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Intermarriage 'major risk factor' in Peterborough child deaths

in our community, we have some of the highest percentages of genetic disorders which can directly attributed to narrow gene pool for marriage e.g. primarily due to marriage with in cousins for generations.
nobody wants to ban these marriages, they will never be banned. However contributing to 30 percent of genetically defective children when you are only 3%(of children born) is scary. May be its something else, like faulty gene among pakistanis. Is it food habits? Its surely way higher than average in UK.

@persona_non_grata the rest 97 percent contribute to 70 percent defects(probably due to late marriage, alcohol, drugs etc), still it looks like less risk than those faced by pakistanis
Hindu doesn't allowed cousin marriage so why the hell you born mentally retard.
I think incest cause this.
They probably have had cousin marriages for few generations since this genetic problems is not present in Pakistan. In Islam, cousin marriage is allowed but that does not mean you only marry cousins !!!

First cousin marriages in Pakistani communities leading to 'appalling' disabilities among children - Telegraph

First cousin marriages in Pakistani communities leading to 'appalling' disabilities among children
Baroness Flather, a cross-bench peer, says it is 'absolutely appalling' that first cousin marriages in Pakistani communities are leading to 'so much disability among children'

By Steven Swinford, Deputy Political Editor

5:33PM BST 07 Jul 2015

Couples who are getting married should be forced to have a DNA test first to ensure they are not cousins amid growing concern about incest within Pakistani communities, Britain's first Asian peer has claimed.

Baroness Flather, a former Tory who now sits as a cross-bencher, said in the House of Lords that it is "absolutely appalling" that first cousin marriages in Pakistani communities are leading to "so much disability among children".

She said: "There are a lot of first-cousin marriages in certain communities, particularly among Pakistanis who come from the Pakistani Kashmir area. We know so much about DNA now, but there is so much disability among the children, which is absolutely appalling.

"You go to any such family and there will be four or five children, at least one or two of whom will have some disability. That is absolutely unacceptable, and if we cannot do anything about it, is it fair to the children?"

Baroness Flather, a former barrister who was born in the Pakistani city of Lahore when it was part of India, said: "Never mind the parents — it is not fair to the children that they should be allowed to become disabled because of a social practice. It is a social practice which does not belong in today’s age, when we know so much about DNA. There should at least be some rule which says that you must have a DNA examination before your marriage can be registered."

First-cousin marriages, which are are legal in the UK, are practised within Britain’s Pakistani community, as well as among some Arab and African families. Medical data previously suggested that while British Pakistanis were responsible for 3 per cent of all births, they accounted for 30 per cent of British children born with a genetic illness.

The noble Baroness Flather also raised concerns about Sharia law, under which women struggle to get a divorce.

She said: "I know I am probably talking about Muslims, but we now have this business of sharia marriages. It is appalling that the man can get a divorce by just asking for it, while a woman may have to wait years, and may still not get it. She can get a British divorce, but not a sharia divorce.

Noble Lords may ask, “Why does that matter?”, and I asked that of those women. They replied, “It means that we can’t go to Pakistan”.

"If they go there, the husband can come and take the children away, no matter what age they are. In any case, the husband can take the children from a sharia marriage when they are seven. All marriages should be automatically registered in this country. It is not fair to the women that some British women — they are British women when they come here — are treated in a different and unacceptable way from others.
I beg to differ.
There are a lot of inter family marriages in our family and as far i know there havent been any birth defects Not ONE SINGLE DEFECT.

I have seen cases where paternal and maternal grand parents were cousins so were the parents.
This might be the case with our family :P

Look at the bright side, never mind the IQ or other issues, inbreeding keeps the family property in safe hands.
Unless this been going on from centuries or Bhutto comes and confiscate Lands under Land reforms.

Pakistanis marry with cousins for generations.
Is there any thing wrong with it?

First cousin marriages should be banned.
One good reason why?

Here is a conclusive evidence , that Defects like Autism , is 1 in 68 children in USA , occurring naturally in a society where marriage is generally none cousin based

So bacho , the defects are happening even if someone is none cousin

Only your immediate family (One who originate from your mom/dad) are considered immediate and uncle and aunts

Every one else is reasonable

I understand there may be many folks who suffered heart break due to their loved interest marrying their cousin member in the younder years, but that is only due to fact their parents may have trusted the morals of the cousin

If none cousin marrige was so perfect then how do you explain the 1 in 68 birth defect syndrome called autism in USA

If science would prove that , none cousin marriage produced "elite athletes" or produced elite intellect , great case , but here evidence suggests , opposite , people or kids have difficulty with developing normal brain or learning capacity

However reality is that cousin marriage , also produces great minds/ people or intellect who end up reaching some very high places in society

Most occasions , cousins who normally do wed , don't live closely during childhood i.e different cities or homes with in same city far away. So their is traditional distance they don't naturally see each other that much. However due to closeness in family the folks understand each others morals a bit better

i.e you are not marrying a slut machine who had 20 boyfriends on her cell phone, which is perfectly fine in today's modern society who may decide to call your wife for moral support or tragic events , and some open minded folks are generally ok with that sort of life

Hamari Shaidi was Love marrige , later in life
Hamri Divorce was due to differences in understanding each other
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> You inherit some traits from your father and mom , you will get some illnesses when you grow old part of life no one can change that , you can eat well , excercise and live life

> None cousin marriage also produces , Autism (Mental illness / lack of development) disable happens naturally to non cousin marriages

> Deformations in children happen due to lack of food , smoking in homes , or Alcohol consumption etc happens
naturally due to women who is pregnant not eating well , or working too hard (as happens in society) and other
problems (No connection to cousin marriage), even pollution may impact child birth

> Rare illnesses happen in kids (even when its none cousin marriage)
Unfortunately the study is flawed , as there are many folks who have cousin marriages yet they have no issues and have healthy live families

The whole cousin none cousin thing is a western culture thing, there is no Islamic basis for it

Its clearly defined who you cannot marry i.e your direct family

Cousins are distant

Raise of risk 1-2% is not sufficient

The problem is very simple let me explain , western culture expect you to go dating and clubing and pick up women , and find a mate , so they find any possible excuse in any other format, you play the slut machines game untill you find a match , and hit jackpot

Your cousin is not your sister, and her DNA makeup is different from your father or mother , and yours, whats wrong if you find a women who you know her morals are good and she has good family values

How many people who are not cousines have kids with Autism in western society?
Many and the numbers are rising ? So should we ban all these other type of marriges

There are many mixed couple marriges that also have miscarries , or have kids with problems

If you marry your first cousins generation after generation that increases the risk factor of having kids with genetic defects.Plus too much inbreeding can make a community insular.
As stated before , birth defects / illnesses are passed on anyways.

Ruling on marrying cousins - islamqa.info

Al-hamdu lillah (All praise be to Allah). There is no objection whatsoever in the Islamic religion for a man to marry any of his relatives except al-maharim (those forbidden for marriage) whom Allah mentioned in surat al-nisaa', 4:23 (interpretation of the meaning):

Prohibited to you (for marriage) are: your mothers, daughters, sisters; father's sisters, mother's sisters; brother's daughters, sister's daughters; foster-mothers (who breast-fed you), foster-sisters (who breast-fed from the same woman as you); your wives' mothers; your step-daughters under your guardianship, born of your wives with whom you have consummated marriage, no prohibition if ye have not consummated; (those who have been) wives of your sons proceeding from your loins; and two sisters in wedlock at one and the same time, except for what is past; for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

Thus, when Allah mentioned for us the relatives to whom marriage is forbidden, we then come to know that there is no objection for the remainder of the family relations. Furthermore, there is no condition that it be the last resort as indicated in the question. Among the most prominent evidence of this fact is that the Prophet (peace be upon him) married his daughter Fatima to Ali (may Allah be pleased with them) and he is the son of her father's uncle, as well as the marriage of the Prophet himself to Zainab bint Jahsh (may Allah be please with her) and she is his aunt's daughter (i.e. his cousin); and there are many other such examples.

I think kids from Ali and Fatima's marriage turned out all right
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As @AZADPAKISTAN2009 is explaining that this doesn't mean these defects r due to "inbreeding "..They could be due to multiple reasons. In my family there hasn't been a single such defect. I have an uncle with some disabilities and his parents are not cousins. So....
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As per our Prophet Muhammed (PCBH) The First choice to you and your Sister will be 1st cussion from your Uncle.(Fathers brothers) Second is from your Aunt (Father Sisters) Then your Uncle (Mother brothers and then Mothers Sisters) If you do not have suitable partner the can go outside.

My second point is that you can not be sure unless make a full check up of both families if going to marry outside of family. In family you may know if there are some medical issues. But Majority of people married outside with out knowing anything about other family in regards with medical issue.

So choice is only as our Prophet and 12 Imams guideline.

As far as i know there is no strict rule in islam which says that you should only marry your cousins and no one else.Our prophet(peace be upon him) had more than 1 wife.Some of those women belonged to different tribes.Preference for first cousin marriages has also to do with preserving biradari and keeping what ever you have within the family.
You are a traitor, how dare you malign pak fauj in the last thread ,and here you are exposing country's internal problems to your enemies.
You should be booked under blasphemy law and executed

Just sarcasm,
And @trolls please don't bother to reply
Btw good discussion

I don't care what anybody says. We are discussing and expressing our opinions.

So choice is only as our Prophet and 12 Imams guideline.

In Islam, cousin marriage is allowed but not mandated. The generations of cousin marriages have consequences.

ALL foreigners in the UK are crazy. The Polish think their so hard doing drugs and walking in the park shirtless, the Indians blast their music so loud you would think they are deaf, and the Africans drool like babies.

These reckless acts does not effect genetics of next generation while the cousin marriage does.

As far as i know there is no strict rule in islam which says that you should only marry your cousins and no one else.


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