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It's just clothing. Why not respect women who wear it? Does it kill anyone? How can you judge a person based on their clothing? It's like judging people based on their appearance. Strange attitude. I guess that people who cry about niqabs, abayas, hijabs etc. have nothing against women who are walking around almost naked without any shame or honor. No wonder that many women feel as a sexual object and nothing more.

Those people that cry about women rights should support women who wear headscarfs out of their free will and ALSO those who don't. I do both. I get the point and worry of forcing it upon them (forcing something is never good) but we deal with grown up and independent women. Let them chose themselves. Western countries can ban whatever they want to but I am speaking about Muslim countries here.

Niqabs can come in all shapes and colors. Not necessarily in black. Nor in the same shape. There is a whole industry but devout/traditional women (especially elders or those that already have children) use just the black traditional one. Mostly. At least in KSA.
bro, i am not against it, i just have a strange phobia to black color be it even my own clothes, as far as dress is concerned i only say it should be modest, and you can wear anything you like, besides there is a diff fashion trend in a diff countries, some use Hiajbs, some use Niqabs, and in countries like Pakistan they wera Shalwaar Kameez with Dupattas or chadars
yes HE has...and HE has defined this modesty as well....where his prophet showed and explained it in details....

everything should be covered except the face and hands....

the quran states 6 criteria...I used to run a webpage with details from quran and hadith...did it for some computer course in my bsc....but since it was a free website domain it shut down after the trial lolz....

1. Extent:
The first criterion is the extent of the body that should be covered. This is different for men and women. The extent of covering obligatory on the male is to cover the body at least from the navel to the knees. For women, the extent of covering obligatory is to cover the complete body except the face and the hands upto the wrist. If they wish to, they can cover even these parts of the body. Some scholars of Islam insist that the face and the hands are part of the obligatory extent of ‘hijab’.

All the remaining five criteria are the same for men and women.

2. The clothes worn should be loose and should not reveal the figure.

3. The clothes worn should not be transparent such that one can see through them.

4. The clothes worn should not be so glamorous as to attract the opposite sex.

5. The clothes worn should not resemble that of the opposite sex.

6. The clothes worn should not resemble that of the unbelievers i.e. they should not wear clothes that are specifically identities or symbols of the unbelievers’ religions.

These are the criteria...

BUT who follows or not is their choice...ALLAH can only tell you what is good for you rest is your choice of what you want...
well Khala, i would mind a man if he would come to Uni wearing only shorts, so it depends on the surrounding also, and i might disagree with a few things but they cannot be discussed here

I always wear colourful hijab and niqab not to attract attention but unfortunately it started attracting attention so i stopped using it...coz it killed its purpose
Tharki men wil always be Tharki, no matter what you do, it all depends weather the heart is pure or not
bro, i am not against it, i just have a strange phobia to black color be it even my own clothes, as far as dress is concerned i only say it should be modest, and you can wear anything you like, besides there is a diff fashion trend in a diff countries, some use Hiajbs, some use Niqabs, and in countries like Pakistan they wera Shalwaar Kameez with Dupattas or chadars

In Algeria they use Niqab's like this for instance.

There are many such traditional garments that can be worn with pride and style but I don't think this is the goal of those that wear it. I am not a female so I cannot know but only imagine.

In any case the least one can do as a Muslim is to respect their choice and not judge the book based on the cover.

Let the usual suspects cry about oppression and what not. They have no clue and you know what they think about Muslims and Islam deep down inside.

Many of those women are very beautiful objectively speaking and have a golden heard. Many of those in KSA. But they do not show their beauty which I respect. Let ignorants make fun of it. You should not care and there is nothing to be ashamed of. I would be more ashamed if my daughter wore some of the clothes that I see during the Summer in Europe. Girls that are not yet teenagers. Repulsive really.
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In Algeria they use Niqab's like this for instance.

There are many such traditional garments that can be worn with pride and style but I don't think this is the goal of those that wear it. I am not a female so I cannot know but only imagine.
ok, you can stop now, as my hands are starting to ache, wow you people are fast in typing
Tharki men wil always be Tharki, no matter what you do, it all depends weather the heart is pure or not
Yes but unfortunately they are quick to point at another attracting them when clearly the ORDER to lower your gaze to men came before the order to cover up for women....Not sure how they skip the lowering gaze and jump to wrapping the women up!

Another thing is such mental people think coz they stare and are attracted to women other men will harbor similar crap about their women and hence jump into extremism...it is called illness of the brain! And that is 1st thing that Pakistan needs to get rid off....THE SHAKI DAMAGH!
Yes but unfortunately they are quick to point at another attracting them when clearly the ORDER to lower your gaze to men came before the order to cover up for women....Not sure how they skip the lowering gaze and jump to wrapping the women up!
Another thing is such mental people think coz they stare and are attracted to women other men will harbor similar crap about their women and hence jump into extremism...it is called illness of the brain! And that is 1st thing that Pakistan needs to get rid off....THE SHAKI DAMAGH!
my thoughts indeed, i want to see that time in Pakistan, when a woman who is not wearing even a headscarf can come out and not be pointed at, like in the Khilafat of Hazrat Umar (R.A).
when woman can go to pray openly in mosques.
and the dude who was arguing with me said "women should stay indoors, it is their place" but 5 mins before this argument began he asked me "do you have a girl friend" OH THE HYPOCRISY

so the only solution of this is................................MASS GENOCIDE OF MALES MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
We should embrace Islam and not necessarily Arab culture. Mullah try to make us Arab, which we are not, and an overwhelming majority of us is simply not interested in becoming one. It is as simple as that. Moreover, Islam encourages to opt for middle-of-the-road path and avoid extremes. This applies to everything from the food we eat to the cloths we wear. I don't remember the exact hadith but it implies that a Momin is aligned with his time, which essentially mean that a Momin should adapt. Islam is not difficult but Mullah has made it hugely difficult, to the extent of impracticality, and the main problem I see is what I mentioned in the first two lines of this paragraph.
if your heart is clean and honest.. so there is mot a single person in this world to watch you with dirty eye....
that bro is the truth

We should embrace Islam and not necessarily Arab culture. Mullah try to make us Arab, which we are not, and an overwhelming majority of is not interested to be. It is as simple as that. Moreover, Islam encourages to opt for middle-of-the-road path and avoid extremes. This applies to everything from the food we eat to the cloths we wear. I don't remember the exact hadith but it implies that a Momin is aligned with his time, which essentially mean that a Momin should adapt. Islam is not difficult but Mullah have made it hugely difficult and the main problem I see is what I mentioned in the first two lines of this paragraph.
Islam evolves with time, the real Islam that is. here i will quote an Iranian author

"the laws of Allah are the roots of the tree of Sharia, the tree grows and its branches and leaves increase, hence its shade encompasses a larger area, and it only makes the roots stronger"
We should embrace Islam and not necessarily Arab culture. Mullah try to make us Arab, which we are not, and an overwhelming majority of is not interested to be. It is as simple as that. Moreover, Islam encourages to opt for middle-of-the-road path and avoid extremes. This applies to everything from the food we eat to the cloths we wear. I don't remember the exact hadith but it implies that a Momin is aligned with his time, which essentially mean that a Momin should adapt. Islam is not difficult but Mullah have made it hugely difficult and the main problem I see is what I mentioned in the first two lines of this paragraph.

You call yourself a Sayyid and write such nonsense. Since when are headscarfs an Arab thing? You do realize that before Islam emerged Arab women were Christian, Jewish, Pagan (believing in ancient Semitic religions) and Hanifs. There were Arab queens and rulers too. Ever heard about Queen of Sheba? Probably the oldest attested queen in history.

Headscarfs have been worn across the world and just because headscarfs have first been described in what is the Arab world (Iraq precisely and like many other things here in life) thousands of years ago it does not make it "Arab". You think that women of today's Pakistan did not wear any kind of headscarfs 2000 years ago? Despite having a similar climate to the ME, abundant sunshine etc. Did women walk around naked or what? That's not my impression. Modesty among women is obviously not something new. No sane person likes women to walk around half-naked in any semi-developed society with certain minimal manners. That's something primitive tribes do/did.

From what I know about ancient civilizations (regardless where almost) women of rank took pride in modesty and dressed accordingly. You can even see that historically in the Christian world too.

If headscarfs are "Arab culture" then I wonder why Miriam (ra) or Mother Mary as the Christians call her have always been pictured with a scarf in Christianity.
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Islam evolves with time, the real Islam that is. here i will quote an Iranian author
In all honesty if you learn the Arabic language...You will find each word has more than one meaning....and the Quran is written in such a way all the meanings fit....And the language differentiates an order / command from a statement....Listen to Nouman Ali Khan....he describes the language in the Quran and its root meanings as well as alternative meanings....I have not heard all his lectures but a handful and liked em :)

So when you say Islam evolves....actually it is the beauty of the language of the Quran that alternative meanings (even if coined or understood in our century) still fit ...
You call yourself a Sayyid and write such nonsense. Since when are headscarfs an Arab thing? You do realize that before Islam emerged Arab women were Christian, Jewish, Pagan (believing in ancient Semitic religions) and Hanifs. There were Arab queens and rulers too. Ever heard about Queen of Sheba? Probably the oldest attested queen in history.

Headscarfs have been worn across the world and just because headscarfs have first been described in what is the Arab world (Iraq precisely and like many other things here in life) thousands of years ago it does not make it "Arab". You think that women of today's Pakistan did not wear any kind of headscarfs 2000 years ago? Despite having a similar climate to the ME, abundant sunshine etc. Did women walk around naked or what? That's not my impression. Modesty among women is obviously not something new. No sane person likes women to walk around half-naked in any semi-developed society with certain minimal manners. That's something primitive tribes do/did.

If headscarfs are "Arab culture" then I wonder why Miriam (ra) or Mother Mary as the Christians call her have always been pictured with a scarf in Christianity.

In all honesty if you learn the Arabic language...You will find each word has more than one meaning....and the Quran is written in such a way all the meanings fit....And the language differentiates an order / command from a statement....Listen to Nouman Ali Khan....he describes the language in the Quran and its root meanings as well as alternative meanings....I have not heard all his lectures but a handful and liked em :)

So when you say Islam evolves....actually it is the beauty of the language of the Quran that alternative meanings (even if coined or understood in our century) still fit ...
yeah, heard one of his lectures, he gives awesome explanations, but one of my friends turned into a extremist after hearing him, so i refrained.
We should embrace Islam and not necessarily Arab culture. Mullah try to make us Arab, which we are not, and an overwhelming majority of us is simply not interested in becoming one. It is as simple as that. Moreover, Islam encourages to opt for middle-of-the-road path and avoid extremes. This applies to everything from the food we eat to the cloths we wear. I don't remember the exact hadith but it implies that a Momin is aligned with his time, which essentially mean that a Momin should adapt. Islam is not difficult but Mullah has made it hugely difficult, to the extent of impracticality, and the main problem I see is what I mentioned in the first two lines of this paragraph.
First and fore mostly we need to distinguish culture from Islam which is not happening in Pakistan at all! People seemed more inclined towards culture over religion!

yeah, heard one of his lectures, he gives awesome explanations, but one of my friends turned into a extremist after hearing him, so i refrained.
That is the problem of your friend then isnt it? Or are you equally weak and will equally misunderstand that you refrained?

Coz so far I have not found anything crazy in his lectures esp those dealing with Quranic language + guidance for parents + marriage and the rights of each individual.....I am not sure about his lectures about other stuff...

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