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i was being proud, not arrogant... akheilos was being rude and disrespectful... will she respect or fear only those she sees on tv or newspapers?? when i have actually contributed to humanity, risking myself, what right does she have to be rude... logically speaking, she should disrespect every other political leader and activist then... if my offline work does not invoke respect in her, neither should the works of others...

or else she can wait for me to become known, famously or infamously... and affect her life... i have that capability and platform...
as far as we know you are just some guy on the internet… heck I'm actually a revolutionary billionaire playboy who is also a super hero at night.
as far as we know you are just some guy on the internet… heck I'm actually a revolutionary billionaire playboy who is also a super hero at night.

why don't you come to bangalore and find out... sincere invitation... :-)
why would i go to bangalore? who are you any ways?? whats your name..i ll google it

sorry, but can't give my name on this forum... but any member ( indian or otherwise ) who will meet me personally will anyway get to know my face and name... but i want them ( including you ) to commit for this...

besides, you can ask indrani... i offered twice to meet her in bangalore... why would i lie about myself on a transnational forum and then offer to meet, which will immediately expose the lie if i was to lie...

here are some russians in the jamahiri movement you can google... ( За Каддафи и его народ | Меня невозможно убить, я в сердцах миллионов )... use google-translate... since is in russian...
i will demolish any place promoting idolatry.

Iraq Yezidi religious head in a Hindu Temple

Iraq Yezidi religious head in a Hindu Temple


yuck... what an ugly place... the oppressive architecture, the cardboard box, the clock, the donation box with various things carelessly put on top without care for aesthetics, the half-naked hindu priest, the ugly lamp stand, the garish paper decorations... it will be demolished in due time, not to worry...

but where is this place?? the only things not typically hindu are the old man in white, the two suit wearers and the carpets... the remaining crowd and the temple itself seems to be south-indian hindu.

can the old man in white be a jewish priest or a zarthusti ( zoroastrian, parsi )??
yuck... what an ugly place... the oppressive architecture, the cardboard box, the clock, the donation box with various things carelessly put on top without care for aesthetics, the half-naked hindu priest, the ugly lamp stand, the garish paper decorations... it will be demolished in due time, not to worry...

but where is this place?? the only things not typically hindu are the old man in white, the two suit wearers and the carpets... the remaining crowd and the temple itself seems to be south-indian hindu.

can the old man in white be a jewish priest or a zarthusti ( zoroastrian, parsi )??

recent , IS demolition of a Yezidi shrine in Shingal


Murugan temple , Washington DC, USA, so no chance of demolition ,

old man - Yezidi - Baba sheikh (Leader) from Northern Iraq , I have seen Shia mosques in the west, they can be tacky too, apart from the poor maintenance usual for Indian temple, the temple is colorful and interesting

Yezidism has elements of Murugan cult


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