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sleeveless duded are immodest.. hahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahhahahh yara chado parah ... twada kuch nahee ho sakda....
dude, my life my choice, like i said, i follow what i want others to follow,
in bagladesh forum they were calling women whores for wearing sleeveless blouses.. many buddies of mine wear sleeveless shirts to show of the tattoes they got on their well toned arms

I see that their well toned arms stuck in your memory, perhaps there is a closet you would like to come out of? :rofl:
i believe it also depends on the fact that how a man look a women , the things here we see so many so called champions of criticism and islam but they dont know what is the main purpose of Hibaj ? and why Allah as a women to cover her body , along with Allah commands a man to lower his eyes and put some modesty in his sight ....
but as i notice some member are so much in their " tharak " that they even find something in some of the pics ...
no wonder when their mom and sis wear anything , with what intention they look them ... probably that is the reason of insest case in USA
I see that their well toned arms stuck in your memory, perhaps there is a closet you would like to come out of? :rofl:
look it is you who highlighted that part of sentence...are you ashnae of some pathan

dude, my life my choice, like i said, i follow what i want others to follow,
as I said we are not some animals that will get horny just by seeing arms of women.. may be for pious muslim men womens NUDE arms are too much to have a control on himself.
as I said we are not some animals that will get horny just by seeing arms of women.. may be for pious muslim men womens NUDE arms are too much to have a control on himself.
dear lord,
modesty has nothing to do with getting "the word you used" k?
it is not a formal dress and wearing sleeveless doesnt look very good when you are in an official institution, and if you want to look at sleeveless women you can just google, there are people like you and extremist Mullahs, whom i am against.
Really because you could have just said your friends have tattoos on their arms but nope you had to say on "their well toned arms". :rofl:
again its you whos mental musterbating on the phrase. athay tah awwah hee ulteya ..
Says who? Yet we boast and give examples of Popes, Dalai Lama and Mother Teressa?! :unsure: None who declared to be an atheist?

Why paraphrase what I say and make it sound like a new revelation?

Well, 1 i chose to believe there is like you chose not to...

Your choice now will effect your future...

I have answered this already....

Laws of the world are simple:

Do good get good ; do evil get bad

for a Muslim this receiving bit is either on this earth or hereafter....because a believer will ask for best in both he will get in both...

For one who doesnt believe will ask nothing for hereafter so why will he be expecting ALLAH to give him something when he never asked or was too proud to ask or thought it wasnt necessary? He will get all the reward for the good on this planet ....in return for every good he did on this planet as per the law of the world do good get good...

Thank you for your honesty...

Depends what you call fun

Your dramas and also real life shows women who always shop and are materialistic are not angels either....so I dont know why you find a guarantee in them?

Which you just did in your above post about "too much religious women"...You judged them as boring and grumpy so how are you different from what you preaching?
I quit :hitwall: :sick:
True, and personally I like women with long hairs (ironically my wife sports short hairs) but it does not mean that I'll run after girls with long hairs. I do appreciate beauty but it does not mean I'll get indulged into immoral practices. It is all about you, your upbringing, your surroundings etc. Religion, as I have found it from experience, transforms good people into best, and bad into worst. I know many will not agree with it but that is exactly what I have discovered through my study of history, and observing people around me. You got to be a good person to start with otherwise religion wont do any good. There is after all a reason why all the prophets were gentlemen to begin with.
Yes you dont and many dont but there are a few who do....And sadly they dont have it written on their foreheads hence we cant differentiate...hence, better safe than sorry ;)
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khalla jee one question.. if allah want women to be modest.. then why allah sent them to this world totally nude at birth and why there is male female sexuality in the first place.
So you see sexuality as immodesty? how different is that from the Mullah you keep calling names??

I guess coz ALLAH gave us a brain to think....some refuse to use it is not his problem....its free will...people choose to not use their brain its their free will....

and if its not tight?
like i said its the woman's choice...but if it is not tight but still attracts the opposite gender...either the opposite gender is a pure perv or she doesnt understand what tight is?

actaully, Niqab and Hijab are considered extremes because, they are not specifically mentioned in the Quran, it is only said that you should cover yorself modestly, it can be done with a Niqab, or it can be done with a woman wearing along skirt and a "Dupatta" warped on her head
Yes and no....It depends on whose interpretation you want to pick up..like i said same word in the Arabic meaning can imply different things..

Dupatta wrapped on the head usually ends up on the floor...and many a times it doesnt cover the bosom which is mentioned to be covered...
Yes you dont and many dont but there are a few who do....And sadly they dont have it written on their foreheads hence we cant differentiate...hence, better safe than sorry ;)
Naqab is still extreme and whereas one has the right to dress up the way he/she wishes to, it must be in line with the cultural norms. Naqab maybe perfectly fine in KSA/Yemen/Afghanistan but it is inappropriate in other places and even offensive in the West. There are dozens different ways of wearing dupatta and it is not right that it cant cover the bosom, besides a loose tunic would cover bosom more effectively than dupatta alone. There is a a nice proverb in Urdu that reads like this: Jab ghori hinhinai gi to ghora daant chirai ga. It takes two hands to clap - this is in response to "better safe than sorry". By sinking oneself into bolts of fabric is not the only or most effective measure of protection.
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Not loose enough? :D



for a man in his 50s you sure don't have any shame.
perhaps instead of worrying about these women whose picture was taken at the wrong moment you should worry about your older sons drinking problem.

Why? Those are all photos depicting reality all around us.
these photos are depicting reality??? accidentally showing your *** crack is reality to you??
your a pervert… and you see patients on a regular basis at the hospital, even patients passed out sometimes.
Then you and I are saying the same thing.

That girl in the OP is clearly NOT setting "an example for women of faith" as is being claimed.
she is not setting an example 4 women of faith but she is for other women that you don't need to be butt naked or wear clothes so tight to look pretty and compete.

@Jf Thunder this guy is formerly known as vcheng.
he is a complete bigot…. he is complaining about something that is not something you be complaining about…. westerners aren't saying crap about her wearing a hijab but this bigoted man is… he is in his 50s with white hair… perhaps if he had a daughter of his own then he would be more respectful

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