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Intermarriage 'major risk factor' in Peterborough child deaths

As far as i know there is no strict rule in islam which says that you should only marry your cousins and no one else.Our prophet(peace be upon him) had more than 1 wife.Some of those women belonged to different tribes.Preference for first cousin marriages has also to do with preserving biradari and keeping what ever you have with in family.

Prophet merriage is different part. So many Ahdees is available in all major sects of thoughts. If you would like to read, please go and read in Ahdees books. Bukhari , Abin e Dawood, Termazi, Fazele Hazrat Muhammed (PCBH), Tafaseer so many. I don't write ant thing which some Molvi said, I always verify them with Authentic books and especially more common ahdees.
Please don't use that word it's creepy!!

It is not creepy, it is accurate:

gerund or present participle: inbreeding
  1. breed from closely related people or animals, especially over many generations.
    "persistent inbreeding has produced an unusually high frequency of sufferers from this disease"
its not only in the uk its else where too and from not only pakistanis or muslims. in all, i find it creepy. when your little and playing with your cousin next 20 years later your married to them with kids. it creepy and down right weird. mixed culture couples end up having kids who are beautifull.
All of marriages in my family nearly 99% cousin marriages alhamdolillah not a single child death or disability happen, many male members are in armed forces and police along with many engineers and doctor so no I.Q problem. It is all bullshit spread by poorly researched medical journals.
There's nothing wrong with cousins getting married, scientists say
The risk of giving birth to babies with genetic defects as a result of marriages between first cousins is no greater than that run by women over 40 who become pregnant, according to two scientists who call for the taboo on first-cousin families to be lifted.

Women in their forties are not made to feel guilty about having babies and the same should apply to cousins who want to marry, said Professor Diane Paul of the University of Massachusetts in Boston and Professor Hamish Spencer of the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand. Although first-cousin marriages are legal in Britain, there have been calls to ban the practice because of reports that it has resulted in a higher-than-average incidence of birth defects in certain immigrant communities where it is common and culturally acceptable.

However, Professors Paul and Spencer said that the risk of congenital defects is about 2 per cent higher than average for babies born to first-cousin marriages – with the infant mortality about 4.4 per cent higher – which is on a par with the risk to babies born to women over 40. "Women over the age of 40 have a similar risk of having children with birth defects and no one is suggesting they should be prevented from reproducing," said Professor Spencer, whose co-authored study is published in the online journal Public Library of Science.

First-cousin marriages were once quite common in Europe, especially among the elite – Charles Darwin married his first cousin Emma Wedgwood – but that changed in the late 19th-century as people, especially women, became more socially mobile and the risks became more evident. The stigma attached to first-cousin marriages was supported by early studies into human genetics suggesting that "recessive" versions of a gene (which are not expressed unless there are two of them, one from each parent) are more likely to be expressed in the children of genetically related parents, as well as more likely to be defective.

Most states in America have either outlawed or restricted the practice, as has China, Taiwan and both North and South Korea. Professor Spencer, an evolutionary zoologist, said these laws should be repealed, especially in America, where he said they were drafted in a way that discriminated against the rural poor and immigrants: "Neither the scientific nor social assumptions behind such legislation stand up to close scrutiny. Such legislation reflects outmoded prejudices about immigrants and the rural poor and relies on over-simplified views of heredity. There is no scientific grounding for it."

In the UK, the issue came to the fore when the MP Phil Woolas, now the Immigration minister, claimed earlier this year that first-cousin marriages within Asian communities in Britain resulted in an increasing number of children with health problems. "A lot of arranged marriages are with first cousins, and that produces lots of genetic problems in terms of disability [in children]," Mr Woolas said.

Peter Corry of St Luke's Hospital in Bradford estimates that among people of Pakistani descent in the city, 55 per cent of whom marry first cousins, the risk of recessive genetic disorders – the type due to related parents – is between 10 and 15 times higher than in the general population. A 2004 study found that 13 out of 1,000 Asian children born in the Bradford area had inherited recessive disorders, which can lead to disabilities.

A family affair: Cousins who tied the knot

Jerry Lee Lewis

The rock 'n 'roll star infamously married his 13-year-old first cousin once removed, 10 years his junior, in 1957. His popularity initially fell but recovered when he began performing country and western music.

Jesse James

The Missouri outlaw married his first cousin Zerelda "Zee" Mimms in 1874 at the height of the James-Younger gang's reign. They had two children and remained together until Jesse's death, aged 34, 12 years later.

H G Wells

The science fiction author of The Time Machine and The War of the Worlds married his first cousin Isabel Mary Wells in 1891 but left her after three years to marry one of his students, with whom he had two children.

Edgar Allan Poe

The American gothic poet secretly married his 13-year-old first cousin, Virginia Eliza Clemm, in 1834. She died of tuberculosis in 1847.

Johann Sebastian Bach

In 1707 Bach married his second cousin Maria Barbara Bach and had seven of his 20 children with her.

Khalid Mahmood

The Birmingham MP married his first cousin, Rifat, when he was in his twenties. They had a child – now a teenager – but separated in 1992.

Charles Darwin

The naturalist, whose work forms the basis for contemporary evolutionary theory, married his first cousin Emma Wedgwood in 1839. They had 10 children, to whom he was a devoted father.

There's nothing wrong with cousins getting married, scientists say | Science | News | The Independent
In my village we have a family which had 3 abnormal children (2 of them have died-RIP)... Cousin marriages are to be blamed.

Cousin marriages also happen in my extended family... Just a couole of months back a cousin of mine got married to another cousin (both are my first cousins)..

But thankfully in my own family - patwrbal uncles,Grandfathers - the whole last 7 generations included.. We marry outside ..

The problem is ppl keep marrying their cousins risking serupts issues ... Much like these British Pakistanis/mirpuris!
We have strict caste rule to not marry not only in family but also caste too!! :D
nobody wants to ban these marriages, they will never be banned. However contributing to 30 percent of genetically defective children when you are only 3%(of children born) is scary. May be its something else, like faulty gene among pakistanis. Is it food habits? Its surely way higher than average in UK.

@persona_non_grata the rest 97 percent contribute to 70 percent defects(probably due to late marriage, alcohol, drugs etc), still it looks like less risk than those faced by pakistanis

It's due to constant marrying within first cousins down the generations. Have you heard what happen to the famous Royal family of Europe whom constantly married among themselves?

Inbreeding & the downfall of the Spanish Hapsburgs – Gene Expression

This is for all those interested. Read it, trust me it will explain the situation of UK pakistanis very well. Unfortunately.
In my village we have a family which had 3 abnormal children (2 of them have died-RIP)... Cousin marriages are to be blamed.

Cousin marriages also happen in my extended family... Just a couole of months back a cousin of mine got married to another cousin (both are my first cousins)..

But thankfully in my own family - patwrbal uncles,Grandfathers - the whole last 7 generations included.. We marry outside ..

The problem is ppl keep marrying their cousins risking serupts issues ... Much like these British Pakistanis/mirpuris!
No Sir human genes over thousands of years get so much diversify cousin marriages won’t affect them negatively, only British started this propaganda against Muslim in UK. Please check authentic reports on web which disproved cousin marriage hoax.
No Sir human genes over thousands of years get so much diversify cousin marriages won’t affect them negatively, only British started this propaganda against Muslim in UK. Please check authentic reports on web which disproved cousin marriage hoax.
No Sir human genes over thousands of years get so much diversify cousin marriages won’t affect them negatively, only British started this propaganda against Muslim in UK. Please check authentic reports on web which disproved cousin marriage hoax.

Ive seen 2 much cases .. Abd that's tge reason they were forced to stop cousin marriages..

Ask a doctor man.. Continuous cousin marriages are dangerous and science agrees!
only British started this propaganda against Muslim in UK. Please check authentic reports on web which disproved cousin marriage hoax.

Consanguineous couples (cousin marriage) should be adequately informed about their increased reproductive risk and possibilities for genetic problems of their children. Even with animals reproduction with close related pairs causes diseases. There is no propaganda against cousin marriages but scientific proof. Islam allows cousin marriage but that does not mean you must marry only your cousins and other close relatives. Muslims are allowed four wives but the rate of multiple marriage is 0.01% of even lower in Pakistan.
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Look at the bright side, never mind the IQ or other issues, inbreeding keeps the family property in safe hands.

It's funny how a few people actually agree with you and liked it without getting the sarcasm. :rolleyes:
Look at the bright side, never mind the IQ or other issues, inbreeding keeps the family property in safe hands.
It's funny how a few people actually agree with you and liked it without getting the sarcasm.

They may be products of the cousin marriages and also married to their cousins.
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Look at the bright side, never mind the IQ or other issues, inbreeding keeps the family property in safe hands.

Are you saying that families don't fight over property matters?? I saw first hand how vicious these fights are. Who would like live in this noxious atmosphere?? I am sorry to say these things happen in India equally among hindus and muslim families.

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