trying to get 2 Majors, keep dreaming.
You're really tempting me to go off-topic and reply to this. I would really do it if it was on-topic. But again, how is that relevant? Does that show that RAW is incapable of creating and supporting an insurgency kind of like what Hawkish is saying?
It is relevant for the two terminologies used - 'terrorist' and 'political end'. Although you were pretending to praise RAW, somewhat unjustifiably because RAW didn't train the Muktibahinis neither was the situation a creation of its own, you were trying to sneak in the usual Pakistani drivel.

You needed to be put back in your place.
No sir. Thats the difference. Is not difficult to kill someone in Pakistan with covert operation. But what will bring this to us???? Sooner or later like those Pak Army officers many IA officials will be on the list for killing someone.

Covert operations is the need of the hour Kinetic....Killing pigs like Hafeez Saeed, Daud etc is not as easy as its sound and that too in a hostile country...So i would request you to ponder over it once again....As far as what will it bring to us then it is no brainer...We have killed many brainwashed puppets in the valley, however killing hafeez saeed would be like killing the originator...I cannot believe that i am suggesting to kill someone but this single pig has disgusted me so much that i don't even mind public execution of such bigots...

I think no one knows better covert operation than RAW. It got many successes. Fro BD, Sikkim or may be Afghanistan.
See i am not trying to underestimate RAW capabilities but they have disappointed us on many occassions...Blunders like Kargil are also one of their kinds......Nevertheless if we could we should have eliminated some of these pigs who are hell bent on killing our netizens....

If we needed to kill them we could kill many terrorists like Kasab then he would have been killed in the attack itself but he was prosecuted and brought to the court. I say if India capture Masood Azhar again he will not be shot at that moment.
Buddy you don't run covert operations in your own country to kill people..of course if you can capture them then Law of Land should prevail....However if the person is in safe heavens in a foreign land who is hostile to you and is nuclear capable then covert operations are your best choice...no????
Pakistan Nation will not hand over servicemen active or retired to an enemy country, regardless of circumstance.

Only a Pakistani can take pride in blatantly violating its international obligation. But that doesn't stop him/her from accusing falsely, everyone else of violating international obligations.

And then they expect to be taken seriously.
In my opinion India certainly has the capability to eliminate Hafiz Saeed but what does this achieve. If RAW eliminates Hafiz Saeed than the world's largest democracy is engaging in extra judicial killing in a foreign country, India still does not possess overwhelming proof which can tie Hafiz Saeed to the bomb blasts in India. This will certainly not play in India's favour and that is why your policy makers have not taken this route. As far as Daud Ibrahim is concerned, their is no evidence to support that he is based in Pakistan.

I am sorry but no matter how many loads of proof you have law of the land do not allow killing people in a covert operation....A covert operation is meant to be covert and thus there is no way you can proove GOI hands.....As far as proof is concerned then i am sure we all are beyond convinced about what are the intentions of this man....and certainly nothing needs to be prooved for eliminating him via covert operation...I am not sure but certainly killing high profile people especially of the likes of Hafeez Saeed is not as easy as it may sound....It is almost equivalent to sending some of your brightest officers on suicide mission...and certainly there is a difference b/w an officer vs brainwashed teenage kid...

From what i have heard and read, India has good covert capabilities and we can see the fruits of their hard work in Balochistan.But for argument sake, lets assume that India engages in covert operations and starts eliminating targets inside Pakistan. This means India is indirectly declaring war against Pakistan, do you honestly believe the ISI will not retaliate. I can assure you if the situation reaches what you are advocating, than ISI will reply back with all its might. ISI is no tin pot intelligence agency like the Arabs have and RAW is no Mossad.

Now here you are contradicting your statement....On one side you are suggesting that eliminating targets inside Pak would be equivalent of declaring a war against Pakistan and ISI will retaliate and on other side you are saying that india is involved in covert operations inside Baloch....So in other words war has already been declared, no????
That is very relevant owing to the cause and effect of the IA training civilians and later on officers of the East Bengal regiment. Pakistanis always harp on the fact that IA trained these Freedom Fighters ; But why were they trained ? The principle reasons :

1. A Massive Refugee Influx from East Pakistan to WB when the PA merrily went about their Genocide duty in East Pakistan.

2. The oppression and rage rising in the amongst the officers of the Regime about the barbaric nature of the killings and the utter helplessness with which the PA also suppressed the Bengal Regiment, due to which they had to resort to guerilla warfare and for this they required weaponry from India, which India gladly gave. Why did India do this ? One factual assessment was the oppression seen of their fellow Bengalis not by the Razakars and the Jamaat-e-Islamis, but by the Pakistani state itself.

So, what IA did do is provide a covert but unequal support in response to the state-sponsored Genocide of the PA. And hence, the Newtonian doctrine of covert physics.

It is not relevant, because what I am discussing is the capability of RAW to support and create an insurgency, not whether the insurgency is legitimate or not.
It is relevant for the two terminologies used - 'terrorist' and 'political end'. Although you were pretending to praise RAW, somewhat unjustifiably because RAW didn't train the Muktibahinis neither was the situation a creation of its own, you were trying to sneak in the usual Pakistani drivel.

You needed to be put back in your place.

Your argument OVERALL It is NOT relevant to my argument. You just picked up two words from my reply and concentrated on that, rather than my whole reply.

Have you shown that RAW is shitty at creating and supporting insurgencies (and yes, RAW took advantage of the situation by funding and training the terrorists)? You're making a diversion. I can reply to it in another topic. Typical bharti argument tactic by making a diversion. You did a very good job in putting me back in my place by not replying to me. :rofl:
It is relevant for the two terminologies used - 'terrorist' and 'political end'. Although you were pretending to praise RAW, somewhat unjustifiably because RAW didn't train the Muktibahinis neither was the situation a creation of its own, you were trying to sneak in the usual Pakistani drivel.

You needed to be put back in your place.

I see your picture and your comments do match perfectly. India never trained Muqti Bani, India never helped Moaists in Nepal to assasinate the King, India never funded or helped LTTE. The IAF Planes that dropped weapons for LTTE were actually not IAF Planes , they were Sri Lankan Air Force helping LTTE. India never helps Dali Lama against China, India never does terrorirm in Pakistan.

Please add anymore lies to the Indian Crime List, if I left out any. Stop hiding your terrorist nation's criminal acts.:sniper:
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Read again. This time S L O W L Y.

Yes, I understand that you're suggesting that RAW didn't create the insurgency. Doesn't matter, it made it into something much bigger by funding and supporting them. Or you're trying to get at something else? It better be relevant.
Follow the suggestion I gave to SMC. Read S L O W L Y. Your brain can't process too much information too fast.

You have to get your ideas across clearly. People cannot read your brain.
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Only a Pakistani can take pride in blatantly violating its international obligation. But that doesn't stop him/her from accusing falsely, everyone else of violating international obligations.

And then they expect to be taken seriously.

something about "international obligations" from the eastern neighbour??

Yes, I understand that you're suggesting that RAW didn't create the insurgency.
Good, so you can read S L O W L Y. That wasn't difficult, was it?

Doesn't matter, it made it into something much bigger by funding and supporting them. Or you're trying to get at something else? It better be relevant.
RAW did what an intelligence agency is supposed to do. Collect intelligence, process data, act as liaison between guerrillas etc.Neither did RAW fund them, nor did it make it bigger by any other means. It grew because of PA. The training was conducted by BSF, but mostly by defected Bengali soldiers. Funding, mostly for medicine, clothes and tents (and rarely for arms) was done by GoI and RAW merely disbursed.

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