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Intermarriage 'major risk factor' in Peterborough child deaths

It's a dying practice. Cross-ethnic/cross-tribal marriages have become more frequent.
Stop marriage in near relations. In my community, we follow a system of Gotra. It is not possible that the girl I merry and me have some common ancestors even 50 generation ahead.

Even many communities in india follow this near blood relation marriage system. This is very dangerous for children. They will have either mental of physical problem. All community leader should sit to gather and and think over this issue and ban the marriages in near relations.
If you read the article above risks also increase with woman who get pregnant after the age of 35. So should pregnancies after the age of 35 be frowned upon too ?
I don't have any comments about cousin marriage, but pregnancy after 35, yes. Chances of miscarriage is higher. Also, the parents get less time to groom the child.
British Pakistanis are a unique species be it radicalization, crime, inbreeding etc . Such issues are never seen in Pakistani Expat community anywhere else on the planet at such magnitude .

when they left Pakistan in 50s and 60s they took that Pakistan with them and still holding it dear to their heart...Pakistan has moved on but they are stuck with 50s Pakistan...food, fashion, education, social life...keeping it as it was in the 50s
when they left Pakistan in 50s and 60s they took that Pakistan with them and still holding it dear to their heart...Pakistan has moved on but they are stuck with 50s Pakistan...food, fashion, education, social life...keeping it as it was in the 50s
It happens. When one goes to a foreign land with different cultures, he becomes more self conscious about his own identity and holds it more closely.
Happened with me as well.. I remember acting like a Gujarati while celebrating Navratri and a Bengali in a Durgapuja while abroad. Hehe..
Unfortunately the study is flawed , as there are many folks who have cousin marriages yet they have no issues and have healthy live families

The whole cousin none cousin thing is a western culture thing, there is no Islamic basis for it

Its clearly defined who you cannot marry i.e your direct family

Cousins are distant

Raise of risk 1-2% is not sufficient

The problem is very simple let me explain , western culture expect you to go dating and clubing and pick up women , and find a mate , so they find any possible excuse in any other format, you play the slut machines game untill you find a match , and hit jackpot

Your cousin is not your sister, and her DNA makeup is different from your father or mother , and yours, whats wrong if you find a women who you know her morals are good and she has good family values

How many people who are not cousines have kids with Autism in western society?
Many and the numbers are rising ? So should we ban all these other type of marriges

There are many mixed couple marriges that also have miscarries , or have kids with problems
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In our community this used to be normal thing...... Ie marrying cousin....... In fact there was pressure on me to marry my cousin...... There is no such issues here, or the issues is not as severe as it sounds.....
In conclusion , man !! can marry anyone but his immediate family

Some folks marry their cousins fine some marry outside fine what every gets you what you are after
Intermarriage 'major risk factor' in Peterborough child deaths - BBC News

Intermarriage 'major risk factor' in Peterborough child deaths
Image caption A cultural tradition from north Pakistan of inter-family marriages has taken hold in Peterborough, according to experts
Almost a third of children of Asian ethnicity who died in a six-year period in Peterborough had parents related other than by marriage, according to a report.

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Child Death Overview Panel said the deaths of 36 children from the ethnic group were reported between 2008 and 2014.

In 30% of cases the parents were related.

The deaths were due to congenital abnormalities.

'Cultural condition'
In 2013 it was revealed the number of babies born with birth defects in Bradford was nearly double the national average, largely because of marriages between first cousins in the Pakistani community.

Last month it was announced that school pupils in Slough were being taught about the importance of genetic testing in response to babies being born with rare birth defects.

Fifteen babies under the age of one died in Slough between 2012 and 2013, including seven from "chromosomal, genetic, and congenital" anomalies.

It is believed the deaths were linked to intermarriage in some communities.

The age range of the children who died in Peterborough was not specified.

One GP in Peterborough, who asked to remain anonymous, told the BBC she had been threatened with a knife and patients also tried to bribe her to keep concerns about inter-family relations to herself.

Henrietta Ewart, Peterborough's former director of public health, said the issue in the area seems to originate from north Pakistan.

She said: "There is a cultural tradition which is known as watta satta. The strongest driver for that marriage is around maintaining land holdings and other property within an extended family group. The argument is that it helps family cohesion.

"Often, where the marriages are arranged and a bridal groom is coming in from the villages, it's possible that even if the law was changed to make cousin marriages illegal, because of the documentation issues it might not always be possible to identify and prevent."

"A legal approach would be a sledgehammer to crack a nut," she added.
Generation after Generation cousin marriages can cause genetic problems.
Look at the bright side, never mind the IQ or other issues, inbreeding keeps the family property in safe hands.

No offence meant but I consider this to be a rather uneducated remark.

We need to move away from the S Asian obsession with property for it takes only one wayward son to ruin and / or squander everything.

All families have at least one such example.

Stupid people lose their property in each generation and after two generation they will be living in poverty.

Cousin marriage doubles the risk of child born with genetic diseases (from something around 1 and half percent to almost 3 percent).

Very correct.
Intermarriage 'major risk factor' in Peterborough child deaths - BBC News

Intermarriage 'major risk factor' in Peterborough child deaths
Image caption A cultural tradition from north Pakistan of inter-family marriages has taken hold in Peterborough, according to experts
Almost a third of children of Asian ethnicity who died in a six-year period in Peterborough had parents related other than by marriage, according to a report.

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Child Death Overview Panel said the deaths of 36 children from the ethnic group were reported between 2008 and 2014.

In 30% of cases the parents were related.

The deaths were due to congenital abnormalities.

'Cultural condition'
In 2013 it was revealed the number of babies born with birth defects in Bradford was nearly double the national average, largely because of marriages between first cousins in the Pakistani community.

Last month it was announced that school pupils in Slough were being taught about the importance of genetic testing in response to babies being born with rare birth defects.

Fifteen babies under the age of one died in Slough between 2012 and 2013, including seven from "chromosomal, genetic, and congenital" anomalies.

It is believed the deaths were linked to intermarriage in some communities.

The age range of the children who died in Peterborough was not specified.

One GP in Peterborough, who asked to remain anonymous, told the BBC she had been threatened with a knife and patients also tried to bribe her to keep concerns about inter-family relations to herself.

Henrietta Ewart, Peterborough's former director of public health, said the issue in the area seems to originate from north Pakistan.

She said: "There is a cultural tradition which is known as watta satta. The strongest driver for that marriage is around maintaining land holdings and other property within an extended family group. The argument is that it helps family cohesion.

"Often, where the marriages are arranged and a bridal groom is coming in from the villages, it's possible that even if the law was changed to make cousin marriages illegal, because of the documentation issues it might not always be possible to identify and prevent."

"A legal approach would be a sledgehammer to crack a nut," she added.
You are a traitor, how dare you malign pak fauj in the last thread ,and here you are exposing country's internal problems to your enemies.
You should be booked under blasphemy law and executed

Just sarcasm,
And @trolls please don't bother to reply
Btw good discussion
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