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"Internet Hindus" Caught in Online Frays - Aljazeera

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Actually 6 times.

First time by Junayad, the Arab governor of Sind in 725 AD.

Second time by Mahmud ghaznavi in 1024 AD.

Third time by Sultan Allauddin Khilji in 1296 AD.

Fourth time by Muzaffar Shah I, the Sultan of Gujarat in 1375 AD.

Fifth time by Mahmud Begda, the Sultan of Gujarat in 1451 AD.

Sixth time by Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb in 1701 AD.

But you people built the temple again.
You missed his point.

The issue is not how much education he has, but the kind of views he is promoting (banning conversion from Hinduism, advocating vandalism and destruction of private property) given his role on the board of educational institutions.

I did not miss his 'point' nor the intended 'sarcasm'.

You are articulating precisely what we have been saying all along.

Indian secularism is under attack from Hindu fundamentalists and they are becoming ever bolder and more vocal. This has implications far beyond India because this movement also coincides with rabid jingoism, which will impact the tenor of India's foreign policy.

Wrong -- the 'policy' what is commonly referred to as 'secularism' [which in reality it is not], which is most commonly used for collecting votes is under attack by people are no longer misled by the politicians. Many of these 'internet Hindus' are not even practising Hindus but agnostics and atheists in real life, but still understand the vicious attack that has been unleashed on Hinduism and criticize the apologists of that.

But since you are not a resident of India I excuse you of not being aware of that.
You are articulating precisely what we have been saying all along.
Indian secularism is under attack from Hindu fundamentalists and they are becoming ever bolder and more vocal.

Isn't that too much of asking by a Pakistanis ? There is saying preach what you practice or I will say practise what you preach in your case.

Definitely this paradox goes on Pakistani posters's credit when they talk like this, not on Indians who just participate to disseminate the correct information.

India will do better, is doing better, when there is no such hope or even ground to put Pakistan in such situation, yes situation.
These gora make such articles to stop India and Pakistan getting closer because it serves their benefit but the biggest fundamentalist live in the bible belt of America :)
BTW i agree with one thing. Many muslim invaders used islam for their own purposes.

That aurangzeb guy was not only cruel to non muslims but those muslims who opposed them were also persecuted.

Especially shias my forefathers gave this information to me that shias were so much persecuted in his reign that they even stopped calling them self shias in front his forces in fear of persecution. Thousands of shias were killed in his reign.
I am not passing judgement on whether it is good or bad. Simply glad that people are acknowledging it openly that Indian secularism is under threat from this rising phenomenon.

The thing is there is no secularism in India.

The Govt or political parties play to the religious as per the vote returns and even the constitution of India isnt what you call a 'secular' constitution.

Examples abound...you just need to look.

These internet Hindus are by far the biggest supporters of true secularism - aka the western model.The complete separation of state and 'temple'. No Governmental meddling in anything concerning religion and no discrimination in any law expressly based on religion.

It is only in India that you 'secularists' arguing for laws based on religion and 'communalists' aka Hindu fundamentalists asking for a Uniform secular Law cutting across religious barriers.
Her description of Internet Hindus is right on the mark.
They are belligerent, Islamophobic and I would even say racist as we can see their reaction to many of our Chinese members here.

It's one thing for Internet Hindus to bully people online, but now they are starting to exert physical violence, like that model who got beat up for wearing an Indian flag swim suit.

Internet Hindus are the biggest threat to India and maybe even outside India.
If they have their way all minorities will be forced to reconvert to Hinduism and any dissenters will be Savagely put down.
Isn't that too much of asking by a Pakistanis ? There is saying preach what you practice or I will say practise what you preach in your case.

Not needed.

Let's not make the mistake of trying to equate our country with the Islamic republic of Pakistan. Their name says there would be no secularism in their country and and its perfectly understandable. They have based their country on the one true,perfect path and hence there is no need for any other policy. No I dont believe in oxymorons like a Islamic country which is secular.

....Internet Hindus are the biggest threat to India and maybe even outside India.

Worry about your country and let us worry about yours..unless you have any ideas of migrating to India some time in the future.

If they have their way all minorities will be forced to reconvert to Hinduism and any dissenters will be Savagely put down.

That's wrongly super-imposing a semitic mindset on us. India has been constitutionally secular for only about 65 years. But culturally secular and tolerant for more than 2000 years. Even when the kings patronised Hinduism in olden days the minority religions also received state support and there was no persecution.
Her description of Internet Hindus is right on the mark.
They are belligerent, Islamophobic and I would even say racist as we can see their reaction to many of our Chinese members here.

It's one thing for Internet Hindus to bully people online, but now they are starting to exert physical violence, like that model who got beat up for wearing an Indian flag swim suit.

Internet Hindus are the biggest threat to India and maybe even outside India.
If they have their way all minorities will be forced to reconvert to Hinduism and any dissenters will be Savagely put down.

Calling spade a spade doesnt make one Islamophobic.
P.S. Im really touched by ure concern for India.
Her description of Internet Hindus is right on the mark.
They are belligerent, Islamophobic and I would even say racist as we can see their reaction to many of our Chinese members here.

It's one thing for Internet Hindus to bully people online, but now they are starting to exert physical violence, like that model who got beat up for wearing an Indian flag swim suit.

Internet Hindus are the biggest threat to India and maybe even outside India.
If they have their way all minorities will be forced to reconvert to Hinduism and any dissenters will be Savagely put down.
in throught history no dharmic religion (hindus/sikh/buddhist/jain) force convert to other religion to fallow dharmic religion .
if u have proof give link otherwise STFU cyber jehadi.
Internet Hindus are the Real Hindus.Hindus must read and follow the works of savarkar and Theodor Herzl.

You are a Pakistani but too insecure to admit it and using false flag and name.No wonder if a lot of so called internet hindus are fake like you.

You should read Zahil Hamid's Gazwa-e-Fart.

Its true that Hindu nationalism is on Rise in India, younger generation is becoming more n more patriotic and have started recognizing their roots and past glory, have started taking pride in it.

This wave of Hindu nationalism is only going to become stronger in the coming time.

The paid media had tried its best to suppress the issues and instilled that sense of self hating, self damning mentality, but thanks to the advent of internet, people have found a new means to get knowledge about their history.

There is one thing that I have realized, that people tend to compare Hindu nationalism with Jihadi mentality, without knowing that both have no comparison, Jihadi mentality on one hand is more about violence and implementing sharia law, on the other hand Hindu nationalism is nothing but taking pride in their roots.

And this rise of Hindu nationalism is giving nightmares to those people who always want India to be a suppressed state, the reaction of Pakistanis(and pseudo-seculars) shows how scared they are with this phenomenon.

This is just the beginning, wait till this year end, and people will see some big changes.

Everyone has right to save his culture/traditions.Hindus DESERVE to save their centuries old traditions which muslims tried their best to change/convert.

I am not passing judgement on whether it is good or bad. Simply glad that people are acknowledging it openly that Indian secularism is under threat from this rising phenomenon.Only time will tell...

People in India are getting tired and sick of bloody politicians who have used vote bank politics in the name of "Secularism".This word is so much misused that it has turned into hindrance in national progress.
Her description of Internet Hindus is right on the mark.
They are belligerent, Islamophobic and I would even say racist as we can see their reaction to many of our Chinese members here.

It's one thing for Internet Hindus to bully people online, but now they are starting to exert physical violence, like that model who got beat up for wearing an Indian flag swim suit.

Internet Hindus are the biggest threat to India and maybe even outside India.
If they have their way all minorities will be forced to reconvert to Hinduism and any dissenters will be Savagely put down.
in throught history no dharmic religion (hindus/sikh/buddhist/jain) force convert to other religion to fallow dharmic religion .
if u have proof give link otherwise STFU cyber jehadi.(if u use internet.... word then i also use cyber .....).and if u told i give many link of force converstion of religion of peace.
Her description of Internet Hindus is right on the mark.
They are belligerent, Islamophobic and I would even say racist as we can see their reaction to many of our Chinese members here.

It's one thing for Internet Hindus to bully people online, but now they are starting to exert physical violence, like that model who got beat up for wearing an Indian flag swim suit.

Internet Hindus are the biggest threat to India and maybe even outside India.
If they have their way all minorities will be forced to reconvert to Hinduism and any dissenters will be Savagely put down.[/QUOTE]

Your crazy mate :D
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